Bought By Him #1 (2 page)

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Authors: Alycia Taylor

BOOK: Bought By Him #1
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I was sitting in my room, trying to
avoid my family. I could hear them bustling around getting their day started
and I dreaded coming out of my safe haven. That was my room, I was safest there
and I hoped that would never change. They rarely came in to find me unless they
had some chore they wanted me to do, otherwise they pretty much left me
alone...that was until they needed a punching bag. My family was poor, dirt
poor, there was no way around that. I needed to get away from them as soon as
possible for my own sanity. How soon could I get out of there I didn't know. I
had no money of my own and no prospects. I had no money to go to school to even
hope for a better life. I was stuck with them until further notice.

It wasn't just the fact that my
family was poor that bothered me. Poor, I could deal with. Poor, I could even
be happy with if they were loving, normal parents but they weren't. They were
terrible people, the worst that I had ever known. It always amazed me that
people who were supposed to love you and care for you could be the worst thing
for you. To say it plainly, they were angry, abusive and known to be heavy

Oddly enough I was an only child,
the only one bore to my parents. You would think that they would find that
precious, but no I was not that lucky. In fact it appeared as if they just
didn't care about me. It was a wonder they didn't just leave me on someone's
doorstep when I was born. Maybe they thought that would be too good for me, a dumpster
maybe. Either way, I couldn't imagine why they had ever tried to raise me.

Australia was my home, a place that
I loved. I wished that I had the means to truly adventure around the area. It
was a beautiful place, breathtaking actually. I couldn't imagine living
anywhere else. Unfortunately my parents hadn't asked me my opinion when they
moved us to Indonesia, when I was 13 so I had been far from home for five
years. My father worked in the technical department at a company and that was
why we had to move. I hated it but there was nothing that I could do about it.
As if things couldn't have gone worse my father recently got fired from the
company and now our family was desolate, having nothing and living in a place I
hated. That was when all the drinking had started. As if being poor wasn't
enough they had to throw alcoholism into the mix to shake things up.

Embarrassingly enough I had made a
huge decision recently that I wasn't entirely sure was the best idea, but I was
desperate. I signed up to a mail order bride company on a lark hoping that I
could get myself out of the situation that I was in. I was willing to do almost
anything to get away from my parents. I prayed every night that I would be
accepted and that someone would take me away from this place. It was hell...I
was living in hell and I didn't know how much longer I could handle it. I
worried about my sanity...and sometimes my life when they got into one of their
fits of rage. I didn't want to continue to live the way that I did. I wanted some
semblance of a life worth living.

If I had the money, I would fly back
to Australia in an
instant, that
was the only place
that I wanted to be. If only I could get back there. Really I would have gone
anywhere at that point, anywhere that would allow me to get a job that actually
paid well. Well enough for me to live off of and go to school. The idea of
higher learning was something that I longed for and yet it was so far out of my
grasp it was so embarrassing. I had nothing to my name however and no opportunities
to get an education. I curled up in my blanket and fell back to sleep.



When I awoke I received notification
that I had been accepted for the site in Indonesia, even though I was
originally from Australia. My heart beat fast thinking about the opportunity of
being on the site. I didn't want my parents to know because all they did was
try and make my life miserable. They would somehow ruin it for me. They would
prevent me from being involved with the site for sure. They would handcuff me
to my bed...or worse, anything to keep me away from a better life. I couldn't
allow that to happen. I didn't even want to let them know anything about it. It
was just safer that way.

I was lucky enough to live by one of
the most popular cities in Indonesia because that’s where the company was
located for the Indonesian part of the company. I glowed with happiness. They
would take pictures of me and get more information about me to post on the
website. I had an appointment that day so I had better get on the scooter and
get going. They were expecting me and the last thing I wanted to do was keep
them waiting.


Driving a scooter was the main
transportation for my family. It was how we got around and when my father had
odd jobs he would take it to work. I slipped out of the house without them
knowing and made my way to the city to get to my appointment. I hoped that my
father wouldn't need the scooter that day or I would be in for one hell of a
night when I returned.

Once there I met with a women who
glowed of success. She was tall, blonde and walked with her head held high. She
wore a pantsuit and spoke with authority. She was the kind of woman I had
always dreamed of becoming. She brought me into the room where I met with the
photographer, everyone was so polite and kind to me. It was a new feeling being
respected by others.

I stood there self-consciously as
they took a series of head shots as well as full length shots. They went on and
on about how naturally beautiful I was, at first I had thought they were
talking about someone else. Once the pictures were taken they led me to an
office where we figured out what would go on my profile. They wanted to know
what kind of interests I had and certain things I liked. When I read the
profile on the screen my face lit up.


Name: Grace White

Age: 18

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Green

Body Type: fit and curvy

Sexual experience: Virgin

Interests: reading, road trips,
going on adventures and living life to the fullest.

Likes: Good food, travel,
literature, parties, sports and freedom.


