Brie Masters Love in Submission: Submissive in Love (40 page)

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Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Romance, #Anthology, #Brie, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Erotic

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Arial winked. “Oh, I remember the first time I experienced an intimate burn. Holy crap, that was intense!”

“Stop with all the jibber-jabber,” Mary griped. “The men are waiting for us.”

Brie hadn’t seen Mary so anxious or excited before. She hoped the scene would live up to Mary’s expectations and not end up being a painful disappointment recorded on film. Mr. Gallant had warned them during training that there were some fantasies that might seem erotic, but were really train-wrecks waiting to happen—and Mary was famous for her train-wrecks. Brie dreaded witnessing another one.

Mary’s three Doms were eating breakfast at a table on the patio. Brie instantly recognized two of them. Rajah, one of the Gatekeepers she’d met on her first day, and the cowboy, Marcus, who had partaken of Mary’s lips. The third man was a lean, dark African. The three men stood up as they approached, and for the first time since she’d been there, all three Doms acknowledged Brie by looking her directly in the eye. She instinctively wanted to lower hers, but realized that she needed to behave like a film director, not a sub. Brie met their gazes and smiled as she shook each of their hands.

“Thank you for allowing me to film you today, Rajah, Marcus and…”

The third Dom took her hand in both of his and nodded formally. “I am Kamau.”

She bowed instinctively—she couldn’t help herself. “Thank you, as well, Kamau.”

The entire party sat down, with Mary placing herself in between two of the Doms, looking mighty pleased with herself.

Rajah took Mary’s hand and turned it so her wrist was exposed. He lowered his head and bit down on it lightly as he stared at Brie with those mischievous green eyes. “We appreciate that our efforts will be recorded today. Not many women have the fortitude to attempt such a challenge.”

“I can’t wait,” Mary said, her eyes flashing with lust and excitement.

Marcus asked Brie, “Will you be filming several different angles for us?”

“I plan to film three. Two stationary cameras will capture all the action, one from underneath while the other will focus on Mary’s face to capture her reaction to your multiple attentions. I’ll film the action as well, using a wider angle.”

“Good,” Kamau stated. “I want to see her expression when I fuck her in the ass with two cocks already buried inside her pussy.”

Brie’s stomach fluttered at the thought, but she remained professional as she explained, “The most important shot is capturing that moment when the head of your shaft breaches her entrance for the first time. Once I have that shot I will pull back to film the three of you thrusting into her.” Brie’s pussy responded just talking about the scene about to take place, and she felt a blush creep over her cheeks. “I also want to capture your individual facial expressions.”

The three men looked at each other and nodded. Marcus spoke for them. “That’s acceptable to us, Miss Bennett.”

“Excellent.” She turned to Mary. “Does that sound good to you?”

“Enough talk, already. I just want to get started, damn it.”

Brie noticed that Mary hadn’t eaten anything for breakfast, and assumed she was on a twenty-four hour fast to prepare herself for this three-cock invasion. While Brie liked the men well enough, there was no way she would ever have agreed to taking them all at once. However, she had a perverted sense of curiosity, wanting to know whether Mary would be able to handle them all.

The men finished their light meal, taking their time, knowing it was thoroughly testing Mary’s patience. It was obvious to Brie that they enjoyed the power play.

To Mary’s credit, she didn’t hound the Doms to rush, but she kept glaring at Brie as if she were to blame.

Faelan came up before they were done and shook the hands of all three men before pulling up a chair to join them. “Is she chomping at the bit?”

Mary sat there silently while the men laughed.

“Foolish question, I know. This girl of mine hasn’t talked about anything else for the past week.”

“Do you plan to watch?” Brie asked him.

Faelan smiled, shaking his head. “No, this little stunt is between Mary and these fine gentlemen. However, I do plan to watch the video.”

Brie wondered what Faelan was thinking. Was he really as okay with this scene as he appeared?

“It’s something all of us have been looking forward to,” Marcus said, touching the brim of his hat and nodding toward Mary.

The sexual tension between the group was palpable, and Brie found herself squirming in her seat because of it. It did not go unnoticed by Faelan, but he just winked at Brie. “Well, I will leave you all to your little experiment.” He slapped Kamau on the back. “Be gentle with her—I want my girl back in one piece when you’re done.”

