Cassandra's Challenge (44 page)

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Authors: Michelle Eidem

Tags: #science fiction romance

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“I go with the Admiral mam, no matter what. Who
else knows what you and Tori like?” He watches Cassandra’s eyes

“Thank you Hutu.”

“You’re welcome, mam.” He shuffles his feet.
“Let me know when the girls are ready for their meal.” Turning he
leaves. Securing the door she turns to find William standing just
inside the room.

“What did you say to fluster Hutu?”

“I asked him what he would do when we returned
to Carina.” She walks up to him.

“What did he say?” He looks at the secured

“That he goes with the Admiral, no matter what.
You have a very loyal crew Admiral.”

William doesn’t know what to say. He hadn’t
considered that Hutu would go with him when they left the
Retribution. He would never have asked.

“Eat William.” She sees she’s caught him
unaware. He hadn’t realized others are willing to sacrifice…for
him…without him asking.

Sitting down Cassandra hands him a plate.
Picking up hers she sits wondering if she’ll be able to eat, the
smell has her stomach clenching. Pregnant?

“Tell me about your dream.” He takes his first

“I’m not sure you’ll like it.” She takes a small

“Why?” With her stomach holding, she takes

“I met Kayden.” William lowers the bite he’d
been about to take.


“The ancestor you condemn. The one no one will
speak off.”

“I know who he his!” Cassandra raises her eyes
from her plate.

“How? If no one speaks his name?”

“I met him in a dream.” Setting her plate aside
she leans back in her chair, waiting.

Watching her he realizes he should have told her
sooner, she’s been open with him about her dreams. Another area he
needs to work on.

“It was the night you realized what the Dioscuri
coming would mean to my career.” He didn’t want to think about how
close he’d come to losing her. Forcing himself to remain sitting he
looks at her. While her eyes darkened she isn’t shutting him

“I was standing on the cliffs, there was a storm
brewing, it blocked out the suns light. When I turned he was there,
I knew him, didn’t have to be told, I just knew.”

Cassandra nods.

“I accused him of murdering his brother than
running away. He told me that I knew nothing, that if he had I
would never be. He told me that his brother lived and that the
King’s first son gave him his blessing.” Finding he can’t sit any
longer he walks towards Cassandra.

“He made me realize that I couldn’t protect you
if I wasn’t with you.” William runs the back of his hand down her
cheek, needing to touch. “I realized I’d made a mistake, that I
would lose you. I wasn’t willing to sacrifice you. Not you, not our
future together.”

“You believed him, when he said he didn’t kill
his brother.”

“I… Yes….I can’t tell you why but yes, I
believed him.”

“Wait here.” Cassandra leaves him to go into
their private chambers, returning with the Ipod.

“When I was working on my doctorate I came
across a scroll, read this.” Cassandra finds what she’s looking for
then hands it to William. Looking at the device William reads the
ancient Carinian.

“His father gave him his blessing.” William
reads out loud.

“In my dream Sabah was heavily pregnant,” Seeing
he’s look, explains. “With child. I asked her which child it was
and she told it was their first son, that they would name him after
Kayden’s father.”

“They named him Tibus.”

“No. Read the rest of the scroll.” As he does
William goes still.


“Yes, that would mean Kayden was the First Son
of the First Son.”

Sitting down in his chair William’s mind is
racing. If Cassandra is right then the history of the House of
Protection is false. Everything believed about Kayden a lie.

Giving William time to think, she walks over to
the painting of the setting suns. Kayden had said she had what she
needs. So maybe it is time to stop gathering information and start
putting it all together.

Barack was assassinated all those years ago.
Why? The obvious answer is so he couldn’t become King. The King’s
second son became King.

Tibullus has a brother, Dadrian, not from King
Jotham’s wife Lata.

Coincidence? Possible, but Cassandra’s instinct
tells her no. This is what her dreams have been trying to tell her.
That the past is repeating itself. Is she too late? Is Tibullus

Hearing William, she turns. The man can make her
catch her breath just by being, Sabah is right, together they are
more than they are apart. What she doesn’t know or understand he
would. Just like with Tibullus.

