Bought By Him #1 (6 page)

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Authors: Alycia Taylor

BOOK: Bought By Him #1
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“I think that we should discuss the
guidelines of our relationship Grace, so that there isn't any confusion here.”

“Guidelines?” Her raised brows
worried me slightly. She looked confused.

“Yes I need to know that you have a
full understanding of my expectations.”

She just started to nod her head in
agreement, not really saying much.

“Okay, great. As I'm sure you know
and probably expect we will be married. I assume you are okay with that since
you did sign-up to a mail order bride website.”

She nodded.

“I have a very good reason for
needing a wife at this stage in my life. I will of course expect you to sign a
agreement even though you aren't technically allowed
to divorce me, I'm not really taking any chances. That will need to be signed
before we are married.”

She just continued to stare at me
and I hoped at least she was taking it all in.

“You can of course use some of my
money and I will create a bank account for you with $20,000 being added in
every month. If I were to ever divorce you, whatever money is in that account
will still be yours to keep. I will of course still continue to provide you
with things such as clothing, a car, that sort of thing.”

Her eyes grew wide and I smiled
warmly to try and calm her down. I was not trying to overwhelm her or make her
anxious in any way. I just wanted to lay down the ground rules so that she was
not surprised with anything in the future. I was not surprised to see her
beautiful blue eyes widen in surprise. I assumed based off the fact that she
had signed up for the mail order bride site and came from Indonesia, that she
had no money. I knew nothing of her family life. But I assumed that she was not
able to provide for herself, otherwise why would she put herself in this position.
She had no idea that she would be purchased by a wealthy man, she could have
easily been purchased by someone with a good job and a decent savings account.
I knew she wasn't after my
money, that
was the least
of my worries when it came to Grace. I was more worried that she was after my
heart because if that was the case she would only get hurt and I didn't want
that for her.

“On another note, you will be
required to have sex with me whenever I want and at any moment. You are also
have any
sort of sex that I'm interested in. Nothing is of limits for us.”

Her eyes grew even bigger if that
was possible. I could also understand her reaction as I knew her to be a virgin
without any sexual experience. But if we started things out early and it's her
only sexual experience than she will only know my experience in the bedroom. I
liked the idea of her only knowing me. I would fuck her good, no doubt about
that but knowing that she would have only been pleased by me was very appealing
indeed. She was all mine.

“Do you mind if we continue this
conversation in a second? I really need to use the bathroom.”


She exited quickly and I knew that
it had everything to do with our conversation and not because she had to use
the bathroom. Hopefully she would come back and be okay with the arrangement.


Chapter Ten



My head swam as I went into the
bathroom unsure of whether the little food I ate was about to come up. I leaned
against the bathroom counter and stared into the mirror at myself. What the
hell had I got myself into? It was becoming clear that Kip was not interested
in a traditional marriage and I wasn't quite sure how I felt about it. Would he
never love me? Would we just be strangers our whole lives like two ships
passing through the
It was terrifying to think
so. I couldn't understand why he wasn't interested in falling in love and
having a real life together. I understood the
completely, many people did such things, plus I had never wanted his money, I
had just wanted a new life away from my parents. Coming to America alone was a
dream come true, the rest was just a bonus. I had everything that I could ever
ask for in regards to the comforts of life, I couldn't imagine what I would
need my own account for. The only plus side was that if Kip ever did decide to
divorce me then I would have enough to start over with and would never have to
return to my parents. I would have enough for an apartment, money to go back to
school, I would still have that fresh start in life and that was worth a lot to
me. I had no friends in San Francisco and I wondered if that would ever change.
I could possibly spend money on entertaining myself with them, still it seemed
like an awful lot of money.

Looking at myself in the mirror I
wondered if there was something wrong with me. Did he not find me interesting
enough? Would I bore him? Is that why he wasn't interested in a real life with
me? I had assumed, wrongly of course, that he had been looking for a companion,
someone to spend time with and eventually fall in love with. How wrong could I
There had been no mention of growing close
or even getting to know one another. Well except for in the bedroom, I had a
feeling that I was about to get to know Kip really well in the bedroom. I knew
that he obviously found me attractive since he planned on having sex with me
every which way. So attraction for him certainly wasn't an issue.

