Cassandra's Challenge (58 page)

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Authors: Michelle Eidem

Tags: #science fiction romance

BOOK: Cassandra's Challenge
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“No, it’s perfect.” His eyes reassure her. “It
will start them thinking, without knowing why. You truly are a
genius.” Cassandra gives him a grateful smile.

“Ready?” William looks into her beautiful
sapphire eyes that have suddenly turned serious. “What?”

Cassandra rests a hand over his heart. “I love
you William. No matter what happens with this Challenge, I am

Covering her hand he caresses his life mate’s
cheek. “And I am yours. I’ll always love you.” Sharing one last
look they turn to start their future.


Marat watches the pair approach. The Admiral in
his grey’s, evidence of a stellar career on his chest, walking
beside a small woman dressed in white that shimmered and shined as
she move. Together they make a striking couple.

“Ready Marat?”

“Yes Admiral.” Turning Marat opens the doors of
the Royal Wing. As the Admiral and Cassandra advance the security
detail closes around them.


The Pubic Wing of the Palace is the furthest
wing from the Royal Wing. As the detail approaches Royal Guards
open the closed door leading to another corridor, Cassandra looks
up at William. She’d never seen this door closed before.

“Whenever there are guests in the Palace or
gatherings in the Public Wing the King’s and Royal Wings have extra
security measures.” The Admiral quietly tells her. “There will be
extra guards posted at each entrance.” Nodding her understanding
Cassandra moves into the next corridor.

As they approach the last door Cassandra raises
her internal defenses. She is used to being scrutinized, all those
years of study, the defense of her doctorates, the sometimes harsh
criticisms of professors. Professors’ who didn’t appreciate being
surpassed by someone her age, because of them she’d learned how to
keep her thoughts and reactions to herself, to stay calm with
pointed questions. They’d all prepared her for this, the ultimate


Sensing the change, the Admiral looks down at
his life mate. Watching her eyes change from open to shuttered, he
knows she’s pulling herself in. Not allowing others to see what
she’s thinking or feeling. He hated her ability to close herself
off from him, now he was grateful for it. She is going to need it
in the days to come.


The detail pauses before the last door, waiting.
Marat turns, looking at Cassandra. Realizing he’s waiting for her,
the Challenger, to give the final order that will start her
Challenge she calmly looks him in the eye.

“Chief Marat, please open the doors.” Marat

“Yes your ladyship.” Marat opens the doors.


“Evander,” Evadne Terwilliger softly speaks to
her husband. “What have you heard? No one I’ve spoken to knows

“I know as much as you, my darling.” Assemblyman
Terwilliger knows how his wife dislikes not knowing more than
others. The absolute secrecy in all areas concerning this
Challenger is unprecedented. As are the rumors flying about Admiral

“We should be finding out soon enough its

“Maybe she’s changed her mind.” As she speaks
the doors to the Wing open.


Evadne runs a critical eye over the couple
entering the room. Admiral Zafar is as handsome as ever, his grey
uniform impeccable, his stride confident. At his side is the woman
they’ve all come to inspect. She’s a tiny little thing, hardly more
than six foot, dark hair pulled back, sheathed in shimmering white,
and young, she couldn’t be more than twenty-five cycles. Her
brilliant sapphire eyes calmly scan the room with a confidence that
surprises Evadne.

Assemblyman Terwilliger touches his wife arm as
he moves to approach the couple now stopped several feet inside the
room. A smart move, he knows, he’s used it himself, making them
come to her.

“Admiral Zafar, a pleasure to see you

“Assemblyman Terwilliger, Madame Terwilliger,
may I present to you Cassandra Qwes Chamberlain of Earth,
Challenger to Queen Yakira.” The Admiral takes a slight step

“Assemblyman Terwilliger, Madame Terwilliger.”
Cassandra nods to the couple. “A pleasure to meet you.” Her voice
is fuller then they’d expected, and while she didn’t speak loudly
her words were easily heard by all in the room.

“The pleasure is ours, your,” the Assemblyman
stumbles for a moment, “ladyship. Won’t you sit?” He gestures to an
arranged sitting area where the rest of those present were
hovering. “We’ll get to know one another.”

