Casey's Warriors (Bondmates) (38 page)

BOOK: Casey's Warriors (Bondmates)
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Confusion filled her and her jaw went slack before she swallowed hard. “You mean I was set up?”


“But, why?”

Nast moved her hair off her face with a gentle touch. “Politics—dirty, backstabbing, fucking terrible politics. I am so sorry we allowed this to happen to you.”

Once again Casey’s generous nature rose to the surface and she held Nast’s hand. “It’s not your fault.”

“We will discuss that later. Right now we have more important things to talk about.”

Silence filled the room as Nast and Lorn watched their
, each wanting to comfort her but needing this lesson to sink in. She could not run off every time she was offended or hurt. If she’d simply trusted them enough to explain none of this would have happened. They’d been warned about Earth brides’ jealousy but even Lorn had underestimated how strong it was.

She looked from him to Nast and back again. “I’m so, so sorry. Please untie me, I won’t run. I didn’t know they were just robots.”

Shaking his head, Nast took a seat on the edge of the bed and moved until he was stretched out next to her, but far enough away so she couldn’t touch him. “What you did today was beyond foolish, Casey. You could have died because of your jealousy and lack of trust. Do you have any idea of the creatures that roam these lands at night? Not to mention our enemies who were tracking you.”

Her already large eyes grew wider. “Enemies? What enemies were tracking me?”

“That servant was not part of our household. We think the only reason you managed to escape them was that you don’t know the area or the house and took an unexpected exit through an empty portion of the servant’s quarters. There were men stationed at the two entrances nearest to our bedroom. They tried to track you, but because of your natural shielding they could not get a lock on you. You were very, very lucky.” He closed his eyes and blew out a harsh breath. “You have no idea how terrified I was that you had been kidnapped. Do you not understand, Casey? You mean everything to us, everything.”

“Oh, Nast,” she whispered. Her lower lip trembled and she nodded. “I’m sorry, I really am.”

Anger made Lorn’s words come out harsher than he intended. “Yet you so easily believed the worst of us. Your lack of faith hurt us deeply.”

“Please forgive me. I never meant to hurt you and I’m so sorry.” Her eyes swam with more tears and she rubbed her cheek against the sleeve of her gown. “You have to understand, I didn’t grow up in a place like this, with all this crazy drama.”

Lorn couldn’t help but grin. “Crazy drama?”

“Well what the hell would you call sabotaged sex robots and kidnappers? I mean really.” She huffed and jerked at her restraints. “And tying me up? I’m not going to run away, Lorn. Believe me, I’ve learned my lesson and I’m not mad at you anymore, so can you untie me now?”

With a gentle smile he cupped her cheek, his big hand enveloping half her face. “I know you are not mad at us, because I can feel it, Casey. Just as you would have been able to feel the truth of our words if you had allowed yourself to do so. We are not like your Earth men, we cannot and will not lie to you.”

Unable to resist comforting her, Lorn slid closer. The bed was big enough they could have easily fit another four people on it, and he planned to make use of that space. “Casey, I fear your jealousy. It causes you to act irrationally, to let distrust and anger rule you when I know you have a generous, kind soul. We have decided we will show you why you have nothing to be jealous of, that even if Nast and I are together it will always involve you, even if you are not touching either of us.”

“But I will not touch your husband without your permission,” Nast murmured as he stroked Casey’s soft cheek.

She gave Nast a searching look, then slowly nodded. “I want to trust you, Nast, I really do, but I don’t understand how to get over my fear of a relationship with three people ending up in disaster. I can’t wrap my mind around the idea that no one will get jealous or have their feelings hurt. Help me understand, please. Show me. I want you to touch Lorn, and if I’m being honest with myself, which I’m really trying to be, I find the idea of watching you with my husband hot.”

Lorn didn’t even try to hide the hard rush of lust that filled him at the thought of making love to Nast with their
watching. His wife had no idea what she was in for, but he couldn’t wait to show her the reason why none of them would ever feel jealous. But first they had to get her to relax and lower her shields all the way so she could fully immerse herself in the moment.

Looking up at Lorn, Nast smiled and a delicious wave of arousal came from Casey. “Let us get her comfortable.”

