Read Bound Angel Bound Demon Online

Authors: Claire Spoors

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Paranormal, #Holidays, #Angels, #Demons & Devils, #Ghosts, #Psychics, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Witches & Wizards

Bound Angel Bound Demon (29 page)

BOOK: Bound Angel Bound Demon
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They made love
in every room of the house, Alex kept Gary hard at it. In some rooms he was in control, he was the master again, giving it to her strong and fast as though punishing her for something; his eyes would glaze over, as though lost in his anger. In other rooms he was gentle and took his time exploring her body, this continued until they ended in the bedroom. Gary was wet with sweat, he needed a shower, something to cool him down and relax him. In the bedroom Gary had got a bath fitted and so now they were in the large Jacuzzi together, Alex straddled him while she washed him as he lay back exhausted.

I love this bath, there’s so much room, you could get up to all kinds of things in here!” said Alex.

Yes, we can, but now, I want to have a wash and sleep, you have shagged the life out of me,” smiled Gary.

He got up and wrapped the bath towel around him.
“Are you coming?” asked Gary.

I will in a bit, you get your rest.” She waited for Gary to leave and then sank under the water blocking out all sounds. These dreams she kept having must mean something and she wanted to get to the bottom of them, work out what the connection was.

Do I need to hold my breath, why would I
? I’m dead, thought Alex. Alex held her breath anyway and began counting, 10 seconds, 60 seconds, 100 seconds.

Ok I don’t need to worry about my breath
, she concluded. Alex lay there under the water trying to empty her head of all other thoughts. There was still so much she didn’t know about life after death and was still learning. One thing she began to understand was that it was lonely. Lying under the water enveloped by silence she got the full sense of the loneliness she was feeling.

What will happen in the future? She began to think,
Gary will grow old and will I remain young? He will die and I’m pretty sure he won’t return to this earth to be with me forever. Let's not worry about that now; one step at a time Alex, do not fret about the things to come, take it one step at a time.

Let’s get back to th
ose dreams, or whatever they were, they felt so real; I really need to talk to Marie about them.

Alex began to
try to focus on the house again, try to get back to the living room and see who that person was, she was pretty sure it was a man, but who? Being under the bath water wasn’t working; she wasn’t relaxed enough or perhaps wound up enough. One way or another, she wasn’t going to that house tonight.

Alex climbed out of the bath and dried
herself down, got dressed into her tracksuit trousers and a warm top. She went into the bedroom, Gary was already asleep. She wrote a note for him in case he woke up while she was gone, telling him she was going to Marie’s.


* * *

rie was in her spell room again. She looked tired as she sat reading a book, drinking something she had made. Alex could smell it as she came into the room.

What’s that you're drinking? It smells terrible!” asked Alex as she went over to sit down next to her.

Something to help me think straight,” said Marie. Marie looked up and smiled, it wasn’t her usual bubbly smile.

Marie, I’m worried about you, you’ve been cut off from the world for weeks, mixing spells and reading books, what’s wrong?” Alex asked.

Marie didn’t speak
, just stared into her drink, making the spoon mix the drink with her mind.

Alex held
Marie’s hand. “Please Marie, is it about Nick?”

Marie looked up and nodded.
“It’s partly about Nick, I keep dreaming about him, but they show me he’s not the man I once loved, he has changed and that is the reason he left me. Whatever it is, it has taken control of him.”

Why did he leave, didn’t he say anything to you before he left?” asked Alex.

I don’t know for sure, just that he didn’t trust himself around me and needed to find a cure for whatever it is. That’s all I know, but these dreams, they are getting stronger. I think either he’s trying to get in touch with me or it’s because of the time of the year, it’s trying to show me something about him,” said Marie.

What's wrong with this time of the year, why would it have an effect on you?” asked Alex.

“It’s called Planetary Alignment, it happens every 200 years. For
normal everyday people it’s nothing, just a bunch of planets all in a line, but magical people, and people not of this world are affected in different ways.”

Affected how?”

