Cassandra's Challenge (46 page)

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Authors: Michelle Eidem

Tags: #science fiction romance

BOOK: Cassandra's Challenge
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He’s taken enough hits because of her. This
wouldn’t be one of them. But she isn’t going to dress like a
Carinian. She would be true to herself, she knew what she

Getting out of bed she goes to their comm and
calls Javiera.


“Call your family. See if their willing to make
my clothes.”

“Oh they will be.”

“Javiera, you can’t tell them anything. Not

“I know I was working on that. I can tell them
it’s a rush because you’ll be leaving for Messene. That will give
them the heads up their important clothes but not for who or

“They’ll accept that?”


“Okay. Also tell them they need to be making
clothes for Victoria.”

“I will. Boy that will really drive them crazy!”
Javiera laughs. “A woman and child going to Messene. They’ll be
racking their brains on every possible Royal.”


“Don’t worry, they won’t think it’s for someone
on the Retribution.”

“You’re sure?”

“Positive. We’re coming back from the border.
There are no Royal children on a Battle Star.”

“Alright. I’m going to go through these pictures
you pulled up. See if there’s anything I like. How’s are the

“Their fine. Playing in Amina’s room.”

“Give them both a kiss goodnight for me.”

“I will. Goodnight Cassandra.



In his ready room the Admiral opens a secure
line to Admiral Carnot. He’s about to ask him to break all the


“Zafar. I need you on a secure line Ferran.”


“Are you on the bridge?”

“Ready room.”



“I need to relay some information to you Ferran.
Information High Command doesn’t know, and can’t for awhile.”

“What the fucks going on Will!”

“We have a traitor that’s giving the fleet’s
location to the Regulians.” He waits.

“And you don’t think High Command needs to know

“They know. What they don’t know is that they’re
assassination attempts.” There’s silence on the other end.

“The Sentinel―Tibullus.”


“Why aren’t you informing High Command?”

“There’s a leak.”

“What are you wanting?”

“First you have to find out if he’s still alive.
If he’s not the rest won’t matter. But if he is keep him
all lists. Get him on the Judgment with the returning wounded with
a full communications block. Once they’re enroute I’ll contact him,
fill him in. But High Command can’t be informed.”

“The King will need to be told.”

“No. If it leaks that he’s alive, what ship he’s
on, it will be attacked. I guarantee it Ferran. It’s gone too far
to be stopped.”

“You want me to lie not only to High Command but
to King Jotham!”

“No. All you have to tell them is he’s not on
any of your lists, because he won’t be. This won’t come back on you
Ferran, it’s all on me.”

“This is why you took the Retribution back. Why
not just take Tibullus with you?”

“At the time all we knew is we had a traitor.
Not that it was directed specifically at Tibullus.” William leans
back in his chair waiting for Ferran’s decision.

“If he’s alive I’ll get him on the Judgment,
keep his name off the lists. But if High Command or King Jotham
asks me point blank if he’s alive I won’t lie.”


“I’ll get back to you.” Carnot disconnects.

Now he has to wait to see if Cassandra is right.
That Tibullus is alive. Because if he isn’t and Dadrian is
responsible he isn’t sure what he’ll do.

“Zafar.” He answers his comm.

“Admiral you’re orders are to proceed to
Carina.” High Admiral Valerian tells him.

“Understood sir.”

“I’ll see you in High Command two days from

“With all due respect sir, the meeting will be
held in my ready room.”

“Is that an order Admiral?” The High Admiral’s
voice is icy.

“Security has already been established here,

“You’re questioning the security at High

“No sir, but there are more risks involved going
to High Command then High Command coming here.”

“We’ll play this your way for a little longer
Admiral. But once you arrive you will be reminded just who is in
charge!” The High Admiral disconnects.


Cassandra enters the ready room just as the High
Admiral calls, she hadn’t meant to eavesdrop, but hearing the High
Admiral’s tone pissed her off.

