Authors: DPM Morton Walker

Tags: #General Fiction

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“Perhaps the blood did save me, but a month later the first in a series of disabling symptoms and signs began that would last for the next four years. The transfused blood had been contaminated, the hospital later admitted.

“Because of my profuse gynecological bleeding, I had been forced to receive a lot of blood, and all of it was bad.
(Author’s note: While it is doubtful that all of the blood was bad, just a few contaminated units could have made Mme. Boquet HIV positive.
) Of course, I did not know about the blood transfusion impurities—not even for four years afterward. I never had any suspicions. Until the transfusions occurred, I had been a healthy and happy woman, very active, dynamic, a work producer, caretaker of my children, an efficient housekeeper, and a responsive wife,” continues Mme Boquet. “Afterward I went through absolute hell from my many illnesses. I suffered as a mother, in my marriage, socially, as a housewife, at my part-time job that I had to leave—I suffered in all ways!

“Following my receiving the contaminated blood, from 1984 to 1988, I experienced severe diarrhea, weight loss, urinary tract problems, and felt just plain dirty inside and out. Also I felt awash with constant fatigue—tired, worn out, fully exhausted even when getting up in the morning—a very difficult situation that devastates me even now as I think of it twenty years later,” the homemaker remembered as tears rolled down her cheeks. “I want to talk about my problems today in order to help others by supplying them with useful information that I have learned the hard way.

“By 1988, Parisians had begun to talk about HIV infection as the cause of this very deadly disease referred to as AIDS. At first I believed that HIV and AIDS had nothing to do with me, but chronic fatigue syndrome was part of the symptoms that people were discussing, and I felt devastating fatigue all of the time. It wasn’t until my mother arrived for an extended visit with my family that I consulted a homeopathic physician about the fatigue. My mother pushed me to get a medical checkup. The doctor performed all kinds of examinations on me including blood tests. He immediately suspected HIV and during the first visit, he warned me, saying ‘You are a potential HIV candidate patient.’

“But this was a relatively new disease, and the homeopath’s diagnosis was not made definitive until seven days later. I kept the bad news from my husband until after the second visit to my doctor, for I did not know how Alain would react to it.

“So at my return visit, I received the full results of the doctor’s tests, including information about the infectious organisms in my blood. I learned that I was infected with both hepatitis C and HIV. My understanding was that this was my death sentence. I kept saying over and over: ‘It’s not fair, it’s not fair! What did I do to deserve this?’

“The doctor told me, ‘Having been infected in this way for four years, it’s a miracle you are still alive.’ It was then that I lost my voice— probably from shock. I went home speechless and in a daze,” Mme. Boquet affirms. “The worst-case scenario that went through my mind was that I may have given the infection to Alain. My two small children could lose both of their parents. My whole life seemed to have fallen apart. Yet, it was my duty to tell my husband, and I did.

“Alain took me to a specialist in AIDS care who offered me conventional medical treatment for my problem—AZT. I categorically refused the drug because of how the medical establishment had abused me with
its careless methods of blood management and the resultant contamination. I declared that even if my 1984 operation had saved my life, the transfusions had taken it away again. When I verbalized my strong opinion and refused the standard AIDS treatment, this specialist surprised me by not arguing but rather offering me an alternative method of healing,” says Mme Boquet. “The physician referred me to two other French patients infected with full blown AIDS, Gerard Weidlich and a handsome young man named Mark Schreiber. I learned that the two patients were remaining comfortable and symptom-free as a result of their taking certain treatments developed by a biochemist named Dr. Mirko Beljanski.

“My AIDS specialist, an M.D., had read published scientific articles by Dr. Beljanski; he had met these two patients who confirmed that Beljanski’s literature was valid. Much later I met the same two men and had my picture taken with them. So, while he did not necessarily advise me to take them, the AIDS specialist told me of the existence of plant products developed by Dr. Beljanski,” the woman states. “Then he proceeded to find out how I might acquire them for personal use. I waited only a short time for his information. The physician telephoned back within twenty-four hours with the name, address, and phone number of Dr. Beljanski so that Alain and I went right away to meet with the scientist in his modest research laboratory in a townhouse located on the outskirts of Paris.

