Breakaway - A Contemporary Romance Drama Story (18 page)

BOOK: Breakaway - A Contemporary Romance Drama Story
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"I know." Steve grabbed a pair of tongs off the cart next to the grill and picked up the platter of chicken. "Your friend is a pretty little thing. It's sad that her husband abuses her."


"He'll get what he has coming to him," Nathan snarled. "I don't know when or how, but it's coming."


"How are you doing?" Jill asked Kate as they sat at the table. "Has anything happened lately?"


"He locked me in the closet last night because I refused to stop seeing Nathan," Kate said softly. "Every time I disobey him and see Nathan, I have to spend an hour in the closet."


Jill closed her eyes and muttered something under her breath Kate couldn't make out. "How far are you willing to go to be with my brother?"


"This isn't just about Nathan," Kate said. "Edward has taken enough from me. I'm tired of not having anything of my own. I have to start putting my foot down."


"The more you fight him the more he's going to hurt you," Jill said.


Before Kate could answer Matt shuffled into the kitchen.


"I'm glad you decided to join us," Jill said. "Your dad and Uncle Nathan are outside. Can I have a hug?"


Without saying a word Matt slipped his arms around Jill's middle and laid his head against her chest.


"I love you," Jill whispered. She kissed the top of his head. "Before you go outside there is someone I want you to meet. Her name is Kate and she's your Uncle Nathan's friend. Do you want to say hi to her?"


Matt turned his head and looked at Kate. "Hi."


Kate smiled at him. "Hi, Matt."


"You're Uncle Nathan's friend?"




Matt wrinkled his nose. "You're a girl. Why would Uncle Nathan wanna be friends with a girl?"


"I don't know," Kate said amused. "Maybe you should ask him."


"Okay." Matt let go of Jill, ran across the kitchen, jerked open the back door and was gone.


"He's adorable," Kate said. She gazed at the tabletop. "If Edward hadn't caused me to miscarry, I would have a son Matt's age."


"As much as it pains me to say this, you were better off not having that baby," Jill said. "Edward wants a son he can mold into a replica of himself. The last thing you need is another Edward in your life."


"You're right," Kate said. She sighed heavily. "I told Nathan I didn't want to talk about Edward, and here I am talking about him."


"How's Gaby?" Jill asked, changing the subject. "And why didn't you bring her with you?"


"She's doing fine," Kate said. "I didn't bring her because Clara wanted to spend some time with her. I tell you, Jill. Clara has been wonderful to me. She and Gaby is the only thing making life in that house bearable."


"I'm glad you have someone you can turn to," Jill said.


"So do I," Kate said.


"Why don't we go outside and see what the men are doing?" Jill suggested.


Kate led the way outside where she and Jill found Steve and Matt playing catch. "I was telling Jill how adorable Matt is," she said to Nathan, who was turning over the chicken and the hot dogs.


"He's something all right," Nathan said. "He wanted to know why I would want to be friends with a girl. I told him it's fun hanging out with girls. He looked at me like I sprouted another head, and told me girls are gross. I told him he would think differently some day."


"He didn't believe you, did he?" Kate said.


"No not really."


"How much longer is the chicken going to take?" Kate asked, eyeing the poultry. "I'm getting hungry."


"It should be done in fifteen minutes," Nathan said. "Do you want one of Matt's hot dogs while you're waiting?"


"No, I'll wait."


Fifteen minutes later, everyone sat down at the patio table and plates were passed around. Once everyone had placed what he or she wanted to eat on their plate, Steve turned to Kate. "So, Kate, how long have you and old Nathan been friends?"


"Twenty-three years," Kate said.


"My God," Steve said. "How did you survive all those years with him?"


Kate winked at Nathan. "I don't know. It wasn't easy. I wanted-"


"Matthew Nathaniel Crane," Jill growled at her son. "You put that ketchup bottle down."


"But I want ketchup on my hot dog," Matt whined.


"Then let someone else put it on your hot dog for you," Jill said. "You know you're not allowed to do it yourself." She looked at Kate. "Last time he had hot dogs we made the mistake of letting him put on the ketchup. Let's just say that by the time he was done he was covered in the stuff. It was a mess."


"Give me the bottle. I'll do it for you," Nathan volunteered. He started to reach for the plastic bottle when Matt squeezed it. A stream of ketchup shot out of the end and hit Kate in the face. Stunned, she dropped her fork.


"Oh, Kate," Jill cried. "I'm so sorry."


Kate took a deep breath. "It's all right. It's just ketchup."


"Come on, Katie." Nathan stood. "I'll help you get cleaned up."


Kate rose from her chair and followed Nathan inside. In the kitchen, Nathan wet a dishcloth under the faucet and pulled Kate closer. He gently wiped the ketchup from her face. "It's a good thing I wore my hair in a ponytail," she said dryly.


