Authors: DPM Morton Walker

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Table of Contents

Title Page













Notes to Preface

Appendix A

Appendix B

About the Author



Cancer’s Cause, Cancer’s Cure: The Truth about Cancer, its Causes,

Cures, and Prevention

by Morton Walker, D.P.M.


©2012 Dr. Morton Walker. All rights reserved


No portion of this book may be reproduced mechanically, electronically, or by any other means, including photocopying, without written permission of the publisher. It is illegal to copy this book, post it to a Website, or distribute it by any other means without permission from the publisher.


ISBN: 978-1-936449-10-1


Library of Congress Control Number: 2012933207


Cover Design/Interior Layout: NZ Graphics


PCIP listing: pending


Hugo House Publishers, Ltd. Englewood, Colorado Austin, Texas (877) 700-0616 First Edition Printed in the United States of America






To Joan Bloom Walker, my beloved wife.

At age sixty-eight, Joan succumbed to inflammatory breast disease, the deadly carcinoma showing a five-year patient survival rate of just 1.5 percent. In spite of an exhaustive search and trial worldwide for natural and non-toxic therapies (fifty-two of them), the patient and her loved ones failed to reverse the cancer that eventually killed Joan on February 4, 2000.

We did not know of Dr. Mirko Beljanski’s discoveries when Joan was afflicted; however, I sincerely believe that making use of the new information presented in this text definitely would have contributed to saving her life.




o Sylvie Beljanski and Monique Beljanski, the daughter and the wife of Mirko Beljanski, Ph.D., as well as the entire CIRIS team. These two women introduced me to the
Centre d’Innovations, de Recherches et d’Informations Scientifiques (
CIRIS), a French healthcare membership organization, and then offered numerous recorded interviews about the professional life and works of their incredibly creative kin, Dr. Beljanski, the deceased scientific genius discussed here. To Michael Baybak, whom I consulted as my literary agent but who swiftly became a truly valued friend. Michael exhibited faith in eight-anda- half years of investigations I had conducted on Dr. Mirko Beljanski and turned my written conclusions into a published book. To my son Randall Scott Walker, who supported me with supplementary research on the Beljanski concept of cancer’s causation and its cure.

To holistic physician Michael B. Schachter, MD, who introduced me to Dr. Beljanski’s daughter and wife and then contributed innumerable hours—even days, to editing this book for medical and scientific accuracy. To George Gluchowski, President and copublisher of Hugo House Publishers, Ltd. who envisions this book’s information as a primary source of prolonged human health by the elimination of cancer and other degenerative diseases in our lifetime.

To copublisher Patricia Ross, Ph.D., who rearranged editorial content. Even with my having produced over ninety published books, I learned much from the editorship of Dr. Ross. It was my joy to work with Patricia, and I hope to do so again. To my significant other (SO) Sheila M. Bruck, who assisted me with copyediting this work.




he purpose of this book is to educate. The author and/or publisher do not guarantee that anyone following these techniques, suggestions, tips, ideas, or strategies will engender success. The author and/or publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to anyone with respect to any loss or damage caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly by the information contained in this book.

The information in this book is not medical advice. Seek the advice of a qualified and caring physician, naturopath, homeopath, or other certified medical specialist before embarking on any health-care regime. This book has been written and published strictly for informational purposes, and in no way should be used as a substitute for advice from your own health-care professional.

You must not consider educational material found here as a replacement for consultation with medical, osteopathic, homeopathic, dental, naturopathic, chiropractic, podiatric, acupuncture, nutritional, nursing, or other types of health-care practitioners. The facts in our text come from laboratory and/or clinical studies, scientific publications, interviews with informed health-care personnel, and interviews of patients who have experienced the herbal and dietary supplements described herein.

Unless otherwise indicated, as by footnotes or parenthetical insertions, the identities of patients cited here are true and not pseudonyms, including the individuals’ occupations, residences or locations, plus their direct quotes. The patients’ descriptions of signs and symptoms of illnesses are true and may be accessed for verification by contacting those health professionals who discuss their patients. Direct quotes of health-care practitioners are taken from tape recorded interviews or from published research papers, text books, consumer books, and/or contributed press clippings for our inclusion.