“Why didn’t you just tell him it’s at my
request?” William’s shoulders are stiff under her hands. Not
answering he connects to the Bridge.

“Tar, we’re to proceed to Carina.”

“Yes Admiral.” Turning in his chair he pulls her
into his arms.

“It’s my decision.”

She scans William’s eyes. She’s gotten to know
him well and can tell the High Admiral tone has rubbed him wrong

“That you made because me. He has no right to
question it.”

“Yes he does, he’s the High Admiral.”

“And if you were doing this for a real Carinian

“You are a real Carinian Queen.”

“Not until the Assembly says so.”

“Your birthmark says so.”

“You’re not answering the question.”

“Caught that did you?” Leaning down he gives his
Queen a gentle kiss.

“Still not answering.” With a deep sigh he leans
back, his Queen can be stubborn.

“No there would be no questions.”

“So he’s treating the situation, me, differently
than if I’d been born on Carina.”

“He doesn’t believe there’s a true challenge,
just that we have a traitor. He doesn’t have the information we
have. I haven’t told him.”

“To keep me safe.”


“Will you tell him?” William raises an eyebrow.
“When we arrive, will you tell him everything? Do you trust

“He’s dedicated to the Coalition. He lost his
family thirty cycles ago in a Regulian attack on Fortas, he’s never
forgotten. He wants this traitor.”

“You didn’t answer the question.” And she’s

“No. I trust that he wants to find the traitor.
He’s just not going to care who he has to sacrifice to get


“We’re not doing it his way Cassandra. We’re not
sacrificing anyone.” Pulling her back, he tucks her under his chin.
Settling in she closes her eyes, letting his strength and love
surround her.

“Tell me how the meeting’s going to go.”

“With Valerian?”

“Yes. How’s he going to approach it, approach

“What do you mean?” Absently he rubs a hand
along her birthmark, a birthmark now in full color.

“He thinks Victoria and I are expendable. Two
survivors from a planet he could care less about. He’ll use us to
find his traitor. He’ll use you. He won’t consider he’s talking to
a possible Queen of the House of Knowledge.”

“No he won’t.” His hand rests on her birthmark.
“He’s the High Admiral. People do what he tells them too. He’ll
expect no less.”

“What’s he going to tell me to do?”

“He won’t realize you know about the traitor.
He’ll think you’re only here to claim the throne.”

“Because there would be no reason for you to
tell me.”

“Normally, no.”

“What will happen when he discovers I know? That
you and I are together?” Cassandra raises her eyes to his.

“It won’t be pretty.” He caresses her cheek.

“You’ve already thought this all through.”

“Yes.” He waits for the anger.

“Do I get to know?” Her eyes don’t change.

“Now that we’re enroute to Carina I will contact
King Jotham and request quarters for your ‘House’. Once he agrees I
will then request he send security to transport you to the House of

“You think he’ll agree, with everything going on
with Tibullus.”

“Jotham will agree.”

“Valerian won’t be happy.”

“No he won’t. He’ll want you under his control,
to lure out the traitor.”

“Jerk. How should I act with him?”

“What do you mean?”

“Should I act intimidated, scared, grateful, or
all Royal and look down my nose at him?”

“Look down your nose?”

Cassandra leans back and gives him her best,
‘You are nothing. I will step on you like a bug.’ Look.

“That’s really good.” William’s truly


“You act however you want.”


“Cassandra, he has no control here, over you,
over me. You act however you want.”

“Two days.”

“Yes. I need to call Jotham get things

“I’ll be in bed.” She gives him a hard kiss.
“Don’t be too long.” Rising she leaves him.


“William! There’s news?” Jotham doesn’t worry
about formalities.

“No Jotham, I just talked to Carnot, he’s still
not on any list.” The silence on the other end is deafening.

“What did you need?” The King asks, the friend
and father gone.

“A situation has arisen while on tour. I’m
asking for security and quarters from the King of the House of

“Why.” The King’s voice reveals nothing.

