Body of Secrets: Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency (111 page)

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Authors: James Bamford

Tags: #United States, #20th Century, #History

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History of Harold L. Parish
(October 12, 1982), pp. 40-41. 119 "You'd debrief in the airplane":

119  "The plan was to
lure": Bruce Bailey, "The RB-47 & RB-135 in Vietnam," web
posting at (May 1, 2000).

120  "In the last two
hours": Department of Justice, Top Secret memorandum, Robert Kennedy to
Rusk, October 30, 1962 (JFKL, President's Office Files, Cuba Missile Crisis,
Khrushchev Correspondence) (FRUS, Vol. XI, #96).

120 "I said that he had
better understand": ibid.

120  "I said a letter had
just been transmitted": ibid.

121  "Any steps toward easing
tensions": ibid.

121 " 'Because of the plane'
": Dobrynin's cable to the Soviet Foreign Ministry, October 27, 1962.

121  "The most important
thing": ibid.

122  "then we should take out
the SAM sites": White House, Top Secret/Sensitive, "Summary Record of
the Ninth Meeting of the Executive Committee of the National Security
Council," October 27, 1962 (JFKL, National Security Files, Meetings and
Memoranda Series, Executive Committee, Vol. I, Meetings 6-10) (FRUS, Vol. XI,

122 "unless irrefutable
evidence of the dismantling": JCS, Top Secret report, "Chronology of
the JCS Decisions Concerning the Cuban Crisis," January 4, 1963, p. 39
(Lemnitzer Papers, National Defense University).

122 "When I reported
in": NSA, Secret/Comint Channels Only, Oral History of Harold L. Parish
(October 12, 1982), pp. 6-8.

122 "The Soviet
government": message from Chairman Khrushchev to President Kennedy,
October 28, 1962 (JFKL, National Security Files, Countries Series, USSR,
Khrushchev Correspondence) (FRUS, Vol. XI, #102).

122  "I remember during the
period": NSA, Secret/Comint Channels Only, Oral History of Harold L.
Parish (October 12, 1982), p. 60.

123  "All the communications
that we had": NSA, Secret/Comint Channels Only, Oral History of Harold L.
Parish (October 12, 1982), p. 6.

123 "After the offensive
weapons were removed": ibid, pp. 15—16. 123 "very, very bad
things": ibid., pp. 17—18. 123 "During the crisis": ibid., p.

123  "There were times":
Robert D. Farley, quoted in ibid.

124  "We had photographs of
missile launchers": Robert McNamara, interviewed on CNN
18, 1998.

124  Lourdes: According to the
CIA, the exact location of the listening post is 22 59 15N and 84 27 SOW.

125  vast area of twenty-eight
square miles: President Ronald Reagan, quoted in "President's Speech on
Military Spending and a New Defense,"
New York Times,
March 24,

125 "the general
dissatisfaction of the President": CIA, Secret/Eyes Only, Helms

Memorandum for the Record, October
16, 1962 (FRUS, Vol. XI, #19). 125 "I stated that we were prepared":

125  "We suggested to
them": NSA, Secret/Comint Channels Only, Oral History of Harold L. Parish
(October 12, 1982), pp. 38-39.

126  "The tubes would burn
out": ibid.

126 "NSA will continue an
intensive program": CIA, Top Secret memorandum, McCone to Bundy (December
15, 1962) (JFKL, National Security Files, Meetings and Memoranda Series, NSAM
208) (FRUS, Vol. XI, #248).

126  "Duty station for the
Bill Baer, "USNS Joseph E. Muller, TAG-171," web site (January 3, 2000).

127  "We only had":

127 "Since they used
microwave": Mike Sannes, "USNS
and the ASA," at

web site (January 3, 2000). 127 "Often they
sent": ibid.

127  "It would be a good idea
to assassinate": NSA, Secret/Kimbo intercept (DTG: 1551Z), January 16,

128  "Mr. McCone cabled me
this morning": CIA, Secret letter, Carter to Bundy, May 2, 1963 (JFKL,
National Security Files, Countries Series, Cuba, Intelligence Material) (FRUS,
Vol. XI, #332).

129  "Lechuga hinted that
Castro": Department of State, Secret memorandum, Attwood to Gordon Chase
of the NSC, November 8, 1963 (LBJL, National Security File, Country File, Cuba,
Contact with Cuban Leaders) (FRUS, Vol. XI, #374).