Inclining her head, Cassandra and the Admiral
walk toward the waiting group. Seeing there are only three empty
chairs, one obviously meant for her as it faced the others, she
looks at Terwilliger.

“My apologizes Admiral, I hadn’t realized you
were staying.” Terwilliger is beginning to wonder how much of the
rumors were true.

“I’ll stand.” Escorting her to the chair their
eyes meet briefly before she sits, turning her attention to the
people before her. The Admiral moves to stand slightly behind her


“That is a beautiful outfit.” Madame Terwilliger
begins. “I don’t believe I recognize the clothier.”

“It’s from Pazel and Kia Juruas.”

“I don’t think I’ve ever heard of them.”
Cassandra says nothing.

“Why should we consider you a Challenger?” A
voice from further back asks.

Cassandra moves her head slightly to find the
source of the voice. “Assemblyman Umbarger, you don’t have the
to consider any Challenger presented to the
Assembly.” Her voice is calm.

“You are correct ladyship.” Terwilliger is
impressed not only of the Challenger’s knowledge of the process but
her calm at Umbarger’s attempt to fluster her.

“Your home planet is called Earth?” Cassandra
looks at the man addressing her.

“That’s correct, Assemblyman Hortshorn.”

“I am not familiar with that planet. Where is it
located?” He asks.

“It was located approximately 5000 light years
inside the Relinquished Zone.”


“The Regulians attacked Earth 50 days
decimating the planet.” Hortshorn sees the shadow
flicker through her eyes.

“Why would they do that?” Terwilliger

“To stop the return of the rightful Queen of
House of Knowledge. What they call the ‘Imperial Light’.”
Cassandra’s statement causes a rush of voices, each trying to be
heard. Sitting back in her chair Cassandra waits. The Admiral’s
fingers briefly touch her shoulder.

“Quiet! Quiet!” Terwilliger commands the

“Why would you reach such a conclusion?”
Terwilliger demands. If what she is saying is true the implications
would be far reaching, and would go a long way to explaining not
only the need for secrecy but the Admiral’s actions.

From transmissions intercepted by the
Retribution after the destruction of Earth.” Cassandra replies

“You have these transmissions?” Terwilliger
demands of the Admiral.

“The transmissions are not the concern of this

“We have the right to know what is in these
transmissions Admiral.”

“Military transmissions do not fall under the
jurisdiction of the Assembly. This gathering is for you to meet the
Challenger.” The Admiral’s voice carries the authority of his

“There is enough information in the
transmissions to convince the Admiral there is a viable threat
against me as Challenger. If that doesn’t satisfy you, you’ll have
to contact High Admiral Valerian.” Cassandra takes back control of
the conversation.

“The High Admiral is in agreement of this?”

“He wouldn’t have replaced the Retribution in
the middle of a tour, had he not. Your laws are very clear, ‘If
there is a viable threat directed at a Royal, in a combat
situation, in an effort to change succession, that Royal
be removed from harm’s way in a manner that will
guarantee the Royal’s safety.’” Cassandra eyes move across the
group as she quotes Carinian Law word for word, her voice carrying
the authority of a Queen.

Silence greets her statement. Many of the
Assemblymen are completely unaware of the law she’s just quoted.
They look to a frowning Terwilliger for confirmation.

“You are correct your ladyship.” Terwilliger
nods to her.

“Thank you Assemblyman Terwilliger. Now if we
can get back to the matter at hand, where there more questions
regarding my Challenge?”


As the gathering proceeds Cassandra is able to
answer the questions knowledgably and concisely, making contact
with each Assemblyman and spouse. All feel they’ve received her
attention and consideration, a remarkable feat.

At Marat’s signal, the Admiral puts a hand on
Cassandra’s shoulder, drawing her attention. “Five minutes.” He
announces. Nodding she turns her attention back to the

“One last question,” Assemblyman Umbarger
speaks. “Who are you claiming to descend from?”

Cassandra isn’t surprised by the question only
that it had taken someone this long to ask it.

