Chained (When Bondage Meets Innocence) (26 page)

Read Chained (When Bondage Meets Innocence) Online

Authors: Sabrina Sexton

Tags: #Fiction, #Lesbian, #BDSM, #Erotica

BOOK: Chained (When Bondage Meets Innocence)
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Can’t you please just leave,” Krista cried. “I don’t want to play this game anymore. I just want my Masters back.”

I can’t complement you on a most impressive performance?” Stephen said.

Thank you,” Krista said, recognizing his voice. “You’re Elle’s Master, right? Won’t you please untie me? My muscles are starting to hurt from being in this position for so long.”

I think we can come to some sort of agreement,” Stephen said.

Oh thank you,” Krista replied. “Thank you so much.”

Not so fast,” Stephen said, sitting on the bed between her legs. “We haven’t agreed on anything yet.”

Well what do you want?” Krista asked.

You see my lovely slave here?” Stephen asked. “She needs to practice her technique. If you let her give you an orgasm, I’ll untie you and let you go.”

I can’t,” Krista said. “But there must be something else you want.”

Actually, I’ve already taken everything I want from you,” Stephen said. “I was the one that just fucked you. I also felt you holding back the orgasm I tried to give you. So if you won’t take one from me, you take one from her or we’re leaving.”

Please don’t go,” Krista said. “Look, I’ll do anything but that. I’ll eat her pussy.”

Nope,” Stephen said. “Those are my terms.”

I won’t do it,” Krista said. “If you won’t untie me, could you please find Damien or Tyler? Tell them, I’m sorry and I’ll be good.”

You don’t understand, sub,” Stephen said. “Damien and Tyler left. Ages ago. They told me where to find you and to make sure no one hurt you, but if you’re hoping for them to come back, it ain’t happening.”

They really left?” Krista asked. “Even Tyler?”

Sorry kid,” Stephen said. “But they really did.”

So then what happens to me?” Krista asked, getting frustrated. “I’m just supposed to lie here, indefinitely? I mean I have to pee at some point.”

You’re the only one standing in the way of being free,” Stephen said. “They didn’t tell me that I couldn’t untie you. But I don’t give away something for nothing.”

You’re a top,” Krista said. “You understand why they left me here like this, don’t you?”

I do,” Stephen said. “I wouldn’t put up with it from my slave either.”

Well then you understand why I can’t agree to your terms,” Krista said.

Maybe I’ll just leave Elle here with you for a bit,” Stephen said. “In case you change your mind.”

Sure,” Krista said. “Whatever.”

Slave,” Stephen said. “Worse than this will be your punishment if you set her free without making her come.”

Yes Master,” the slave girl said. “I understand.”

Stephen left the room, leaving the two girls alone.

Elle?” Krista asked.

Yes, Mistress,” Elle said.

I’m no one’s Mistress,” Krista said. “At least not right now. My name is Krista.”

Hi Krista,” Elle said.

I’m kind of cold,” Krista said. “Somewhere in this room I have a cloak, the one I was wearing when I was chained.”

I see it,” Elle said, walking over to pick it up.

Will you come and lay down with me?” Krista asked. “We can cover up with that. If you don’t mind. I mean if you want to.”

I am a slave,” Elle said. “I want what my Master wants. But I don’t think he’d mind.”

Elle grabbed a pillow and placed it over Krista’s feet and ankles. The cloak would cover everything else except a small part of Krista’s arms and Elle arranged it, taking the time to tuck in one side of the covering. She crawled under the other side and snuggled up to Krista, wrapping one leg around Krista’s body.

Thank you Elle,” Krista said, feeling tears prick her eyes for the umpteenth time that night. She wasn’t even sure why she felt like crying now. Maybe finding out that Tyler and Damien had really left her here, alone and defenseless hurt more than she thought it would. Or maybe Elle’s kindness had moved her. Krista didn’t know. She just knew she didn’t have the strength to fight the tears and let them fall.