"Do you still think he's adorable?" Nathan asked, tilting Kate's head slightly.


"Yes," Kate muttered. "He's a little boy. Boys are always full of mischief."


"Connie would not be so forgiving if it happened to her," Nathan said. He washed the cloth out and then attempted to wipe the ketchup off Kate's blouse.


The feel of his hands on her, and the closeness of his body sent Kate's heart to beating wildly. A shiver went through and she prayed Nathan wouldn't notice. She swallowed hard. "Y-you can stop now. I think you got all of it."


Nathan dropped the dishcloth in the sink. "Do you want me to take you home?"


"No," Kate said. "I want to stay."


"Then that's what we'll do." Nathan placed his hands on Kate's shoulders and pressed a kiss to her forehead, the tip of her nose, and the corner of her mouth.


"Nathan," Kate breathed.


Nathan's mouth hovered above Kate's. "Tell me you don't want me to kiss you and I'll turn away. Tell me you don't feel something every time I'm near."


"I can't," Kate whispered. "I do want you to kiss me, and I do feel something every time you're near, but we can't be together. I'm a married woman."


Nathan ran his hands down Kate's sides and settled on her waist. "You're married to a lying, cheating bastard who doesn't give a damn about your feelings."


"That doesn't make it right for me to cheat," Kate said. "I took marriage vows, Nathan. Just because Edward doesn't take his seriously doesn't mean, I can forget mine and cheat too. I'm not built that way."


"I know you're not," Nathan muttered. "That's why you're special." He dropped his hands and stepped back. "I'm sorry, Katie. I won't try and kiss you again. We should join the others." He moved around her and left the kitchen.


Kate took a moment to compose herself and then went back outside. "Did I miss anything while I was gone?"


"Oh, just Jill scolding Matt," Steve said. "Are you all right?"


"Of course," Kate said. She glanced at Matt and forced a smile. "You have a good aim, kiddo."


"Don't encourage him," Jill said, shooting her son a filthy look.




















Chapter 1


The car ride home from Steve and Jill's was awkward for Kate. Images of what happened between her and Nathan in Jill's kitchen played out in her head like a film. She couldn't escape it, nor could she escape the feelings Nathan had evoked in her. Her nerves were raw and her emotions were running high. She wished she could go home and lock herself in her bedroom, and shut out the rest of the world.
The only place you're going when you get home is the closet,
she thought. Tears filled her eyes and she blinked rapidly. She lowered her head and took a deep breath. A sob broke free. Alarmed, Nathan glanced at Kate and saw her shoulders were shaking. He quickly pulled the car over on to the shoulder and put it in park. Reaching for Kate, he gathered her close.


"I-I'm s-s-sorry," Kate whispered.


"Don't be," Nathan said. "There is nothing for you to feel sorry for."


Kate slumped against Nathan. "Give me a minute," she croaked as the tears fell.


"I'm not in any hurry," Nathan said. He kissed the top of her head. "You need a good cry. Just let it all out."


"If I did that we would be here for awhile."


Nathan stroked her back. "There's nowhere else I would rather be then here with you, Katie."


His words brought fresh tears to Kate's eyes. She moved out of his arms and grabbed her purse from the floorboard. "Go," she said, rifling through her purse.


"Are you sure?" Nathan asked.


"Yes." Kate took out a tissue and dabbed at her eyes. "I'll be fine."


"I doubt that." Nathan checked his rearview mirror, put the car in drive and pulled back on to the road. "Do you really want to go home?"


"No," Kate said, thinking of the closet, "but I need to. I've been away from Gaby long enough. What are your plans for the rest of the day?"


Nathan shrugged. "I don't know. "I'll think of something." He looked Kate's way briefly. "Please try and get some rest when you get home."


"I will try," Kate said.


"I mean it, Katie," Nathan said. "You look horrible."


"Gee, thanks," Kate said sarcastically. "It's every girl's dream to be told she looks like crap."


"That's not what I meant, and you know it," Nathan said. "You're beautiful. I've always told you that. What I meant is-"


"I know what you meant, Nathan," Kate said. "I'm sorry for twisting your words around. I promise I'll try and get some rest."


Several minutes later, Nathan turned into Kate's driveway. He drove up the gravel drive and parked alongside the house. Leaning toward Kate, he gave her a peck on the cheek. "Call me if you need anything. I don't care what time it is."


"I know," Kate said. "I'll talk to you later." She opened the car door and got out. Closing it behind her, she started up the steps on unsteady legs. As she reached the top step the door opened.


"Mrs. Lewis," William said.


Kate didn't utter a word. She brushed past him, made her way across the foyer and headed upstairs. Clara was sitting in the rocker with Gaby in her arms when Kate entered the nursery. "How is my little angel?"

BOOK: Breakaway - A Contemporary Romance Drama Story
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