Body of Secrets: Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency (123 page)

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Authors: James Bamford

Tags: #United States, #20th Century, #History

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555 The machine was eventually
able: Colin Campbell, " 'Intelligent' Computer Reads Many Typefaces,"
New York Times,
August 19, 1984, p. 22.

555 SYSTRAN: SYSTRAN Software, Inc.,
fact sheet (undated), pp. 2, 9.

555 NSA has also developed a
technique: NSA, "Information Sorting and Retrieval by Language or
Technology Fact Sheet

556 Semantic Forests: Suelette
Dreyfus, "Spies in the 'Forests,' "
The Independent
22, 1999).

556  Berger-Liaw Neural Network:
University of Southern California Press Release #0999025 (September 30, 1999).

557  "It's a good-size
problem": Interview with Lieutenant General Michael V. Hayden (February 2,

557 "Group Three languages":

557  "We need to hire a lot
more people": NSA videotape, "A Conversation between Deputy Director
for Services Terry Thompson and the NSA Technical Work Force" (September
30, 1999).

558  In a series of lectures at
NSA: NSA, National Cryptologic School,
The Friedman Lectures on Cryptology

558 "The philosophy
here": Neal Thompson, "Call for Mathematicians No Secret,"
January 10, 1998.

558 "the agency
succumbed": NSA, Confidential/Comint Channels Only, "Beyond Codes and
Ciphers: The Expanded Meaning of Cryptology in the Late Twentieth
Cryptologic Quarterly
(Winter 1990), pp. 27-29.

558  "irrelevant to (and
unintelligible to)": ibid.

559  "The Cold War":
Thompson, "Call for Mathematicians." 559 "Over a three-year
period": ibid.

559 42 percent fewer graduates:
interview with Michael X Jacobs (September 23, 2000).

559  "I have been here at
NSA": This and the following quotations are drawn from U.S. Department of
Defense, Office of the Inspector General, "Review of Hiring and Promotion
Practices at the National Security Agency" (1994), pp. 56—57.

560  "The philosophy":
ibid., p. 20.

560 Southwestern Recruiting
Office: ibid., p. 17.

560  in 1993 women made up: U.S.
House of Representatives, Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Hearing,
Central Intelligence Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency and National Security
Agency: Minority Hire, Retentions and Promotions, 103rd Cong., 1st Sess.
(1994), p. 2.

561  "we have probably":
ibid., pp. 27—33.

561 encouraging his recruiters to
make: U.S. House of Representatives, Permanent Select Committee on
Intelligence, Hiring, Promotion, Retention and Overall Representation of
Minorities, Women and Disabled Persons Within the Intelligence Community, 103rd
Cong., 2nd Sess. (1995), pp. 61-63.

561 fewer than 200: NSA,
"Director Appears on TALK NSA,"
The Communicator
(June 19,
1996). There was a projection of 500 hires for 1996.

561 "So far I haven't gone to
court": U.S. House of Representatives, Permanent Select Committee on
Intelligence, Hiring, Promotion, Retention and Overall Representation of
Minorities, Women and Disabled Persons Within the Intelligence Community, 103rd
Cong., 2nd Sess. (1995), p. 124.

561 presentation by storyteller
Penny Gamble Williams: NSA, Jennifer Pelletier, "The Native
American/Alaskan Employment Program,"
(November 1999), pp.

562 6917 Electronic Security
Group: NSA, From the Director's Desk,
The Communicator
(March 12, 1996).
562 one of his chief assignments: R. Jeffrey Smith, "Military Men Named to

Intelligence Posts,"
January 25, 1996, p. 9. 562 "They would use the phrase":
NSA, Top Secret/Comint Channels Only, Oral

History of Lieutenant General Kenneth
A. Minihan (March 8, 1999), pp. 1-26.

562  "It... really surprised
me": ibid.

563  "He was a 'geek' ":
Fredrick Thomas Martin,
Top Secret Intranet
(Upper Saddle River, N.J.:
Prentice Hall, 1999), pp. 271-72.

563 "The DDIR [deputy
director] is part of the seducing": NSA, Top Secret/Comint Channels Only,
Oral History of Lieutenant General Kenneth A. Minihan (March 8, 1999), pp.