“Well, for instance
my power can become out of control and really intense, or I can lose it and become vulnerable to people who want to hunt and hurt my kind,” said Marie.

And you don’t know whether you’re weak or strong yet?” asked Alex.

No, I have never been through it before, like I say it happens every 200 years, I’m not that old even though I feel like it most of the time,” Marie tried to joke but it was clear how tired she was.

Anyway I’m trying to conduct spells that will protect me throughout the whole of the Alignment,” said Marie.

How long does it last, the Alignment?”

“Two weeks including
the build up to it and the after effects. I keep trying to do this spell, but these visions I’m getting are battering me about, Alex, I just don’t seem to be able to focus on what needs to be done. I can’t tell if these dreams are trying to tell me what has happened or what is to come.”

Will I be affected too?” asked Alex.

It’s more than likely, but I can’t help you Alex, I don’t know what it will do to you, I’m just so tired and mixed up, I don’t know what to do!” said Marie.

Alex could see Marie was becoming exhausted.
“I think you need a good sleep, so you can focus a bit better, I will stay the night, so you won’t have to worry, then in the morning you can start working on your spells refreshed.”

Marie didn’t
have the strength to argue. Alex helped her to bed, and made her a cup of hot chocolate and stayed with her until she fell asleep.

This must have something to do with why I’m dreaming
, this Alignment thing is affecting me too. I will have to play it out but I think I need to keep Gary away so he is safe, I’m not sure how this will go and I don’t want him in harm’s way,
thought Alex.

Alex picked up a random book out of Marie’s study to give her something to focus on while watching over Marie. She didn’t want to risk falling asleep. She went back to Marie’s bedroom and sat down to keep watch over Marie. Nothing
would harm her friend tonight, dreams or anything else.


Morning broke without any more dreams
. Alex had managed to stay awake all night and Marie hadn’t, she slept soundly. Alex left her to continue to sleep and went to make some breakfast. She had just put the breakfast things out to take into Marie, when Marie came in.

I was going to bring you breakfast in bed!” said Alex.

Thank you but you have done so much already, you should be getting back to Gary,” said Marie.

No, it’s ok, we have the movers arriving with the rest of our things this morning, so I need to be out of the way,” said Alex.

Marie sat at the table and began to eat; she ate like she hadn’t eaten for days.

“Do you want me to make you more?” asked Alex laughing, happy to see Marie becoming her old self again.

Sorry, I didn’t realize how hungry I was!” answered Marie smiling.

See, you're getting better already, you just needed a time-out and some food!” said Alex as she put another round of bacon and egg on her plate.

You're right, thank you. I feel more myself today, and I will be able to finish that spell now, once I have finished this food of course!”

Do you want any help?” asked Alex.

Not with the spell, but you can stay until it’s finished, I think I know what I have been doing wrong, and if it works well, I need you for that part,” said Marie. She finished the last of the food and then grabbed Alex’s hand to lead her into the other room.

Ok, I think!” Alex laughed, watching Marie, who was almost skipping into the room of spells.

Alex watched as Marie mixed and chanted, put herbs and things
Alex had never seen before into her pot on the stand. Then Marie sat and began to chant until she went into a trance, Alex watched, Marie didn’t seem to move, Alex waited for what felt like ages for something to happen.

Nothing, Marie just sat still. Alex got up and
went over and put her hand out to touch her, she reached out slowly, not wanting to scare her out of the trance. As Alex touched Marie on the shoulder lightly, a sudden sensation like an electric shock shot through Alex. It threw her back across the room with such power that she fell and knocked her shoulder into a table.

Marie got up and smiled.
“Done, great it worked,” Alex was still in a daze as looked up from her place on the floor.

Done, what was that?” asked Alex rubbing her shoulder which felt sore.

My protection spell, all I needed was someone to test it on, it looks like it’s a powerful one too, I won’t help you up, I don’t want to hurt you again,” said Marie with a smile.

No, please don’t. I don’t want that to happen again!” said Alex as she stood back up, she felt wobbly and a bit sick.

Just imagine what would have happened if you were trying to harm me in any way,” said Marie.