“My father was Jacob Chamberlain, my mother was
Cassidy Qwes Chamberlain. My mother’s parents were James Golliday
and Lysandra Qwes Golliday.” Cassandra waits, knowing this isn’t
the information Umbarger is asking for but wants him to pointedly
ask the question.

“Who do you claim to descend from, from Carina?”
Umbarger demands.

“I don’t ‘claim’ anything. I am the direct
female descendant of the first Queen of Sumeria. You know her as

“That’s not possible.” Umbarger whispers.

“This gathering is at an end.” The Admiral steps
up next to Cassandra as she stands.

“I look forward to seeing you again at the
King’s dinner tonight.” Cassandra’s look encompasses all those in
the room before she and the Admiral turn to leave the room.


The Admiral and Cassandra do not speak on their
return to the Royal Wing. “Chief, have your men get a meal then be
back here by 1415.”

“Yes sir.”

The Admiral puts a hand on Cassandra’s back to
lead her to the stairs. “Go on up, I need to check in with

“Then you’ll be up?” He lifts a hand to gently
caress her cheek. The shuttered look in her eyes finally falling
away, letting him see the woman he loves.

“Yes, I won’t be long.” Nodding she heads up the
stairs. He watches her enter their suite before turning to the
ready room.

“Quinn, report.”

“There have been no changes to the second
gathering list. The King’s meal is still at 1900. The Juruas’
arrived at 1130 with…multiple packages. All were scanned and
cleared. Javiera and the girls helped put them away.”

“They were in our private quarters?”

“No sir. Javiera hung Cassandra’s bags in your
closet, the rest she left for Cassandra.”

“Thank you Quinn. Did you get a meal?”


“Good, I’ll be in our suite if you need me.”

“Yes sir.”


Entering their private quarters William find
Cassandra sitting in front of the comm, eating from a small plate
of mixed berries that Hutu has come to know she likes.

“You need more than that.” She looks up from the

“I’m fine I’ve never eaten much before an

Walking over to see what she’s studying he
shakes his head. “You know this.” Pulling her out of the chair he
picks up her plate, leads her to a couch then sits down with

“You were amazing at the gathering.” Feeding her
a thimbleberry his finger caresses her bottom lip. “You never let
Umbarger fluster you and he tried.”

“None of the questions were unexpected.” She
swallows the berry.

“But some of yours answers were.”

“Really? Like what?”

“Like, telling the Assemblymen they don’t choose
the Challenger only the Queen.”

“It’s the truth.”

“I know it is, but you putting them in their
place was surprising, for them.” He selects another berry.

“They need to know I’m not going to let them
push me around, politely of course.”

“Of course.” William smiles.

“So what other answer surprised you?” Cassandra
feeds him a thimbleberry.

“Your knowledge of a little known Carinian law,
one that justifies the return of the Retribution.” He tips her face
up to his. “How did you know that law?”

“I’m good student.”

“Cassandra, you can’t be worrying about my
career while you’re involved in this Challenge.” William’s eyes
bore into hers.

“Yes I can, and don’t try that ‘Admiral’ look on
me.” Cassandra points a finger in his face. “It’s a Carinian law,
and while it wasn’t the reason for bringing the Retribution back,
it doesn’t make it any less true. As for your career you’ve already
sacrificed that for me. You will
sacrifice your
reputation, not for doing the right thing and not when I can
prevent it.”

William pulls her back into his lap as she
surges off the couch. “Protecting me again?”

“It’s my right!”

“It is.” Cassandra relaxes in William’s arms at
his agreement. “I guess I’ll have to get used to it.”

“Yes you will.” She allows herself a few moments
to enjoy the feel of his arms around her. Home. That’s what her
heart told her. Here is home.


The second gathering was similar to the first
only with less powerful Assemblymen. There were no new questions
asked, which surprised Cassandra, she’d have thought Terwilliger
would have sent instructions for information he wanted.


“You need to go up and rest.” William tells her
as they approach the staircase. Frowning he looks at the open doors
of the garden and the guard standing there. “Kocourek report!”

“Sir, Lieutenant Zafar, Chief Michelakakis, his
wife, and the girls are in the garden.”

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