Celestial Love (5 page)

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Authors: Juli Blood

BOOK: Celestial Love
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Alexis was up before the sun.  She roused much of the palace staff as she worked to make this day perfect for Princess Kalea and Crown Prince Bryan.

Darling,” Alexis called when she spotted her husband trying to sneak out of the palace.  “Would you be so kind as to check and see if Gilbert and Rose Lynn are ready for breakfast?  You know we are all joining Mother and Father in welcoming Crown Prince Bryan to the family this morning.”

morning, Dear,” Randolph replied with a quick kiss, secretly disgusted with himself that she had caught him again.  His plans for a quick morning walk and a slightly late arrival to breakfast were shot down and she knew it.  “Has Edward mentioned whether Crown Prince Bryan is even up yet?”

Alexis seemed somewhat surprised by the question.  “Actually, I haven’t asked him.  Why don’t you go find Gilbert and Rose Lynn and I will check with Edward?”

“All right, but will you please let me know if the there is a delay?  I have a few things I need to check on this morning that are not wedding related.”  Randolph hoped that Prince Bryan liked to sleep in because it was far too early to eat.  With a quick nod from Alexis, Randolph was off.  Using the closest lift, he was knocking on Gilbert’s door in less than two minutes.

!?”  Gilbert asked as he yanked open the door.  The scowl on his whiskery face would scare children and staff alike.

“Morning!”  Randolph answered cheerfully.  “Alexis wanted me to remind you that we have breakfast with Crown Prince Bryan and the folks this morning.  Did you remember?”  Innocence
oozing from him.

Gilbert mumbled a few sounds that may or may not have actually been words as he ran
his hand through his unruly hair.  “I remember.  What time is breakfast?” he asked in a voice that sounded like it hadn’t been used in weeks instead of hours.

“We’re not sure.  Alexis was chec
king with Edward to see if the prince is up yet.  However, she wants everything perfect.  So if you could please get ready, then she will know that I tried.”  Randolph teased with a smile.

Just use the AVID when it is time and we’ll be right down.”  Gilbert spoke as he turned and closed the door in his brothers’ face.

With a slight laugh Randolph turned and headed for the garden.  With any luck the
prince would be sleeping in and he could get a few things done.



“Edward, this is Alexis.  Is Crown Prince Bryan ready for breakfast?”  She spoke into
her AVID as she walked back toward the dining room.

“Good Morning Princess Alexis!  Actually
, I just arrived at Leo’s door. Let me check with him and I will call you right back.” Edward answered as he waited for Leo to answer the door.

“Very well
, just keep me informed.”  Alexis answered distractedly as she began checking the decorations and seating arrangements in the dining room.

Edward waited several minutes for Leo to answer the door.  “Good
morning,” he greeted.

“Yes, good morning,” Leo replied. 

His rumpled clothing made Leo look like he had just been wrestling.  “I am sorry to disturb you but we weren’t sure what time the prince would be ready for breakfast with the Royal Family?”  Edward tried not to emphasize the word Royal as he spoke, but it happened anyway.

“What time is it?”  Leo asked as he blinked quickly and rubbed his eyes.

“It’s five a.m.  The family usually eats around seven but as I mentioned we weren’t sure of the prince’s preference.  Is he awake yet?” Edward asked.

“I don’t think so, let me check,” Leo answered as he walked across the room and turned on a monitor.  It displayed the
prince’s bio-signs and an infrared display showed that he was sprawled out on his bed sleeping soundly.

“He seems to be sleeping,” Edward commented slightly impressed with the readings that the monitor displayed.  “Does he normally sleep late or rise early?”

“Normally?  I have no idea,” Leo answered.  “At home he usually doesn’t need me until after mid-morning.  What he does before that I don’t know.  I used to be occupied with little more than his appointment schedule.  Busy though it was, it never began before ten in the morning.”

