Read Chained (When Bondage Meets Innocence) Online

Authors: Sabrina Sexton

Tags: #Fiction, #Lesbian, #BDSM, #Erotica

Chained (When Bondage Meets Innocence) (20 page)

BOOK: Chained (When Bondage Meets Innocence)
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If you had kissed me and felt nothing, then it would have been possible. But that was not the case. If you don’t want this, or would rather hide from it, speak your safe word. I don’t think that you will, though. You are too strong to hide from something once you know it exists.”

How do you know?” Krista asked.

I don’t know,” Miranda replied, filling the glasses with a small amount of the alcohol and topping it with soda. “Women’s intuition maybe, or experience. Come. Have a drink with me. It will help.”

Why are you being so nice?” Krista asked, walking across the room and sitting it in the other chair. She took a sip of the drink.

Why do you trust Tyler?” Miranda asked.

Krista thought about it for a moment before answering. “Because he always seems to know exactly what I need, even when I don’t,” she said.

That’s what it means to be a Master. Do you think that he is a better Master than me?” Miranda asked. “More in touch with a woman’s thoughts or feelings? More understanding?”

I don’t know,” Krista said.

But you trust Tyler because he always knows what you need, right?” Miranda asked, going about it from another angle.

Yeah,” Krista said.

Well he gave you to me,” Miranda said with a smile, reaching out to grasp Krista’s hand. “So show a little trust, because according to Tyler, I’m exactly what you need right now.”

I guess I didn’t think about it like that,” Krista said, squeezing Miranda’s hand.

Miranda finished her drink and stood. “Come on kitten,” she said, pulling Krista to her feet. “I want to show you something.”

Miranda pulled Krista to the bed and set her on the edge. She took a few steps back, and began to undo the fastenings of the corset. As each tiny eye popped loose, Krista felt her breath hitch higher in her throat. Finally, all the fastenings were undone and the garment fell to the floor. Miranda pulled the snap on her pants and dragged the zipper down. With a wiggle, she pushed them off her hips and down to her feet, stepping out of them carefully in her heals.

What do you see?” Miranda asked as she stood before Krista completely nude.

Krista looked at her, really looked at a naked woman for the first time in her life. Miranda had long blond hair, pulled back into a severe ponytail that accentuated her face. Bright blue eyes and a lush mouth were the highlights, but all of Miranda’s features were quite pretty.

Krista let her eyes continue moving downward. A long, graceful neck led into strong shoulders and toned arms. Pink perky nipples sat atop average breasts that looked both firm and soft. Tight abs topped a small patch of pubic hair, trimmed short and glistening in the light. Strong legs ended in cute tiny feet with painted toes. From top to bottom, Miranda was beautiful.

Beauty and strength,” Krista said.

Miranda grasped her breasts and played with the nipples, letting all the things she wanted to do to Krista fill her mind and reflect in her eyes.

And now?” Miranda asked.

Passion,” Krista said, feeling her heart start to race. “Desire.”

For you,” Miranda said, walking towards the bed. “For what we can do to each other.”

Miranda stopped in front of Krista and tilted her face up. She slowly lowered her mouth, giving Krista time to back out if that was what she wanted.

Please, Mistress,” Krista whispered, knowing that she wanted it, but scared to take the last step. She held her breath waiting for their lips to touch.

Miranda lowered her mouth and kissed first one corner and then the other of Krista’s mouth. As Krista’s lips parted at the contact, Miranda ran her tongue slowly between them, teasingly. She nipped at Krista’s lower lip and reached out to pull her closer. One hand circled Krista’s head, grasping her hair and pulling it slightly to change the angle of the kiss. The other pushed the translucent covering off Krista’s shoulders, leaving nothing to get in the way.

As the kiss deepened it fueled the fire of Krista’s desire and she moaned against Miranda’s mouth. Miranda put one knee on each side of Krista’s body and pushed her down into the bed.