There, there,” Elle said, stroking random patterns soothingly on her back. “Don’t cry.”

I’m sorry Elle,” Krista said. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I don’t even know why I’m crying.”

Surrendering is hard,” Elle said. “Always before you drew a measure of comfort from the fact that you were with people you trusted and you had a safe word. Now you feel alone and scared, without a safety net. You surrendered yourself to whatever happens now that your Masters aren’t here to protect you.”

Maybe,” Krista said, taking deep breaths to calm herself. “I mean I don’t have any money, or clothes, or a phone. I don’t even know how I’m going to get home.”

I wouldn’t worry about that,” Elle said. “If if comes to it, I’m sure Stephen will give you a ride in the morning. He’s tough, but he wouldn’t want you to get hurt.”

His name is Stephen?” Krista asked.

That’s my Master,” Elle said. “And he’s a good Master. Don’t be scared, Krista. He’ll respect your safe word. And he’ll make sure that no one hurts you.”

Elle,” Krista said, wanting to change the subject, “how’d you get to be a slave?”

All my life I’ve had a hard time making decisions,” Elle said. “I don’t know why, but I can never seem to decide what’s right for me or how I feel about something. Even things that I know I want, I can’t reach out and take them. Something holds me back.

So when a friend told me about this place, I was interested. He said I could come here and pick someone to make the decisions for me. I didn’t really believe him, but I couldn’t get the idea out of my head.

A few months ago, on an evening when I had nothing else to do, I made the one most important decision I think I ever have. I decided to come. I arrived much like you did the first time you were here, spellbound and full of wonderment. Although, I didn’t put on anything like the show you did on your first night.”

You were here then,” Krista said. “The night I met Tyler.”

I was hanging in a corner with Stephen,” Elle said. “It was a lesson in control. I was to remain perfectly still and not make a sound no matter what he did to me. I failed, of course. But I tried and that’s what’s most important about the lessons, that you try.

Anyway I was hanging there, from the ceiling when one of my favorite songs came over the speakers. I looked up for a second and I saw you, dancing on the floor. You were captivating, full of confidence and determination. I couldn’t take my eyes off you.

When Stephen noticed my attention had wandered, he turned to find out why. We both just watched you. It was clear you were looking for something. I thought you would go the other way, be a top, because you seemed so strong out there. But Stephen said that strong people can be bottoms too. They just have to have somebody equally strong to Master them.”

I don’t feel strong,” Krista said. “I feel weak. I couldn’t even get Stephen to untie me after he fucked me. There’s no strength there.”

Your strength is not in being able to make someone do something, Krista,” Elle said. “You are strong because you choose. You choose to surrender. You choose to do the things you want. You choose to be different.”

It still doesn’t feel like strength,” Krista said. “But anyway, back to you, and your story.”

The night I came here, I sat at the bar, ordered a drink and just watched everything. It was interesting to see all these people and how far they were willing to go to make themselves and each other happy. I wanted that, you know? To be happy? I don’t think I’d ever felt truly happy before.

Stephen came up to the bar towards the end of the night and asked me if I’d found what I was looking for. I told him I didn’t know what I was looking for. The bar was closing soon so he told me to come with him to the rooms in the back. I went and we sat and talked for hours. I don’t know how it happened or why, but I opened up to him and told him everything, my fears, my hang-ups, why I had come that night.

He took my hand, led me to the bed and fucked me. He never asked so I didn’t have to decide anything. I just had to respond, the way my body was naturally inclined to. It was the first time I’d ever had sex with somebody when my mind wasn’t full of questions – did I do the right thing, does he really like me, should I fake an orgasm so it will just be over. It was the first time I ever had an orgasm, Krista. Not just one, but over and over and over until I couldn’t even hold my eyes open.

