Bought By Him #1

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Authors: Alycia Taylor

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Bought By Him


By Alycia Taylor


Chapter One



I stretched out my shoulders while I
sat at my desk. I had been in the office early that morning taking care of a
few things. I considered
break and hitting the gym to relieve
some stress but I thought better of it. I had a few contracts that were going
through that day and things would need to be signed. I had
a billionaire by creating a computer company and since
creation life had been really good. But I was
always up for new challenges, I wasn't the type of person to just rest on my
laurels. My new mission in life was to
of New York. I hadn't
officially made the decision to run but I was certainly thinking about it.
Running for governor was no quick decision, it had to be well thought out. That
however was still a year and a half away, though with politics you have to look
well ahead to make that you look electable. That was really what it was all
about fooling people into thinking that you were better than your opponent when
more often than not you were both desperately holding your head above water
trying to be perfect. That was always the puzzle around election time for me.
The fact that two people were desperately trying to convince the world that
they were perfect, when human nature said otherwise. That was why it always
came as such a shock when the person they voted for screwed up and did
something stupid.
Hello Clinton.
What should really happen is the world
should accept that people were flawed and just listen to what they wanted to
change about the world instead of taking a fine tooth comb to their personal
life. A person's personal life should have nothing to do with politics. Just
because you cheat on your wife doesn't have any bearing on whether or not you
could be a good governor and yet people couldn't deal with that kind of truth.
It was just too much for them.

I looked up as my campaign adviser
walked in, we had arranged a meeting to discuss my option to run. He sat down
across from me and opened up a folder. He was an obtusely overweight man who
seemed to always have a constant sweat going on. It was frequently found
dabbing his forehead with a Kleenex. I found him amusing to watch. He was one
hell of an adviser however, the best that I knew of.

“How are you today Kip?”

“I'm pretty great Darren, what do
you have for me? Am I a shoe-in or what?”

He dabbed away at his forehead and I
took that as a bad sign. “Well, I'm afraid it's not that easy.”

“What are you talking about? I am
the perfect candidate.” I smiled, my winning governor smile. I had been
practising it for some time.


, on
paper you are. You are definitely a successful and powerful man. But your
personal life leaves something to be desired.” He smirked at me.

I sat back in my chair and steeple
my fingers. “What exactly does that mean?”

“Okay well take a look at the
statistics that I printed out for you to see.” He handed over some papers my
way and I scanned them quickly.

“Okay so what exactly is this
telling me?”

“Well as you can see the odds are
certainly in your favor, like I said you are definitely a strong choice. But
the deciding votes will probably go to the man who's married and starting a

“What the fuck are you talking
about? Married?”

He laughed, “Yes Kip. Look at the
history of governors. Do you think anyone is going to elect a playboy as the
I wouldn't hold your breath on that
one. They want wholesome, a family that they can look up to and trust. Not some
guy who is sticking his dick everywhere, no offence.”

I chuckled, “I wouldn't say I stick
my dick everywhere, I'm just not the relationship type.”

“Well Kip, if you want to be
governor I suggest you change that. It's pretty important.”

The idea that I didn't have much of
a chance of being elected due to the fact that I wasn't married hadn't occurred
to me. It kind of pissed me off that I couldn't just be myself and be governor
as well. What was wrong with society? I had never really been interested in
getting married, I thought I would live the bachelor life forever if I had to.
I was perfectly okay with that. It just seemed so much more fun to sleep with a
bunch of hot chicks rather than settle down with just one. I didn’t think there
was a woman out there that could keep me interested for a lifetime. Could
anyone say that? Fuck, now what was I going to do? Married seemed like an
extreme answer to my problem. There had to be another way.

“So, what do you suggest?”

He looked at me sternly, “I suggest
you get in a relationship and married within a year. That's what I suggest.”

I stared at him stunned.

He continued to stare at me smugly.

I nodded, “Okay, I will think about

He then smiled and took something
out of his pocket. “I have a website you might be interested in. You clearly
haven't thought about marriage much, with being a 35 year old man who hasn't
had any girlfriend for more than a
of months.
So maybe this might be a better idea for you.”

He handed me a business card and I
stared down at it in shock. “This is for mail order brides Darren. What are you
even talking about here?” I couldn't have been more puzzled by him in that

“Look Kip, the site is for mail
order brides and
be honest. It's perfect for
you. You can pick the perfect girl for you and then you just buy her. You have
the funds and at least this way you're not getting any surprises. You get to
choose the kind of girl that you want. What more could you want?”