I was on cloud 9 when I left the
company and made my way home. This was possibly the start of a new life for me.
I just needed to hope that someone would chose me, find interest in me and get
me the hell out of the terrible life that I was leading. This could be my only
shot at happiness. It just had to work. I didn't have any other options, I
would be lost if this fell through.

When I walked in the front door of
my home, I wished I didn't. My parents were in the middle of a screaming match
and they were both very drunk. An empty whiskey bottle sat on the living room
table. I never understood how poor people managed to afford liquor. Our lives
would be so much better off if the money went to where it was supposed to go.
They both turned to me when I entered the room and looked at me with pure
hatred. The look made me shrink back.

“Where the hell have you been you
little slut?”


Chapter Three



I took the plunge and signed up for
the mail order bride website. The more I thought about it the more I wanted to
be governor at any cost. I couldn't see myself being happy if I let the
opportunity pass me by. After signing up I scrolled through the website to
become familiar with how it all worked. I realized that the girls weren't
priced as if it was a retail purchase, you had to bid on them. May the best man
win so to
I was surprised to see so many women
involved in something like that. They wanted a better life
the one they had, some of them just wanted to be rich heiresses. While others
were poor and looking for a way out of their country. It took a lot of bravery
to do something like that, to go on a site and be whisked away by a man you
didn't know. You could only hope that a kind man purchased you. There were
thousands of them. It was like picking a needle out of a haystack. How would I
find the one that I wanted? What if I picked the wrong one or worse, what if I
lived to regret this decision for the rest of my life? Like how does one really
go about buying a wife? It was a little absurd and I was starting to question
Darren's sanity for getting me involved with this kind of scheme. He better
hope that I win the position of governor if he knew what was good for him.

Once I had things figured out I
began scrolling through some of the girls' profiles. I was looking for a
knockout who wouldn't end up annoying me with ridiculous interests. I would
have to spend significant amount of time with this woman so I didn't want to
choose someone who would drive me insane. I hoped that the girl would enjoy
being a homebody and generally leave me alone for the most part. I didn't want
to have to deal with her much; I was thinking of this as a business proposition
and nothing else. She needed to be okay with that. However I also didn't want some
ugly, overweight broad that I would have to spend time with. I had a reputation
after all and people expected me to be with a certain type of woman. Not only
for my reputation but being governor I had to have a woman beside me that had
class and good taste. She didn't need to have that right away, as long as she
learned it. I didn't have time to find someone of good breeding, so she had to
be a shoe-in right in the door. Someone smart and sexy who could learn the
ropes of high society quickly. That was the best that I could hope for. I
wasn't about to date a raging disaster and then have to clean up a mess later.
The girl that I chose had to be pretty perfect, she was about to be the
wife after all; that mattered. She would be one
lucky girl that was for sure, to just walk into a life of wealth and luxury,
all those gold diggers out there would be
for sure. I was pretty sure that my own assistant was vying for the position;
she would have to dream bigger I was afraid.

I noticed that you could choose the
country that the girl came from as there were other areas
site. Out of curiosity I clicked
on the Indonesia page and started scrolling. It didn't really matter to me
where the girl came from as long as she met my other requirements.

That was until I stopped scrolling
as I saw a girl that doesn't look Indonesian at all. It said she was Australian
but had been living in Indonesia for a few years. She was stunning,
breathtaking even. I had never seen anyone so beautiful in my life and I had
been with many beautiful women. She had the body of a goddess, a body that I
wanted to touch and taste badly. I didn't think that it was possible to find a
woman so beautiful. I had to have her. She was completely perfect for me in
every way.

I could definitely handle her
interests, especially the fact that she was into sports and the mention of
freedom intrigued me. I certainly could relate to that. She was also...a
virgin. That I liked very much. A woman that would only be with me, unspoiled.
It also amazed me that an untouched woman would want to do something like that,
marry a man she didn't know, didn't love? I wondered what her life must be like
in Indonesia. Why
was she
on there, was she poor,
abused, both? Or
simply looking for a way out of Indonesia?

I sat back in my chair and thought
about it. Australian accents always did something to me and I had always missed
one of the Australian girls that used to work for me before she moved back
home. She had been hot and every time she spoke I swore I got hard. She was
also good in bed and the way she talked was such a turn on. We had been just
friends with benefits and that’s all I had ever wanted to be but I always
missed that Australian accent and her sexual experience. I had hated to see her
go. She had been a wonderful addition to my life, though I had not wanted
anything serious. Which was probably partly why she was so willing to go in the
first place. Usually what happened with the women in my life was that they
would leave, rather abruptly, when they realized I was not courting them but
just looking for some fun. There was a rare few that stuck around because they
liked to be pampered but for the most part they bailed when they realized I had
no intention of dating them long term.

By the look of her picture she
appeared to be in her early 20's which was absolutely perfect for me. I looked
at the bidding details and saw that the bidding would start for her that day. I
liked the sound of that. She was the girl that I wanted, I was sure of that.
Having her by my side would surely make an impression on the society around me.
It would be like having an angel on my arm. Grace...what a perfect name for the
girl that I was looking at.

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