Cassandra's Challenge (59 page)

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Authors: Michelle Eidem

Tags: #science fiction romance

BOOK: Cassandra's Challenge
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“What are you doing?” The Admiral asks as
Cassandra heads to the open doors.

“I going to go see everyone and get outside for
a little while.” She tells him over her shoulder nodding at
Kocourek as she passes.

Several steps into the garden Cassandra stops
letting her senses take in the sights and smells. It’d been over
fifty days since she’d actually just stood outside, breathing fresh
air. Lifting her face she closes her eyes letting the warmth of the
Carinian suns warm her skin.

Watching, William comes to realize this is one
of the small she’s been missing, like her eadia. To be outside
feeling the sun on her face, such a small thing. Stepping close he
gently wraps his arms around her, supporting her as she relaxes
against him.

“I’d forgotten how good the warmth of the sun
could feel.”

“I should have realized….” His arms tighten
around her.


“You and Victoria aren’t used to being shut up
in a Battle Star, traveling in space for months at a time.”

“It’s not like you had a choice in the matter
William. We’re fine, and we’re outside now.”

“Admiral.” Marat stands in the doorway. Gently
touching his hand she eases out of his arms. Turning to face Marat
he’s back in Admiral mode.

“Colonel Tar would like to see you when it’s
convenient. Sir.”

“Tell him I’ll be right there.”

“Yes sir.” Marat retreats.

“You need to rest before tonight.” William rubs
her cheek.

“I will, but I want to touch base with everyone
first.” Nodding, he gives her a soft kiss then leaves.

Following the girls’ laughter Cassandra finds
them all in an open area in the center of the garden.

“Aunt Cassie!” Victoria runs over hugging her
around her waist.

“Hi kiddo.” She smiles hugging her back.

“Doesn’t the sun feel good!”

“It sure does, have you been outside long?” She
asks as they walk back towards the others.

“A little while.”

“Hi.” Javiera slides over giving Cassandra room
to sit on the bench. “How’d the second gathering go?”

“Fine. Thank you for hanging up my gowns.”

“Not a problem.”

“These gardens are beautiful.” Cassandra looks
at all the unusual plants. She’ll have to study up on what they all

“Queen Lata had a great love for flowers. It was
her personal mission to make sure the gardens were always in bloom.
King Jotham continues it in her memory.”

“He does a wonderful job.”

“Mom can we go find Hutu and get a snack?” Amina

“No, but I can take you.” Standing Javiera turns
to Cassandra. “Do you want me to have him bring you something?”

“No I’m good, thanks.”

As the men start to follow Cassandra stands.
“Lucas, could I have a few minutes?”

“I’ll stick with them.” Leander tells Lucas
following the ladies.


Waiting for the group to get out of earshot
Cassandra leans over to smell a flower, its scent was similar to
roses on Earth. Watching her, Lucas wonders what’s on her mind.

Rising she turns to him. “What happened this

“What do you mean?” Lucas hopes he’s wrong.

“Don’t play dumb with me Lucas!” Cassandra
hadn’t realized she was mad. “Kyle.”

“Cassie, that is between dad and Kyle, if you
want to know about it you need to ask one of them.”

“Oh really, so the information Dadrian has been
feeding him has nothing to do with me!”

“Dad told you.”

“That Kyle was here, that he was upset that he
wasn’t informed you were on planet.” Lucas says nothing. “I know
there’s more. I know it concerns me, it wouldn’t have upset him so
if it didn’t.”


“You already told me Kyle was going to have a
problem with me no matter what. So I’m the one he should be talking
too. Not your father.”

“It’s more than that. You know what’s being said
about dad, about your relationship with him.”

“About ‘why’ I have a relationship with him.”
Cassandra corrects Lucas.


“What did Kyle say?”

“That he had the right to tell our father when
his being used, especially by someone who couldn’t possibly be the
lost queen.”

“I bet that went over well, what else.”

“That he is ruining his career because of you.”
Her eyes bore into his.

“I’m sure that’s not how he worded it.”

“He never got to finish it.”

“It didn’t come to blows!”