Touch me,” Miranda murmured against Krista’s mouth. Krista pushed Miranda away enough for her to see and lifted a tentative hand. She brushed her fingertips ever so softly against Miranda’s lips, letting her fingers trail down the side of Miranda’s neck and tracing a small path back and forth in the hollow of her throat.

So soft,” Krista said, letting her hand, move shakily down Miranda’s chest. As her fingers brushed Miranda’s nipple, Krista gave a soft squeeze, loving the way it made Miranda close her eyes and moan softly.

Krista reached up to Miranda’s shoulder and gave a little shove. As Miranda rolled to the side, Krista rolled with her, landing on top. She kissed Miranda again, passionately this time and squeezed her breast until a small cry came from Miranda’s throat. Moving down, she sucked Miranda’s nipple into her mouth, working it with teeth and tongue, knowing it would be almost painful, but not quite.

Back and forth between Miranda’s breasts, Krista let herself enjoy them, learning them, listening to what made Miranda cry out and grasp at the bed coverings. Suddenly inspired, Krista began to grind her pelvis into Miranda. She always loved it when a guy did this to her and didn’t see why Miranda would be any different.

I’m trying to give you time, Krista,” Miranda said. “but I can’t take much more.”

Krista stopped what she was doing and looked Miranda in the eye, feeling some switch she hadn’t known existed flip in her brain. “You will lay there and take it,” Krista said softly, seriously “or I will say my safe word and walk out the door.”

Miranda tried to push herself up onto her elbows, but Krista grabbed her wrists and pinned them to the bed. “I’m not done yet,” Krista said threateningly. “But I will leave.”

Okay,” Miranda said slowly, not certain how to respond now that the dimensions of the game had changed.

Good,” Krista said, leaning down to give her a small kiss. “I want you,” she said with another small kiss, “and I mean to have you,” another kiss. “But this is my first time, so it will happen my way or it won’t happen at all.”

I’m not a sub,” Miranda said. “I don’t how to do this, this way.”

Krista kissed Miranda passionately on the mouth and placed her hand against Miranda’s pussy, spreading the lips and flicking her clit with one finger. At Krista’s touch, Miranda moaned deeply and began to lift her hips, trying to press harder against Krista’s hand.

Do you want me?” Krista asked, pulling her mouth away from Miranda’s but leaving her busy fingers in place.

Yes,” Miranda answered.

Then you will do what I tell you,” Krista said, pausing her fingers, much to Miranda’s dismay. “Won’t you?”

Yes, yes,” Miranda said. “Please.”

Please what?” Krista asked. She had liked it earlier and she wanted to hear it now from Miranda’s mouth.

Please, Mistress?” Miranda asked hesitantly.

Good girl, pet,” Krista said, loving the way that sounded. “Scoot up to the top of the bed.”

Yes Mistress,” Miranda said, complying with her request as Krista stood and walked around the room to find some things for them to play with. She grabbed several vibrators and dumped them on the bed.

Where’s the lubricant?” Krista asked.

Miranda pointed to a small assortment of bottles on one of the shelves. “Over there, but I am already wet. I don’t think you will need any.”

Not everywhere you aren’t,” Krista replied looking at the different kinds.

I’ve never done that before,” Miranda said. “I don’t think I want to.”

I didn’t ask,” Krista said, reaching down to grab the kind that said ‘Warming’.

But…” Miranda started.

Hush, slut,” Krista said cutting her off as she walked back towards the bed. “Tonight will be a first for both of us.”

Krista grabbed two of the pillows off the bed and took the pillow cases off them. She twirled each of them until they resembled a rope and began to tie them to the headboard.

Give me your hands,” Krista said.

But this is ‘The Lovers’ room,” Miranda said, holding her hands against the front of her body as if to protect them. “This isn’t supposed to happen here.”

Pay attention Miranda,” Krista said. “I know this is new for you, so I’m trying to be patient. It’s new for me too. But this is absolutely your last chance. Give me your hands and don’t question me again, or this song and dance is over.”

