Breakaway - A Contemporary Romance Drama Story (25 page)

BOOK: Breakaway - A Contemporary Romance Drama Story
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"Then I wish you and Nathan nothing but happiness," Jill said. "I mean that, Kate. After everything, you've been through you deserve to be happy. Just answer one question. Do you love him?"


Kate smiled shyly. "Yes."


"Grace is taking care of Gaby," Nathan said, returning to the kitchen. "The little angel needed her diaper changed."


"Now that you're back I have something to tell you and Kate," Jill said to Nathan. "I was at the hospital a little while ago, Matt had a checkup appointment, and I heard Martin Lewis was there. He had a heart attack."


Kate's eyes grew wide. "I just saw him this morning. He seemed fine to me."


"Well, obviously he wasn't fine," Nathan mumbled.


"I over heard two nurses talking," Jill said. "From what I could make out it's not looking good for him."


"Edward did move back to help Martin run the company," Kate said. "Maybe Martin has been in poor health for a while, and Edward's death was more than his heart could take. It didn't help that I stormed into his home and verbally attacked him."


"You didn't verbally attack him." Nathan glanced at his sister. "Katie went to see him this morning. She wanted to know why he chose her to be the mother of his grandson."


"What did he say?" Jill asked.


"He told her it was because she was a Miller, and because of her bloodline."


"What's going to happen to Martin's company if he dies?" Jill inquired. "Edward isn't around to take over."


Kate shrugged. "It will probably go to Mrs. Lewis, or Martin's brothers. He has three brothers. I do know Edward's estate automatically went to Martin. If Martin dies, it will go to his family."


"What about Gaby?" Jill said. "I know Edward didn't claim her as his own, but she has a right to his estate. She was his only child."


"It would take a long drawn out court battle," Kate said. "I don't have any money to fight, and I won't ask dad to help me. Besides, I don't want Gaby to have anything that belonged to him. I'm sorry if I'm being selfish, but it's how I feel."


"You're not being selfish," Jill said. "I understand where you're coming from." She checked her watch. "I need to go. I have to pick Matt up from the flower shop. You two enjoy your lunch and I'll talk to you later."


"I'm glad you stopped by," Kate said.


"Me too." Jill bent down and kissed Nathan on the cheek. "Take care of her," she whispered in his ear.


"I will," Nathan promised.


Kate turned to Nathan after Jill left. "Do you think I'm being selfish by not fighting for Gaby to have Edward's belongings?"


"No," Nathan said. "You're not selfish, Katie. Gaby doesn't need Edward's things for her to have a healthy, happy life. She just needs your love and guidance. You're a wonderful mother, Katie. Don't ever doubt that."














Chapter 21


Kate was getting ready for her date with Nathan, Friday evening, when Clara, who had moved in the day before, entered the bedroom. She was holding Gaby in her arms. Kate smiled, put down her hairbrush, and crossed the room. Taking the baby from the older woman, she said, " "I can't tell you how good it is to have you here, Clara."


"It's good to be here," Clara told her. "I've only been here for a day and it all ready feels like home. Your father is a wonderful man."


"Yes, he is," Kate agreed. She smiled down at Gaby. "You be a good girl for Clara." She lowered her head and brushed her lips across the baby's forehead. "Mommy loves you, sweetheart."


"Let me take her," Clara said. "Dr. Holden will be here any minute."


Kate placed Gaby in Clara's arms. "I should finish getting ready. Nathan is always on time. I don't want to keep him waiting."


"What do you have planned?"


"We're going to the movie's," Kate answered, moving toward the closet. She opened the door, bent down and picked up her sandals off the floor. "Thank you for bringing me the rest of my belongings. I wasn't looking forward to going back into that house to get them."


"You're welcome," Clara said. "I must say with Mr. Lewis gone the house didn't seem so- so-"


"Cold," Kate guessed. "I always thought that house had a cold, evil feeling to it, but then anyplace where Edward and William lived would feel like that. They exuded evil."


Clara snorted. "I'm surprised, they didn't have horns and a long pointed tail."


Grinning, Kate sat down on the edge of the bed. "Now that Edward is gone what is William going to do?" she asked, slipping on her sandals.


"He's moving to California to live with his son and daughter in law," Clara said. "Good riddance to bad rubbish that's what I always say. I'm going to go put Gaby in her crib. I only brought her in here so you could say good bye."


"Thank you," Kate said as she stood. She checked her watch, grabbed her purse and headed downstairs.


"So, what movie are we seeing?" Nathan asked in the car on the way to the theater, fifteen minutes later.


"It's called
Ghosts of Girlfriends Past.
Matthew McConaughey and Jennifer Garner star in it," Kate explained.