I shook my head, no that I could not
think about for the moment. That was a lot of information that I didn't even
understand for the most part. I couldn't even believe he had said half of that
stuff to me, it was just too bizarre.

My god, $20,000 a month? What would
I even do with that kind of
My clothing, food
and living expenses were paid for; what did I even need that money for? A
couple of hundred dollars would have plenty for me to use in a month. I didn't
need that kind of money, it seemed obscene. I really had no idea what it was
like to be a wealthy person. Maybe everything was really expensive.

Nothing was off-limits with the kind
of sex he wanted? Any moment of any time?
Holy fuck.

My heart was almost beating out of
my chest, it was
patting at a speed that made
my head spin and I started to feel a little crazy. I had no idea what to think
about the sex life he was speaking about. What exactly did no limits even mean?
What kind of sex was this guy into? Did I even want to know? Would I like it,
or would I pretty much hate every moment of it?

I had no experience, he knew that. I
was hoping that we could have even eased into things slowly but by the sounds
of things he could 'take' me at any moment. Was I ready for that? Did I have a
choice but to be ready for that? I had just assumed that we would wait until we
were married, not for any religious reason, just the fact that it just made
sense since we were virtually strangers. But we were clearly not on the same
page and I had to wonder if I would be in Kip's bed tonight. That thought only
made my heart beat even faster. I didn't know how to handle any of this, I had
no experience with a man. I was not only a virgin but I hadn't even dated men
before. My parents forbid me too, not that there was a lineup of men dying to
date a poor girl. Even if there was my parents would never have allowed such a
thing. Oh, if they could only see me now. Rich and about to be ravaged by a
complete stranger. It would completely blow their minds. That at least put a
smile on my face momentarily.

It's not like I didn't assume that I
would have sex with Kip, I wasn't dumb. I knew that I was going to have sex
with the guy, he had obviously bought me to be his wife, why wouldn't he have
sex with me? But still...nothing was off limits? I wasn't entirely sure what
exactly he meant but I knew enough about sex that it could go in areas I had
never even thought of...literally. I thought in this arrangement that I would
have at least had a say in what kind of sex that I would have, that I would be
able to say no if I wanted to. He was a handsome guy, maybe I wouldn't want to
but getting the choice sure would have been nice. Falling in love would have
been really nice as well. Was it possible that I could still get him to fall in
love with me
Trick him into letting his guard
down long enough to feel something for me? I doubted it, his 'guidelines' had
pretty much stipulated that I had been purchased for one reason and one reason

Staring at my reflection I knew that
I was going to have to agree to it though, all of it, because there was no way
I was ever going back to live with my parents in Indonesia. I couldn't bear to
go back there, especially now that
had been
officially missing for days. They were probably already looking for me...or
celebrating...either way they knew I was gone. If I came back with my tail
between my legs there would be hell to pay, especially if they were celebrating
this whole time. No, I could never go back, that was totally out of the
question. I knew that if I said no to his requests that he would send me
packing. He had no feelings for me, so why would he care what happened to me. I
would probably be on the next flight home, flying coach, faster than I could
say goodbye. The thought made me shudder involuntarily.

No I had to do this, for my freedom,
for the chance at a better life. I had a word of opportunities by being with
Kip. I looked at myself sternly in the mirror,
you can do this Grace! I know
I could, I could be the woman that he wanted. I just knew it.

I straightened out the wrinkles on
my dress that was not hugging my tight little frame. I had to admit I did look
good. Could I really blame the guy for wanting to have sex with me? Is that
what they all wanted to do? I couldn't exactly fault the guy for that could I?

Just as I was about to leave the
bathroom a thought occurred to me. He mentioned having a reason to need a wife
at this stage in his life. What was his reason for wanting a wife? I caught my
eye again in the mirror as nervousness flooded in once again.


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