Together they helped Casey move up and she jerked at her restraints. “Come on, guys, untie me.”

“No,” Lorn said and rubbed his lips over the swell of her breast with the bondmark. “You have no self-control when it comes to pleasure,
, and while I love it, we get to torture you a little for scaring us.”

She huffed at them, but a smile played at the corners of her pink, kissable mouth. As if reading his mind Nast leaned over and gave her a soft, tender kiss that left her pleasure-dazed when he pulled back. Having been on the receiving end of one of Nast’s devastatingly gentle kisses Lorn could sympathize with her stunned look. Grabbing the bodice of her robe he swiftly tore it in two while Nast grabbed the sleeve of her robe and ripped it. Together they shredded her clothing from her in violent moves that had her wet and panting by the time she was naked with her robe lying in ruins around her pale body.

Lord of Life, she was beautiful.

Nast gripped his forearm and pulled them down the bed so they were just beyond her tiny feet. With a low growl he held his blood brother to him, enjoying the familiar perfection of the other man’s body. They’d been together so long they knew each other’s pleasures intimately and Lorn put that knowledge to good use, gripping the back of Nast’s neck and drawing him in for a punishing kiss. Fire streaked through their bond from Casey and he silently rejoiced she wasn’t upset about their touching.

Pleasure built hot and fierce in his blood and he slipped his hand beneath the loose band of Nast’s pants, curving his palm around the other man’s hard cock, milking some of that precum which Casey seemed to like so much. Lifting his fingers, now coated with lilac precum, Lorn held his hand to Nast and together they began to lick his fingers clean, their tongues twining and their growls blending together.

Having Casey here watching them had to be one of the most erotic acts of Lorn’s life.

“Holy shit, that’s hot,” their little bride whimpered from where she was propped up at the head of the bed. “I’m going to come from just watching you kiss.”

Satisfaction flowed through Nast, matching Lorn’s pride in pleasing their woman. And she was their woman; it was as plain as the moons in the sky, as true as his love. They were meant to be together and his wife was finally beginning to accept that. The more the men kissed the more her soul opened to Nast until it almost felt as if the other man was already bonded to them. Lorn rejoiced in the sensation of finally almost being completely linked to his blood brother like he’d yearned to be all these years.

Nast grabbed Lorn’s ass and pressed their still covered cocks together as they kissed, grinding against each other while Casey began to moan softly.

“I can feel you,” she marveled. “Both of you. Like you’re touching me.”

Pressing his lips up against Lorn’s ear, Nast whispered, “I want you to take me, then I want Casey.”

The thought of Nast moving over Casey, covering her small frame with his as he worked his cock into her had Lorn close to spilling in his pants. He pulled back with a ragged gasp, straining for control that was quickly stripped away by the sight of Casey rubbing her legs together and squeezing her lush thighs trying to ease the ache of her very wet sex.

“What a pretty pussy,” Nast murmured. “I cannot wait to get my tongue into it.”

“Please,” Casey begged as she strained against her bonds. “Eat me, lick me, make me come, Nast, please.”

“Oh, I will
, after I take care of your husband.”

Both men stiffened as Casey’s lust overwhelmed them. It was so strong Lorn had to close his bond the slightest bit before his wife took away all his control. A fine tremor ran through Nast and the need to fuck his blood brother filled Lorn with a vengeance.

“Hands and knees,” Lorn said in a voice barely above an inhuman growl.

Nast, of course, resisted and the men wrestled on the bed. Soon Lorn had Nast pinned and moved enough so Casey could watch him spit down the crack of his blood brother’s ass.

“You’re so fucking dirty,” she whispered. “I love it.”

He gave her a feral grin, flashing his fangs before planting a hand on Nast’s lower back and dipping his head down to kiss along the hard curve of the other man’s buttock. Nast arched with a low moan and Lorn quickly rewarded him by teasing the sensitive rim of his anus, pausing to wet two of his fingers before he slid them into the welcoming heat of his future husband’s body. The feeling of that tight, firm entrance clasping around his fingers was enough to have Lorn finger-fucking the other man fast and hard, eager to open his body enough to accept him.