“No, but almost, dad told him not to come back.”
Lucas runs a frustrated hand threw his hair. “Look, Cassie, dad and
Kyle have always had a difficult relationship. Kyle was always
closer to mom and when she died…I don’t even know how to explain
it. Kyle isn’t ‘military’, he’s a thinker, a learner.”

“More like me.” She interjects.

“Yeah I guess. He tries….”

“He knows you and your father have a lot in
common, you’ve chosen the same careers, both excel at them, are
recognized for them. And there he is the second son, trying to fit
in, to gain his father’s attention and approval. Knowing he can
never really compete with you, the first son.”

“That’s not fair. Dad’s never played us against
one another.”

“Of course he didn’t, that’s not the kind of man
he is. But Lucas, this isn’t about being ‘fair’ it’s about the
truth. You and your father have a special bond that Kyle isn’t a
part of, he knows that. My guess is he had that bond with your
mother, her death left a hole.”

Lucas just stares at Cassandra stunned. “How can
you possibly know he and mom had such a special bond?”

Cassandra gives him a sad look. “Because my mom
and I did, I’m a second child too, and while part of it was
mother/daughter it was also because we were so alike. When she
died,” Cassandra has to swallow hard to continue. “I tried to find
that same connection with my father, it wasn’t there. It wasn’t his
fault and it didn’t mean he loved Peter more, he just loved me
differently. It took me a long time to figure out that that was
okay. It doesn’t sound like Kyle’s figured it out yet, and my
coming into the picture, taking his ‘mother’s’ place with your
father, causing people to question him, isn’t helping matters.”

“He doesn’t know what’s going on.”

“And whose fault is that? Not Kyle’s, we should
have told him, not Dadrian. Trusted and included him, he’s family

“I’m not sure dad sees it that way anymore.”

“He does. Lucas, he’s his
, he’ll
always love him. So they had a fight, big deal, families fight.
They make up, they stick together. Peter and I used to fight all
the time, didn’t mean I didn’t love the big jerk.”

“Kyle may not see it that way, may never see you
as part of his ‘family’.” He feels he needs to warn her.

“Maybe not but he
be a member of our
family, a part of this House we’re building. If it takes me not
being there when he’s with you and your father then so be it.
William isn’t going to be made to choose between Kyle and me, it’ll
break his heart, and
I won’t allow. He mine to protect
Lucas, no one hurts him.” Lucas has to grin picturing 6’ 1”
Cassandra protecting his 7’1” father.

“Does he know this?” Lucas chuckles.

“Yes and stop laughing at me you big jerk. I
took down Falco didn’t I?”

“Yes… Yes you did.” But he’s still grinning.

“Family Lucas, there’s the one you’re born with,
and the one you make, filled with the people you love. You protect
it, because in the end, when everything else explodes around you
it’s all that matters.”

The humor leaves Lucas’ eyes at Cassandra’s
words. He knows she’s talking about the meadow, how her and
Victoria’s world exploded around them, leaving them only each

“We need to get him back here. Tell him what’s
really going on. Let him choose what he believes.”

“Dad will never go for that, it puts you at

“How could he put me at risk? He won’t know
about the traitor until we tell him, doesn’t know who he is. The
only thing at risk is Kyle’s relationship with his father.”

“I’ll talk to Kyle, see what I can do. But dad’s
up to you.”

“That’s all I ask.” As they walk back to the
wing Cassandra stops. Turning Lucas is shocked to see the honest
worry in her eyes.

“How bad is it?” Her eyes lock with his.
“Honestly. How big of hits is William taking because of me.” Lucas
wants to reassure her, but can’t lie.

“Pretty big, rumors are running rampant, and
Valerian isn’t doing anything to stop them. If anything he’s
feeding them.”

“To make your father look weak so the traitor
will strike at me.”

“That would be my take, yes.”


“What is it Quinn.” The Admiral enters the ready

“There have been several additions to the King’s
dinner.” Quinn watches his friend’s eyes harden as he reads the two
additional names.

“What do you want me to do Will. It’s within
your rights to challenge these additions.”

“Challenge the addition of the High Admiral and
my son. That only makes us look like we have something to hide. Why
would Jotham do this?”