563 "I was very
disruptive": ibid.

563  "My first two or three
weeks": ibid.

564  "You could hear the
groans": ibid.

564 "Ann knew": NSA, Top
Secret/Talent/Keyhole/Umbra, Oral History of Admiral Bobby Ray Inman (June 18,

564 "I am honored to have
been sworn in before you today": NSA, "Day of Celebration,"
(January 1998), p. 4.

564  race and gender issues: In 1998
Asian Pacific Americans (APAs) comprised only 1.3 percent of the NSA workforce,
compared to 3.9 percent of the federal workforce. Between 1990 and 1996 NSA
hired 89 APAs. See NSA, "Come Celebrate Asian Pacific American Heritage
1998), p. 8.

565  By 1997: The material in this
and the following paragraphs draws on Scott Wilson, "NSA's Quest for
Diversity Called Threat,"
Baltimore Sun,
July 6, 1997.

565 the government later settled
with him [Sonntag]: James C. Ho, "A Year of Bill Lan Lee," op-ed
article in
Washington Times,
December 24, 1998.

565  Mary Ann Sheehy: NSA, Office
of the Inspector General, Report CO-94-0317 (April 18, 1996); interview with
Mary Ann Sheehy.

At NSA, "Personnel Employment
Information" is defined in NSA/CSS
PMM 30-2, chapter 303, paragraphs 1—4 and
2—2(b), as "information
contained in an employee's Official Personnel Folder and limited

1. Name and present or forwarding

2. Present and past position
titles, grades, tenure, and salaries

3. Civil service status, if

4. Date and reason for separation,
if applicable, and

5. Comments provided by management
constituting a letter of reference."

566  "I am quite concerned
about this": NSA letter from Dr. Michael X Wig-glesworth, clinical
psychologist, to Mary McGowan (October 5, 1994).

567  "no evidence of improper
or illegal activity": NSA, letter from Reginald J. Bowman, Senior
Assistant Inspector General for Investigations to Mary Ann Sheehy (April 18,

567 "NSA believes it is above
the law": Letter, Mary Ann Sheehy to Attorney General Janet Reno (May 17,

567 "While we
sympathize": letter from Department of Justice, Criminal Division, to Mary
Ann Sheehy (November 26, 1999).

567 The U.S. Attorney's Office
responded: letter from United States Attorney, District of Maryland, Northern
Division, to Mary Ann Sheehy (April 13, 2000).

567 The U.S. Attorney's Office
eventually dismissed her complaint: letter from United States Attorney,
District of Maryland, Northern Division, to Mary Ann Sheehy (April 26, 2000).

567 "You should look for
another job": interview with Mary Ann Sheehy (September 22, 2000).

567 "all parts of the Agency
together with ideas": NSA, Lieutenant General Kenneth A. Minihan, From the
Director's Desk,
(January 1998), p. 3.

567  "I think it's
magnificient": NSA, Top Secret/Comint Channels Only, Oral History of
Lieutenant General Kenneth A. Minihan (March 8, 1999), p. 8.

568  "No one will work
harder": NSA, Lieutenant General Kenneth A. Minihan, From the Director's
(April 1996), p. 3.

568 "Out-of-the-box
thinking": NSA, From the Director's Desk,
The Communicator (March

568 Skunk Works: NSA, "Skunk
The Communicator
(April 16, 1996).

568 "Now is the time for Team
NSA": NSA, Lieutenant General Kenneth A. Minihan, From the Director's
(January 1997), p. 3.

568  "Where are my hip
boots?": NSA, Action Line,
(March 1997), p. 11.

569  "We now have people
talking about both sides": Terry L. Thompson in "Terry L. Thompson,
Deputy Director for Support Services,"
(September 1997), p. 4.

569  "very large
changes": Walter Pincus, "Panel Ties NSA Funds to Changes at
Washington Post,
May 7, 1998.

570  "The NSA FY 1997
financial statements": "Black Money Hole,"
Federal Computer
(August 31, 1998).

