Celestial Love (7 page)

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Authors: Juli Blood

BOOK: Celestial Love
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Two young girls dressed in pale pink fluffy gowns walked slowly down the aisle.  With each step they each dropped a small handful of various shaped and sized flower petals.  Coloring the white fabric that covered the aisle with yellows, pinks, reds, blues and purples.  The effect was a stunning contrast to the simple neutral hue of the Sanctuary stone.

As the girls reached the front of
the Sanctuary they turned, one on each side of the aisle.  Facing each other they each threw a large handful of petals up into the air.  Side stepping they continued until the steps up the dais where covered with petals.  Then they stopped and took their seats in the front row.

A trumpet blast startled everyone as it sounded from the balcony at the back of the Sanctuary.  The back doors ope
ned again and this time two bridesmaids dressed in matching bright red gowns with a white lace overlay stepped forward.  Between them they held a large white screen framed in gold.  As they stepped forward the congregation stood to their feet and turned to watch them.

As they passed, each row of guests would turn back toward the front of the Sanctuary.  Confused, Bryan just watched and tried to calm his racing heart.  T
he women walked up the steps.  When they reached him, the closest one stopped and the other continued until they were right beside him.  Still confused Bryan looked to the back of the Sanctuary, but everyone was looking at him, not the doors.

Just then Gilbert tugged on his sleeve and Bryan turned toward the
ministers.  From the look on Gilbert’s face, Bryan realized that Princess Kalea must be on the other side of the screen and that they had forgotten to tell him.  They appeared to be both sorry and embarrassed.

With a slight shrug Bryan turned his
back on the audience and faced the ministers as the wedding ceremony was performed in both languages.  Prayerfully he said his vows, knowing this was forever.

In the front row Queen Nadia quickly dabbed at her eyes.  The tears were tears of joy but with a touch of sadness.  When Prince Bryan hadn’t turned to the ministers right away she realized he didn’t understand the traditions.  For just a moment regret clenched her heart.  He wasn’t one of them. 

Then she heard the minister finish the ceremony and changed her thinking.  For, as of now, he was one of them.

The ceremony finished and
Bryan turned to face the congregation.  Both ministers introduced them and Bryan expected the ladies with the screen to move but they didn’t.  At least, not until Edward signaled him to start down the aisle and then they kept in perfect step with him.

Hundreds of people smiled and a few waved as they walked out of the Sanctuary.  Edward had somehow managed to make his way around the building and meet them just outside.  The honor guard had also followed them out and stood at attention behind them.

Prince Bryan was tempted to call forward his captain and ask him what his bride looked like but then remembered that she could speak his language.  Instead he waited for someone to tell him what he was to do now.  However, he did make a mental note to have a copy of the holographic recording from every angle sent to him as soon as possible.  He wanted to make sure that he saw his wedding and his bride before his mother did.

Edward reappeared around the screen and said, “Your Highness
, please follow me.”  With that he turned and started for the palace.  Still the lovely ladies in red and lace kept perfect pace with him.

Edward led them to the sitting room between his and
Princess Kalea’s suites.  Edward turned and signaled him to stop for a moment as the Princess entered the room first, the screen remaining between them.  Bryan followed taking the seat indicated on the right side of a small table.  The screen now across the center of the table, Bryan was thankful for all his years of training in hiding his emotions.  He was putting it to good use as he continued to hide his growing irritation.

Suddenly a sound, similar to that of a
small electronic generator filled the room with a low hum, and the ladies with the screen rolled it up and left, with Edward right on their heels.  Bryan’s disappointment almost showed, however, when he discovered an electronic image scrambler had taken the place of the screen.  All he could see was a rough distorted outline.  Everything else was a swirl of light and energy.

“I will lower the image scrambler in a moment.”
Her soft voice instantly captured his attention and his heart rate increased a notch or two.  “First, however, I need to inform you of the second part of the marriage ceremony here on Estar Beta,” Princess Kalea began to explain.

“This will
come as a surprise to you but you see, my people have developed a limited telepathic ability.  I say limited because, in fact, we can only establish
link or telepathic connection in our lives.  This link is reserved and only established between a husband and wife.  It is far too valuable and too intense to be wasted on any other relationship.” Wanting him to have all the information before answering his questions, she quickly continued.

“When the link is formed
, it creates what has been called a window or a room in each person’s mind.  It is via this link that thoughts and feelings can be shared without words.  By focusing the thoughts you wish to share into this special window or room the other person hears them in their mind.  The feelings, I’m told are more fluid.

“Unlike technologically enhanced persons that seem to have telepathic ability,
we cannot know any thoughts but those willingly shared.  However, we can detect feelings whether focused or not.  This also prevents all forms of lying and deceit.

“I want to make it perfectly clear that this link would only be between us.  No one else could join now or in the future.  There have been cases where someone has lost a spouse and wished later to remarry, and they have, but they are unable to form another link.  This link can only be formed once per person for life.”  Giving him a moment to absorb a
ll this, she waited before continuing.

, Bryan worked to understand all that she had just shared.  The possibility was amazing but he had questions.  Unfortunately, before he could form them into words, she began again.

medical experts ran many tests on you the other day and one of them was to determine whether or not you would be able to form this link.  All of their tests show that we are similar enough that this will work.  The only thing they were unable to test was the strength of the link.  For example, some couples have been known to be able to share thoughts over great distances, while others could only share when they were in sight of one another.  There is really no way to know prior to forming the link.

