Breakaway - A Contemporary Romance Drama Story (21 page)

BOOK: Breakaway - A Contemporary Romance Drama Story
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"Dr. Holden," she said, stepping back. "Please come in."


Nathan moved past her and into the foyer. "Nasty weather, isn't it?"


"Yes, it is." Clara closed the door and turned to face Nathan. "May I speak with you privately for a moment? There is something I need to tell you."


"Of course you can," Nathan said. "Why don't we go into the living room?"


Clara led the way to the living room, where she invited Nathan to sit down. "Would you like something to drink?"


"Thank you, but no," Nathan said. "Sit down and tell me what's on your mind."


Clara took a seat across from Nathan and smoothed her skirt over her knees. "I am going against Kate's wishes by telling you this, but I can't stay quiet any longer."


"Are you going to tell me that Edward is abusing her?" Nathan said.


Clara gaped at him. "You know?"


"Jill told me," Nathan said.


"It's hard to see her suffer," Clara said. "He's – he's-"


"A cold hearted son of a bitch," Nathan said coldly. "Don't worry, Clara. He'll get what he has coming to him. I promise you that."


"Are you planning something?" Clara asked wide-eyed.


"It's all ready been set in motion," Nathan said. "I won't say any more about it. This isn't the best place to discuss it. Where is Katie?"


"She's in the closet," Clara said.


"What is she doing in there?"


"Edward found out, she's on birth control pills. He wants a son. Kate swore she wouldn't bring another child into this house. Edward became enraged about the pills and beat her. When he was done he ordered William to lock her in the closet for an hour."


Color drained from Nathan's face. "Take me to her."


"Kate would never forgive me," Clara said. "You see she wanted me to call you and tell you not to come."


"You did the right thing by not calling me." Nathan got to his feet and glanced down at Clara. "I'm taking Katie and Gaby out of this house. They're not coming back."


Clara rose from the sofa. "I'll pack a suitcase for both of them, but first let me take Kate to her room. I don't think she wants you to see her in a closet. It would be too embarrassing for her."


"After you take her to her room come and get me."


"I will," Clara promised. No sooner had she left and William showed up.


"You should not be here," he said.


Nathan gave William a look of pure loathing. "Don't worry, William. When I leave this time I won't be coming back." He moved closer to the butler. "Tell me, how often do you lock Katie in the closet?"


William smirked. "Only when she sees you. Mr. Lewis forbid her from seeing you after he found out about your little kiss. Every time Mrs. Lewis disobeys him and sees you, she has to spend an hour in the closet."


Something inside of Nathan snapped. He grabbed William by the coat lapels and snarled, "You like closets, William? How would you feel about spending some time in one?"


"Do it and the minute I get out, I'll call the police and have them arrest you," William said.


Nathan was tempted to go ahead and lock William in the closet and suffer the consequences, but then he thought of Kate and how he wouldn't be any good to her if he were sitting in a jail cell. Slowly, he released William and stepped back. "I'm taking Katie and Gaby with me. You run along now and call your boss and let him know that his days of abusing Katie are over." He moved past him and headed toward the stairs. Taking them two at a time, he reached the hallway as Clara came out of Kate's bedroom.


"While you're with her I'll get Gaby ready to go," she said quietly.


"Thank you," Nathan muttered. "Does she know I'm here?"


"Yes," Clara said. "Please be patient with her. She's upset and not herself right now."


"I'll be gentle," Nathan said.


Clara squeezed his arm gently. "I know you will."


Nathan walked into Kate's room and found her sitting on the bed holding her injured arm against her chest. Tears were streaming down her face. "Katie."


"I've done everything I could to keep you from finding out," Kate said softly. "Clara said you knew. Did you figure it out or did Jill tell you?"


Nathan moved closer and squatted down in front of Kate. "It doesn't matter how I found out."


"Jill told you, didn't she?"


"Yes," Nathan answered.


Kate turned her head and looked at the wall. "What did she tell you?"


"She told me why you felt you couldn't leave and why you wouldn't tell me." Nathan placed his hand on Kate's knee. "We'll talk about this later. Right now I want to get you out of here."


"I can't leave," Kate whispered.


"Katie, you can't stay," Nathan said hoarsely.


"If I leave he'll find a way to get to me. Nathan, he told me if I ever left him, he would kill me."


"Sweetheart." Nathan reached up and caressed Kate's cheek. "If you don't leave he will kill you. Eventually, he will go too far. You leave with me and you and Gaby will be safe."


"We'll never be safe," Kate said.


"Yes, you will," Nathan said. "I swear to you, Katie. I won't let him hurt you again."


