Cassandra's Challenge (45 page)

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Authors: Michelle Eidem

Tags: #science fiction romance

BOOK: Cassandra's Challenge
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“I’m sorry, I’ve always protected, not been

“You’ll have to get used to it.” Determined eyes
look into his. “I love you, I will protect you. I am not losing
anyone else. I am not losing you!” As her voice breaks he pulls her
into his arms.

“Shhh…You’re not going to lose me.” With a hard
kiss he pulls her close. “I’m here. I’m here Cassandra.

Her fingers dig into his jacket as she buries
her face, tears suddenly flowing.

“It’s okay baby, it’s okay.” Fighting to control
her tears she takes a deep breath, than another.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to fall apart like

“You’ve had a lot going on.”

“So have you. I didn’t mean to add to it.”

“You haven’t.” Holding her he suddenly realizes
what she’s doing.

“You’re building your House.” Why hadn’t he seen
it sooner?

“Our House.” Tilting her head up, she looks at
him. “With people
know. People
trust. People we
. Together William.”

Looking into her eyes he sees his future. In a
House they build together. Kayden was right.

“Our House.” He seals their future with a hard


Chapter 11


In the days that follow the Regulians remain in
the Relinquished Zone. Repairs are completed on the fleet and it’s
decided that The Judgment would return with the injured. The
Retribution maintains its defensive position waiting orders from
the High Admiral.

“So now we need to discuss your wardrobe.”


“Yes. Queen Yakira has sat on the throne for
nearly fifteen years, since she was eighteen.”

“When her mother died.”

“Yes. But there was a challenge from a cousin.
Normally it’s just a formality but not this time. So they went
through the entire challenge process, not just the presentation
before the Assembly.”

“Wait, what’s the difference?”

“Well if it’s just a formality, they are
presented to the Assembly, birthmarks compared and it’s over.”

“And in a full challenge?”

“Then it can be up to a two week process.”

“Two weeks?”

“Yes. It takes time to gather a Full Assembly.
While they are, there are dinners, gatherings, so members of the
Assembly can meet the candidates. Form an opinion of them. It
becomes about more than just the birthmark. At least for the House
of Knowledge.”

“They will be basically judging me.”

“Yes.” Javiera’s look is sympathetic.

“So my birthmark will be the last thing that

“Even if yours is darker then hers they can
decide to keep the current Queen if they feel she is a better

“It’s this way with all the Houses?”

“No. Those are obvious, the birthmark fills with

“They can’t argue with that?”


Cassandra looks at Javiera, her mind racing. No
one can see her birthmark. If she wants true justice for Earth she
cannot present her birthmark.

“What will I need?”

“Everything.” Javiera eyes her clothes. “A Queen
is a symbol, especially for the House of Knowledge. She must not
only be knowledgeable, she must

“Shit, you’re telling me style matters.”


“Our worlds really aren’t that different. I hate

“Is that clothes?”


“Well you’re in luck. My mother’s younger sister
and husband happen to make clothes. They can make you everything
you need.”

The look in Cassandra’s eyes makes Javiera

“Seriously. They’re good. Let me show you.” As
she shows her pictures Cassandra’s stomach starts to roll.

“Javiera. I really appreciate the thought but
I’m not sure….”


She looks at a picture of a woman with hair
piled three foot off her head, a blue face, and little else.

really look like me?”

! No. I was just showing off.”

“What is normally worn to these things?”

As Javiera shows her pictures of different
events the royals attend she starts to understand.

“They wear the colors of their House.”

“Yes.” The gowns, while different from Earth,
are still gowns.

“Your Aunt and Uncle can make something like


“Mother’s sister and husband.”


“If I show them a picture, can they make

“I would think so.”

“What much would it cost?”


“Javiera, it won’t be free. They’ll need to be

“The Admiral….” She stops as Cassandra surges to
her feet.

“How much?”

“I don’t know. It’s for a Royal.”

“I’m not a Royal yet.”

“But Cassandra….”



Entering his ready room William can hear women’s
voices. Javiera is here. The two have been planning for more than
two days. He starts to smile until he catches the tone of
Cassandra’s voice. Something is wrong.

“Hello ladies.” Entering their quarters he finds
the two by the comm center.

“Hello Admiral.” Cassandra is standing stiffly
next to Javiera.

“Hello Javiera. Are the girls with Leander?”


“Could Tori eat with you tonight?”

“That would be great. Why doesn’t she spend the

“Thank you.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow.” Leaving Javiera can’t
help but smile.

“Very smooth.”

“I thought so.” He pulls her into his arms.

“What’s wrong?”

“That’s my question. You were upset with
Javiera.” When she tries to pull away he holds her still. “Tell

“Did you know this won’t be just about comparing

“What do you mean?”

“Javiera says if there’s a serious challenge to
the throne then there’s a different set of rules.” William thinks
back to the last time the House of Knowledge was challenged.

“Yes, I guess there is.”


“You can’t be worried about that?” Looking at
her he sees she is.

“It involves dinners. Gatherings. Being judged
on how you look, dress, act.”

“It won’t matter.”

“It will.”

“Not once they see your birthmark it won’t.”
Looking at her life mate, she realizes he doesn’t understand what
she wants.

“When will they see it?”

“As soon as we arrive. No one will be able to
argue you are the Queen. You will be safe.”

“Are we back to that?”

“Cassandra,” William is honestly confused. “What
do you want?”

“Justice. True justice for seven billion
people.” Her eyes bore into his. “I want the one who murdered my
family. Who terrorized my niece, who’s responsible for the deaths
of your crew. Who allowed the Sentinel to be attacked.”

“You can have that once you’re Queen.”