570 "cannot track
allocations": Pincus, "Panel Ties NSA Funds to Changes." 570 In
a plan approved in late April: U.S. Department of Defense News Release,

"DOD Announces Reorganization
of C3I Office" (May 13, 1998). See also

Richard Lardner, "The
Secret's Out," p. 27.

570  seriously mismanaging: NSA,
"The Agency's CIO,"
NSAN (July
1998), p. 2.

571  "Just as control of
industrial technology": NSA, Lieutenant General Kenneth A. Minihan, From
the Director's Desk,
(November 1997), p. 3.

571 "Information will give us
the power to pick all the locks": Major General Kenneth A. Minihan, USAF,
"The Challenge for Intelligence,"
American Intelligence Journal
1995), p. 38.

571 "Information dominance
for America": NSA, Top Secret/Comint Channels Only, Oral History of
Lieutenant General Kenneth A. Minihan (March 8, 1999), pp. 6-7.

571 "Though new technologies
provide": NSA, DIRNSA's Desk,
(July 1998), p. 3.

571  "Information warfare
poses a strategic risk": NSA, Lieutenant General Kenneth A. Minihan, From
the Director's Desk,
1996), p. 3.

572  "The committee
believes": Vernon Loeb, "A Key Panel Asks: Why Only One Spy
Washington Post,
July 7, 1999.

572 "Looking back":
Richard Lardner, "New National Security Agency Director Sure to Face Major
Inside the Pentagon
(November 5, 1998).

572 "It's the hardest job
I've ever had": NSA, Top Secret/Comint Channels Only, Oral History of
Lieutenant General Kenneth A. Minihan (March 8, 1999), p. 24.

572 "I think it will be
catastrophic": ibid., p. 17.

572 Minihan walked between: NSA,
"Agency Events Celebrate Distinguished Career of Lt. Gen. Minihan,"
(May 1999), p. 2.

572  chilly air of retirement:
Minihan became president and chief operating officer of TeleHub Communications
Corporation, a provider of voice, video, and data to ATM networks worldwide.
"TeleHub Communications, Inc., Secures 'Million Dollar' Men,"
Corporate News
(July 7, 1999).

573  near the kitchen is a plaque:
Personal observation.

573 outside contractors: NSA, Dana
Roscoe, "NSA Hosts Special Partnership Breakfast,"
2000), p. 4.

573 Groundbreaker: Vernon Loeb,
"NSA to Turn Over Non-Spy Technology to Private Industry,"
June 7, 2000.

573  "more than 3,000":
NSA, Dana Roscoe,  "NSA Hosts Special Partnership Breakfast."

574  "information technology
infrastructure": Loeb, "NSA to Turn Over Non-Spy Technology."

574 "They're buying all those
new toys": Neal Thompson, "Putting NSA Under

Baltimore Sun,
18, 1998. 574 "the intelligence failure": ibid.

574  "There is a significant
amount of concern": NSA, videotape, "A Conversation Between Deputy
Director for Services Terry Thompson and the NSA Technical Work Force"
(September 30, 1999).

575  Employee Assistance Service:
NSA, "NSA's Helping Hand,"
(January 1999), p. 5.

575 "It's a real worry":
Richard Lardner, "The Secret's Out," p. 24.

575  "Our hiring program
skims":  NSA, videotape,  "A Conversation Between Deputy Director for
Services Terry Thompson and the NSA Technical Work Force" (September 30,

576  "While average starting
salaries": U.S. Department of Commerce, "America's New Deficit: The
Shortage of Information Technology Workers" (1997).

576 "the unique nature of our
work": Arik Hesseldahl, "Uncle Sam Wants Spooks,"
Wired News
26, 1998).

576 "This is simply
insufficient": Commission on the Roles and Capabilities of the United
States Intelligence Community, report, "Preparing for the 21st Century: An
Appraisal of U.S. Intelligence" (March 1, 1996), pp. 96-97.

576  "Our budget has
declined": NSA, videotape, "A Conversation Between Deputy Director
for Services Terry Thompson and the NSA Technical Work Force" (September
30, 1999).

577  "The nose is pointing
down": "Federal Bytes,"
Federal Computer Week
3, 1997).

CHAPTER 14: Brain


578 "I had five and a half
acres": interview with Lieutenant General Marshall S.

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