Turning off the monitor Leo walked over to his couch and sat down heavily.  “Besides
, I’m not sure if he has been sleeping long.  The last time I checked he was still awake and that was only a few hours ago.”  Leo scratched his head and covered a yawn as he tried to force himself to wake up.

After a moment’s thought Edward said, “When the
prince wakens please just let me know and I will have breakfast prepared immediately.”

Leo looked at him and then replied, “If Prince Bryan needs to meet with the Royal family for breakfast at a certain time I am sure he will be happy to do so.  He would n
ot be pleased if I let him over-sleep.”

“No, that’s not necessary.  The Royal Family wants him to be comfortable and happy.  Today especially they want him to feel welcome.”  Edward paused
, thinking of the day’s schedule, and then in a softer slightly secretive voice he said, “However, the King usually eats breakfast around seven and the luncheon is scheduled to begin at one this afternoon.”

‘Family politics
.’  Leo understood what Edward was really saying. ‘You might not want to keep the King waiting for his breakfast.’  “I am sure that Crown Prince Bryan will be up and ready to eat by seven,” Leo quietly answered.

“Very good.  If anything should change please let me know as soon as possible.”  With that Edward gave a slight bow and walked calmly out into the hallway closing the door behind him.

Leo stared at the closed door.  Reaching down he set his alarm for six and then stood and walked back over to his bed.  ‘With any luck the prince will already be awake and ready by then.’  Releasing a sigh he slipped back to sleep.

Edward waited until he was halfway down the hall before he called Princess Alexis, careful to keep his voice cheerful.  “Good
morning, Your Highness.”

“Yes Edward is the
prince ready?”  Alexis asked excitedly.

, Your Highness, I’m afraid that he is not.  It seems he retired rather late last night.  I’m sure that he will be ready to eat at about seven,” Edward answered ending on a somewhat tentative note.

“Oh, well that’s fine.  We will definitely be ready by then.  Now Edward
, I need your help with some of his staff.  They are awake and I can’t understand a single thing they are saying.  Please meet me in the kitchen as soon as possible.”

, Your Highness.  I will be right there.” Edward quickened his pace, as he ended the call.



The sunlight marched down the distant ridge
, lighting the trees as it scattered the night.  Princess Kalea rose from her bed.  Sometime in the night she had moved from the window seat but she couldn’t remember when.

Stretching and yawning she headed for the bathroom and a nice
long soak in the tub.

‘Today is my wedding day.’  The thought echoed again and again as she prepared the bath water.
When it was filled to capacity, she climbed in and relaxed.  With her chin tipped back out of the water she rested her head on the cushioned head rest and began to pray. 

morning, Holy One; thank You for the blessing of today.  Not just the wedding and all, but simply for another day of life.  Thank You for Alexis and everyone’s hard work in preparing for today.  Thank You for Crown Prince Bryan’s willingness to be my husband.  This must be a lonely time for him with no family able to come.  As hard as this is for me, at least I’m home with my family surrounding me.

“Please be with Bryan today. 
Sacrificing his crown and marrying a stranger can’t be easy for him.  I know he has breakfast with everyone this morning and then the Royal Council and extended family luncheon.  I pray that Alexis was right about keeping him busy today.  I pray he doesn’t feel too overwhelmed.”

Glancing at the clock she
realized that she only had ten more minutes before her breakfast arrived.  Not really wanting to get out of the tub she closed her eyes and continued.  “Holy One please bless all those involved today with peace and joy.  Thank You for the opportunity to serve You in this way.  May I be the woman You want me to be, now and when I am queen.  I rest in You.  Amen.”

Slowly she scrubbed and then stood to rinse. 
She had just pulled on her softest dressing gown and started to dry her hair when her maid entered the bed chamber with breakfast.  The smell of fresh bread drew her from the bathroom.  Dropping her towel on a chair she quickly took her place at her breakfast table.  Offering a quick word of thanks for the food, she began to eat.

