Read Bound Angel Bound Demon Online

Authors: Claire Spoors

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Paranormal, #Holidays, #Angels, #Demons & Devils, #Ghosts, #Psychics, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Witches & Wizards

Bound Angel Bound Demon (31 page)

BOOK: Bound Angel Bound Demon
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Alex was alone in the
cottage, Gary had gone back to the club in the Midlands, saying he would phone her later. Alex hadn’t wanted him to go, but she hadn’t wanted him to stay either. Things weren’t right and she needed to get herself back on track.

She focussed
on getting the main house up and running, starting with the path, she phoned a couple of local businesses explaining what she wanted. Alex found she could be quite the negotiator, and managed to arrange for one person to come up that afternoon to have a look. One job done.

Alex l
ooked at the time, 10 o’clock. She decided to call Marie.

answered straight away.

Morning Alex,” said Marie. By now Alex wasn’t surprised by Marie’s telepathy, she was like a caller ID answering machine.

Morning Marie, how are we feeling today?”

Best I have been in a while, how about you? Sorry about the other day.”

It was quite a knock, but I got over it, I just pity anyone who really tries to come up against you,” Alex laughed, she was beginning to feel relaxed talking to Marie.

There’s something else isn’t there, what is it?” said Marie knowing by Alex’s tone of voice that something was wrong.

took a deep breath.
Why do I do that? I don’t need to breath.

It’s something I didn’t get a chance to ask you about when I was over the other day, I have had dreams, and well at least I think they are dreams, but lately I’m not so sure.”

Alex began to tell her about the man and what he
’d said to her. Marie listened silently.

“Well . . .
What do you think?” asked Alex finally.

To be honest, I’m not sure, everything you're telling me is sounding like premonitions combined with a connection to this person and maybe that house. But it’s weird for a ghost to have these feelings, you should only be linked to places you’ve been to before, not places and people you don’t know. If anyone should have this it would be me. It’s very strange Alex, this house of yours sounds familiar too, but I’m not sure why, I would have to look into it for you. All I can say is perhaps speaking to this man is the key, but in the meantime take care, I wish I could come over and help, but it’s just not safe for me or you at this time. Leave it with me and I will call you later this evening. And Alex, please take care.”

Alex put the phone
down, she wasn’t reassured but knew she would have to speak to that man again if she wanted any answers.

There was a knock at the door; it was the woman about the gardens and ground work. Alex greeted her with a smile; this
was the first person she’d been in contact with that didn’t know she was dead. Alex felt anxious that the woman would notice something peculiar about her.

Would you like to come in first, or do you want to have a look around?” asked Alex, still feeling trepidation about frightening this woman away.

I think, we best have a look round, it looks like a big job, but I can’t wait to get started, help bring it back to its old self. Judging by what I’ve seen so far, it will be a grand garden indeed.”

immediately liked this woman’s directness, “Right then let’s go.”

Alex led her
along the path up to the house, explaining she had someone coming to resurface and clear this driveway.

It’s a shame when a place as gorgeous as this is left to fall into ruin, but I’m sure we can give it the love it needs,” said the lady, “I’m Betty by the way; I much prefer that than Mrs Jones.”

Well, Betty, please call me Alex.”

Soon they were
in front the house; Betty noticed the fountain and went over to it.

Beautiful, looks like there isn’t too much damage either, I can see the main part is just a bit overgrown, shouldn’t take too long, when I get my crew on it, what about around the back?” asked Betty.

I’m not sure, I haven’t really looked around outside yet, we can go and have a look now if you like,” said Alex.

were walking round the side of the house when someone stepped out in front of them. Betty jumped. Alex looked and saw it was the man, he was smiling at her, and he had a beautiful smile.

I’m sorry ladies, didn’t mean to scare you,” he held out his hand to steady Betty.

It’s ok you can scare me anytime!” said Betty.

I really like this woman
, she is not scared to speak her mind, and better still Betty can see him too, so he’s not a dream

glanced at Betty and laughed, “This is Betty, she is thinking of taking on the job of making the grounds beautiful again.”

The man took
Betty’s hand and nodded, giving her his killer smile again. “Hello Betty, my name is Ryan, I’m a friend of Alex’s, and I’m pleased to meet the lady who is going to breathe life back into this garden, I’m sure with those hands of yours it will be fantastic.”

bowed low and kissed Betty’s calloused hands.

Oh you know how to make an old lady’s day, you do, he’s a keeper this one, if I was twenty years younger,” said Betty with a mischievous glint in her eye.

Alex was sure Ryan blushed.
She knew his name now, this was going to be a day of revelations.

Betty dear, you're young at heart. Any man would be lucky to have you,” said Ryan.

I will remind my husband of that when I see him, it’s nice to know I can still charm a young man,” laughed Betty.

Alex couldn’t help smiling.
Ryan was making this lovely old lady’s day. Why wouldn’t she be flattered? He was sexy as hell, she knew she shouldn’t but there was nothing wrong with looking and he offered a lot to look at. She felt herself blush as she began to think about what he looked like under those clothes.

we continue with the tour of the garden, you’re welcome to join us if you like Ryan!” said Alex.