129 Major Rene Vallejo: ibid.

129  "Castro would go
along": Department of State, Top Secret/Eyes Only memorandum, Attwood to
Gordon Chase of the NSC (November 22, 1963) (LBJL, National Security File, Country
File, Cuba, Contact with Cuban Leaders) (FRUS, Vol. XI, #379).

130  "At the President's
instruction": White House, Secret/Sensitive, Bundy Memorandum for the
Record, November 12, 1963 (LBJL, National Security File, Country File, Cuba,
Contact with Cuban Leaders) (FRUS, Vol. XI, #377).

130 "Vallejo's manner":
Department of State, Top Secret/Eyes Only memorandum, Attwood to Gordon Chase
of the NSC, November 22, 1963 (LBJL, National Security File, Country File,
Cuba, Contact with Cuban Leaders) (FRUS, Vol. XI, #379).

130  "I believe that the
approaching": NSA, Top Secret/Dinar,
Report on Cuba's Internal Problems
with Rebels
(November 22, 1963) (ARRB).

131  NSA Sigint Command Center:
Details are in NSA, Top Secret/Dinar, "Record of Events Log,"
November 22, 1963 (ARRB).

131  Don Gardiner: Details of what
the Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, Taylor, and McNamara were doing at the
time of the assassination are in William Manchester,
The Death of a
(New York: Harper & Row, 1967), pp. 140-44, 190.

132  "When this monstrously
terrible thing happened": CIA, Carter to Judy Ei-thelberg, November 30,
1963 (Carter papers, George C. Marshall Research Library, Lexington, VA).

132  "President Kennedy is
dead": ibid.

132 "Thousands upon thousands
of miles away": George Morton, "Kami Seya—

NCVA Cryptolog
1992), p. 9. 132 
Ron Briggs,  quoted at web site 

byctrl/MemoriesPage2. html>.
132 NSA continued: For NSA activities immediately after the assassination, see

NSA, Top Secret/Comint Channels
Only, Eugene F. Yeates Memorandum for

the Record, June 15, 1978 (ARRB).

132  "A state of alert is
ordered": NSA, Top Secret/Dinar/Noforn, "SIGINT Daily Summary Number
Twenty," November 23, 1963 (ARRB). See also NSA, Top Secret/Dinar, Watch
Report 0600 22 November-0600 23 November 1963 (ARRB).

133  "military  units  are 
being  relocated":  NSA,  Top  Secret/Dinar  intercept, "Cuba's
Reaction to Kennedy's Murder," November 27, 1963 (ARRB).

133 Mexico, Venezuela, and
Colombia: NSA, Top Secret/Dinar intercept, "Latin

American Countries Place Military
Units on Alert,"  November 22,  1963

(ARRB). 133 "I   got   the  
immediate   impression":   NSA,   Top   Secret/Dinar   intercept,

"Comment on Castro's Reaction
to Death of Kennedy," November 27, 1963

(ARRB). 133 "The
assassination of Kennedy": NSA, Top Secret/Dinar intercept, "Cuban

Statement on Visa for
Oswald," November 25, 1963 (ARRB). 133 "were unanimous in
believing": NSA, Top Secret/Dinar intercept, "Cuban

Authorities State Views Concerning
Death of Kennedy," November 27, 1963


133  "In diplomatic
circles": NSA, Top Secret/Dinar intercept, "Robert Kennedy Viewed as
Leading Contender to Succeed His Brother in 1964," November 22, 1963

134  Egyptian diplomats: NSA, Top
Secret/Dinar intercept, "Egyptian Reaction to President Kennedy's
Murder," November 23, 1963 (ARRB).

134 Dutch intercepts: NSA, Top
Secret/Dinar intercept, "Information Requested about Foreign
Representatives' Attendance at Kennedy Funeral," November 26, 1963 (ARRB).

134 "will considerably
weaken": NSA, Top Secret/Dinar intercept, "Kennedy's Death Felt to
Weaken Foreign Policy," November 23, 1963 (ARRB).

134 "After signing the
register": NSA, Top Secret/Dinar intercept, "American Ambassador
Believes Russia and Cuba Involved in Kennedy's Death," November 25, 1963

134 "Behind the mysterious
crime": NSA, Top Secret/Dinar/Minimum Distribution intercept,
"President Kennedy's Assassination a Zionist Conspiracy," November
25, 1963 (ARRB).

134 Italian ambassador to Syria:
NSA, Top Secret/Dinar intercept, "Syrians Claim Zionists Responsible for
Death of President Kennedy," November 29, 1963 (ARRB).