“Once the Retribution arrives, the Assembly will
be called for a Challenge to the House of Knowledge.”

“Why would the Challenger to the House of
Knowledge request

“She’s not. I am.” William waits.

“You have a lot to explain.”

“Yes, but not this way.”


“We will arrive in two days, we will need it
almost immediately. High Admiral Valerian is not going to be

“He never is. I will see you when you

“Thank you Jotham.”


Waiting for William, Cassandra thinks about the
day. Everything she’s learned, everything that still needs done.
She needs to get her gown ideas to Javiera so her family can get
started. She isn’t sure when she’d need the first gown, but would
need clothes right away.

Valerian isn’t going to be a friend. He’s grudge
against Regulians will be more of a hindrance then help. Once he
realizes William is protecting her, that they are involved, he will
make sure he never commands again.

King Jotham. William’s long time friend, he’s
willing to risk that friendship for her, to keep her protected. How
is the King going to react to his friend’s life mate? What will he
do when he finds out he’s been keeping information about his son
from him? So many risks he’s taking. For her.


“What are you thinking about?” William sits on
the bed bringing Cassandra’s attention to him.


“You were lost in thought.” Tucking a piece of
hair behind her ear he rests his hand on her neck.

“Just thinking. What did King Jotham say?” She
rises up.

“We’ll have security upon our arrival. They will
escort us to our quarters in the House of Protection. What’s
bothering you?”

“He’s one of your oldest friends.”


“Is he going to treat you like Valerian, because
of me?” Concerned eyes gaze into his.

“Protecting me again?”

“You don’t deserve being treated like that.”

He should have realized she’d worry for him. He
would, if it was reversed.

“Jotham will be suspicious.” William isn’t going
to lie to her. “He’ll feel I’m acting out of character. That I’ve
let you distract me, jeopardizing my career, for a much younger

“Younger woman… What does age have to do with
it?” Cassandra’s honestly confused.

“A very beautiful, younger woman, who believes
she has a claim to the throne. Who needs protection.” With adept
fingers he unbuttons the shirt she put on to eat.

“I’m using you, because you’re Royal. He’ll
believe I’m a conniving little bitch who’s using you to get to the

“It will be his first thought, yes.” Sliding her
shirt off, his mouth gains access to bare shoulders.

“William, what are you doing?”

“Hoping you’ll use me.” As his mouth continues
its descent, she rises to her knees, pulling his head closer as he

All thought disappears as he gives his attention
to her other breast. Arching to give him more access she moans,
need pooling between her legs.

Leaning her back, his mouth abandons her breast
to work its way down her torso leaving her quivering. Sliding his
hands under her, lifting to find her most sensitive spot, he

“William!” Cassandra’s body bucks against his
mouth. But he is unrelenting. Her taste, her smell, he must have

Her body vibrates under his hands, tells him her
release is close. The knowledge drives him, he has taste it. As he
slides his tongue in her world breaks apart.

Her flavor drives him mad. Releasing himself,
William surges into her pulsating heat, filling her to near

Still lost, William’s renewed assault on her
senses has Cassandra’s body tightening around him. His kiss
stealing the little breath she had. Wrapping her limbs around him
she joins him in madness. As her body implodes she takes him with


Long minutes pass with heavy breathing the only
sound. Lifting his head William stares into the face he loves. Her
lips swollen, breathing ragged, eyes unfocused, knowing he put that
look on her face is a powerful thing.

As her eyes start to focus she brings her
fingers up touching his lips. Gently he kisses them.



“If that was me using you, I need to do it more

Grinning William rolls onto his back pulling her

“I think I can arrange that.”


The morning flies by as both the Admiral and
Cassandra are consumed with the details of their arrival on Carina.
Beyond the normal routine of bring a Battle Star home the Admiral
needs to make sure Chief Marat is prepared to protect Cassandra and

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