"It's a chick flick isn't it?" Nathan asked.


Kate smirked. "Yes."


"What's it about," Nathan sighed.


"It's a
Christmas Carol
inspired romantic comedy. McConaughey portrays a womanizer, who is visited by ghosts of girlfriends past, present and future at his younger brother's wedding." Kate glanced at Nathan. "You don't mind seeing it, do you? You did say I could pick the movie."


"I don't mind," Nathan said. "I'll watch anything with you."


Kate reached out and touched Nathan's cheek. "I'll let you pick the movie next time."


"You promise?" Nathan asked.


"I promise," Kate said.


"All right," Nathan mumbled. "I'll hold you to that."


"You always do," Kate remarked dryly.


Nathan flipped on his turn signal and turned into the theater parking lot. He circled the lot until he found a space and pulled in. Putting the car in park, he killed the engine. He and Kate got out of the car and made their way toward the entrance. The minute they stepped into the brightly lit lobby the scent of popcorn hit them in face.


Her mouth watering, Kate asked Nathan if he wanted to share a box of popcorn with her. "I can't eat one by myself."


"Sure," Nathan muttered.


After standing in line at the concession stand, where Nathan bought two cokes and a large box of popcorn, they hurried to their seats and settled in to watch the movie.


Two hours later found Nathan and Kate strolling arm in arm through the park. A light breeze occasionally carried the scent of Kate's perfume Nathan's way, and he would breathe in deeply. As they walked along the path they stared at the diamond-studded sky above.


"I love nights like this," Kate said quietly.


Nathan leaned in close and kissed Kate on the jaw. "I do too."


Kate turned her head and gazed at Nathan. "How are you doing since moving back home?"


"Well, I find myself waking up off and on throughout the night. I think it's because of Gaby. You see, when I was staying with you, Gaby would wake me up when she cried. Now I'm used to waking up during the night. I'll go back to my normal sleeping schedule eventually."


"Lucky you," Kate said. "I've never had a normal sleeping schedule."


Nathan squeezed her arm. "You will when Gaby is older."


"Anything interesting happen at the hospital today?" Kate asked, changing the subject.


Nathan cleared his throat. "Martin died early this morning. His heart stopped. They worked on him for almost an hour, but nothing could save him."


Kate sighed heavily. "I feel sorry for Mrs. Lewis. She lost her husband and son in one week. Granted she's better off without them, but still it's hard to lose a loved one. When I lost mom, I thought my world was ending. I didn't think I could go on."


"I remember how you were after your mom died," Nathan said softly. "You wouldn't eat, wouldn't sleep. All you did was sit in your room and cry. You had me and your father worried."


"I know," Kate said. "You and dad refused to give up on me. You saved me." She stopped walking and looked up at Nathan. "Just like you saved me from Edward. I never thank you for all that you do for me."


"Yes, you do." Nathan cupped her face between his hands. "Besides, I'm just returning the favor. You saved my life once."


"I'm so thankful that I was there that day to save you from choking to death. If I hadn't been-" Kate broke off. "I don't want to think about what would have happened."


"Then don't." Nathan lowered his head and kissed her tenderly on the lips. "I love you, Katie," he whispered against her lips.


"I love you, too," Kate breathed.


Nathan drew back and studied her face. "You do?"


"Yes," Kate murmured. "Did you think I didn't?"


"I didn't know what to think," Nathan said huskily. "I know you have feelings for me, but you didn't say anything about love."


Kate leaned into Nathan and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Well now you know."


"Say it again," Nathan begged.


Kate raised an eyebrow. "Greedy, aren't we?"


"Please," Nathan said.


Kate looked into his eyes. "I love you. It should have been you, I married, not Edward. Wait, that wedding wasn't real, but you know what I mean."


Nathan tucked a strand of hair behind Kate's ear. "I know what you mean."


"Would you have married Connie if I hadn't moved back?" Kate asked.


"I think I would have eventually," Nathan said.


"Then it's a good thing I showed up when I did," Kate said.


"I guess you could say you saved me from making a big mistake," Nathan said. He took Kate's hand and they began walking again.


"You know," Kate said. "This is the nicest first date I've ever been on. It's nice not being nervous, or worrying over what to say and do so you won't look like a fool." She grinned at Nathan. "You've seen me look like a fool before."


"You make a beautiful fool," Nathan said. "And you're right. It is a nice first date. It's also the last first date I'll ever go on."


"Oh, really?" Kate said.


"Yes, really," Nathan said. "I found the one I want to spend the rest of my life with."


Her eyes sparkling, Kate said, "What is she like?"


"She's beautiful, smart, sensitive, loving, a wonderful mother, and I'm the luckiest man in the world to have her in my life."

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