Cassandra's Challenge (20 page)

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Authors: Michelle Eidem

Tags: #science fiction romance

BOOK: Cassandra's Challenge
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“That’s good.”

“Yeah.” Hearing the knocking at the hatch Tori
jumps up. “That’s Javiera.” Cassandra walks to the hatch with Tori,
opening it to a smiling Javiera.

“Well you look a little better today.” Turning
her attention to Tori says.”Ready to go?”


“Then let’s go. Do you want me to bring her

“No, I think by then the walk will do me

“Okay, bye.”

“Bye Aunt Cassie.”

“Bye Tori.” Securing the hatch she returns to
sit sideways on the couch watching William. He looks at her.

“I didn’t think I’d see you until tonight.”

“I wanted to see how you were doing.” Tucking a
piece of hair behind her ear he rests his hand on her leg. “You
seem better. How’d you sleep?”

“Pretty good, I slept on the couch so I wouldn’t
wake up Tori.” She sees his eyes harden. “I’d have done the same if
I was in your quarters.”

“Our quarters.” He corrects.

“How long until you need to get back?” She
changes the subject. He looks at his wrist unit.

“I have some time.”

“Good.” Holding his hand she stands leading him
to the bed. “I was going to taking advantage of Tori being gone by
sneaking in a nap.” She kicks off her shoes kneeling on the bed to
face him. “But since you’re here, I’ll just take advantage of you

Putting her arms around his neck she stretches
up to kiss him. He’s response is instantaneous, gripping her waist
he finds only bare skin causing him to groan against her lips.

“Cassandra, you’re killing me here.” Running his
hands up her back he pulls her close caressing her skin.

“Sorry.” Kissing his neck she smiles. Tipping
her face up he sees the smile.

“I don’t think you are.”

With a small squeal she finds herself on her
back, her hands above her head caught by one of his. With a
devilish gleam in his eye he runs his fingers along her side
causing her to giggle.

“William stop!” Twisting she tries to avoid him
causing William to throw a leg over her hips, and watches the
laughter in her bright blue eyes start to recede being replaced by
desire. He’s touch turns to caress as he captures her mouth for a
breath stealing kiss.

“William,” She groans, struggling to get her
hands free as his other hand moves to envelop her breast. Releasing
her hands he pulls her close.

“Cassandra.” He mummers in a tight voice, “I
need to go.” Breathing heavily, she meets his gaze.

“This wasn’t such a good idea huh.”

“Great idea, bad timing.” Easing away to sit on
the side of the bed he looks at her. Still seeing fatigue in her
eyes. “Take that nap. You’ll feel better.” Rising to leave
Cassandra catches his hand rubbing her thumb across his

“What?” She wants to tell him to be safe but it
seems silly.

“Nothing.” She lets her hand drop. Making sure
the door is secure he heads to the bridge.

Several hours later Cassandra wakes, looking at
the time, she jumps out of bed. Pausing she realizes all her
symptoms were gone. “Wow, twenty four hours. Gram is right again.”
In the shower she cleans up then heads out the door to get


On the bridge the Admiral is discussing with
Quinn the defensive strategy he wants to use when docked at the
Rodham space station.

“Admiral, urgent call from communications.”

“Put it through. This is Zafar.”

“Admiral we’ve just decoded a Regulian ship to
ship transmission.”

“What’s it say?”

“It doesn’t say anything sir. It’s just

“Give them to me NOW!” As the transmission is
relayed William starts shouting orders.

coordinates are the fleet’s present location.


“So how are you feeling?” Cassandra asks as she
and Tori are heading back to their quarters.

“Not too bad. So can I go

“I don’t see why not. After all…”

“Battle Stations! Alert Status One! All Fighters
to their planes! Incoming fire!”

“Crap! Come on Tori! Run!” Reaching their
quarters Cassandra secures the hatch.

“Aunt Cassie?”

“It’s okay Tori. The Admiral’s in charge. We
just need to stay out of the way.” She hopes her voice is
convincing. “What do you want to do while we wait for the all
clear? Should we practice our Regulian?”

