Authors: DPM Morton Walker

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Beljanski, M. “Etude de souches bactériennes résistantes a des antibiotiques. Comparaison avec des souches sensibles de mミmes eseces.”
Ann. Biol.
27:77-780, 1951.

Beljanski, M. “Etude des souches bactériennes résistantes a des antibiotiques. Comparaison avec des souches sensibles de mミmes eseces.” These de Doctorates Sciences d’Etat, Université Parisla Sorbonne, 1951, Paris, Librairie Arnette, 1952.

Beljanski, M. “Action de la cocarboxylase sur le mŽtabolisme des acides nucléiques chez
Staphylococcus aureus
sensible et résistant ˆ la streptomycine.” 2eme Congres Intern. De Biochimie, Paris, 1952. Resume des communications, 99.

Beljanski, M. “Comparaison de souches bactériennes résistantes a des antibiotiques avec des souches sensibles de mミme espece-I: Cas de la streptomycine.”
Ann. Inst. Pasteur.
83:80-101, 1952.

Beljanski, M. “Comparaison de souches bactériennes résistantes a des antibiotiques avec des souches sensibles de mミme espece-II: Cas de la pénicilline.”
Ann. Inst. Pasteur.
84:402-408, 1953.

Beljanski, M. “Comparaison de souches bactériennes résistantes a des antibiotiques avec des souches sensibles de mミme espマce-III: Cas du sulfamide-IV: Cas de l’azoture de sodium”
Ann. Inst. Pasteur.
84:756-764, 1953.

Beljanski, M. “Comparaison de souches bactériennes résistantes ˆ la streptomycine avec des souches sensibles de mミme espマce.”
C.R. Acad. Sci.
, 236: 1102-1104, 1953.

Beljanski, M. & Gurmbach, F. “Etude biochimique d’une souche de Mycobacterium tuberculosis streptomycino-sensible et d’une souche streptomycino-resistante derive de la souche sensible.”
C.R. Acad. Sci
., 236:2111-2113, 1953.

Beljanski, M. “Etude des acides nucléiques de souches bactériennes résistantes ˆ la streptomycine et de souches de mミmes espマces mais sensibles ˆ l’antibiotiques.”
Ann. Inst. Pasteur,
85:463-469, 1953.

Beljanski, M. & Guelfi, J. “Etude a l’aide du 32P de l’accumulation des acides nucléiques chez
Staphylococcus aureus et Salmonella enteritidis
resistants et sensibles ˆ la streptomycine.”
Ann. Inst. Pasteur
., 86:115-117, 1954.

Beljanski, M. “L’absence de cytochromes et de certains systマmes enzymatiques dans un noubeau mutant d’Escerichia coli streptomycino- resistant. Comparaison avec la souche sensible don’t il derive.”
C.R. Acad. Sci.
, 238:852-854, 1954.

Beljanski, M. “L’action de la ribonuclease et de la desoxyribonuclease sur l’incorporation de glycocolle radioacatif dans les proteins de lysats de
Micrococcus lysodeikticus.

Biochim Biophys. Acta
. 15:425-431, 1954.

Beljanski, M. “Isolement de mutants d’
Escherichia coli
streptomycino- resistants depourvus d’enzymes respiratoires. Action de l’hemine sur la formation de ces enzymes chez le mutant H-7.”
C.R. Acad. Sci.
, 240:374-376, 1955.

Beljanski, M. “Formation d’enzymes respiratoires chez un mutant d’
Escherichia coli
streptomycino-resistant ne manifestant pas d’activite’ respiratoire.” 3eme Congres Intern. Biochim, Bruxelles. 1955, p.98 – Resumes des communications. Latarjet, R. & Beljanski, M. “Photo-restoration in porphyrin-less mutants of
Escherichia coli.

Microbial Genetic Bulletin
, E. Witkins, 1955 Resumes.

Beljanski, M. & Beljanski, M.S. “sur la formation d’enzymes respiratoires chez un mutant d’
Escherichia coli
strepomycino-resistant et auxotrophic pour l’hemine.”
Ann. Inst. Pasteur.
, 922:396-412, 1957.

Gros, F.; Beljanski, M.; Macheboeuf, M.; Grumbach, F. “Comparaison biochimique d’une souche bacterienne sensible ˆ la streptomycine avec une souche résistante de mミme espマce.”
C.R. Acad. Sci.
230:875- 877, 1950.