Before Ryan could answer Betty jumped in
, “Alex if you don’t mind, would it be ok if I explore by myself. I find I get a better feeling for the garden if I’m left on my own for a while, I can meet you back at the cottage later.” She seemed eager to leave Alex and Ryan alone .

“That’s fine
, if you're sure,” said Alex. “I need to go back and wait for the driveway person anyway.”

Unless Betty you would like me to walk around with you?” said Ryan. Alex’s heart jumped, she didn’t want him to leave, but she also felt guilty like she was cheating.

No, no dear, as much as I would love to spend the day with you young man, I don’t think I would be able to give the job my full concentration, now leave me to my thoughts and I will see you later,” said Betty and off she went leaving Alex and Ryan together.

So your name’s Ryan, I’m finally learning something about you. And now I am sure you’re not something dreamt up by my wild imagination,” said Alex.

I’m sorry Alex, can we start again? I will walk with you back to the cottage and we can talk while you wait,” said Ryan.

Alex looked at his eyes pleading with her to let him stay, how could she turn him away
? His amber eyes flickering with gold in the sunlight, she could lose herself in those eyes forever.

walked back to the cottage in silence, Alex led the way with Ryan following behind, watching her graceful stride. Every second they spent together, he was falling more in love with her, but he knew her love for Gary was a strong bond to break. He hated this man for the way he treated her, but that was something he would have to leave for Alex to decide for herself.


Ryan waited in the kitchen while Alex went to show the builder the driveway she wanted
tarmacked. He knew she wouldn’t have a problem getting the man to do what she wanted for a good price and fast, though Alex didn’t know it yet, she was able to get anyone to do anything she wanted, she could control minds.

Ryan knew he needed to explain things to her and not upset her,
there was a lot she didn’t know and it was up to him to let her know the real Alex.

Alex returned smiling from ear to ear,
“He’s going to start work in the morning clearing the ground ready to prepare the driveway, hopefully it will not take too long, a week or two and it will be completed, just got to wait to see if Betty will take on the job now.”

Ryan smiled
“I’m glad it’s all working out for you,” Alex returned with a jug of cold lemonade and two glasses.

I think we need to talk, maybe start on a better foot than the last time we met,” said Alex.

I’m sorry I came across the way I did, there are important things you need to know and it's difficult to explain everything to you,” said Ryan.

Start by telling me why we have such a strong connection.”

I think it’s best I explain from the beginning as such, and then our relationship may make sense.”

Go on then I’m listening,” said Alex as she poured the drinks.

This may be hard to hear but please try not to get too upset, it will all make sense. Let me start with a history lesson. You know there are such things as witches; I know that you do because of your friend Marie.” Ryan looked at Alex for a reaction.

How do you know about Marie?” asked Alex.

Alex please let me finish and ask questions later.”

Alex nodded.

“Witches form covens and each coven has a high priest or priestess, you and your husband didn’t buy this house by chance, it’s all connected.”

Connected how?” asked Alex, unable to restrain her curiosity. “Sorry, I am meant to be listening, not asking questions, please go on.”

I remember coming here when I was very young with my mother and father as they belonged to the coven that worshiped here,” said Ryan.

So you're a witch too,” said Alex.

I’m a warlock or wizard whichever suits; anyway back to the history lesson,” Ryan smiled at Alex’s sardonic expression.

“The h
igh priest and priestess were respected people; people would travel from faraway to join their coven. The priestess had a child, also a girl who grew up to follow in their teachings. She was destined for a man that nearer the time would know he was the chosen one, who would become the next high priest. There would be a great bond between the two of them that would draw them together like the pull of the sun on the earth. A connection that could not be broken, a love so strong . . .” said Ryan, all the time looking at Alex, who was taking in every word.

This wasn’t to happen, you see in the world there are many that do not like, or fear, our kind and would hunt us down. The coven broke down, as members got picked off, killed, one by one by the hunters. Some fled to other parts of the country and the world to escape. The high priest was killed during an attack one night at this cottage, the mother and daughter escaped, but the mother feared for her daughter’s life and decided to hide her from these killers’ eyes, and where was the best place to do that than to put in with a normal family where she would not know of magic and live a normal life, where she would not be found. What the priestess didn’t know was that over the years people would lose interest in our kind, they would just think we were weird or old fashioned. To humankind we are just a made up story, not real, a legend. We learned to adapt to the changing world and not to provoke others to hunt us down. Because the mother couldn’t foresee this, she placed the girl in a home for children when she was two, to be forgotten, hoping this would protect her.”

Alex sat listening, she loved the sound of his voice, his face looked tired from all the travels he must have been on,
and his story was both extraordinary but also completely believable.

What happened to you and your family?” asked Alex, wanting to know more about this beautiful man sat in front of her, why was she feeling this way.

We stayed, my friend Nick and I tried to help protect those who stayed, and we felt it was our duty, but we failed to protect each other.” Ryan went silent.

Nick, as in Marie’s Nick?” exclaimed Alex.

