Bound Together (21 page)

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Authors: Marie Coulson

BOOK: Bound Together
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Spinning around Jared
stared at me in horror before running his fingers through his thick
brown and gold highlighted hair and blushing profusely. Realizing
I’d embarrassed him I grabbed a spoon that was lying on the counter
top and held it to my mouth like a microphone. Singing loud and
clear I sashayed over to him, spoon in hand. I laid on the diva
nice and thick.
He smiled at me so wide
that it almost reached his eyes which were now gazing down at me in
amusement. Thrusting my hips and curling my lip, pulling off an
impressive Elvis pout I shimmied and swayed around the kitchen,
diffusing the tense atmosphere I had caused by disrupting his
morning concert for one. When the song ended I placed my spoon on
the counter top again and took a bow as he whistled and applauded.
“Bravo my lady. A thoroughly good show all round I’d say. And I’m
not just talking about that performance. Last night was amazing.”
Pulling me into an embrace, he kissed me tenderly before pulling
away to gaze at me. His eyes were bright and almost danced as he
smiled at me. “In fact, I was wondering what you had planned for
the weekend? I wondered if you might like to stay, here, with me,
for a whole two days. Mmmmm just think what I could do to your
delectably delicious body over 48 hours.”
Raising my hand to his
lips he kissed each of my fingertips before trailing kisses over my
palm to my wrist. “Actually, I promised my dad I’d visit home this

So tell him you’re sick
or that you have to study. I don’t know make something
Pulling my hand away I
regarded him coolly. “I’m not lying to my father Jared. I never lie
to him. I’ve only been home once since I got here and I made a
promise. I never break a promise. So, as much as I would love to
spend an entire weekend as your sex slave, I have to go home. And
you have a business to run. Remember?”
Rolling his eyes, he let
out an exasperated sigh. “Ok, ok, I get it. For the record though,
I don’t usually work on weekends, but if you’re going to be away
then I’ll have to busy my hands with something else. Figured that
you’d be a daddy’s girl. When I asked if you had any other men in
your life I should be worried about, I forgot about your father
being one of them. But it’s sweet that you are so close. You’re
very lucky.”

I know I am. Which is
why I simply must drag myself away from you and go to Pasadena. By
the way you had a call. I answered but they hung up. Number
withheld and it was a woman. Anything you need to tell me?” Walking
around the counter, I pulled out a stool. He shrugged. “Not that
I’m aware of. It was probably just a business call. Nothing to
worry about. Perhaps when you answered they thought they had the
wrong number.” Kissing my forehead he smiled. I couldn’t shake the
feeling he was hiding something but I had to give him the benefit
of the doubt at least once. Didn’t I?
Pouring a glass of milk
for himself he seemed a little on edge. “So how are you getting to
Pasadena exactly?”
Resting my elbows on the
counter top I answered, “By car like everyone else. I’m driving. My
dad bought me a car. It’s a real hottie too. Sky blue Ford Focus.”
Arching his eyebrow at me he turned back to the stove and began
heating a pan.

And you plan to drive
there alone? And how long have you had this car? Is its engineering
sound? In fact how long have you had your license? Do you have much
driving experience?” Why was he asking me so many questions? Did he
honestly think my father would give me a car if I wasn’t perfectly
capable of driving it? The thought that Jared doubted my driving
ability was beginning to upset me. “Whoa calm down. First of all I
wouldn’t drive it if I didn’t feel completely safe, my father is a
mechanic, remember. I’ve been driving since I was sixteen and got
my license over a year ago. I am perfectly capable of driving to
Pasadena.” His back still turned, I rolled my eyes at him. He was
being so overprotective. I wasn’t a child anymore I was turning
twenty in a few weeks.

