Cassandra's Challenge (60 page)

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Authors: Michelle Eidem

Tags: #science fiction romance

BOOK: Cassandra's Challenge
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“Go shower. We have things we need to discuss
before the dinner.”


“Change first. Then we’ll talk.” Running the
back of his hand down her cheek he turns, leaving the room.


Taking her time in the shower Cassandra
organizes her thoughts. Tonight’s meal is one more step. A formal
meal, with the King and Assemblymen she’s met during the day.
Including Dadrian. Dadrian….the second son….who wants to be King.
She knows he is behind the attempts on Tibullus, knows it the same
way she knows William is her life mate. But William still hoped
there was another explanation. For Jotham’s sake.

And now Dadrian is filling Kyle’s head with
half-truths. William’s second son yet another connection, striking
at William through his son, trying to distract the Admiral, so he
won’t see what he’s doing. Well she’d see about that.

In the bedroom she puts on the bronze eadai that
goes with her gown. Along with the eadai she slides her legs into
the bronze legging Kia made. In the closet she steps into her

It was a simple dress, from the front,
sleeveless, draping to show just a hint of cleavage. The back
repeating the drape except it extended to the small of her back.
Five strings of beads, representing the royal houses of Carina,
accented the drape and helped keep the dress together. Sliding her
feet into the matching three inch heels she checks her reflection
in the mirror.

The gown hugged her hips, the amber embroidery
accenting the color of the gown. Taking a few steps the train flows
gracefully behind her. Pulling her hair up she secures it with the
matching clip Kia had proved, allowing it to flow freely. Checking
herself one last time she goes in search of William.


Staring out a window of the private living area
William wonders how he’s going to tell Cassandra about the added
names for dinner. Valerian she’ll handle, she’s already shown she
could. But Kyle….how is he going to explain Kyle to her? Explain
how she needs to handle him.

His son, fuck he hadn’t wanted Kyle anywhere
near this until after the Assembly. It is one of the reasons he
hadn’t contacted him, he hadn’t forgotten. But Dadrian has made it
a point to fill his head with rumors and half-truths the little
foabhor. Now Cassandra would have to deal with being attacked by
someone she’d consider family, his family. Lost in thought he
doesn’t hear Cassandra enter the room. Her scent reaches him a
moment before her touch.


Watching William as she approaches, Cassandra
can tell he’s troubled. The incident with Kyle troubles him she
knew that, just as she knew he loved his second son. Kyle is going
to have to become a priority; she won’t have William upset if she
could help it. But for now all she can do is support him. Reaching
out she touches the man she loves.


Turning, William looks down into the brilliant
sapphire blue eyes, he loves. In them he sees her love for him, her
trust in him, her belief in him and just a hint of worry, for him.
Running his hands up her bare arms, he glides them across her
collar bones before cradling her face. Leaning down he gently
kisses her. Here is his priority. Knowing she needs to be told, so
she’ll have time to think, William starts to lead her to the couch
only to stop when his hand touches bare skin.

Taking a step back he looks at her, the deep
topaz of the gown makes her skin glow, it is unadorned, the
detailing of the material more than enough. Until you look at the
back, which isn’t there. Five strings of beads held the dress
together before the material rejoined at her lower back,
accentuating her backside as it cascaded to the floor to pool
behind her as she walked.


“Cassandra….it’s beautiful. You look beautiful.”
He can’t resist running his fingers down her exposed back. Turning
in his arms she stretches up to kiss him.

“Thank you.” She whispers against his lips.

“We need to talk.” Regretfully he leads her to
the couch. Tonight, after dinner, he would explore the rest of this
dress. “There have been two additions to the King’s dinner.”

“Okay.” She waits.

“Valerian,” William watches as her eyes darken
but says nothing. “And Kyle.”

Kyle?” Her voice reveals her


“Well it’s not how I’d planned on first meeting
him, but I don’t see a problem.”

“Kyle is the problem. Cassandra….he’s not going
to be…friendly to you.”

“I know. I’m sorry.” She puts her hand on

“What do you know?” William demands. Cassandra’s
slightly shocked at his tone.