"I want to believe you," Kate croaked, "but when Edward wants something he won't stop until he gets it."


"Look into my eyes, Katie." Kate gazed into his eyes. "I don't want to lose you. You mean everything to me. Please, if you care for me, leave with me."


Her hand trembling, Kate touched Nathan's face. "I do care for you."


"Then leave with me."




Nathan breathed a sigh of relief. "Clara is getting Gaby ready to go. We need to pack a suitcase for you."


"My suitcase is on the top shelf of the closet," Kate said.


"You stay sitting," Nathan said, straightening up. "I'll pack your suitcase."


"I will pack it," Clara said, moving into the room with Gaby in her arms. "I'm done with the little ones suitcase."


"Give me Gaby," Nathan said. "I'll hold her while you pack."


"All right." Clara placed Gaby in Nathan's arms.


"I'm going to step into the hall and make a few calls," Nathan said. "If either of you needs me just give a yell." As he moved out into the hallway, he took his cell phone out and dialed Dr. Paulson's number. The doctor answered on the fifth ring.




"Henry, it's Nathan. I need your help."


"I'm listening," Dr. Paulson said.


"You remember my friend, Katie," Nathan said.


"Of course."


"Her husband beat her and she needs medical attention. I would recommend she go to the hospital, but I know she would refuse to go if I mentioned it."


"I will come to her," Dr. Paulson said. "Give me an address."


"I'm taking her to her father," Nathan said. "You know where Ted Miller lives."


"I do."


"Meet us there in-" Nathan moved the phone away from his ear, so he could check his watch, "thirty- minutes."


"Thirty minutes it is."


"Thank you, Henry," Nathan said. "Also, bring a sling. Katie is favoring her arm."


"All right," Dr. Paulson said.


Nathan ended the call and dialed Mr. Miller's number. "Let's hope grandpa is home," he said to Gaby as he waited for someone to answer.


"Miller residence. Ted Miller speaking."


"Ted, how would you feel about Katie and Gaby moving in with you?"


"What did that bastard do to her?"


"He beat her."


"I'll have their rooms ready."


Twenty-five minutes later, Kate was settled in the bedroom she grew up in. "It still looks the same," she said to Mr. Miller, who was perched on the side of the bed.


"You know I don't like to change things," he said, "but this is your home too. When you're feeling better you can redecorate."


"That's if I'm still here."


"You will be." Mr. Miller took her hand. "You're not going anywhere. Now that I have you back, I'm not letting go."


"Where is Gaby?" Kate asked.


"She's across the hall," Mr. Miller said. "I had your crib brought down from the attic and cleaned. She's sleeping like an angel. Grace is taking care of her."


Kate nodded. "Clara took care of her when I couldn't." Tears filled her eyes as she thought about the woman she had left behind.


"What's wrong, sweetheart?" Mr. Miller asked concerned.


"I left Clara in that house," Kate muttered. "She was there for me after the beatings, after everything Edward did to me. I'm going to miss her."


Mr. Miller cleared his throat. "Grace is leaving us in a few weeks. She wants to move to Florida and live with her daughter. If Clara wants to she can take Grace's place."


"Edward won't let her go," Kate said. "Especially when he learns that I want her with me."


"You leave it to your old dad," Mr. Miller said. "By the time I'm done Clara will be living with us."


At that moment, Nathan entered the room with Dr. Paulson. Mr. Miller stood and held out a hand. "Thank you for coming, Henry."


"Not a problem," Dr. Paulson said, shaking his hand.


"Nathan and I will leave you and Katie alone," Mr. Miller said.


"I'll come back when he's finished," Nathan said to Kate. He turned and followed Mr. Miller from the room, closing the door behind him.


"Hello Katie," Dr. Paulson said, stepping to the bed. "May I call you Katie?"


"Y-y-yes," Kate stuttered her heart beating wildly.


Dr. Paulson pulled a chair close to the bed and sat down. He put his medical bag on the bedside table and looked at Kate. "It's all right, Katie. I'm just going to examine your injuries. If at any point you feel uncomfortable and don't want to continue tell me, and I will stop."


Kate licked her dry lips. "Okay."


"I want to check your vital signs before I look at your injuries." Dr. Paulson removed a stethoscope, blood pressure cuff and thermometer from his bag. He took her temperature, checked her blood pressure, and listened to her heart and pulse. When he was done, he began examining her injuries starting with her arm. He examined it carefully and then wrapped it in a compression bandage. Moving on, he checked the areas where Edward had kicked her. Afterwards, he looked over her nose. "Well, it's not broken," he said, probing it gently.


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