Yes, we came across something we had not prepared for but that is another story for another time, all you need to know is that Nick is safe and will return to Marie when the Alignment is over, now please Alex let me finish,” Ryan took another sip of his lemonade.

Alex can I ask you some questions?” asked Ryan.

Yes,” answered Alex, still wondering where all this was leading to.

Did you find it easy, when it came to studying at school? Did the technical side just make sense to you but not others? Did you sense things were going to happen and then they did?”

Yes I suppose I did, but I was always different to the others, I never really mixed at school apart from when I met Gary, I liked to keep myself to myself,” answered Alex.

Do you remember when you were a baby, what was your earliest memory?” Ryan asked.

No I don’t really, but who does, Ryan where is this going?” asked Alex. Ryan pulled out an envelope from his pocket and gave it to Alex.

Alex looked at the envelope
“What's this?”

Read it, it will make sense.”

Alex pulled out the
documents from the envelope one by one looking at each in turn. Alex’s face registered something between shock and relief, as she read them. Ryan knew she understood the importance of what she was looking at.

“What’s this supposed to mean? A
re you telling me I’m adopted what has this got to do with anything you have just told me?” asked Alex, she was crying she knew what he was trying to tell her but she wanted to hear him say the words.

“I’m sorry Alex if
this is too much to take in, we can finish this talk later,” said Ryan as he put his hand out to hold Alex’s, she pulled away and stood up and began pacing backwards and forwards.

“So you’re
telling me my real parents are the high priest and priestess, I’m an heir to all this, the leader of a coven and I can do magic. I’m sorry but I’m not some character out of a Harry Potter book. If I could do magic, then why would I let myself die, If I was magic I could have done something to prevent my death!” Alex fell to the floor in tears, crying uncontrollably.

went over and helped her up and pulled her close, and held in her in his arms, this was how it was supposed to be, he was there to protect her, but even more so to love her, and proximity only accelerated his passion. Alex felt warm and safe in Ryan’s strong arms, soon she felt herself begin to calm down, and the tears stopped. She looked up into his eyes, those eyes, his lips, she reached up and touched his face and reached up to kiss him.

Ryan pulled away before their lips could touch.

“Don’t you want me Ryan, I thought that was the point of all this.”

Alex, don’t do this, I don’t want this, not in this way, and you’re upset and angry, you need time,” Ryan turned to leave.

Where are you going!?”

Ryan didn’t turn back,
“I’m leaving now Alex, I will return when you're ready, I’m sorry.”

went over to the door and left Alex alone with her thoughts, so much had gone on even before her death, she hadn’t had time to take a step back and really see for herself how so much has changed, how things could be connected.
Was she meant to die, was this her destiny after all? Was Gary really the man for her? She wasn't sure but felt mainly alone again.

There was a knock at the door, Alex ran to
open it.
Had Ryan changed his mind? Should she really be feeling like this about him? After all she was a married woman
. She opened the door with a smile on her face

“Thank y
ou for . . .” Alex stopped, it was Betty not Ryan.

Hi Betty, have you finished your tour, come in I’ll make you a drink,” said Alex recovering herself, Betty smiled and followed her inside the cottage.

You have a lot of grounds here Alex, but the garden area around the main house is what I want to tackle first, with my crew of gardeners we will get it done in no time. I was thinking of starting around the back of the house, that is, until your man has completed the driveway of course then we can set to work there, it was once a beautiful garden Alex, and will be again. I will do you proud.”

went and made a pot of tea and passed Betty a cup and then placed the milk and sugar on the table.

I’m so pleased Betty, that you’ll take this on, it’s just I feel I owe it to this place to give it the best I can, sorry I sound silly,” Alex began to look into her tea, frightened to look at Betty in case she broke down again.

Don’t you worry about a thing Alex. We will start tomorrow, and I have looked for a project like this for a while, something to get my teeth into.”

Thank you.”

Alex, you ok? Sorry if you think I’m overstepping the line, but you seem upset about something, you know what they say a problem shared and all that
,” asked Betty.

Betty was a lovely old woman and Alex knew they would become great friends, but she didn’t want to spill everything out in o
ne go, she needed to talk to someone who understood her.

It’s just been one of those days, I’ll be fine,” she said.

Well, you get that lovely young man of yours to look after you,” said Betty.

Betty, we’re not a couple, he’s just a friend, I’m married to someone else,” said Alex.

“That’s how it start
s Alex, trust me that man is smitten with you, and he would do anything for you, tell me this, where is that husband of yours now when you obviously need him?” said Betty.

Alex looked at Betty, not knowing how to answer.

“I’m sorry, I’m overstepping the line again, I’ll leave now. I shall return tomorrow to make a start on the garden, but if you need to talk you know where I am,” said Betty, she stood up and gave Alex a hug, it reminded her of her mom, Alex could feel the tears rising again.

Alex was all alone again. She
went over to the table where she’d left the papers that Ryan had given her. A birth certificate, adoption papers, some yellowed cuttings from local newspapers with stories of Alex’s progress. Where had Ryan got all these from? There was more to this story and Alex wanted the rest.

phoned Marie.

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