Gros. F.; Beljanski, M.; Macheboeuf, M. “Mode d’action de la pénicilline chez Staphylococcus aureus inhibition d’un systマme enzymatique edtrait des bactéries.”
C.R. Acad. Sci.
231:184-186, 1950.

Gros. F.; Beljanski, M.; Macheboeuf, M. “Action de la pénicilline sur le métabolisme de la pénicilline sur le métabolisme de l’acide ribonucléique chez
Staphylococcus aureus.

Bull. Soc. Chim Biol.

Gros, F.; Beljanski, M.; Macheboeuf, M.; Grumbach, F.; Boyer, F. “Activie biologique des combinaisons streptomycine-acides gras.”
C.R. Acad. Sci.
232:764-766, 1951.

Beljanski, M. & Ochoa, S. “Protein biosynthesis by a cell-free bacterial system.”
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., Biochemistry
44:494-500, 1958.

Beljanski, M. & Ochoa, S. “Protein biosynthesis by a cell-free bacterial system.” IVeme Congres Intern. Biochim., Vienne, 1958, p. 49 – Resumes des communications.

Beljanski, M. & Ochoa, S. “Protein biosynthesis by a cell-free bacterial system II-Further studies on the amino acid incorporation enzyme.”
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci.
44:1157-1161, 1958.


Notes to Chapter 2

“Antibiotics 1928 – 2000.) Millennium Bugs. Access April 15, 2011. © 1999 Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

Ibid. Nature
, Watson, J.D. & Crick., F.H.

Watson, J.D.
The Double Helix
. (New York: Atheneum, 1968).

Starr, Barry. “DNA Mutations Cause Cancer: Cancer Runs in Families When Children Inherit a Premade Mutation | ixzz1NOARd0SK. Feb 8, 2008. May 24, 2011.

Hall, John. “Destabilization of the DNA double helix in cancer. Mirko Beljanski’s theory of carcinogenesis and anti-cancer extracts.”
Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients
, June, 2004. April 14, 2011.

Darnell, J.; Lodish, H.; Baltimore, D.
Molecular Biology
. (New York: Scientific American Books, 1998). Meselson, M. & Stahl, F.V. “The replication of DNA.” Cold Spring Harb. Symp.
Quant. Biol.
23:9-12, 1958. Mzibri, M. et al. “The Salmonella sulA-test: a new
in vitro
system to detect gerotoxins.”
Mutat. Res.
12, 369(3-4):195-208, 1996. Schmid. W. “The micronucleus test.”
Mutat. Res.
31:9-15, 1995.


Notes To Chapter 3

Hall, John. “Destabilization of the DAN double helix in cancer (get full citation from chapter 2)

Beljanski, M.
The Regulation of DNA Replication and Transcription.
(New York: EVI Liberty Corp, 2003).

Weinberg, Robert A.
One Renegade Cell: How Cancer Begins
(Science Master Series). New York: Basic Books, 1999.

Ames, B.N.; Durston, W.E.; Yamasaki, E.; Lee, F.D. “Carcinogens are mutagens: a simple test system combining liver homogenates for activation and bacteria for detection.”
Proc. Natn. Acad. Sci.
USA 70: 2281-2285 (1973).

Beljanski, M.; Nawrocki, T.; LeGoff, L. “Possible role of markers synthesized during cancer evolution: I-Markers in mammalian tissues.”
IRCS Med. Sci.
, 14: 809-810, 1979.

These (A) and (B) phenomena have been observed by other biological scientists in multiple specialties as well; Beljanski clearly names these scientists in his 1983 book, cited in note 22.

Le Goff, L. & Beljanski, M. “Cancer/anticancer dual action drugs in crown-gall tumors.” IRCS Medical Science, 7:475, 1979.

Beljanski, M.; Le Goff, L.; Beljanski, M.S. “In vitro screening of carcinogens using DNA of the His-Mutant of
Salmonella typhimurium.

Experimental Cellular Biology
, 50: 271-280, 1982.

Beljanski, M. & Le Goff, L. “Tumor promoter (TPA), DNA chain opening and unscheduled DNA synthesis.”
IRCS Medical Science
, 11: 363-364, 1983.

Saporto, Bill: “He Won His Battle with Cancer. So Why Are Millions of Americans still Losing Theirs?”
, September 15, 2008, pp. 36-43.

Doctor, K.S.; Reed, J.C., et al. “Cell deaths differ.”
Apoptosis Database
10(6):621-623, 2003. Darnell, J.; Lodish, H.; Baltimore, D.
Molecular Biology
. (New York: Scientific American Books, 1998).