Miranda slowly reached up her hands as tears welled in her eyes.

Krista tied one of her wrists using the pillowcase, pulling it tightly against Miranda’s skin.

Your safe word?” Krista asked, tying Miranda’s other wrist just as tightly to the frame.

I don’t have one,” Miranda said. “I’ve never needed one.”

Pick one then,” Krista said.

Oh god, I can’t think,” Miranda said a panicked note coming to her voice.

Anything,” Krista said. “As long as you wouldn’t say it normally during sex. The first thing that pops into your mind.”

Beetlejuice,” Miranda said quickly.

Krista stopped for a second and shook her head. “The first thing that popped into your head was Beetlejuice?”

I was pressured,” Miranda snapped at her.

Tsk tsk, naughty girl,” Krista said, borrowing one of her favorite lines from Tyler. “That little outburst is going to cost you.”

Cost me what?” Miranda asked. “There isn’t anything in here that causes pain.”

Krista stood and walked over to the table and chairs where Miranda had dropped her riding crop.

Really,” Krista said, bending down to pick it up. She walked back to the bed enjoying the effect of Miranda’s eyes getting wide as she saw the crop. “There’s nothing in here that causes pain?”

I’m sorry Mistress,” Miranda said a little frantically. “I didn’t mean it. Please don’t.”

Krista laid the crop against the side of Miranda’s face and dragged it down her body until it was nestled in her neatly trimmed pubic hair. With a quick flick of her wrist, the crop left Miranda’s body and came down with sharp sounding smack on Miranda’s pussy.

Owwww,” Miranda whined. “Krista that hurt!”

Another sharp smack reverberated around the room as Miranda bit down on her lips to keep from crying out.

I’m sorry Mistress, really,” Miranda said. “Please, I’ll be good.”

Better, slut,” Krista said, setting the crop to the side. “Now open your legs and be still.”

Yes Mistress,” Miranda said, opening her legs. Krista laid on the bed in front of Miranda’s pussy and looked at the way it glistened in the light. She leaned forward and licked along the wet slit, twirling her tongue in a circle around Miranda’s clit.

Oh god,” Miranda said. “Please Mistress, yes.”

I don’t know,” Krista said. “I don’t think you have been a very good slut. I don’t know if you deserve a reward.”

I’ll be better,” Miranda said. “I will be a good slut for you.”

To be a good slut,” Krista said. “I think you need to lick my pussy. Do you want to be a good slut?”

Yes Mistress,” Miranda said. “Please let me lick it.”

Krista crawled up the bed and straddled Miranda’s head, keeping her weight distributed on her heels so Miranda could breathe.

Lick it slut,” Krista said, positioning it right above Miranda’s mouth. “Show me how you want me to lick yours.”

Will you spread your lips, Mistress?” Miranda asked.

Krista reached down with one hand and spread her pussy lips, using her other hand to hold onto the bed frame. Miranda wrapped her lips around Krista’s clit and began sucking it in and out of her mouth with lots of pressure.

God, slut,” Krista said, feeling her eyes go back in her head a little. “That is good. That’s what you want me to do to yours?”

Mmm” Miranda moaned, not letting up on the pressure.

Oh fuck yeah,” Krista said. “Suck it slut. Make me come.”

For the first time that night, there were no obstacles to Krista’s orgasm and she felt it rising up within her.

Suck harder,” Krista said. “Oh god, Miranda! That’s it. Don’t stop.”

Miranda sucked deeply on Krista’s clit and the pressure continued to build. Krista began to grind into Miranda’s face as she got closer and closer.

Do it, slut,” she said, “Make me come on your mouth.”

Krista closed her eyes and gloried in the feeling as her body exploded in waves of ecstasy against Miranda’s mouth.

As the tremors coursing through her body subsided, Krista scooted back down the bed to look at Miranda’s pussy. It was even creamier than before and was starting to look a little puffy. She had obviously enjoyed sucking Krista’s slit.

BOOK: Chained (When Bondage Meets Innocence)
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