Breakaway - A Contemporary Romance Drama Story (24 page)

BOOK: Breakaway - A Contemporary Romance Drama Story
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"What if I couldn't give Edward a son?" Kate said hoarsely.


"If you didn't produce a son within five years you were to be killed and Edward would be written out of the will."


"Two years into our so called marriage I became pregnant," Kate said. "It was a boy. Edward didn't know that until after I miscarried. He was so furious he almost killed me, even though it was his fault, I lost the baby." She paused. "What I don't understand is, it's been six years. The five-year deadline has expired. Why hasn't Martin hired a hit man to kill me?"


"Vivian told me she wondered that herself. She asked Edward and he told her that he convinced Martin to give him more time."


"Get to the part where Vivian killed him," Nathan said. "I'd like to hear about that."


"Edward tried to reason with Vivian, but hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. She shot him in the chest, waited until he was dead and called the police."


"I feel sorry for Vivian," Nathan said. "The poor woman will spend the rest of her life in prison because of that bastard. He should have divorced her and let her get on with her life."


Kate snorted. "Martin and Edward are all about putting on a show and looking good. A divorce wouldn't look good."


Mr. Miller sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Do you have anything else to tell us, Mike? Please, say no."


"You can relax, Ted," Mike said. "I'm done." He turned his head and gazed at Kate. "Do you have any questions?"


"Yes, I have one, but you can't answer it." Kate got to her feet. "Thank you for coming, Mike. I only wish it could have been under different circumstances. Good night, Dad. Nathan, come with me." She turned and headed back upstairs. In her bedroom, she took off her robe and flung it over a chair.


"Are you okay, Katie?" Nathan asked, pausing beside the bed.


"No," Kate said. "I'm angry and hurt."


Nathan placed his hands on her shoulders. "Is there anything I can do?"


"Yes," Kate whispered with tears in her eyes. "Stay with me. I don't want to be alone."


Nathan helped Kate into bed and then slipped in beside her. "We haven't slept together since we were kids."


"I remember when I used to spend the night at your house," Kate said, laying her head on his shoulder. "We'd camp out in the living room and watch movies. I always woke up the next morning curled up against you." She raised her head and pressed a kiss to his jaw. "Promise me you'll be here when I wake up."


"I promise you, I'll be here when you wake up," Nathan said.


"And promise me you'll go with me to see Edward's father."


"Katie, why do you want to see him?"


"I need to ask him a question," Kate said.


Nathan hoisted himself on one elbow and studied Kate's face. "You want to know why he chose you, don't you?"


"Yes," Kate mumbled.


Nathan touched her cheek. "I'll go with you. Now sleep, Katie. You need your rest."


"I don't know if I can sleep, so much is running through my head. I just found out that the man I thought was my husband for six years wasn't. It's going to take awhile for everything to sink in."


"While you're waiting for it to sink in, sleep."


Kate smiled weakly. "When did you get to be so bossy?"


"I'm sorry," Nathan said. "You've spent the past six years being told what to do."


Kate brought a hand up and stroked Nathan's hair. "It's all right. I know when you tell me to do something it's because you care about me. I'll try and get some sleep."


"I'll be here," Nathan said. "And don't worry about Gaby. I'll get up and take care of her when she cries."


"Thank you." Kate closed her eyes and found sleep a long time coming.


"Are you sure you want to do this?" Nathan asked Kate as she rang the Lewis's doorbell, later that morning.


"Yes," Kate said, adjusting her purse strap. "It won't take long. Believe me, I don't want to be here anymore than you do."


The door opened at that moment. "Mrs. Lewis," the butler said.


"It's not Lewis," Kate said. "It's Miller. Where is he?" She moved past the butler and into the giant foyer.


"Would you like me to show you to the sitting room?" he asked Kate as he closed the door.


"No," she said. "Where is Martin?"


"I'm right here."


Kate spun around and came face to face with Edward's father. She saw his hair was grayer than it was the last time she had seen him, and he looked older. Taking a faltering step back, she looked up into his cold blue eyes. "I know the truth, Martin. I know about the little plan you had going with Edward. Why me? Why was I chosen to bear you a grandson?"


"You have some nerve, young lady," Mr. Lewis said his eyes flashing. "My son was just murdered."


"He got what he deserved!" Kate shouted. "He was a cold hearted son of a bitch, just like you."


Mr. Lewis raised his hand.


"Don't think about it," Nathan growled.


Kate moved closer to Nathan. "Just answer the question, Martin. Why was I chosen to bear you a grandson?"


Mr. Lewis sneered. "You were a Miller. I chose you because of your bloodline. Now get out and leave me to mourn my son in peace."