No, that was enough thanks, I’m just glad my pain makes you feel better Marie!” said Alex still rubbing her shoulder.

Sorry, you’re ok aren’t you? But I needed to test it, now I just have to put a protection spell on the house and I’ll be happy.”

Maybe I had better leave for that one,” said Alex but she really was glad that Marie felt safer now.

Yes, I think you had, but listen you take care over the next few weeks, I don’t know how this will affect you, but I want you safe, and when this is over, I will come to see this new house of yours so we can have a good catch up.” Marie went to give her a big hug, but Alex put out her hand to stop her.

Oh yeah, I forgot sorry,” laughed Marie.

ou take care as well and I will see you soon,” and with that Alex left, she didn’t want to stay in the house while it got protected, just touching Marie was a killer, the pain was still running through her, her shoulder felt sore as hell. She couldn’t wait to get home and have a soak in the bath, her head was still spinning.

Alex reappeared just outside the cottage, down the path
, out of sight in case the removal men were still there. There was only Gary’s car outside, so she walked up, well more limped up, the knock back at Marie’s really did hurt and she could feel other places beginning to hurt now.

went around the back of the cottage, wanting to explore the garden and see if she could shake the pain off before Gary saw her. Gary was out the back sitting on a garden chair reading, he looked up and smiled, his blue grey eyes twinkling in the sunshine, Alex smiled back and tried to walk over towards him without him noticing how much pain she was in.

“Did y
ou have a nice time, is Marie ok?” asked Gary.

She is now” answered Alex. She put her hand up to her head, and her legs went from under her. Gary ran over to her.

What happened, are you alright?” Gary helped Alex back to her feet and walked her over to the chair to sit down.

Alex explained the protection spell, and the
Planetary Alignment.

“So, you could be in danger,”
Gary said.

If something was to happen now I might be, but I think I will be fine if and when the time comes,” Alex tried to smile through the pain she was feeling, her head was still spinning.

When is this thing going to happen?” said Gary. He poured her a drink from the jug he had sitting on the little table next to the chair.

In a few weeks, but Gary, you should be away from me when it starts. I don’t want you getting hurt, or anything, I don’t know what to expect and Marie didn’t know either so I think it’s best you stay at the club, at least until it’s over, just to be safe.”

Look you said it wouldn’t have any effect on me so I would be safe,” answered Gary, he didn’t want to leave her, not now! Everything else could wait.

Gary, I don’t want to have fall out with you over this, I just want to have a bath and a rest, so I can get rid of this pain,” Alex stood up, still a bit shaky, and went towards the back door of the cottage.

Gary followed her into the house and helped her upstairs and ran her a bath. They didn't speak while Gary helped her out of her clothes and into the bath. Gary undressed and climbed in with her; he held her in his arms and began to wash her gently. The touch seemed to soothe her pains slightly.
But when he touched Alex’s shoulder she jumped.

That’s one nasty bruise you’re going to have there, I think you should get it looked at,” said Gary.

Stop worrying, I’m feeling better already, how can I get it looked at? I can’t go to a doctor now can I? I’m not even sure why I got a bruise anyway, I’m meant to be dead, remember!”

Alex lay back and let Gary wash her, feeling the wet cloth in his warm hands touching every part of her body. Alex wanted Gary, but she knew she just didn’t have the energy to even try; she just lay there and closed her eyes. Gary didn’t want to upset her anymore, everything that
was happening lately was strange, her sleeping, and now getting hurt, how could this be happening, was she going through some phase, or was she going to pass on to the afterlife after all?

Too many questions building again
, thought Gary.
This week away is about spending some time with her, I owe her that at least.

Gary now lifted her out of the bath and wrapped her in a towel, and carried her to the bedroom and laid her on the bed. Alex lay th
ere never wanting Gary so much as she did now, Gary began to dry her, then he pulled the blankets back and helped her into the bed.

Rest for now and we’ll talk later,” Gary kissed Alex softly and left her to rest.