134 "Certain ill-intentioned
persons": NSA, Secret/Sabre intercept, "Reaction to Kennedy's
Assassination," November 25, 1963 (ARRB).

134  "were deeply
touched": NSA, Top Secret/Dinar intercept, "Hungarian Reaction to
News of Assassination of President Kennedy," November 25,  1963 (ARRB).

135  "alarming...
anti-Communist hysteria": NSA, Top Secret/Dinar intercept, "Reactions
to Kennedy's Death," November 27, 1963 (ARRB).

135 "In spite of the
antagonism": NSA, Secret/Sabre intercept, "Official Cuban Statement
on Death of President Kennedy," November 23, 1963 (ARRB).

135 "The manner of
perforating": NSA, Secret/Comint Channels Only, Meredith K. Gardner
Memorandum for the Record, June 15, 1964 (ARRB).

135 "the names appearing in
Lee's and Marina's address books": ibid.

135  "The appearance of the
term 'micro dots' ": ibid.

136  "I have eliminated two
items": NSA, Secret/Comint Channels Only memorandum, Rowlett to Tordella,
June 16, 1964 (ARRB).

136 "I do not believe a
statement": ibid.

136  "The ball is in our
court": White House, Top Secret/Eyes Only/Sensitive memorandum, Chase to
Bundy, December 2, 1963 (LBJL, National Security File, Country File, Cuba,
Contact with Cuban Leaders) (FRUS, Vol. XI, #382).

137  "I  assume  you  will 
want  to   brief   the   President":   White   House,   Top Secret/Eyes
Only memorandum, Chase to Bundy, November 25, 1963 (LBJL, National Security
File, Country File, Cuba, Contact with Cuban Leaders) (FRUS, Vol. XI, #378).

137 "Lechuga ... and the
Cubans in general": White House, Top Secret/Eyes Only memorandum, Chase to
Bundy, December 11, 1963 (LBJL, National Security File, Country File, Cuba,
Contact with Cuban Leaders) (FRUS, Vol. XI, #387).

137 "He asked": CIA,
"Memorandum of DCI Meeting with President Johnson," November 28, 1963
(FRUS, Vol. XI, #381).

137  Johnson later approved: White
House, Top Secret/Sensitive, "Chase Memorandum of Meeting with the
President," December 19, 1963 (LBJL, National Security File, Country File,
Cuba, Meetings) (FRUS, Vol. XI, #388).

138  "Until the tragic death
of President Kennedy": NSA, Top Secret/Dinar intercept, "Castro
Interview on Relations with U.S.," January 3, 1964 (ARRB).



139  Nate Gerson: Nate Gerson,
"Collaboration in Sigint: Canada-U.S.,"
La Physique au Canada
1998), pp. 359—62.

140  "Study your globe":
William M. Leary and Leonard A. LeSchack,
Project Coldfeet: Secret Mission
to a Soviet Ice Station
(Annapolis, Md.: Naval Institute Press, 1996), p.

140  "vicious winds";
Drifting Station Alpha: Details on Station Alpha, and the quotations from
Smith, come from ibid., pp. 38—42.

141  Nate Gerson concluded:
Gerson, "Collaboration in Sigint," pp. 359—62.

142  Canada's  most important
listening post:   "Northernmost Weather  Station Called Major Link for
Toronto Globe and Mail,
January 12, 1974.

144  "It was the most
desolate": Leary and LeSchack,
Project Coldfeet,
p. 128.

145  "Instantly upon loss of
sight of the buildings": ibid., p. 144.

146  Its budget had risen: Richard
Fryklund, "Two House Groups Set to Probe NSA Secrets,"
(Washington, D.C.), September 14, 1960.

147  broken the cipher systems:
"Text of Statements Read in Moscow by Former U.S. Security Agency
New York Times,
September 7, 1960; Os-good Caruthers,
"Two Code Clerks Defect to Soviet: Score U.S. 'Spying,' "
The New
York Times,
September 7, 1960.

147  Mike Stockmeier: His account
is in his article "Before Elmendorf,"
NCKi Cryptolog
1992), p. 23.

Cold and icy blue:
Bryant Bates, "Station X Adak Aleutian Islands, 1943-1945,"
(January 1994), p. 24.

148  "I have been told":
Karl Beeman, "Thesis on the Advantages of Living in Adak, Or, There Are
None!" Reprinted in
NCVA Cryptolog
(Special Edition, 1991), p. 34.

149  committing suicide: Edward
Bryant Bates, "WhatI Adak Again?"
NCVA Cryptolog
Edition, 1991), pp. 33-34.

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