“There’s something I keep meaning to ask

“Ask.” William wraps his arms around her pulling
her close.

“Is that painting,” Cassandra points to the
wall, “of the setting suns of Carina?” William raises an

“Yes.” Turning she looks at it again.

“I thought so. I’ve sat on that cliff watching
them set with Sabah in a dream. But I didn’t really
William pulls her close, he knew better than anyone how important
knowing was to her.

“I stood on those cliffs when I met Kayden.”

“What do you think that means? That they both
met us there?” Waiting while William thinks, Cassandra looks back
at the painting.

“It must have been an important spot for

“Yes, and you just happened to have a painting
of it.”


“And the book?”

William says nothing.

“You descend from his brother, Walwyn. I descend
from Sabah. House of Protection. House of Knowledge. Again.”

“Too many to coincidences.”

“Yes, too many. Kayden told me I had what I
needed, had all I needed. Sabah said that what I didn’t understand
you would. They’re right.”

“They’re right.”

“What do we do William?” She turns in his arms,
looking up at him.

“We put it together, together. Find out who is
threatening you and Tibullus. We stop them.”


“Together.” Leaning down William seals the
promise with a kiss.


“Aunt Cassie?” Both turn to see Victoria
standing in the doorway.

“Hi sweetie, you’re awake.”

“Yeah. We’re hungry.”

“I’ll call Hutu.” William goes to his comm.

“So Amina’s up too?” Cassandra walks over to

“Yeah, she’s in the bathroom.”

“Well let’s get the two of you dressed, than
Hutu should be here.”


Left in his ready room William sits.
Assassination. While attempts were not unheard of, they were rare
on Carina. Two traitors, one wanting Cassandra, one wanting
Tibullus. Did it start out that way?

William’s instincts tell him no. This all
started with Cassandra. Tibullus came later. Someone saw an
opportunity with the Sentinel’s original damage. Someone who found
out about Cassandra and instead of reporting it used it for his own
advantage. Who benefited? The obvious answer is Dadrian.

His gut told him Dadrian. But can he trust that?
He’s never liked Dadrian. Something about him rubbed him wrong. But
who else? Sometimes the most obvious is the answer.

If Dadrian is trying to gain the throne, that
means he discovered the plot against Cassandra, and had done
nothing. He knew the Regulians were involved, and had done nothing.
If the Regulians had gotten by the Retribution they would have
attack Carina, and he’d done nothing.

Rage begins to build in William, the little
foabhar! Who does he think he is? Standing by while
mate is attacked! He’d destroy him! He didn’t care who his father

The Admiral in him knows he has to bank the
rage, not let it out, not until the time is right. But the man
wants to attack

The buzzing of the hatch brings William out of
his thoughts. Hutu is here with first meal for the girls. People
are depending on him. Cassandra is depending on him, to keep them
safe, he can’t do that if he’s bent on revenge. Pushing it aside,
he lets Hutu in and waits.

Hutu finds the Admiral waiting for him when he
returns to the ready room.


“Cassandra’s informed me you plan on leaving the
ship with me.”

“Yes sir.”

“It will jeopardize you’re career.”

“With all due respect sir, you wouldn’t
jeopardize yours unless you truly believe it’s necessary. That’s
enough for me.”

“Thank you Hutu.” Nodding Hutu goes to pick up
Cassandra’s plate then stops.



“She didn’t eat enough.” The Admiral finds
himself grinning. Cassandra wouldn’t appreciate others worrying
about her.

“No, she didn’t. Leave it, I’ll make sure she

“Thank you sir.”

“No Hutu, thank you. I won’t forget this.”

“Sir.” With a nod Hutu leaves.


As the girls eat, Cassandra wonders what William
is thinking. His world has just changed. Would he believe it?
Accept it?

Kayden told her what she decided to do was up to
her. Is he telling her she has options? That they should leave if
they want a life together? Could she do that to Victoria? Make her
start all over, again?