“I know that Kyle would’ve had a problem with me
no matter what.”

“What are you talking about?”

“You…Me…Salish. Kyle doesn’t want someone taking
his mother’s place, her place with

“That’s ridiculous. Salish and I concluded our
union over fifteen cycles ago. Kyle knows that.”

“Yes, he knows, but that doesn’t mean he wants
someone to take her place.”

“Why would you think that?”

“Lucas told me. He thought I should know Kyle
would have a problem with me, with me being with you.”

“When did he tell you this?” William surges up
to stride across the room.

“Right after we arrived on Carina.” She watches

“There was no reason for him to tell you that.
There are more important things for you to concentrate on.”

“More important than you and your son’s
relationship?” Cassandra knows she has to be misunderstanding


“You intentionally didn’t tell him we were here.
You didn’t just forget with everything going on.” Rising from the
couch she isn’t sure she likes where this is going.

“I’d never forget Kyle. I didn’t want him here,
didn’t want him involved in this. This isn’t something he’s
equipped for. Fuck!”

“But now he is, because of Dadrian. Now he is
and he doesn’t know the truth, the full truth, because
didn’t tell him. Now he’s on the wrong side, because he’s trying to

“That’s ridiculous!”

“Is it? Why? Because he’s not military? Because
he’s a thinker, a learner? Because of that you think he can’t
protect the people he loves from harm. Is that what you really
think William?” Cassandra’s eyes burn into his.

“You’re not understanding, Kyle isn’t like
Lucas, he’s....”

“Like me.”


“He’s like me, a thinker, a learner, someone
who’s not military. Someone who’s much happier with a book then
ordering people around.”

Listening to her William realizes she
understands Kyle perfectly. Saw him more clearly, having never met
him, than his own father did.

“That would be Kyle.” Walking over to her he
rubs her arms.

“He loves his family. He loves you. He’s lost
his mother, he’s not willing to lose anyone else, not without a
fight.” Cassandra looks into his eyes. “I fully understand.”

“Cassandra, Kyle isn’t like you.”

“Like me?”

“You stand. For what you believe in for
you believe. For those you love. You’re willing to risk
everything for those you love.”

“And Kyle didn’t do that, coming here this
morning, risking your anger, to tell you what he believed?
William,” She lays a hand over his heart. “I haven’t done anything
heroic, anything special. I was there the day Victoria was born. I
watched her take her first breath. If we hadn’t been able to get
her out of that fire…”

“We didn’t, you did.”

“No, it took all of us, together. You
underestimate him William.” Cassandra’s eyes look into his.

“Cassandra, you haven’t even met him.”

“I don’t have to, to know he loves you. His
coming here this morning proves it. It also proves he’ll stand.
He’ll protect his family. In this case
, from the enemy,
. For that alone I like him.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of.” William lifts her
hand, kissing her palm.

“Why? Why are you afraid I’ll like him?”

“Because that means he can hurt you.
Cassandra….what he is saying, repeating. You open your heart to
family. That means he can hurt you, badly. I won’t tolerate that.
No one hurts you, not even my son.” William’s eyes begin to

“Trust me William. He maybe your son, but that
doesn’t mean I trust him. He’ll have to earn that, because in his
trying to protect you, he hurt you, and I won’t tolerate that. No
one hurts you, not even your son.” Cassandra throws his words back
at him.

“I trust you.” His eyes calm. As his portable
comm rings he reaches into his pocket.


“Admiral, your detail is waiting at the

“Thank you Marot, we’ll be right down.”

“Ready?” Pulling his head down, Cassandra gives
him a deep kiss.

“I am now.” Turning they leave the suite. As
they start down the stairs, Cassandra smiles at William.

“Aunt Cassie!” Turning to Victoria, her heel
catches on the stair runner. One minute she’s turning the next

“Cassandra!” William grabs her, pulling her into
the safety of his arms. Resting her head on his chest she tries to
catch her breath. Her heart racing, she’d thought she was going

“Cassandra, are you okay?” William’s voice is in
her ear.