If information gleaned here raises questions about your own, a loved one’s, or an acquaintance’s health and wellness, please consult your own knowledgeable medical expert. The author works as a medical journalist and is
an expert on medical, dental, chiropractic, osteopathic, or other health care. To be clear in our advisory, the author states that he is a freelance medical journalist who depends on health-professional authorities or other medical-type experts and their patients for information.

The author gains knowledge by use of literature on the subject, one-on-one personal interviews, in-person medical/dental reportorial investigations, and the incorporation of such investigations into his finished writings.

Please take the above message as a disavowal of all responsibility by the author, consultants, publisher, editorial content contributors, cited organizations, and product suppliers for any medical device, practice, procedure, dietary program, nutritional supplement, diagnostic technique, or other information taken from this publication and acted upon by readers or other interested parties.




ancer. A disease that has stalked us, haunted us, killed our loved ones, and made us cry for mercy as we’ve emptied our pocketbooks to fight it. In the 1960s, the Nixon administration declared war on this most feared disease. I have long thought that perhaps this is the one war we can’t win even as we continue to fight against the increasingly insurmountable odds of a cure.

Collectively, we’re tired, bone tired. We have had our hopes continually hyped and then dashed by the promise of cure after cure. The medical establishment has been both sanctified and vilified because of the hundreds of thousands of research hours and multi billions of dollars spent trying to understand and fight this scourge effectively. Trillions have been wasted on failed medicines. Alternative medicine, for which I am a proponent and outspoken representative, has offered its own treatments, some effective; many abysmal failures.

Has all this time and money done anything? That’s hard to say.

Sometimes I wonder who’s at war with whom. Are we all fighting for the same cause—to finally find a way to best conquer this most dreaded of killers? Or are we fighting each other—the medical establishment clashing against alternative holistic practitioners? A villainous faction of the medical establishment has long been accused of making cancer into big business. This faction has sided with the large pharmaceutical companies and their powerful lobbies, who oftentimes and with derision are called, “Big Pharma,” and together they have had the charge leveled against them that they ultimately do not want to find a cure because that would cut off the billions in funding they both receive.

Those caught in the middle of this massive and expensive assault— the everyday person who either has to fight cancer or who has to watch a loved one succumb—witness all the posturing and politicizing and wonder why. Why must this madness continue when there’s something so precious that we’re losing, day after day, year in and year out—our lives?

Nearly ten years ago, I retired from my active participation in medical journalism. But when cancer took my wife, my mother, my sister, and my fiancé who had pledged to spend her last years with me, I knew I had to step up and not only uncover which alternatives really worked but let the world know about it.

It has taken me almost a decade to find and articulate the answer, an answer that had been in existence for many years prior to my beloved wife’s death, an answer that has been thoroughly researched and tested, not by a doctor or a big pharmaceutical research-and-development team, but by a humble scientist who had found himself caught in the cross hairs of French politics and science, a man who had worked for twenty-five years at the famed Pasteur Institute in Paris as a microbiologist, a hero genius who was relentless in discovering how cancer works at the very foundation of life, the DNA of our cells. In short, this book presents concepts, discoveries, and specific approaches to correct deadly illnesses, in particular cancer, developed from the research studies of French biochemist and molecular biologist, Mirko Beljanski, Ph.D. But that dry description belies the enormous gesture of help that this one man has offered humanity.

Dr. Beljanski, deceased since October 1998, was a Yugoslavian-born French citizen. When he was forced to leave the Pasteur Institute, he didn’t stop working. He pursued two more decades of independent research on the restoration of human homeostasis (the body’s natural push for internal stability). He didn’t want to see people die, and he knew he could do something about it.

Throughout his life, he made significant and vital breakthroughs in his search for the causes of degenerative disease and was on the verge of other equally significant findings at his death. Most important, our hero’s quest for knowledge led him to significant discoveries in the fields of cancer and viral illnesses including the reversal of signs and symptoms of cancer, AIDS, hepatitis C, and herpes. His intent was to sustain people at their normal condition of good health. His findings deserve the highest accolades anyone can give another human being.

Beljanski used fundamental science to investigate gene activation and inactivation, all manner of cell division and tissue development in both normal and abnormal states, plus the basic fundamentals of life.

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