“Mama!” Amina jumps out of her chair to hug her

“Hello baby. I missed you.”

“I missed you too. Where’s daddy?”

“He’s talking to the Admiral.” Javiera gives
Cassandra a pointed look. Nodding Cassandra looks to the ready


“Something on your mind Chief?” Moving to sit
behind his desk the Admiral waits.

“Sir, I want to thank you for letting Amina stay
here while we were on Alert.”

“No thanks necessary, it was good for Victoria

“Yes sir, they’ve become good friends, as have
Cassandra and Javiera.”

“I know.”

“Admiral, I’ve known you a long time.”

“Since you were twelve.”

“Yes sir. You were serving with my father.”

“How is he?”

“He’s fine. He and mom have a place near Lake

“What’s on your mind, Leander?”

“Your decision to return to Carina, sir.” Hard
eyes meet Leander’s.

“My decision Chief.”

“Yes sir. The right decision to protect the
Queen, protect Cassandra.”

“How have you come by this information Chief?”
But he already knows.

“Cassandra sir, she felt we had the right to
know when she asked us to leave the ship with you.”

“She what?” His voice is low and lethal.

“Asked us to leave the Retribution when the two
of you do, she asked, explained what was going on. Made sure we
understood it wasn’t an order, wasn’t coming from you. If we
decided we couldn’t it wouldn’t reflect on my service record.”

“You’ve made your decision.”

“Yes Admiral, we told Cassandra yesterday, we’re
with you.”

“Thank you Leander.”

“Not necessary Admiral. I have family on Carina.
This traitor has put them in jeopardy. He has to be stopped.”



“Mama, can we go to F Deck? We haven’t seen our
friends in forever.”

“I don’t see why not, if it’s okay with
Cassandra.” Javiera turns. “It would give you a break. We could get
together later, I’ve thought of some things you’ll need to

“Works for me. What about you Tori, you up for F

“Oh yeah!”

“Let’s go.”

“Daddy!” Amina runs into her father’s arm.

“Hi squirt. You been good?”

“Yes daddy. Guess what.”


“Mama’s taking us to F Deck.”


“Really. Are you going to come too?”

“I might for a little bit.”

The Admiral rises as they walk to the hatch.

“Victoria.” Walking over to him she looks up.
Squatting down William gives her a hug. “You have fun, okay.”

“Okay Admiral.” With a big smile she leaves. As
Cassandra secures the hatch the Admiral sits back down.

“You made her day.” Seeing he has something on
his mind she takes a seat.

“Who else?” She doesn’t pretend to not

“I wasn’t keeping it from you. They only gave me
their decision yesterday. I haven’t had time to tell you.”

“Who else.” The Admiral doesn’t break eye


“What are you doing Cassandra!?!” He runs a
frustrated hand through his hair. “This could end their

“I know that! So do they! You didn’t question my
bring Lucas in.”

“That’s different. You know he considers
Victoria his life mate.”

“So you understand why I asked him to be in
charge of her protection.”

“Yes, you couldn’t have kept him away.”

“She’ll be his priority. I need her to be so I
don’t have to worry about her if this goes wrong.”


“I’m not doubting you William, I know you’ll
protect us. But I’m your priority. I need to know Victoria is

“Okay. Why Leander and Javiera?”

“They’re my friends. I trust them. We’re going
to need people we trust William.”

“And Tar?”

“You trust him.”

“What else.” Cassandra knew that wouldn’t
satisfy him.


“Why Tar!”

“Because he’ll watch your back!”

“Damn it Cassandra! This is his career!”

“And it’s your
!” Bracing her hands
on his desk she gets in his face. “You’re in as much danger as I
am, because of
! I have as much right to protect my life
mate as you do!” Pushing away she storms into the other room.

Stunned William remains sitting. Protecting him,
she’s concerned about protecting him.


She’s on the couch, head in her hands when he
enters their quarters. Straddling her legs he sits on the table.
Kissing the top of her head, he rubs her arms.

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