Faelan walked over to Mary, who stood up to receive his kiss. “Don’t push yourself too far. You’re more important than this little fantasy of yours.” His eyes glinted with that wild look Brie had seen before as he ran his hand down Mary’s front and cupped her pussy. “I consider this
property. Do not harm it.”

Mary purred in pleasure.

Faelan gave her one last kiss before leaving the group to help round up the horses. Marcus was the first to stand and he offered Mary his hand. “Let’s find out how much you can take, darlin’.”

Brie ran to get her equipment and followed the foursome into the woods. Her heart was racing by the time they made it to Gang-Bang Altar. She felt almost as excited as Mary about the kinky scene about to take place.

As Brie set up the equipment, she found herself amazed that the rock truly looked as if it had been created with naughty sex in mind, with natural divots in the rock acting as hand-and-foot-holds to support different positions. She asked Mary to lie on the rock so she could get the right angle for both her stationary cameras. Once all her reflectors were set and adjusted, she announced to the group, “You can start any time. I won’t speak, and will do my best to stay out of your way.”

“Good,” Mary said. “As far as I’m concerned, you don’t exist.” She ran her hands over the chests of all three men before taking the standing position of a sub ready to be commanded.

Marcus looked at Brie and tipped his hat, signifying that she was to begin filming. Brie trembled slightly when she hit
, focusing the camera on Mary. The three men removed their shirts before descending on her like hungry but well-mannered wolves—each one taking turns pulling at her clothing, sucking exposed parts and running their hands over her shapely body.

They circled Mary like predators as they played, all three men teasing her with their sexual caresses and forceful kisses. Brie moved slowly with them, catching the rawness of their lust and Mary’s shameless enjoyment of it.

Mary moaned loudly while they played, inviting them to use her roughly. Brie noticed a change in their dynamic as the three men fed off each other’s rising need for her. The air became more sexually charged as time went on.

Kamau was the first to strike, pulling Mary to him and ripping the last remnants of her panties away. He thrust his dark fingers inside her as he kissed her passionately. The other two watched as he finger-fucked her, forcing her first orgasm.

Kamau let go of her and Mary stumbled, struggling to remain on her feet. Marcus swooped in and picked her up, laying her on the rock and removing her remaining clothing. He stood back to admire her naked body. “Are you prepared to be ravished by three men, darlin’?”

She growled seductively and nodded.

Marcus pulled her arms above her head and began sucking on her breasts, before leaving a trail of kisses from her stomach down to the feminine swell of her mound. Marcus was more gentle than Kamau, but no less aggressive in his enjoyment of her. Mary squirmed and moaned, her passionate cry echoing in the woods when he induced a second orgasm with his tongue.

Rajah was the last to play with her. He took her left wrist and lifted her arm, nibbling and biting down the length of it. Mary squealed when his teeth landed on her nipple. He chuckled, leaving a new trail of bite marks from her breast to her hip bone. By then, Mary was visibly trembling with desire.

He lifted her from the altar and told her to stand, being careful not to knock over the camera as he took off his clothes and lay down on it, motioning Mary to him. “Wet my
with that needy
he growled huskily.

Mary used the natural divots in the rock to climb back up and straddle him. She coated his shaft with her eagerness, grinding shamelessly against his cock. He aided her by grabbing her ass cheeks with both hands and sliding Mary’s dripping pussy up and down on his rigid shaft.

Meanwhile, the other two men undressed themselves and started stroking their cocks in anticipation. After Brie caught them on film, she focused back on Mary, certain the first penetration was close at hand.

Rajah held his cock in position as Mary slowly descended onto it. She groaned with pleasure when his lengthy shaft slipped inside. He gripped her ass, forcing her up and down on his stiff rod, then held her still, commanding her to grind harder. “Do not stop until you come.”

Mary was in control of the speed of his cock rubbing against her mound, but Brie knew the pressure he was placing on her clit was making it far more intense. Mary braced herself and started grinding hard and fast. Rajah lifted his head and bit her neck.

Mary moaned passionately, “Ooh…ooh…OOH!”

