Bought By Him #1 (3 page)

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Authors: Alycia Taylor

BOOK: Bought By Him #1
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I started bidding and felt confident
that I would win the lady that I wanted. She was an absolute stunner. My fear
was that every man in the country would start bidding on her as well.

Two hours later, I was in a bidding
war with another client that and was furious about it. I had closed much harder
contracts in my sleep and yet I couldn't even get the girl I wanted. By the
time the night was over, I had spent $150,000 but the girl was finally mine. If
anything I got one hell of a bargain. I would have spent any amount of money to
make sure that she was mine. A million dollars would have been too less. The
girl was that beautiful. Helen of Troy eat your heart out, I had the most
beautiful woman in the world bought and paid for.

My breath caught as I realized what
I had done.
Holy shit, I just bought me a bride.
I was really doing
this. In two week time Grace would be at my mansion in San Francisco. There was
no backing out now.

Well here goes nothing.


Chapter Four



I needed to find out my status on
the site and without a computer I had to get into town and find one. There was
a chance that I had a new life, waiting for me. I just had to get to a
computer. I stole myself out of my
house and made my way to the one place that I knew they had internet. The only
place I knew of was on the outskirts of the city that I had gone to for the
interview. Once I arrived I sat down, my heart beating hard, and logged into
the email that the company provided for me. There was a message for me from the
company telling me that there was an auction put in for me after so many people
favorited my profile.

Holy crap!
I had been so
popular that they had put me up for auction. There had been many men that were
interested in giving me a better life. I couldn't believe it. I had been so
afraid that no one would want me and there had been more than one. I had been
more popular than I could have dreamed of, people really liked me.

I read the rest of the email and
gasped. Someone had one the bid, I was officially purchased. I sat back in my
chair unsure of how I felt about the whole thing. My mind was swirling in a
million different directions and I didn't know how to slow my brain. I was
about to have a different life, would it be better than the one I had? It would
have to be, wouldn't it? I looked at the bidding information but they did not
disclose the amount that the client had paid for. Did it matter? I wouldn't
mind knowing what it cost to acquire someone like me? Did I sell for $1, $20, a
penny? It did matter to me, what someone would think that I was worth.

If I wanted more information I needed
to go to the company’s office in the city in Indonesia to get more it. They
would only disclose so much information through email, the rest would be in

I could have jumped all over the
room in a flurry I was so excited. It wasn't just excitement at the thought of
my freedom from my parents being bought but I also had severe nervousness for
the fact that I would find out who bought me. What if he was big and hairy?
Shockingly these thoughts hadn't even occurred to me when I was signing up.
Now, fear struck me as I realized that I could have been bought by an old man
who would be pawing at me every second of the day. It would be like Drew
Barrymore in Ever After. What if he shackled me to a chair and made me do
chores all day and had sex with me at night. I shuddered at the thought. What
had I been thinking, this could potentially be the worst mistake of my life and
I had made it so easily. There was no going back. I wondered if it was too late
to back out. Probably, yes probably it was far too late to back out of the
situation. The client would have paid and I doubted he wanted a refund at that
point. I knew what I had been getting into from the beginning, this was what I
wanted so I had to suck it up and go through with it.

I was really going to have to go
through with this, regardless of who had purchased me. What was done, was done.
God knows how bad it could be but it could be a lot worse in my situation with
my drunk parents. I couldn't forget why I had signed up to begin with. This was
the way things were and my parents were impossible to live with. They wouldn't
even miss me when I was gone. I had to go and try to have a better life than
the one that I had now. I couldn't be their punching bag any longer. It was
time for me to truly live, regardless of who my husband was.

I got on the scooter and immediately
headed to the company to find out what I had to do next. When I arrive I am
greeted with smiles and congratulations from everyone in the company. It is
overwhelming and a little weird to be congratulated for being bought by a
stranger. But what could I do, I had put myself in their care. I should at
least be grateful that I was placed somewhere quickly.

The same woman that met me on the
first day now came out to see me once again. “Grace, how wonderful it is to see
you again. Well as you heard we have very good news. But things at this point
are going to start moving quickly for you so I hope you are ready.”

I nodded, “Yes, of course.”

“We need you to fill out some
paperwork and then you will be on a flight to the USA.”

“Wow, that soon?”

“Well it will be about two weeks
before everything is finalized and you get there but that's not a lot of time
either. We will be handling your visa application and obtaining you a

“Of course. It's all so

“That's completely understandable.
But you should be very excited. The client who won you is considered quite the

My eyebrows raised but I didn't say
a word.

The whole day became a whirlwind of
motion. The company helped me get everything that I needed. What was even
better was that it was all paid for. I didn't have to cover any costs on my


When I returned home that evening it
was late and my parents had already gone to bed. They probably didn't even
notice that I was gone the whole day. I had decided that while I was at the
company that I had no intention of telling my parents that I was moving to the
US. I didn't need any money from them, the company was giving me a small
allowance for any little thing I would need on my trip to the US and everything
else was taken care of. I felt like my parents would only ruin things for me.
Logically I was a legal adult, they couldn't force me to stay,
was able to make my own decisions. But I felt that being
the poisonous influence that they were they would somehow get in the way of me
leaving and I couldn't allow that.