I know you just rolled
your eyes at me Layla. I also know you think I’m being
over-protective but I’m not. I’m realistic. It’s not that I worry
about your driving skills it’s the other assholes on the road. The
last thing I want is for you to end up in the hospital because some
coke snorting, joy riding dick on a dope high, runs you off the
road. Will you at least take your roommate with you? The two of you
are friends right? You could introduce her to your best friend back
He did make a good point.
It would be nice for Mel and Amy to meet. They were the only two
girlfriends I had in my life and based on their personalities they
were sure to get along really well. He poured some of the batter
into a pan and with skillful grace, flipped the pancake into the
air, catching it as it landed back into the scorching hot pan. He
plated it up and brought it over, placing it in front of me.

Bon appétit
my lady.” I melted a little inside. After all, he was just
looking out for me. And wasn’t that exactly what I wanted him to
do? Picking up my fork I pointed it at him. “Fine. I’ll take Amy.
But not because you told me to or because I’m worried about driving
alone to Pasadena. I’m doing it so she and Mel can get to know each
other. Understood?”
Leaning across the
counter he lowered my fork with his hand and placed a soft kiss on
my lips. “Perfectly my lady. You are your own boss as always.”
Chuckling, I took a bite out of my pancake. “Technically, you’re my
boss.” He winked at me and grinned. “I’ll keep that in mind. Now
eat your breakfast so I can take you home before I end up sprawling
you over that table again and giving you something to think about
over the weekend.” Now that was an idea.
Pushing away the sinful
thoughts he had provoked in me with that simple suggestion, I
changed the subject. Nodding at the speakers mounted on the wall I
smiled. “So, Elvis huh?” Rubbernecking, he realized what I was
referring to and gave me a boyish grin. “Well he’s like me, a king.
He was the king of rock and roll and I’m a king of the business
world and my enterprise, my kingdom. Besides, his music totally
rocks. It’s classic and never goes out of style. His lyrics are
heartfelt and he sings them with real emotion. Not like that grunge
and emo shit you get today.” I snickered at him “You sound like my
grandpa used to.”

Sounds like your gramps
was a very wise man. Now, if you’ve quite satisfied your curiosity,
I suggest you eat your breakfast so I can drive you back to campus.
Lord knows I wish you wouldn’t go but the sooner I leave you, the
sooner you can miss me.” I smiled and stuck my tongue out at him
playfully. Arching an eyebrow, he leaned forward and stared at my
mouth. “Don’t stick your tongue out at me unless you know how to
use it. And I can think of several better uses for that
mouthwatering piece of equipment than to mock me.”
Smirking at him I stuck
it out again very slowly before pulling it back quickly and
pressing my lips together. Leaping across the counter he spun me
around, his arms by my sides as he gripped the edge, caging me in.
His mouth was inches from my own and I could smell the minty
freshness of his breath. “Go ahead Layla. Do that again. I dare
you.” Holding my breath, I timidly parted my lips but before I
could even get my tongue towards them, Jared slid his into my mouth
with a deep sensual hunger. An aching between my legs reminded me
of how quickly and easily this man could press my buttons. Knowing
full well how fast things could develop, I pulled away breathless
and panting. Placing my hand on his heaving, rock solid chest, I
breathed deeply, trying to regain my equilibrium. “I have to go
home and if you keep kissing me like that I will never leave. And
no, before you say anything, that is
an option. I have to go see my
father.” Sighing deeply, he pressed his lips into a hard line.
Placing a chaste kiss on them I smiled suggestively. “To quote the
words of a very wise man I know. Don’t pout, Jared.”



A Mothers Love Can Be

Jared had been very quiet
on the drive back to the campus. I got the feeling that he was
still brooding about the fact that I hadn’t leapt at the chance to
spend the weekend with him. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to; lord
knows I would have loved nothing more than to be living in my
underwear for two days and having Jared care for my every need. The
thought was perfectly delicious and I was practically salivating at
the idea of it all. But the reality of the situation was that I had
to go see my father. I missed him and it had only been a few weeks
since I’d left. He would have hit the roof if I’d called and told
him that I was spending the weekend in Long Beach with this new guy
I’ve been seeing for little over a month now. He would’ve had a
massive cardiac arrest right there on the phone.
Pulling up outside the
dorm, I turned myself in my seat to face him. He was staring at his
steering wheel with a sad look on his face. Hooking my finger and
thumb on his chin I drew his face away from the wheel to look at
me. “It’s only for one night. I’ll call you as soon as I get to
Pasadena and you can call me, text me or even email me whenever you
want. We can have dinner on Sunday if you like. You’ll be so busy
with work you won’t even notice I’m gone. Trust me.”
I placed a soft kiss on
his lips and he sighed heavily.