Wetness covered his balls, announcing her third orgasm to the world. Brie pulled the shot back as Marcus moved into position between her legs.

Mary’s pussy was glistening and swollen, making it slippery and ready for Marcus’ unnatural invasion. “You’re going to take all of me, darlin’.” He held on to his shaft and began pressing against her full cunt. He rocked his cock against her, pressing even harder. Brie held her breath, wondering what it must feel like and if it was similar to taking Boa’s massive shaft.

“Harder; I need it harder,” Mary begged.

Marcus’ shaft slowly stretched and then breached her resistant hole. She moaned loudly as he pushed in deeper. The two men coordinated their thrusts, pushing into her as one unit. Rajah grabbed her hips as support as he thrust deeper.

Mary began crying loudly, “Fuck yeah! Oh, fuck yeah…”

Kamau was the last, but before he mounted her, he asked, “How does it feel?”

She panted. “God…it’s amazing… Feels like…I’m being ripped in two…but I fucking love it!”

“Are you ready for a third?”

She tilted her head back and offered him her lips as the other two continued to fuck her overstretched pussy with rhythmic thrusts. Kamau traced her lips with his tongue before kissing her deeply.

“And now I am going to make your fantasy complete.” Kamau launched himself onto the rock with the grace of a gazelle. His was the hardest position, because he had to straddle Mary without getting in the way of Marcus, but this man was incredibly limber.

He got into position, stroking his lubricant-covered cock. It was deliciously dark, with a round head and long, thin shaft. Brie felt tingles course through her as he pressed the head of it against Mary’s bright pink rosette.

Marcus directed Kamau verbally to ensure he got the proper angle. “Lower. Right there, you got it, you got it…”

Brie gasped softly when she saw his dark shaft slowly slip into Mary’s tight ass.

Rajah groaned as he gripped Mary’s buttocks. She tilted her head back and cried, “Oh, yes! Oh, my God, yes!”

Kamau grabbed her hair, using her to brace himself for better control. “Can you take more?”

“Fuck, yeah…”

He tried to push deeper into her, but her body resisted and he made no progress. It took the coordination of all three men to get his shaft to sink in farther. The excitement of the group was tangible.

Marcus grasped Mary’s thighs. “You look sweet all filled up, darlin’, but now we’re going to make you scream.”

“Do it, do it,” Mary begged.

Brie had stopped breathing at this point, her heart pounding in her chest as the three men started thrusting into Mary.

Mary let out a low, primal moan that sounded more animal than human. The three men continued fucking her, their grunts of satisfaction and effort echoing in the woods as they worked together to ensure the deepest penetration. Brie watched in fascination as Mary’s body accepted the onslaught, her ass muscles clutching onto Kamau’s dark shaft, seeming unwilling to let it go whenever he pulled back.

Soon the woods filled with Mary’s screams.

The men slowed their strokes, and Rajah kissed Mary. “So sexy…” he murmured. Her whole body relaxed as she started to fly, allowing them to take her even more deeply.

Kamau came first. Lifting his head, he let out a warrior’s cry as he orgasmed. He pulled out his dark shaft, a gush of white liquid dripping from her stretched ass. Marcus pulled out and commanded Mary to play with his balls as he squeezed her buttocks together and fucked the valley of her ass. Her perfectly manicured nails grasped his balls as he let loose, his essence covering her entire back.

Rajah now had free access to her pussy and grabbed her buttocks with both hands, pumping her hard as he came. His guttural cries affected Brie, causing her clit to throb against her jewelry.

The two other men helped Mary off Rajah and lay her on the altar. They caressed her skin, giving her light kisses as they praised her accomplishment. She was unable to speak, but Brie could see the smile on her face from where she stood. She zoomed in, knowing Mary probably wouldn’t remember this part of the scene.

The care and respect shown to her by the three men was touching, and demonstrated to Brie how much the community at the Sanctuary cared for one another. She stopped filming and quietly put her equipment away, not wanting to disturb Mary’s aftercare.

Marcus tipped his hat to her as she left. She smiled and nodded, knowing that she would once again become a ghost to him now that the scene was over. She accepted her fate, grateful for this glimpse into their intimate world.

The Initiation

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