Brie Masters Love in Submission: Submissive in Love (41 page)

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Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Romance, #Anthology, #Brie, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Erotic

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rie had been anticipating the Initiation ever since Mary mentioned it. The idea of every Dom participating in the ceremony completely blew her mind.

Initiation was a huge deal for the community. Instead of having a communal dinner, the group gathered for breakfast, knowing that the evening would be taken up by the event. Every person there seemed energized, eager to bring two new members into the fold.

Faelan had explained to Brie that the community was in charge of culling the applicants to a select few, but it was up to Master Gannon to make the final decision. It meant no one knew who was going to walk through the gate to join their extended family except Gannon.

Brie wasn’t allowed to participate in the preparations, but the moment the room was ready, Mary dragged her in to see it. When Brie stepped into the main room, she had to stop for a moment to take it all in. The huge room had been completely transformed.

In the center was a four-poster bed. It was opulent, with carved wooden posts and gossamer material flowing from the top of each post in a canopy of white. The bed itself was covered in a virginal white coverlet with a variety of uniquely shaped pillows to aid in various sexual positions.

To the right were several tables covered in different tools, running the gamut of BDSM play. On the left were common pieces of kinky furniture, including a tantra chair, a spanking bench, and an iron cage.

Just behind the bed sat an impressive throne, intricately carved, with upholstery of rich red velvet. Mary led her over and told her to stand beside it. “This way we get to see all the action up close. If you want a good spot, you have to come early or you’ll end up standing in the back and missing all the good stuff.”

“Is there anything I’m expected to do?”

“You’re only here to observe. That means no talking, and if you must leave, you’ll need to go through the back.” She pointed in the direction of the kitchen. “It’s common for couples to leave for a temporary break throughout the ceremony.”

“I bet it is.”

“Actually, it’s expected and encouraged, but not for poor Brianna Bennett. She gets to stand here through the whole ceremony and burst into flames, a victim of spontaneous human combustion.”

Brie hit Mary’s arm. “That’s the part I am
looking forward to. So how long does an Initiation take?”

“Hours and hours…”

“Oh, great.”

Mary opened the large purse she was carrying. “That’s why I brought plenty of water and,” she pulled out a small hand towel, “something for you.”

Brie laughed. “Thanks for thinking of me.”

“No problem. Feel free to wipe your snatch whenever you feel the need.”

Brie stuffed the towel back in Mary’s bag when she saw Faelan approaching through the gathering crowd. “I’m sure I’ll be fine.”

But Blonde Nemesis wasn’t letting her go that easily. “No really, if you want you can stand on the towel. That way you won’t get the floor all messy, little Miss Moist-a-Lot.”

Brie elbowed Mary. “You suck.”

“Better than you…”

Brie didn’t miss Faelan’s amused snort, and she protested, “I’m positive Sir would disagree.”

“Oh, really?” Mary laughed. “Why don’t we ask him? He certainly seemed to enjoy my lips during training.”

Brie had never forgotten being forced to watch Mary go down on Sir when she’d had the DP session with Master Coen, but Brie pretended she didn’t care and answered lightly, “Obviously Sir preferred my lips, and that’s why I’m collared.”

Mary raised her eyebrows. “You wear that thing as if it’s something to be proud of.”

Brie fingered her collar and smiled knowingly. “Jealous…”

Mary hit Faelan in the shoulder. “I told you she was an idiot.”

“It’s not our place to judge,” he replied, standing behind Mary and putting his hands on her shoulders. Mary rolled her eyes in irritation.

“I saw that,” he stated. “Should I make you do a set of twenty?”

Mary shook her head.

“Fine. Apologize for rolling your eyes and disrespecting your friend.”

Mary’s jaw fell open.

“Drop or speak, it’s your choice.”

Mary sighed in frustration, but complied. “I’m sorry for rolling my eyes, although I have no idea how you saw it, and—”

Everyone suddenly became silent around them as the crowd turned to face the large doors. Brie followed their gaze and watched as the new couple entered the room.

“That’s the initiate,” Mary whispered with reverence.

Brie watched the curvaceous woman in a bright crimson dress walk into the room escorted by her Dom, who was dressed in a black tux. She murmured, “I didn’t expect it would be so formal.”

Faelan whispered, “This is their chance to impress us.”

Brie looked at the woman again, with her perfect hair, perfect red lips and those ample breasts spilling out of her tight bodice.

I’m impressed.

The Dom led his submissive to the large bed and pulled her head back roughly, kissing her on the forehead before picking her up. He lay her on the bed and began tying her to the posts using quick, skillful knots.

It looked to Brie as if the initiate were being presented as a sacrifice. She could feel the excitement in the room rise, every eye on the couple.

Once the submissive was secure, her Dom turned to the group. Brie breathed in sharply and felt Mary stiffen beside her. The man was older, with sharp features and cold, hard eyes. His intimidating confidence gave Brie chills.

He announced to the assembly in a gruff voice, “I am Razor. This is my submissive, null. I give her to you tonight as a sign of my trust, and her willingness to please.”

Brie did not care for the pet name of Razor’s submissive, but understood its meaning. The submissive was nothing, and Brie suspected the Dominant was null’s chosen instrument of pain.

Brie couldn’t help shuddering as he approached, and lowered her eyes when he glanced in her direction before sitting down. She suddenly wished Mary hadn’t insisted on standing so close to the throne. The fierceness of his confidence rolled off the man in waves, making it hard for her to concentrate. She noticed that Mary was equally affected, and was not surprised when Faelan instinctively wrapped his arms around his woman.

The dramatic sound of a large drum announced the beginning of the ceremony. It gave a welcome solemnness to the occasion. When it stopped, all eyes turned to their leader.