Two weeks later I was on an airplane
to San Francisco with butterflies in my stomach. I couldn't believe I was about
to meet my husband to be. I hadn't told my parents I was leaving just like I
had planned. I wished that I could be a fly on the wall when it occurred to
them that I wasn't coming back home. I imagined after their initial freak out
they would just shrug their shoulders and get on with their day.

When the plane touched down at the
airport, I made my way to the front of the airport where a limo was waiting for
me. Unsure of what to do at first I walked towards the limo and opened the
door. Inside there was a dashing and handsome man who beckoned me to come
inside. I smiled nervously as I did as he asked.

“Hello there, I'm Grace. It's nice
to meet you.”

He smiled, “It's very nice to meet
you as well. My name is Kip, I'm going to take you home with me.”

I was breathless looking at him, I
couldn't believe how handsome he was and young. I was thanking my lucky stars
that the man I was about to marry wasn't an old man with back hair. In fact in
another world Kip could have been the man of my dreams. But right now he was
just a stranger.

“How was your flight?”

“Wonderful. It was the first time I
have flown first class. It was very luxurious, the hot town was nice.”

He smiled. “
great. First class is the only way you will be flying from now on.”

It was clear that he was very rich
then, otherwise why fly first class. Then of course there was the limo. My
heart was beating fast, I was so nervous. He rested his hand on my leg and I
almost jumped out of my skin. We drove for another 20 minutes before the limo
came to a stop.

“I want you to let me know Grace, if
you have any problems.”

“Sure, thank you.” I looked out the
window and realized we were at a gate and the gate opened up. The car drove up
the driveway and came to a stop again. When I get out I looked up at the house
and can’t believe how big it is. I had never seen anything like it, it was a
mansion. It was unbelievable, like Cinderella. I was Cinderella; how did this
happen? I looked over at Kip and wondered how much money he really had. How
much money would it take to own a house like that? Judging by the size it had
to be a lot. I never dreamed I would marry into a lifestyle like that. I was
just happy to be away from my parents and their abuse. But to come and live
there? Would I ever get used to it?

As the evening wore on I realized
just how tired and hungry that I was. We walk inside the mansion and a man
dressed in a tux approached us. He first whispered something into Kip's ear
before turning to me.

“Marcus, Grace has some bags in the
car. Can you bring them up to her room please?”

“Of course Sir.”

“Fantastic,” he looked at me,
“Marcus will take you to your room and if you are hungry after your travels
please let him know.”

I just nodded, wondering why Kip
wasn't joining me. Once Marcus retrieved my bags I followed him up a staircase
and down a long hallway. The house seemed to be so much bigger inside. When we
arrived to my bedroom I gasped as I entered it. My room was practically the
size of the house that I lived in with my parents. I couldn't even believe that
this would be mine. It was decorated very chic like the upper
did on that show Gossip Girl. It was beautiful
and in my wildest
never thought that I would be in a position to stay in such a
room. I walk slowly around the room as Marcus set down my bags and waited for
me. There was a walk in closet that was completely bare, how could anyone ever
hope to fill such a space? I couldn't even imagine having that many clothes. I
also had my own bathroom with a claw foot tub and a separate shower. My
personal space spoke of elegance and class. It occurred to me then that I had a
separate room from Kip and I was relieved by that. I didn't expect that but I
was glad that my first night in the house would not require me to fall asleep
with a stranger in my bed. It was thoughtful of Kip to allow me to get
comfortable first.

“Will you be needing anything else

I turned to him, “I'm famished. But
I think I would like to take a bath first.”

“Of course. I will bring a tray of
food up for you and you can eat whenever you would like.”

“Thank you Marcus.”

“Any time miss, welcome.”

I smiled and waited until he left,
closing the door behind him. I walked into the bathroom and closed the door
behind me. I sat on the edge of the tub and turned on
, filling the tub
with hot water. As I watched the tub fill, I thought of home. My parents never
allowed me to take long showers or to fill a bathtub of water because it cost
too much. There I was filling a tub with hot relaxing water and I couldn't wait
to get inside. When I took a bath at home, I was rarely covered in water
because I was only allowed to fill it halfway, it became more chilly and
uncomfortable than anything. I eventually just took showers instead. So, I was
really going to enjoy this bath.

I slipped out of the dress that the
company had purchased for me. They had bought me some clothes to bring with me,
I couldn't exactly show up like a pauper. Once undressed, I slipped into the
steaming bath and laid down. I rested my head on the back of the tub and
couldn't remember a time that I ever fell so
. If
things only got as good as the bath felt then I would be a happy woman. I
couldn't remember how long I laid in the bath but at some point I heard Marcus
return and set down a plate in the other room. I wondered what he had prepared
for me. How crazy was it, that I had a butler who just brought me food whenever
I wanted it?

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