Meselson, M. & Stahl, F.V. “The replication of DNA.” Cold Spring Harb. Symp.
Quant. Biol.
23:9-12, 1958.

Mzibri, M., et al. “The Salmonella sulA-test: a new
in vitro
system to detect gerotoxins.”
Mutat. Res.
12, 369(3-4):195-208, 1996.

Schmid. W. “The micronucleus test.”
Mutat. Res.
31:9-15, 1995. Ames, B.; Less, F.; Durston, W. “An improved bacterial test system for the detection and classification of mutagens and carcinogens.”
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.
USA, 70:782-786.

A Variant of the Oncotest. If this variant aspect of the Oncotest isn’t understandable, please do not worry. I have added it for the sake of sparking future research among oncologists into applying the Oncotest for its diagnostic and therapeutic effectiveness.

The principle of the Oncotest is that DNA of various origins can be selected for testing without the same limitations as in the Ames test. But Beljanski also found that the Oncotest helped to clarify the results of the Ames test.

DNA from the bacterial strains of Dr. Ames’ were labeled in two ways:
His+ non-mutant strain
and Dr. Ames’ labeled
His- mutant strain
; both could be used in order to screen molecules in the Oncotest.

The result? No carcinogens escape identification as they all test positive in the Oncotest.

In fact, if we isolate and purify DNA from the His- mutants of the
salmonella typhimurium
organism, it is possible to do a follow up to the Oncotest. Each carcinogenic agent incubated in the presence of purified
DNA-induced strand separation, stimulated DNA synthesis as efficiently as that observed with known chemical carcinogens. These observations suggest that negative results obtained in the Ames test with so many carcinogenic agents, using the bacteria
S. typhimurium
, in truth indicate a permeability barrier of bacteria. Mutant
in vitro
reactivity with carcinogens/mutagens or non-mutagens, indicate that, for detection of carcinogens, purified DNA from
mutants can be used in the Oncotest.

The perfect correlation between results obtained both in the Oncotest and this variant of the Oncotest using DNA from the bacterial mutants clearly explains to molecular biologists the mechanism of gene activation related in Mirko Beljanski’s book and in his various publications. These same results were also obtained using healthy plant cell DNA and plant tumor.


Notes To Chapter 4

“How many people die from cancer each year?” Nanomedicinecenter. com. die-from-cancer-each-year/ Feb. 1, 2010. July 20, 2011.

John Hall, Ph.D., corroborates Mme. Beljanski’s findings by pointing out that it is now common knowledge among health professionals: “many chemotherapeutic drugs are themselves potent carcinogens.” In “Destabilization of the DNA double helix in cancer: Mirko Beljanski’s theory of carcinogenesis and anti-cancer extracts” (see note in chapter 2 and 3).

A Pioneer in Biomedicine,
pg. 72.

A Pioneer in Biomedicine,
pg. 72.

Coles, L. Stephen, M.D., Ph.D.
Extraordinary Healing. How the Discoveries of Mirko Beljanski, the world’s first green molecular biologist, can protect and restore your health
. Topanga, CA: Freedom Press, 2011.

Beljanski M., et al. “Differential susceptibility of cancer and normal DNA template allows the detection of carcinogens and anticancer drugs. Third NCI-EORTC symposium of new drug therapy.” Bordet Institute, Brussels, 1981.

Molecular Biology & Biotechnology: A Comprehensive Desk Reference
, (Ed.) Robert A. Meyers, (New York City: VCH Publishing Co., 1995).

Beljanski, M., Beljanski, M.S. Three alkaloids as selective destroyers of the proliferative capacity of cancer cells.
IRCS Med. Sci
. 1984. 12: pp. 587-588.

Beljanski, M., Bourgarel, P., Beljanski, M.S. Correlation between
in vitro
DNA Synthesis, DNA Strand Separation and
in vivo
Multiplication of Cancer Cells.
Expl. Cell. Biol.
, 1981. 49: pp. 220-231.

Beljanski, M., Crochet, S., Beljanski, M.S. PB100: A Potent and Selective Inhibitor of Human BCNU Resistant Glioblastoma Cell Multiplication. Anticancer Research, 1993. 13: pp. 2301-2308.

Beljanski, M., Crochet, S. Selective inhibitor (PB-100) of human glioblastoma cell multiplication.
Journal of Neuro-Oncology
. 1994. 21: p. 62.

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