“NO! I can’t order justice, any more then you
can order loyalty. It will be up to your Assembly to decide if the
people of Earth deserved to die. If the offspring of Sabah and
Kayden, Carinians’ from different Houses, can finally find justice
in the Carinian Assembly, with Carinian laws, when one of their own
order they’re deaths.”

William gazes into his life mate’s eyes, seeing
the determination, the rage. She of all people has the right to her

“It will make everything more difficult.”

“I know, especially for you.”


“I won’t be safe. Not yet. But William, I need
to know. I need to know if everything they brought to Earth. All
the good, the “light”, what they consider the best of Carina is
real, because if it’s not, then I don’t want to be here.”

“You would be willing to leave. Start over

“The only thing that matters to me here is

He’d already considered stealing her away taking
no chances. But now, understanding what she wants, unable to argue,
he can’t do it.

“What were you and Javiera arguing about.”

“Who says we were arguing?”

“I do. I know your tones. You were upset.

“There are
People judging, showing off.”

He gives her a lost man’s look. Exasperated
Cassandra looks at him.

“What are
going to wear?”

“Me? My uniform….” William suddenly replays all
the ‘dinners’ he’d been too.


“So we find you some clothes.”

“Find me?” Knowing he’s sinking William grabs
the branch that is Javiera.

“What did Javiera say?”

“That she has family that can make me

“So there you go.

“Do you really think that I would go to a dinner
that reflects on you as much as me wearing one of these
!” Cassandra gestures to the comm. Looking at it
William pales.

“That’s no who you are.”

“No, Javiera says these are bragging pics.”

“So they can make something you like.”


“So what’s the problem?” As she stares at him,
William is truly at a loss. “Cassandra, honesty whether we like it
or not.”

“This isn’t about honesty! William, these are


“Damn it! How do I pay for them!?!”

“How do you…” He pulls her to her toes. “I PAY
FOR THEM! You are
life mate! MY QUEEN.”

“William, I don’t know what these cost. I don’t
know what you make. I have nothing of value to offer.”

“Nothing of value.” William’s voice is

“Not on Carina.”

“You think that matters to me.”

“No, I don’t. I know it doesn’t. But it matters
” Framing his face she meets the deadly look in his
eye. “I told you about my mother. What I didn’t tell you was that
within six months my father sent me to boarding school, a school
far away from home.” She explains seeing his confusion. “From the
time I was ten I’ve been on my own.”

William’s eyes bore into hers.

“He loved me. I know he did, but I looked so
much like my mom that it was hard for him to see me every day. I
understand that… now. I had my own money, knew what everything
cost. Paid my own way.” Looking at him she sees he’s eyes calming.
“I’m having a hard time not being able to pay for

“And not knowing if I can.”


“Cassandra, I am an Admiral in the Coalition, a
member of the royal family, this won’t be a problem.”

“Would you tell me if it was?”

“Yes. Honesty whether we like it or not.”

“Okay.” Stretching up to kiss his lip. “I’ll
tell Javiera to call her family.”


“So, Admiral.” Her eyes sparkle into his. “It
seems it’s just the two of us tonight.
night. What do
you think we should do?” Looking into those eyes he can’t help but
be captivated.

“I plan on being very close to you. All night

“Really? Well if you must.” She sinks into the
kiss as he carries her to bed.


Later, after Hutu has collected the last meal’s
dishes, Cassandra snuggles back into William’s arms, lazily
caressing his bare chest.

“Is there any news on Tibullus?”

“No.” His voice troubled.

“What’s taking so long?”

“There’s a support crew there now.”

“You need to get him out of there. If the
Regulians find out he’s alive they’ll attack again.”

“If he’s alive.”

“He is.” William shifts to look down at her. “I
refuse to believe we were meant to figure all this out, only to
have him die.”

“If he is, I can’t just order him back.”

“Can you use me?” She pushes up from his

“Use you?”

“The Challenge. A First Son would be required to
be there, wouldn’t he?” William raises an eyebrow. “Can’t you get
him on the Judgment, without anyone knowing?” Leaning back he
considers what she’s saying.

“It might be possible. We’d need to make sure
he’s unable to communicate with anyone. We’d need to keep the
information from not only the High Admiral but King Jotham.”
William frowns at the thought of not telling his friend that his
son was alive.

“But it’s only for a little while. He’d rather
not know and have his son home alive, than know and risk him.”
Cassandra tells him knowing his concern.

“True, but it will take him time to see that.
Especially if…”

“You think its Dadrian too.” Concerned eyes met
his. “One son trying to kill another.”

“I can’t imagine what it would feel like, to
have your son betray you like that.”

“He’ll need his friend.” Rising to her knees she
gives him gentle kiss.

“I need to make some calls.” He caresses her
cheek with his knuckles.

“Go make them. We have all night.” As he walks
away in only his sleeping pants she marvels at the man.

His broad shoulders, muscled back, trim waist,
powerful hips and thighs, all perfectly proportion on his over
seven foot frame. And his front wasn’t bad either. He’s comfortable
with himself, confident in his abilities. He’s a decorated Admiral
in the Coalition of United Planets, a Royal from the House of
Protection. And he loved her. He would sacrifice for her, as he’d
already done, to make sure she was protected.

She’s asked a lot of him, not wanting to show
her birthmark when they arrive at Carina. He understood, he hadn’t
liked it, could have pressed, but he didn’t. He would allow her to
handle it her way, while making sure she was protected.

She needs to make sure she doesn’t let him

Gowns. Clothes. Shit!

She knew they made a statement. They had on
Earth. She just didn’t like all the hassle and fuss that when into
them. But William was a Royal. He might serve with women who are in
uniform 24/7 but that didn’t mean he didn’t notice what women

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