I looked down at the card with new
interest. Could I really do that? Buy a woman and make her my
had never heard of such a
thing, only in the movies. I had never actually known anyone to get a mail
order bride. Or maybe people just didn't talk about it. I didn't exactly have
to announce that I was buying a bride. For all anyone would know, I could have
met her in a coffee shop. That shit happened every single day. But
seemed just wrong to purchase another human being. Was that the same as
slavery? It's not like the girls were forced on that website, they were there

“This is crazy. Isn't it?” I looked
back up at Darren. “Do people actually do this?”

“Well, you wouldn't need to worry
about going out and looking for someone. Falling in love wouldn't be an issue
as well. And yes, you would be surprised how many people do things like this.
I'm just offering it as a suggestion, especially since you don't have a lot of
time to figure these things out.”

“I would buy her and then not love

“Kip, these things are a business
arrangements. You would of course care for the woman in the best ways possible,
she will be your wife after all. I'm not telling you to bring her home and
chain her up in the basement for
sake but yes the girls are usually aware that they aren't walking into a
Cinderella story. Love isn't really expected in these sorts of situations. You
don't even really have to do anything with her. You could live your own lives
and just have her by your side when you need to go to parties and events, so
people think that you two really are in love.”

“Wow, that's definitely something
new. I would never have thought to do that. I don't even know if I can to be
honest with you. Getting married in any way is not something I expected out of
this conversation.”

“Well whatever you decide you will
have to get married in the near future. Most mail order brides are very devoted
to their husbands so whatever you tell her to do she would most likely do.”

“Okay Darren, well I'm going to have
to think about it. You really blew my mind with this one.”

“No problem. Have a good day.”

A mail order bride. I looked back
down at the card and wondered whether this was what my future held. Could I
really go along with something like that just to be
How much did that position really mean for me? I would have to decide how much
I really wanted it, because it would change my life in significant ways. Having
a wife, real or not, would be a big adjustment in my life. Would it really be
worth changing my life that much just to have more power? I sure did like power
a lot though and a man could never have too much of it.

I looked up just as my assistant
Devine walked in the room. She shuts the door behind her and locked it. To my
delight she came around to where I was sitting and sat down in my lap. She
didn't say a word she just put her lips to mine and kissed me passionately. Her
tongue found mine and she sucked on it causing my cock to go rock hard. She
slid her hand down my dress pants and grabbed my hard cock squeezing it tight.

“What are you going to do with that

She smiled devilishly as she slid
down my body onto her knees and started undoing my pants. She pulled my cock
out, it bouncing before her now free from my underwear. She came above me
my cock into
her perfect mouth and sucked on it. My eyes closed above her as she sucked hard
while massaging his balls. My day was certainly looking up. Nothing like a mind
blowing blow job to make your day shine better. Her tongue began to swirl
against my shaft and then around my tip. I moaned with eagerness, loving how
she sucked my cock. Just when I thought it couldn't get any better she sucked
me even harder.

“Oh god, you're good at this.”

She took my cock deeper into her
mouth until it hit the back of her throat. I just loved fucking the back of a
girl's throat, it was so hot. She moved up and down rhythmically until she
moved fluidly with me in her mouth. I could feel a built up coming and I knew I
was about to blow right down her throat.

“Oh, I'm going to cum.”

She worked really hard to get my cum
out and I gasped as
took me and I spilled every bit of my cum down her throat. She slide off my
cock and licked her lips while staring at me. With a look like that she could
make me hard again. She slowly got up from the floor, straightened herself up
and walked silently out of the room. To say that I was shocked was an
understatement. I usually thought that my assistant was pretty useless but there
was one thing she was good at and that was giving me head.


Chapter Two



Turning eighteen wasn't exactly the
way I always thought it would be. I hated my life actually, there wasn't a good
thing about it. Didn't people love becoming an adult? Though it seemed that I
became that a long time ago. My body had developed well beyond my years and
many people thought that I was much older than I was. It was both a blessing
and a curse, depending on how you looked at it. Not that it ever helped me in
the love department. I was about as inexperienced as you could get for an 18
year old girl. The most depressing part about turning 18 was that my parents
had totally forgotten it was my birthday. No birthday party for me, no cake, no
presents, just another reminder that I wasn't really wanted in the first place.
I hadn't bothered to remind them, they would have just called me selfish for
forcing them to dip into their booze fund to buy me something. No, I just let
it slip by quietly being satisfied with the fact that I was now legally an
adult. Even after a few weeks went by, they still hadn't realized my birthday
passed. Wasn't it a crime somewhere to be that completely
I felt like it should be a crime anyways. I had no idea what real love was, or
where to find it. There was a very good chance I never would. My focus
currently was getting away from my poisonous parents before they ruined my life
any further.

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