“Having spent at least ninety minutes with Beljanski, we felt quite at ease with this scholarly, gentle man. It was my sense that positive things could happen for me by using his nutritional molecules. He did say to us, ‘I am not a medical doctor but rather a biochemist and can’t guarantee anything. Also, my advice is that you have a number of additional laboratory tests performed by your physician.’ So I did what he asked,” Mme Boquet responded. “The tests were performed, results supplied to us, and Dr. Beljanski provided me with Pao pereira and
Ginkgo biloba
. I began taking both of these herbs as capsules at once, two of each, three times daily, amounting to twelve pills at a dosage of four in the morning, four in the afternoon, and four at night.”

The Pao botanical extract Mme. Boquet took was the same concoction cancer victims take. The
Ginkgo biloba
extract was meant to help with Mme. Boquet’s enzymes, especially her transaminases, which were deregulated by the virus. Transaminases are enzymes that when elevated indicate liver damage.

“Dr. Beljanski’s conscientiousness and his attention to my need for help inspired confidence in Alain and me. I followed his directions to the letter, and after a month I felt so much better—diarrhea stopped and much less fatigue was present. I could take care of my children and do my housework once again,” adds Francine Boquet. “I took Beljanski’s botanicals regularly over the course of many months when I realized, subtly and for the first time in years, that my cystitis and other urinary tract infections had disappeared. Since the day I started taking Dr. Beljanski’s products, I have not gotten sick again. I became much more energetic and could accomplish my daily chores.

“At first my husband refused to be tested for AIDS to avoid insulting or embarrassing me, but Dr. Beljanski insisted on such testing in his very dynamic manner. Alain finally did get the HIV blood test, and it turned out to be negative,” states Mme Boquet. “As my health improved steadily, my husband became more and more grateful. Thus, he eventually volunteered two full days a week in the Beljanski laboratory just to help out as an assistant.

“For me it was a wonderful thing that I could have found Dr. Mirko Beljanski; quite simply his botanicals are responsible for eliminating the signs, symptoms, and complications of AIDS from ruining the lives of my family and me. Out of thousands of French people who died from transfused blood contaminated with HIV in 1984, I am among those very few remaining alive whose survival comes directly from this microbiologist’s laboratory workbench,” Mme. Boquet stated emphatically. “I continue to take my capsules every day and will do so as long as I live.”

Thirty months after our above-reported interview with Mme. Francine Boquet, the woman advised me that she continued to feel in the best of health with no signs or symptoms of AIDS, and it had been twenty-two years since she had first contracted the disease. Mme. Francine Boquet had been infected with one of the two labeled viruses, HIV-1 and HIV-2, that progressively destroys human white blood cells. Note that HIV-2 is seen mostly in West Africans. Infection with the HIV-1 organism observed most frequently in Europeans and North Americans brings on the indications of AIDS plus other opportunistic diseases that result from an impaired immunity. Mme. Boquet, consequently, was additionally a victim of the opportunistic illness, hepatitis C. This type of hepatitis is the most common form of post-transfusion blood infection resulting in asymptomatic chronic liver disease, including cirrhosis. From ingesting Dr. Beljanski’s botanicals, however, when the woman got rid of the several symptomatic illnesses related to AIDS, her hepatitis condition disappeared as well. Thanks to Beljanski’s research on viral RNA, Mme. Boquet can lead a normal life and continues to do so as of the publication of this book.


More Research to be Done

Just as more research needs to be done on Beljanski’s discoveries and their effects on cancer both by themselves and coupled with conventional cancer treatments, so too does the promising effects of the Pao pereira and the
Ginkgo biloba
on HIV and other deadly viruses. These extracts need to be studied
in vitro
in vivo
, and in clinical trials. Yes, studies like these are costly, but there is already an enormous amount of money being spent on viral diseases.