“Yeah, my heel just caught.” Looking up she sees
she’s scared him. “I’m fine, thanks to you.” She gives him a quick
reassuring kiss.

“Aunt Cassie?” The quivering voice has her look
to the top of the stairs.

“Hey baby, I’m okay.” She walks back up the

“You started to fall.”

“Yeah, good thing the Admiral was there,

“Yeah, I wanted to tell you goodnight.”

“We didn’t get to see much of each other today
did we.” Ignoring her dress she kneels in front of her niece.


“We’ll have to see if we can’t do something
about it tomorrow then, okay?”


“So when we get back tonight, do you want me to
come get you or are you staying at Amina’s?”

“I want to sleep in my bed.”

“Okay then that’s what we’ll do, but if Javiera
tells you bedtime you go, understood?”

“Yes Aunt Cassie.”

“Alright, I need to go.” Giving her a kiss she

“Night Admiral.”

“Good night Victoria.”

Looking at Javiera, Cassandra sees the worry in
her eyes. “I’m fine.” Watching them enter the suite she turns back
to William.

“Shall we try this again?”


Approaching the King’s Wing the detail


“The King’s men will escort us the rest of the
way.” William nods to Marat who steps aside allowing them to
advance into the King’s Wing. Four guards, two on each side take
their place.


“Admiral?” Deffand turns to the Admiral.

“There is a step in the Royal Wing that requires
attention. You’ll need to clear someone to repair it.”

“A stair sir?”

“The runner is loose. Cassandra nearly fell down
the stairs because of it.” The Admiral’s eyes bore into his.”

“Yes sir,” Deffand’s eyes flash to Cassandra.
“I’ll contact the proper personnel.” Nodding the Admiral starts to
advance only to feel Cassandra’s gentle touch.

“Captain Deffand.” Cassandra addresses him. “I
would like to personally apologize for the incident yesterday
involving my niece, and to thank you for making sure she wasn’t
hurt.” Deffand stares at her for a moment.

“She’s a child. Who would hurt a child?”

“You’d be surprised. But I have talked to her,
she won’t do it again.”

“That would be best.” Nodding Cassandra turns
back to William.


Chapter 16


Kyle watches his father enter the room, the
woman at his side not all what he is expecting. She is tiny, barely
coming up to his father’s shoulder in heels. Her brilliant blue
eyes scan the room stopping on him for a moment before turning to
the approaching Assemblyman a polite smile on her lips.

“Interesting looking isn’t she?” Dadrian
comments, his eyes scanning the woman at the Admiral’s side. He’d
definitely have to get to know her. “Easy to see how the Admiral’s
become…distracted.” Dadrian digs at Kyle.


Scanning the room, Cassandra recognizes the
Assemblymen and their wives from earlier in the day. Valerian is
there, as are two men, standing together across the room. One is
Dadrian, the other is obviously William’s son, Kyle. The
resemblance is obvious even though Kyle’s features are more
delicate, more like Salish’s she assumed. But his eyes were all
Zafar. Pulling her gaze from him Cassandra turns her attention the
Assemblyman Terwilliger.

“Assemblyman Terwilliger, Madame Terwilliger, a
pleasure to see you again.” Cassandra politely smiles at them.

They proceed around the room, making small talk
before proceeding on. Approaching Kyle and Dadrian, Cassandra can
feel William’s fingers tensing on her back. She isn’t sure if its’
because of Kyle or Dadrian.

“Cassandra, my son Kyle Zafar.” William
introduces them. “Kyle, Cassandra Qwes Chamberlain.”

“It’s nice to finally meet you Kyle. I’ve heard
a great deal about you from Lucas and your father.” She offers the

“While I’ve heard nothing about you, from either
of them.” Kyle’s voice just barely polite, Dadrian’s lips

“Unfortunately that’s true. The need for
security has created a great many problems, including allowing
groundless rumors to flourish. Now that the Challenge has begun,
those can be laid to rest.”

“And how will that be accomplished?” Dadrian can
no longer take being ignored. Cassandra’s sharp blue eyes turn to

“By the truth coming out. And you are?” Dadrian

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