“Okay.” As they talk in Regulian the battle


“Tell the Talon and Judgment to close in around
the Sentinel they’re having trouble maneuvering.” The Admiral
orders, bracing himself as the Retribution takes a small hit.


“Minimal sir.”

“Let’s keep it that way.” He orders.

“Falco. I want the location of their closest
ship relayed to the Conviction. I want them to concentrate their
fire on it. Take it out.”

“Yes sir!”

As the battle rages William has to force himself
to not think about Cassandra and Tori. He has to trust she will
keep them safe. So would he.

Over an hour later it’s over. William’s strategy
of concentrating fire on one of the Regulian ship has paid off with
its destruction, the remaining ships withdrawal.

“I want status reports on the entire fleet.
Quinn, I want communications to go back over the last twenty four
hours of transmissions see what they missed. Find out who missed
it. How the
did they get our location. They know where
we’re going now! We stay on Alert Status One!


Several hours later there is a knock on
Cassandra’s hatch door. It’s Hutu with dinner.

“Hutu, thank you, we could have gone to the

“No mam. The Admiral wouldn’t have liked that.”
As he checks the plates, he gives a smile to Victoria.

“So you’re feeling better?”

“Yes, hopefully tomorrow I can go to class for
the whole day. If there is class.”

“Oh there will be. There’s been very little
damage and the Regulians have left. Don’t worry little one, the
Admiral knows how to protect what’s his.” This makes Victoria smile
as she sits down to eat. Cassandra walks with him to the door.

“What’s the real status Hutu?” She asks in a
quiet voice. Hutu looks at Victoria.

“The Sentinel was badly hit and may have to be
abandoned. The rest of the fleet is fine.”

“The Admiral?” She has to ask.

“Fine, going to have a long night.” Hutu pauses.
“Might ease his mind if he heard the two of you were okay. He’s on
the bridge.” Turning Hutu leaves and Cassandra secures the

“So how’s it tonight?”

“Good. Do you think Hutu knows how to make a
grilled cheese?”

“I don’t know. We’ll have to figure out how to
explain it to him. Then we’ll see.”


“Time for a shower.” Cassandra tells her after
the meal.

“But it’s early.”

“I want you rested for tomorrow, otherwise half
a day.”

“Okay. Okay.” As Tori closes the bathroom door,
Cassandra goes to the communications consul. Is Hutu right? Did
William want to hear from her? If the situation was reversed…Damn
right she would.

Putting on the headset she pushes the button to
the bridge.


“Get me the damage report on the Bounty, Quinn.”
William looks with irritation as his consul rings again until he
realizes it’s his private line. Putting on his headset he pushes
the connecting button.


“Hi it’s me, I know you’re busy. I just wanted
to let you know we’re fine.” He closes his eyes for a moment. That
little fear in the back of his mind relieved.

“Thanks. I needed to know that.”

“You’re okay?” She has to ask.

“Not a scratch.”

“Good. I’ll let you go then. See you

“Count on it!” Removing the headset William
turns around to find Falco standing in his doorway.

“What is it Falco?”

“Sir the damage report on the Bounty.” He holds
out his hand.

“The report Falco!”

“Sir? Oh sorry sir!” Handing him the report she
leaves. That damn woman. Calling the Admiral like that, distracting
him, and interfering with his command! She has to be stopped!
Smiling Falco knows just what to do.


Hutu was right. There are classes the next
morning and Tori’s determined to go.

“You’re sure?” Cassandra asks for the third time
as they’re walking to class.

“Yes! Aunt Cassandra. What else would we do? Sit
in our quarters?”

“Good point. Okay, see you after class.”


As Cassandra wonders what she’s going to do with
her day she finds herself in front of William’s hatch. Deciding she
can read one of William’s books she opens the hatch. Securing it
she heads into his private quarters. Going through the connecting
door she realizes the shower is running. William’s here. After a
moment of indecision she pulls off her boots then heads to the
bathroom striping as she goes.