In 2009, the latest year for AIDS statistics I was able to acquire, an estimated thirty-three million people had AIDS with 1.8 million people dying from the disease. Cancer claims about seven and a half million people a year, and while cancer is far more deadly, AIDS is just as frightening a disease. According to conventional wisdom, it resists a cure. According to some sources, no less than $7.7 billion was spent on the experiments for AIDS in 2009, including research and treatment.

As a comparison, the National Cancer Institute reported that $4.6 billion was spent annually on cancer research alone in 2009.
Doesn’t it make sense to spend some of that money on substances that have already shown themselves to be effective against cancer and AIDs jointly, both clinically and anecdotally as evidenced by the thousands of people who have used them for purposes of living normal lives?

Don’t we all, especially those we love who suffer, deserve that?



Cancer Prevention


p to this point, I have discussed the early detection and possible cure of life-threatening illness through applications of microbiological discoveries directly related to the living cell. But this presentation on cancer’s causes and possible cures would be flawed if I did not address one of the most important aspects of any illness and its source of pathology:
. Prevention of cancer, as with any illness deadly or not, has even greater significance than its treatment, for if you can prevent something from happening in the first place, you’re well ahead of the game.

When living cells malfunction, disease begins to manifest itself in the body’s tissues, organs, and/or other body parts. A state of healing becomes mandatory. Your body reacts and often is capable of healing itself unless the malfunctions overwhelm what the body can physically accomplish. If the immune system is weak, the body cannot fight infection.

If a tissue is over-exposed to poisons or environmental toxins, too many cells suffer from DNA destabilization; the cells replicate out of control and cancer results.

Prevention is really nothing more than strengthening one’s body and mind so that its own natural defenses can work to heal. And while the possibilities of integrative treatments for those who already have cancer are promising, self-application of Dr. Mirko Beljanski’s botanicals may be most effective in the area of prevention.

However, no method of disease prevention contains a magic bullet. You cannot just take a pill and believe all is well, that you’ll never get sick. It takes a more concerted effort at staying healthy, and you’ll need to follow a series of prevention steps to achieve total health.


Prevention Step One: Avoidance

If cancer is caused by carcinogens, and carcinogens are made up of environmental toxins and poisons, it makes logical sense that we must avoid those environmental carcinogens as much as we possibly can. In chapter 3, I offered you a very brief list of known carcinogens. There are thousands more, but instead of getting overwhelmed about their avoidance, just be smart about your personal prevention procedures.

The following address what I believe to be the most important impediments against illness. I am sure there are more, but one must start somewhere:



Carcinogens generally are man-made, which means that they are chemicals. If you’ve ever looked at the ingredients on a bag of Cheetos, Twinkies, or any other kind of junk food, you know that it’s made up of a laundry list of unpronounceable chemicals. Those dyes and food additives on the label are non-nutrients and, while they have been deemed “safe” by the Food and Drug Administration, they may not be safe at all. Realize that a lot of politicking goes on behind the scenes at the Food and Drug Administration. Until Dr. Mirko Beljanski’s Oncotest becomes mainstream, and thus an easy and inexpensive way to test for carcinogens is available to us, it is much better to avoid the ingestion of all those chemicals. How do you do that? Read those labels. Get educated and keep your consumption of processed food (food that has chemical additives—preservatives, binders, color enhancers, flavor enhancers, stabilizers, emulsifiers, etc.) to a minimum or avoid them altogether.

There is nothing wrong with eating meat, but meat that has been filled with growth hormones is something to avoid. I recommend eating meat that is either organic or labeled “natural” which means that a farmer’s cows, pigs, and poultry are not fed antibiotics or hormones, and their meats are unprocessed (unlike hot dogs) with preservatives.

It’s illegal to feed poultry growth hormones in the U.S., but organic chicken is far better for you because it’s not laden with antibiotics— and it tastes better too!

The growth hormone rBGH in milk has been shown to cause cancer. Knowing what we do about excessive hormones and DNA destabilization, it makes sense to avoid rBGH in all your dairy, including cheese. Buy dairy foods that do not have rBGH.

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