Linda, her maid, retrieved the towel and continued to dry Princess Kalea’s hair while she ate. 
After a moment Linda picked up the comb and began gently working out the snarls.

This had be
en their normal routine for, eighteen years and Linda wondered how it would change after the wedding.  They never exchanged more than a smile before the meal was finished.  But when the food was gone they would talk about everything, or so it seemed to Linda.

It had all started when Princess Kalea was five years old.  She had wanted
to talk while she ate but always made a mess.  Some days she would talk until the food was cold or she had no time left to eat.  It was then that Linda suggested they smile their “Good Mornings” and talk after she had eaten.  And so it was that even after the princess was grown, their morning routine never changed.

Just as Linda was finishing with her hair, Princess Kalea asked, “Is everything ready for this evening?”

“Yes, Princess,” Linda replied.

“The dress and everything?”

“Yes, Princess.”

“Good.  So when do I need to let you begin on my hair?”

“Considering all that needs to be done, I would think probably right after lunch.  Is that good for you?” Linda asked.

, that will be fine, but I feel I should warn you that I won’t be very talkative today.  I need to concentrate.  Also, if you ask me to do something and I don’t respond right away, please be patient; my mind will be elsewhere.”  Kalea smiled knowing that Linda would understand.

“Princess, i
s there anything else that I can do for you this morning?” Linda asked.

That will be all. I will see you again after lunch and then you can make me beautiful for the wedding.”

“You are always beautiful
, Princess,” Linda replied as she gathered up the dishes and prepared to leave.

“Thank you, Linda.  That was kind.
” Princess Kalea gave her a quick one arm hug as she passed.



“Beep, Beep, Beep.”  Leo woke to his alarm. 
He quickly turned it off while he tried to remember why it was set.  “Breakfast!”

Leo jumped out of bed and went to check the security monitor for Prince Bryan’s room.  “Drat!!”  Leo exclaimed as he realized the
prince was still sleeping.  Oh, how he hated having to wake the prince.  Looking at his timepiece again he decided that he had enough time to get ready himself before he had to wake the prince.  “Please Father, wake him up while I get ready.  I really don’t want to wake him up,” Leo prayed as he headed for the shower.

Fifteen minu
tes later he again checked the monitor.  No change.  Frustrated, he finished dressing and did his best to prepare for what was to come.

It was now six twenty and he couldn’t possibly wait any longer.  With one firm knock he announced his arrival and entered the
prince’s bedchamber.  “Good Morning, Your Highness!” Leo called in an overly cheerful voice, not really expecting an answer other than a pillow in the face.

morning Leo.  How are you?”  Crown Prince Bryan asked from his position on the bed.  There he lay dressed only in a robe but with a wet head that indicated a recent shower.

“I’m…um…I’m fine Your Highness,” Leo answered surprised but struggling not to show it.  However, he was terribly unsuccessful.

“I heard your alarm,” Bryan explained.  “But I tried to ignore it, until I remembered that today is my wedding day.” Leo was surprised again by the cheerfulness in the prince’s voice.  He was truly chagrined however, as the prince finished.

“I know you use the security monitor to see if I am up and around so I decided to surprise you.  So,” Bryan got off the bed and headed toward Leo and the closet.  “What do you think is the best outfit for breakfast with my soon
-to-be in-laws?”

Leo hastened
into the closet and chose a three piece navy suit with a white dress shirt and paisley tie.  He then pulled out a pair of shoes that resembled twentieth century penny loafers.

“No.”  Bryan replied as he looked over several selections before deciding on
a cobalt crew neck, khaki trousers, and the most comfortable pair of Oxford like loafers he owned.  “I will be in formal wear tonight.  I might as well be comfortable this morning.  Besides I don’t want them thinking I’m trying to impress them.  I already did that or I wouldn’t have been chosen.  They will just have to accept me as I am, or send me home.”

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