“One last thing;
you do not have to decide tonight.  This is the traditional time that the link is formed, but it can be formed at any time as long as another is not formed, and it cannot be formed without your consent.”  Taking a deep breath she fell silent and waited.

rying hard not to sound as nervous as she felt, she asked, “Do you have any questions?”

“Yes,” Prince Bryan answered his natural curiosity helping him to overcome his confusion, distrust and shock. “How is the link formed?
And are you sure that only you would be able to read my thoughts?”

“I will answer your questions in reverse order,” Princess Kalea stated calmly since his questions were reasonable.  “Yes
, I am positive that I will be the only one able to
your thoughts not
them.  You must focus the thoughts into that special area of your mind for me to hear them at all.  Reading your thoughts would imply that I could search through your mind and see all your memories and gather information.  I won’t be able to do that.

“As to how the link is formed
, it is quite painless, I assure you.  I have tentatively been preparing for two weeks but I didn’t truly focus all my energies on it until yesterday when I received word that this would be possible.  Normally both individuals focus their thoughts and energies into forming the link. Since you were unable to prepare in advance, if you were to agree, you would look into my eyes and focus all your attention on my eyes until we are finished.  Looking away from my eyes too soon would weaken or simply prevent the link from forming.

“As you look into my eyes
, you will feel a sense of what the link will be like.  When that happens, focus your attention on the sensation and extend your hands under mine.  My elbows will be resting on the edge of the table and my palms will be facing downward.

“If you choose to complete the link
, you simply focus as intensely as you can and then take my hands, both of them simultaneously.  There will be a bright flash of light and then, when we wake up, we will sense where that special place has formed.  It will be where you hear my voice.”

Princess Kalea paused and Prince Bryan jumped in with another question.  “How do you know about the flash and everything?  Are you sure you can only link once?”

“Yes, I am sure you can only link once” Kalea reassured.  “I am simply relating the events to you as both my parents and siblings have explained it to me.  There is a possibility that your experience will vary because I am the only one that will be forming the link, but it shouldn’t be any more dramatic than what I have described.”

Silence filled the room as Prince Bryan thought through all the possibilities that came to mind.  The implications were astounding.  Though he tried to be logical, cautious and objective, his curiosity refused to be denied.

“How do I know that you are telling the truth about reading my mind?  Do you have some type of proof you can share that confirms you won’t be searching my mind for information?” Bryan asked, trying to stay his curiosity with caution.

“No.  I have no proof,” Princess Kalea answered.  “Each link is unique and all any of us that are not linked know about it is what others have shared.  I know and trust those who have shared their experiences with me but you do not
, so I completely understand if you choose not to form the link now or ever.”

Her honesty gave him pause.  All his life he had been trained to read a person’s voice, body language and face to determine the truth of their words.  Here he was denied two of the three because of the image scrambler but her voice sounded very sincere.

“You said it was my choice whether the link was created?” Bryan asked.

“Yes,” Princess Kalea answered.

“Is there anything else besides looking in your eyes, taking your hands and focusing on the sensation that I need to do?”

“Not really,” Princess Kalea answered.  At his silence she continued.  “You see
, the last thought that you have at the moment our hands meet is the first thought that I will hear in that special place in my mind reserved for you.  It will also be the only thought there until we communicate again.  Because of that it is usually treated as a special gift to be savored.

“Because most couples are in love when they form the link there usually isn’t a problem with this.  However, I did have a friend whose husband was so nervous the thought was rather silly.  With that in mind I would simply ask that whatever thought you choose
, please, make it a pleasant one.”  Princess Kalea was smiling and he heard it in her voice though he couldn’t see her face.

“I don’t think I’ll have a problem with that,” he
replied.  “But just out of curiosity how long could we wait if we chose not to do this tonight?”

“We could do it at any time.  Admittedly it would be more difficult due simply to the need for uninterrupted time to prepare.”  Her voice was just a touch sad and it made him wonder what exactly it took to prepare.

Striking a cheerful note and realizing that if this did allow her to read his mind it should also give him the same ability, he quickly answered, “I was just wondering.”  After another moment of silence he said, “Princess Kalea, I think this would be a wonderful way to confirm our union and I would be happy to do this with you now.  Shall we?”

“Are you sure?
I don’t want to pressure you.” Kalea added.

“Yes,” Bryan answered confidently.

“Then please place your hands on the table palms up.  I will turn off the image scrambler and allow my hands to hover above yours.  But it is very important that you look directly into my eyes as soon as I raise my face.  Please, this is very important.”  She stressed the point again.

“All right,” Bryan answered.  “My hands are in p
lace and I am making a guess as to where your eyes will be.  I’m ready.”

“Just look deeply into my eyes and when you feel my voice in your mind focu
s on it with a happy thought.”  Bryan heard the smile in her voice again and silently prayed this was the right decision.

Princess Kalea placed her left hand and then deactivated the image scramble with her right

Bryan saw her rich dark hair woven with white beads and red flowers for just a moment until she lifted her head and
almost instantly caught his gaze.

Her warm deep blue eyes radiated so many thoughts and feelings that Prince Bryan couldn’t begin to understand them all
, but he did focus on them.  He focused so intently that he didn’t even realize when his hands started to rise toward hers.  The energy coursing through their palms flowed up his arms and filled him with a feeling of joy and peace.

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