Bracing his arms against the wall William
plunges his head into the brutally hot spray trying to wash away a
night without sleep. The fleet is secure, the Sentinel saved, but
there was still the matter of how the Regulians discovered their
location. As his tired muscles start to relax he feels the caress
of small hands moving slowly down his slick back across his tensed
flanks and around to gently cup his manhood.

“Cassandra…” He groans. As her hands continue
their exploration they move up his well-defined abdomen and massive
chest, her mouth busily exploring his back. Turning in her arms her
mouth continues its quest across his chest to capture a taunt flat
nipple while her hands flow down exploring his haunches.

Any fatigue William has vanishes, his life
mate’s obvious desire erasing it. Running his hands through her
hair he tips her head back stunned by the depth of desire he finds
in her eyes. It arrows straight to his belly causing him to lift
her for a kiss that she quickly controls.

Cassandra is in flames. The feel of William
beneath her hands, the knowledge that he is unharmed has released
something within her, something basic and raw that she hadn’t
thought herself capable of. Her tongue plunges, sparing with his
before entwining around it imitating as her legs wrapping around
his waist.

William is quickly losing control as she
assaults his senses from every angle he’s soaked in the passion
she’s pouring over him. Using her hair he pulls her mouth away to
attack her neck. With a deep groan she pulls him closer.

Bracing her against the wall William angles her
back further allowing him a clear path to lick her breasts. Taking
one into his mouth he fiercely suckles, feeling her legs start to
tremble around him.

“William!” Cassandra cries out as he gives the
same attention to her other breast, trying to pull his head away.
“Please William! Please!” She begs as she feels him at her
entrance. William raises his head to find her desperate blue eyes
piercing into his. Watches them widen, flash, then lose focus as he
slowly enters her, torturing them both.


She can’t breathe as he slowly fills her. Here
is what she’s needed her entire life.
. The knowledge
causes her lose any remaining control. Her body tightens around
William’s as he sets a frantic pace.

“Cassandra!” William exclaims slapping an arm
against the wall while wrapping the other around her hips to keep
them upright, her need over taking them both. Her scream echo’s off
the shower walls as a violent orgasm racks her body triggering
William’s own release.

Minutes pass with the only sounds being heavy
breathing and running water. When Cassandra lowers her legs William
pushes off the wall letting her wet body slide down his until her
feet reach the floor. Cupping her head with his hands he watches
her eyes start to focus again, knowing the second her mind
reengages. It’s a powerful thing to know that he can make this
woman unable to think.

“That was much better timing.” He tells her
huskily. Cassandra eyes widen for a moment before she grins at

“I think I have to agree.”

Shutting off the water he reaches for the
towels, handing her one she starts to dry her hair. William in the
meantime takes it upon himself to dry her body, starting with her
shoulders working his way down. When her breathing begins to change
William looks up at her a gleam in his eye.

“William…” Is all she can manage placing a
balancing hand on his shoulder. As he continues down her leg she
feels his muscles tense under her hand.

“Cassandra? What’s this?” His tone is rigid.

“What?” Concerned at his tone she looks down to
where he is drying her right leg. “Oh that’s just my birthmark.”
She says unconcerned. Still holding her leg he looks up at her.

“You’re what?”

“Birthmark.” When he doesn’t reply she tries to
explain further. “It was there when I was born.”

“I know what a birthmark is Cassandra!” William
rising testily, she’s somewhat taken aback by his sudden change of
mood. Taking the towel from his hands she wraps it around her body,
suddenly feeling the need to cover herself.

“I don’t understand why you’re so upset about

“Why haven’t I seen it before now!” He demands
turning to get his own towel.

“I don’t know!” His attitude is starting to
irritate her it’s just a mark for God’s sake. “Maybe you haven’t
” Turning she leaves the bathroom, William follows
close behind.

“Why didn’t you
tell me

“Why would I? Did you tell me about yours?” She
picks up the trail of clothes she’d left on her way to the

“Mine?” William’s frowns puzzled.

“The one on your right forearm, that looks like
an arrow.” William looks at his right arm, at the imperial mark
he’s always carried.

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