“My guess?” The Admiral nods. “The High Admiral
requested to be included Jotham couldn’t refuse without making it
look like he was keeping him from the Assemblymen. Kyle is just to
keep the numbers even, a friendly face for you. Jotham does know
about this morning’s incident.”

“Incident?” The Admiral’s voice fridge.

“Fuck Will I’ve known you close to thirty
cycles. You love that boy.”

“Leave it alone Quinn. Is there anything

“No Admiral.”

“I’ll be in my suite.”


Silence greets William as he enters the suite.
An empty silence, telling him Victoria and Cassandra weren’t there.
Walking through the suite William stops to look in Victoria’s room.
The bed is made, somewhat haphazardly but made, obviously done by
Victoria herself. A pair of shoes, one tipped on its side beside a
chair with a towel thrown over its back. Picking up the towel, he
takes it into the bathroom hanging it up where it belongs.

He is fifty cycles, has his sons, he never
considered having more children. But that was before Cassandra. She
wants a child, his child. The thought fills him with longing and
terror. She is such a little thing, she doesn’t think so but she
is. For her to bear his child, would she survive it? She matters to
him more than any child yet to be conceived. But if she chooses to
become Queen she’ll have to have a daughter.

Which brings him back to thinking about a
daughter. How different it would be from a son? Victoria has
already captured his heart. He couldn’t love her more if she was
his own. How would it feel to hold his own in his arms knowing
someday he’d have to let another man protect her?


Deep in thought he enters their bedroom to find
Cassandra putting away the clothes Javiera left on the bed. She’s
changed out of her white outfit into a long black robe, belted at
the waist pooling at her feet. The silky material clinging to her
curves making his fingers itch to touch.

“How long have you been back?” Walking across
the room he sees the surprise in her eyes.

“I didn’t hear you come in.”

“You left the door open.” He reminds her.

“Only the bedroom’s, not the suites.” She knows
better than to leave the suite open.

“I was in Victoria’s room.”

“There’s a problem?!?” Cassandra’s eyes
instantly fill with worry.

“No, no problem. I just hadn’t seen it yet. I
thought I should.” While the worry eases it doesn’t fully leave her
eyes. “I promise, there’s no problem.” His promise erases the last
of her worry.

“And?” She raises an eyebrow.

“It looks like a little girl lives there. Smells
like a little girl. I didn’t realize there was a difference.”

“Boys are stinky.” William’s shocked look makes
her laugh. “They are, they’re sweaty and dirty, while girls are
perfect and clean.”

“Oh really?”

“Yes. Now men are a totally different animal.”
Standing on her tip toes, her sleeves fall down her arms as her
hands rest on his broad shoulders, stretching she gently kiss his

The robe slides under William’s hands as they
rest on her hips. “You need to rest before the King’s dinner.” He
mummers against her lips.

“I know. I was going to after I finish here.
Rest with me.” Unbuttoning his jacket she slides it off his
shoulders. “Did I happen to tell you how handsome you looked in
this Admiral?” Walking over to the closet she hangs it.

“I believe you did.” Returning to him she takes
his hand, leading him to their bed.

“Good. I’d hate to forget such an important
thing.” Sliding across the bed she waits for him to join her. After
sliding off his shoes and pants he does, pulling her into his

“You never forget. Now rest.” The beat of his
heart lulls her to sleep.


“Cassandra….” William’s voice whispers in her
ears. “Cassandra, you need to wake up.”

“Umm…what?” She opens heavy eyes.

“It’s time for you to get ready for the King’s
dinner.” William sits on the bed, gently rubbing her arm.

“The King’s dinner?” Cassandra shoots up
discovering William’s already showered and changed. “What time is

“It’s only 1730, you have time.” William enjoys
her robe opening to expose a naked breast. Unable to resist, he
caresses her. Leaning into his touch, Cassandra’s eyes begin to
lose focus.

“William.” She whispers.

Regretfully, he closes her robe. “But we don’t
have time for that.”

“Oh really?” Cassandra’s eyes look into his.

“Tonight, after the dinner, we’ll have all the
time we need.” Giving her a hard kiss William rises from bed.
Taking her hand he helps her up.

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