Alex closed her eyes, sleep came, well least something did
, she wasn’t sure if it was the pain from Marie’s spell that was dragging her to sleep or something else was dragging her into unconsciousness, but she just let it take her there. She had no fight left in her now.


She opened her eyes. The room was dark; she was still in her bed. Alex tried to sit up but couldn’t, she felt heavy, unable to move any part of her body, and she turned her head to look around the room. She saw the fire had been lit sending shadows flickering across the walls. Alex watched the flames dance, it was hypnotising and relaxing. Then she noticed someone sitting in the corner of the room watching her. Alex couldn’t make out who it was, that spell had weakened all her strength and senses, her sight was much weaker than it had been.

The person stood up and
came closer, she made out that it was a man; he put out his cigar in the palm of his hand and threw it into the fire. It was the person from her dreams! Alex didn’t try to move, she had a feeling it wouldn’t help her even if she could. He came closer, she somehow felt safe, and her senses sharpened with every step the man took towards her.

He helped her to sit up and then sat on the edge of the bed. Alex looked at him, waiting.

“I have been waiting for you to come back since that night you came into my home. I watched you that first night walk up and enter my home. I wasn’t sure if you were a person to trust at first so I hid when you came into my bedroom. Then you came back again I could sense you walking up behind me, but you were gone just as quickly, there is something that draws me to you and I feel it is the same for you and I’m not sure what it is yet, so I waited for your return but you never came, I sensed you were near, something was wrong. Something was stopping us connecting,” he said, not looking at her; he seemed to be watching the fire, fearful of looking her in the eyes.

Alex pulled the blankets up over her chest, remembering she
was naked.

You’re the person from my dreams?” asked Alex.

Not dreams, it’s a connection, you just lose connection from one world to reach another.” The man turned, Alex stared at him, his eyes were like glowing amber. They seemed to draw her in. He had long flowing, dark, thick, beautiful hair, she wanted to touch it. Something was pulling them to each other, but what, did he have some sort of magical power over her, was he controlling her mind, her thoughts? Alex tried to clear her head, calm her feeling for this strange but sexy looking man.

Another world?” she questioned.

Well it’s more like a time, we are from different times but our paths are getting closer, and our times will catch up, we are meant to meet for some reason. That reason is not known yet,” said the man.

Alex was beginning to feel stronger,
“Who are you?”

That isn’t important now.”

Alex felt comfortable around
him for some reason. There was more than a connection, and she sat watching him waiting for something to happen between them, or was it more wanting something to happen?

I know a lot about you Alex, ever since that first night I saw you; I have watched you and found out things about you. I know you believe you are a spirit, bound to walk this earth forever.”

Alex let the words
run over her, his voice was like smooth honey, running sweet all over her body. She then noticed his body, the shirt he wore was an old style, but it was tight across his chest, the muscular physique showing through, she knew Gary and Ray were fit. But this man was both of them rolled into one. Alex suddenly remembered Gary.
Where was Gary?

“Where’s my h
usband?” she asked.

Don’t worry he is asleep downstairs, I made sure he was asleep. With a little help of course! So I could come to you without waking him.”

What do you mean with a little help, you made sure he was asleep, what did you do? How could you do this? I thought we were from different times.”

I added a little something to his drink, so he would sleep like a baby and not interrupt us, we
from different times, like I said, I know something about you and knew he would be here. As for the word husband, that is not a word I would use,” said the man more sternly.

He is my husband, why wouldn’t I use that word?” said Alex, shocked at his rudeness.

Well, with you officially passed on, he’s a widower, so therefore you’re not married, that is if that was what you called a marriage when you were alive! I think a more accurate description would be sex slave, but each to their own.”

Was this man jealous of her former life? He seemed to know a lot about her, a bit too much for her liking.

“I’m not a sex slave as you put it, I’m his wife, I choose that life, Gary didn’t want me to part of it at first,” she snapped back at the peculiar man.

He wanted to keep that part away from you, he was happy to sleep with others, that is not what I call love.”

BOOK: Bound Angel Bound Demon
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