The next morning, I woke up cuddled in his arms and I felt free and safe, for the first time in my life. When he woke, I told him how I felt and he said it didn’t have to end. We drew up a contract, for me to be his slave for one year. For 365 days everything I do, is because he decides it. Most things I like. Some I don’t. But for me, the experience has changed my life.

Like with you. Stephen knew I was attracted to you because of how I responded to you the first night, watching as you danced. I would never have admitted it, though, let alone chosen to do something about it. When he saw you chained on the sub wall, he chose for me. And I am glad. I’m getting turned on now, just thinking about the two of you telling me what to do at the same time. I’d love to have a chance to do it all for real, without the rules in place on the sub wall.”

I’ll admit though, I was surprised that Stephen fucked you tonight. In the two months that he’s been my Master, he hasn’t been with anyone else. I think he likes you. You intrigue him. He hasn’t been able to stop talking about the thing with you and Miranda.”

That doesn’t bother you?” Krista asked. “Him liking me?”

He’s my Master,” Elle said. “Not my boyfriend. The two aren’t mutually inclusive. Although between you and me, I care for him, more and more every day. I don’t know what I’m going to do when the year is over and my contract expires.

But to answer your question, no it doesn’t bother me. You intrigue me too, so I can understand his feelings. Plus that thing with Miranda was pretty amazing. I heard him talking with someone else and she’s been a top on the scene for over ten years. No one thought anybody would ever do to her what you did. If you could do that with her, I wonder what you would do with me.”

I didn’t plan it,” Krista said. “It just sort of happened.”

That doesn’t make it any less what it was,” Elle said, snuggling closer.

I guess,” Krista said, as her eyes closed.


Chapter 23




Wake up slave,” Stephen said, rousing Elle and pushing her towards the edge of the bed. “Are you awake Krista?”

Yes,” Krista replied. “Are you going to untie me now? Please?”

No,” Stephen said as he pulled out the knife that Damien had suggested he use and leaned across Krista’s body, putting it in her field of vision.

Do you see this?” he asked, flipping the knife open to show a sharp blade.

Yes,” Krista replied as her breath caught in her throat.

I was told that you have a bit of a thing for knives,” Stephen said as he moved back to the edge of the bed.

Stephen pressed the tip of the knife against the arch of Krista’s foot and dragged it slowly along the skin. She tried to breathe deeply and stay calm, but it felt as if the knife would cut her at any moment.

You see,” Stephen said. “I, too, have a thing for knives.

Stephen pressed two fingers of his other hand inside Krista’s pussy as he began to move the knife slowly up her ankle.

So wet,” Stephen said, plunging his fingers in and out as the knife moved higher on Krista’s leg. “You do like knives.”

I don’t,” Krista said breathlessly. “Knives scare me.”

That may be true,” Stephen said, “But you like the fear. It makes the blood pulse in your veins doesn’t it?”

Sometimes,” Krista said, knowing he could feel the evidence in his hand.

And right now?” Stephen said. “Are you scared?”

Yes,” Krista responded as her pussy clenched around his fingers. The knife had reached the back of her knee.

You’re afraid I will cut you?” Stephen said.

Yes,” Krista whispered. “Either accidentally or on purpose. I’m not sure which, but either seem equally possible at the moment.”

Good,” Stephen said, dragging the knife up Krista’s thigh. He could feel her pussy throbbing and knew that her body was on fire. If anything would make her come, it would be him fucking her as he teased her with the knife.

Please,” Krista said. She had no idea what it was she was begging for, but the word escaped her mouth as the knife crawled along the curve of her ass towards her pussy where his fingers were pushing in and out of her.

Stephen laid the blade atop her ass and pulled his fingers from inside her. Krista heard him moving behind her and was surprised to feel his dick against her pussy. Not surprising was the answering flood of liquid that squeezed out at his touch. She wanted him to fuck her while he used the knife to draw her fear. It was crazy and irrational, but her pussy was throbbing and begging to be filled.

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