“Take me,” Nast groaned and got onto his hands and knees, the heavy muscles of his back and shoulders flexing as he looked over at Casey.

She stared back at Nast with a dazed expression and love wove into her lust, throwing them all higher until Lorn was fumbling with the drawstring of his pants before shoving them down enough to free his aching cock. Lorn groaned with the sensation of the cool air on his oversensitive flesh, a sound quickly echoed by his wife and lover. Spreading open the crack of Nast’s ass with one hand, he spit into his other hand and smeared the lubrication over his cock. Once he was positioned at the entrance to his blood brother’s body he looked over at Casey and began to sink in.

With wide eyes she watched avidly at where the men’s bodies joined and spread her legs. The sight of her flushed, wet sex made his mouth water and Nast growled like a beast beneath him. She was so aroused her sex contracted as she unconsciously raised her hips as if she was the one receiving his cock, and in a way she was. As connected to them as she was now she was feeling an edge of the sensations filling both men. The burn of being stretched along with the hard pleasure of pushing a cock into willing, hot flesh. It was so good he had to close his eyes as he eased into his lover until their balls brushed each other.

A hard shudder worked through Nast and he whispered, “Have to close myself off. Need to last. Need to come in her.”

Lorn completely understood and while he mourned the loss of Nast’s emotions it allowed him to concentrate fully on Casey. He let out a snarl as she silently urged him to move with a jerk of her hips. All finesse left him as he drowned in their mutual need, her desires building his own until he felt almost like he was in rut, eager to fuck until he couldn’t fuck anymore. Moving with harsh thrusts of his hips he pounded into Nast, certain of his blood brother’s ability to take him. Nast responded by squeezing with his inner muscles, gripping Lorn’s shaft as tight as a fist. His heart filled with love and he opened his eyes again, looking to Casey, needing to see her pleasure.

She was watching him and wiggling on the bed, her magnificent breasts topped with hard little nipples trembling with her shaky breaths. When their eyes met her love overwhelmed him and he threw his head back, feeling overwhelmed from the pleasure blasting through him. Nast fucked him back, meeting his thrusts until the sound of their flesh slapping together mingled with the low growls spilling from them both. His climax threatened and he fought it, working to prolong this intense pleasure.

“Please, Lorn,” Casey screamed. “Please come. Oh God, I can’t stand it.”

With a roar spilling out of him he did as his wife begged, the first hard blast of his semen coinciding with a shockwave through his bond with his
, followed by the warm pleasure of her own orgasm. Her moans drove him crazy as he continued to press himself into Nast, leaning forward so he could hug the other man, to tell him without words how much he loved him, how much he loved them both. When his orgasm stilled at last he pulled gently out of his lover and gave his ass a smack before rolling off the bed on unsteady feet.

By the time he made it back with the cleansing cloth Nast had moved so he lay on his stomach at Casey’s feet, gently suckling her toes one by one while she moaned for him. Her body was flushed with arousal and she’d created a wet spot on the bed with her climax. She barely stirred as Lorn cleaned Nast before placing a gentle kiss on each of the dimples at the top of the other man’s ass.

“Nast, I can’t feel you,” she whispered in a husky voice. “Please open to me. I miss you.”

It warmed Lorn’s heart to hear his wife say that and he collapsed next to her, content and utterly drained. Soon his desire would build but first it was time for Nast to teach their woman a lesson.

“She is all yours,” he said in a low voice as he reclined back on the pillows, getting ready for what would be a visual and emotional feast fit for the Lord of Life Himself.



Chapter Eighteen



Nast nibbled on Casey’s tiny toes, loving how small and feminine they were. She’d painted them with some kind of pink polish a few shades lighter than her rose red pussy. The scent of her nectar called to him but he resisted the lure of her hot, tight sex. They needed to get a few things straight first.

He leaned over her to untie her wrists, enjoying the way she immediately wrapped herself around him and showered every inch of his skin she could reach with kisses. She was such an affectionate little female and he enjoyed that about her. He loved everything about her except her destructive jealousy. Which made the lesson he was about to impart necessary, but he’d be lying if he didn’t admit the thought of punishing his bride appealed to him.

BOOK: Casey's Warriors (Bondmates)
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