Master Gannon spoke to the community in a somber voice. “We accept the gift of your submissive tonight, Razor. We promise to instruct her well in the practice of self-denial.”

Razor replied, “May she prove worthy of your attention.”

Master Gannon removed his shirt before picking up a cane. “I am Master Gannon, null. I am the leader of this commune. Tonight you will be challenged by each of the Dominants, but you retain the right to stop an activity with the safeword ‘red’. What is your safeword?”

“Red, Master Gannon.”

“Very good. Then let us begin. You are not allowed to orgasm, null. Disobedience in this area will be met with immediate and severe punishment. Do you understand?”

Brie was close enough to see the bound sub’s chest rising and falling rapidly, but she nodded as she answered, “I will obey, Master Gannon.”

He snorted. “I
make you come.”

Mary let out a sigh beside Brie, and whispered, “Yes, he will…”

Master Gannon placed the cane in null’s mouth. “Hold this until I punish you.”

He went to the table and picked up two clover nipple clamps. Brie knew they were the most painful kind of clamps. He also grabbed some weights, tossing them in his hand as he approached.

“I heard you like these.”

The sub nodded lustfully.

He knelt on the bed and unbuttoned her bodice, pulling the material down to expose her large breasts. He massaged and teased them before he attached the first clamp to her nipple. The girl remained silent, giving no indication of the intense pressure the tool provided. He bent down and sucked on her other nipple before attaching the second clamp.

Master Gannon then undid the bindings and had her stand up for him, the cane still in her mouth. He tied her wrists together and bound them above her head to one of the foot posts of the canopy bed. He smiled seductively as he added weights to each clamp.

Null whimpered softly in response.

“Now that I have you primed, I am going to make you orgasm.”

He knelt down on one knee and pulled off her panties, having her step out of them. He took the bottom hem of her dress and tucked it inside her open bodice to expose her shaved pussy to the community.

“Open those pretty legs,” he commanded.

Null obeyed, spreading her legs apart as she balanced in her high heels. Master Gannon looked up at her and said forcefully, “Do

Mary nudged Brie, the smile on her face letting Brie know the girl was about to disobey that direct order.

The voluptuous sub moaned when Master Gannon began playing with her pussy. When he had enough natural lubricant covering his fingers, he forced three inside and began pumping inside her in an almost violent manner. The aggressiveness of his hand quickly produced wet sounds as her body unwillingly gave in to the stimulation. Null threw her head back and let out a low cry that quickly increased in pitch. She groaned against the cane in her mouth as her sex pulsated and a huge gush of watery fluid escaped from her slick pussy.

Master Gannon stood up and walked over to the table, casually wiping his hand on a towel as he stared at her. She stood there squirming under his forceful gaze when he approached.


She parted her lips and the cane fell into his hand.

As he pulled off the nipple clamps, Brie saw null grimace in pain but she made no sound. Then he untied her wrists and asked, “What did I tell you?”

“That I would be punished if I came.”

“Bend over the bed so that you are facing your Master. Lift your skirt and take your punishment.”

Null looked at Razor briefly and then quickly lowered her eyes. He wore a slight smirk on his lips as she bent over and lifted her skirt for Master Gannon.

The commune leader stood behind her, the cane cocked and ready. Gannon rubbed the soft swell of her ass appreciatively as he explained, “I will be quick and thorough.” With that, he whipped the cane repeatedly across her ass. Null whimpered and squirmed, only crying out twice. Afterwards, he caressed the welts he had left before commanding her to stand.

Master Gannon cupped her chin and kissed her on the lips, telling null, “See that you learn your lesson well tonight.”

He walked over to take a place in the crowd, while another Dom took his place with null. This man was dressed in black jeans and a dark shirt with a breast pocket, the sleeves of which had been rolled up to show off his tattoos. Although Brie had not met him personally, she’d been told he was the resident blacksmith. He certainly fit the part, with his large arms and rough five o’clock shadow.

He approached the sub with a serious expression that let her know he was not one to be trifled with. “You will call me Wayland. You are not allowed to orgasm. Disobedience will result in immediate and severe punishment. Do you understand, null?”

She nodded, but her voice wasn’t as certain as it had been the first time when she answered, “I will obey, Wayland.”

He pulled at her bodice to more fully expose her breasts to the crowd before ordering, “Move over to the spanking bench.”

She shuddered, her ass already red and painful from her first punishment, but dutifully walked over to the bench.

“Mount it and bare your ass to me.”

Null climbed onto the furniture and pulled up her dress, showing off the marks left by the cane.

“I like my submissives to feel helpless. I want them to know there is nothing to stop me from taking my pleasure.” Wayland went to the table and returned with an anal hook. He smiled as he held it up to her. “I made this one myself. I was told you are familiar with the tool.”

Null answered, “I am, Wayland.”

“Good.” He coated the metal tool with a liquid lubricant and stood beside her, separating her ass cheeks with his other hand. “I made the end extra-large. Do you think you can take it?”

She looked behind her at the round ball at the end of the large hook—the part that was to go inside her—and nodded.

“Let’s see if you’re right. You may want to bear down for this one.” He used his strong arm muscles to slowly force the large metal ball inside her ass. Null took it, purring as the huge ball finally slipped inside.

“You do like these, don’t you?” Wayland complimented. He twisted up her hair into a long rope with his hand and secured it with a leather strip. He tied the rope of her hair to the anal hook and tightened it so she had to keep her head back in the stretched position.

Wayland took out a cigar from his breast pocket and lit it, breathing in the smoke and slowly exhaling as he watched her strain in her bonds. He stared at her amorously for several moments before moving to her head and squatting so his lips were level with hers, just inches from her face. “Breathe in,” he commanded.

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