"You didn't give a damn about Edward," Kate snapped. "He was just another one of your puppets." She jerked her wedding ring off her finger and threw it at Mr. Lewis. "Good luck getting that grandson now."


"Come on, Katie." Nathan wrapped an arm around her. "Let's get out of here."


Without a backward glance, Kate left, slamming the door behind her.










Chapter 20


Nathan was preparing lunch when Kate walked into the spacious kitchen. He glanced up from the tomato he was slicing and smiled at her. "Lunch will be done just as soon as I put your sandwich together."


Kate moved toward the large island, where Nathan was standing. "Something smells delicious."


"That's the tomato soup." He winked at her. "I'll put yours in a mug, and you can drink it."


"Thank you," Kate said. She perched on a barstool. "Where's Henderson?"


"With your fathers permission, I gave him the day off. I figured I would do the cooking. Do you mind?"


"No, not at all," Kate said.


Nathan spread mayonnaise on a slice of wheat bread, added sliced turkey meat, Swiss cheese, lettuce, tomato and then topped it with another slice of bread. Grabbing a knife, he cut the sandwich diagonally, making two triangles. After transferring it to a plate, he poured soup into a mug. "Come sit at the table."


Kate slid off the stool and walked to the table. She sat down as Nathan placed the foot in front of her. "Thank you."


"You're welcome," Nathan told her. "Would you like something to drink?"


"A glass of ice water would be nice," Kate said.


"One ice water coming up." Nathan took a glass out of the cabinet, filled it with ice and water, and carried the glass to the table. He put it down in front of Kate. "Let me get my food and I'll join you."


"Okay," Kate said, picking up her sandwich.


Nathan made him a bowl of soup, picked up his sandwich and joined Kate at the table. "After lunch, I'll get you some ice cream."


"You take such good care of me," Kate said.


Nathan grabbed a napkin and reached across the table to wipe mayonnaise from the corner of Kate's mouth. "I enjoy taking care of you."


Kate smiled. "You're going to spoil me."


"That's my plan," Nathan said softly. "You need spoiling. Drink your soup before it gets cold."


"What else do you have planned?" Kate asked quietly.


Nathan looked into her eyes and his heart skipped a beat. "A ring on your finger and a brother, or sister for Gaby. Am I scaring you?"


Kate took Nathan's hand. "No," she whispered. "I'm not afraid. I know you; Nathan, and I know you would make a wonderful husband. I just – I want us to take it slow. Would you mind if we dated for a while?"


"No," Nathan said. "How about a movie Friday night?"


"Can I pick which one we see?" Kate asked.


"I'm probably going to regret this, but yes, you can pick the movie."


"You got yourself a date," Kate said.


Nathan squeezed her hand gently and released it. "I'm looking forward to it."


"Looking forward to what?" Jill asked, entering the kitchen.


"The day you stop being nosy," Nathan joked.


"Funny," Jill said dryly.


"I thought so," Nathan said. "Are you hungry? I can make you some soup."


"I just had lunch," Jill said. She turned her head and gazed at Kate, who was drinking her soup. "I stopped at your house, or what was once your house, and Clara told me you left Edward."


Kate lowered the mug. "Did she tell you why I left?"


"Yes." Jill pulled out a chair and sat down. "I'm glad Nathan convinced you to leave with him. Are you upset with me for telling him about the abuse?"


Kate shook her head. "You did the right thing. You did what I couldn't do. Thank you for everything."


Jill nodded. "Clara told me what Martin and Edward did to you. I'm not sorry to hear Edward is dead."


"How did Clara know about it?" Kate asked, frowning. "I didn't tell her."


"She told me your father paid her a visit earlier," Jill answered. "She also told me he offered her a job. She accepted it and will be moving in by the end of the week."


"Good," Kate muttered. "I've missed-" Gaby's cries, heard through the baby receiver that sat on the counter, interrupted her.


"I'll go check on her," Nathan said, dropping his spoon.


"Your food will get cold," Kate said. "I'll go check on her."


"Really, I don't mind." Nathan pushed his chair back and stood. "I won't be gone long."


"Your brother has been wonderful," Kate told Jill once Nathan left the kitchen. "I hope you don't mind, but Nathan, and I have decided to start dating."


"Are you sure you're ready for a relationship?"


"Yes. I know it's too soon after Edward's murder, but-" Kate paused for a moment. "What feelings I had for Edward died years ago. I didn't love him, and he certainly didn't love me. I stayed with him out of fear. I've wasted years with that bastard, years I can't get back. I want a fresh start, a new beginning, with Nathan."

BOOK: Breakaway - A Contemporary Romance Drama Story
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