Layla, I most certainly
will notice you’re gone. In fact, it’s going to plague me until
Sunday. I’m going to worry and panic until you call to tell me
you’re safe and sound in Pasadena and then I’m going to panic and
worry waiting for you to come back. But I will definitely be
calling, texting and emailing you. In fact…” he reached into his
pocket and pulled out a business card. Handing it to me he pointed
at the numbers listed there. “…That’s my cell, office, home and
email. You can reach me anytime. Day or night. If you call my
office, just tell them who you are and that I’m expecting your
call. Don’t worry I’ll be making Janine aware of you first thing
Monday.” My head snapped up. Instantly tensing I gave him a curious
expression. “Janine?”

My secretary. You’re not
jealous are you? Because you have no reason to be. Janine is a
fifty-six year old grandmother with crow’s feet and wrinkles even
Max Factor can’t cover up. Besides I only have eyes for you.”
Moving from my seat I climbed onto his lap as he cupped my face in
his hands, pulling me to him for a long and lingering kiss.
Removing them from my face he gently stroked up and down my spine,
lightly running his fingers over my thin blouse. Goosebumps began
to appear on my skin as the feel of his gentle touch sent a
prickling sensation through me.
Coming up for air I
rested my forehead on his, our noses touching and our lips so close
I could still taste him. “I have to go. I’ll call you, I promise.
Don’t work too hard. Behave yourself as you would expect me to
behave and try not to miss me too much.”
Sighing, he opened his
car door and I shifted off his lap, setting my feet on the
sidewalk. Pulling himself up he stood in front of me, holding my
hands in his. “I will try and get some work done, though with you
on my mind, that’s not very likely. I will miss you like crazy the
moment you walk inside that door and I only have a problem behaving
myself when you’re around, so I’d say you have nothing to worry
about. Now get in there before I come to my senses, haul you over
my shoulder, drag you back to my place and imprison you in my
bedroom all weekend.”
Giving him a chaste kiss,
I nodded and walked towards the entrance of the dorm. Glancing back
one last time, I waved as he yelled after me, “I hate that you have
to go. But I sure do love to watch you leave!”
Playfully, I smacked my
ass at him and watched gleefully as his eyes widened and a wicked
grin spread across his lips. Winking at him, I turned away and
walked through the heavy double doors. I stood inside for a moment
with my back against the wall, trying to catch my breath. The sound
of his engine distracted me and I watched through the corner of my
eye as his car pulled away and sped out of the parking
As I walked down the
corridor to my room I could hear the sound of a guitar
reverberating through the walls. I knew exactly where it was coming
from and as I got nearer, I could see a tall blonde guy standing at
Ollie’s door, hammering loudly with his fist. “Turn that fuckin’
racket down. Seriously dude some of us are trying to sleep. I mean
shit its fuckin’ 10 a.m. Pause for the cause!”
I winced. Oh dear. My
thought about our neighbors being ok with the guys playing was
obviously restricted to certain acceptable hours of the day.
Approaching the guy who was still furiously banging on Ollie’s door
I tapped him on the shoulder. “Excuse me. Mind if I give it a try?”
Moving aside he waved at the door. “Go ahead. I’ve been banging on
it for over an hour. The guy’s a complete dick.”
I stifled a laugh and
gently rapped on the door. “Ollie. It’s me. Would you mind opening
the door so I can give you a hug before I go back to
for the
weekend?” The music immediately came to a halt and silence filled
the hallway. Opening the door Ollie grinned at me. “Hey superstar!
Come on in. Sorry about the noise, did I wake you or Amy?” Giving
the guy behind me a sarcastic smile he ushered me into his room and
shut the door behind me.

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