Blue Moon (26 page)

Read Blue Moon Online

Authors: Danielle Sanderson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban

BOOK: Blue Moon
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Swimming back to the shore, I frown when I see Den standing in the distance watching us. How long has he been there? Did he see Ruk and me kissing in the water?

              “Did you know he was there?” I ask Ruk.

He replies by shrugging his shoulders and pulling me closer to him by my waist.

              “What’s he doing?” I say, but not as a question to Ruk, but more of a question to Den himself, not that he can hear or answer me.

Moreover, why is Ruk acting so protective towards me when Den is around, it is as if he wants Den to know that he has me.

Placing my arm around his waist in return, he smiles down at me gratefully, like this is what he needed and wanted me to do.


After spending the entire day and some of the evening at the wonderful beach, we decide to head back to the Dark Coven, as we don’t want to leave Angus alone, because he will be awaking from his motionless sleep shortly.

Chapter Sixteen



Dancing, securely in the arms of Ruk, as we float across the ballroom, I feel blissfully happy. I will take every moment that we are here together and treasure it. If I only have him for a few days, I will make them the best days of my life.


Walking back to the table, Dallah stands abruptly while staring daggers at Richard.

I don’t even have to wonder
what is going on, I already know that he is an asshole so he would have said something vile to her, hoping for a reaction, which has worked well in his favor.

Without even
realizing what I have done, I’m standing before her, intent on protecting. She looks to me with a wide mouth and even wider eyes, looking fearful.

Shit! I have just transported myself to stand before her. I didn’t mean to, it’s just that I was thinking how badly I want to be at her side, where I know she needed me.

              “What the fuck?” She hisses at me, while looking around to see if anyone saw me.

“I didn’t mean to transport!”

“I don’t think anyone noticed, well anyone we didn’t want too, but damn Zara! You need to watch what you wish for sweetie, that could have been soooo bad!”

“I know that! Who saw me?” I ask in horror.

“Den, Sallack, and I think Dom,” She tells me quietly while still looking around us cautiously.

Thank god Richard choose this time to transport himself away from Dallah, otherwise he would know for certain
I am more than human!

“Are they coming over?” I whisper, cringing and knowing
I have a lot to explain.

“Yes we are! What the hell was that?” Sallack asks from behind my back.

“Sorry? What was what?” I ask turning to him with a sweet smile, hoping he will think he is going crazy.

“Not going to work! You two,” He points to Dallah and me, “Explain now?” He demands, looking like a true Alpha.

              “I transported her here, I needed her at my side,” Dallah tells him in the most convincing way.

“I have my eye on you two, remember ladies nothing gets past me,” He tells us and waits for a reply, staring at us intensely.

“Ok, we get it, stop being all scary Sallack?” Dallah rolls her eyes at him playfully, and we see a ghost of a smile play on his lips.

Julian comes behind her and wraps his arms around her waist, pressing kisses to the side of her neck, making her smile.

No one bothers to question their relationship, as the people here know that this is not a bonding of love, or even friendship. Therefore, they just see Dallah making the most of her time, before she is bonded to Richard, to spend her life in misery under his control.

Looking back to the
Brothers’, I catch Ruk watching me from the table, sitting with all the guys, giving me a sad smile, before returning to his conversation.

“I’m going to see Ruk,” I tell them all, getting nods in return, before they speak together in hushed voices.

Making my way over to the table, Ruk’s eyes find me again and stay with me until I stand before him.

              “Ruk will you come with me outside?” I ask him with a smile.

He stands up and takes my hand in reply as
I am whisked away from the table and lead to the gardens away from any prying ears or eyes.

“Tell me what’s wr...”

“Would you ever be able to have me on your arm and be proud?” He asks me cutting me off.

that is what was wrong with him, he has no confidence in us. What have I done that would make him feel this way.

“Ruk, are you serious, of course I would, I’d tell everyone you were mine and that I were yours.” I tell him truthfully.

I don’t know why he lacks confidence, because he never should, he is perfection in anyone’s eyes.

              “Really, you would really feel that way?” He asks me sounding untrusting and a little pissed off, as if I’m lying to him.

“Yes really! How could I not?” I ask in disbelief.

“It doesn’t matter anyway,” He shakes his head to clear his thoughts.

“Tell me why you would ask that?”

“I don’t get why you want me, when you have Alphas, Warlocks, and every Vampire in the room desiring to be with you.”

“You know I remember the first day I met you Ruk, when you looked at me I couldn’t breathe, or look at you without a blush creeping on my face. You are the one man who has never hurt me, can keep me safe, and I feel treasured by you,” I tell him with a smile as I let out my breath.

“I can’t fucking take this, it’s all bullshit! You can’t love me Zara!” He shouts angrily, but not to me, but to destiny, the one thing keeping us apart.

Running his fingers through his hair and almost popping the buttons on his shirt from tensing his muscles, he strides away from me, needing to be by himself, which I understand more than anyone.

And as soon as he is out of sight, I fall on to the bench with my hands over my face telling myself to hold it together.

“That was tense,” Richard tells me sarcastically as he takes the seat beside me.

I face him with a raised brow.

              “What do you want?”

“To see how you are,” He tells me simply, while taking a drag on his cigar.

“Well I’m fine, you can leave now.”

“How is Parrise,” He asks, studying my face.

“How would I know? Why?” I ask suspiciously.

“Wow,” He says nodding his head approvingly.

“What is with you?” I ask, wondering why he is acting so strange.

“So you have a group of Werewolves and one or two Vampires wanting to fuck you and you choose him?” He asks me bluntly.

“Fuck you Richard,” I spit at him angrily as I stand to move away from him, but his hand comes out and grabs my arm pulling me toward him till were face to face.

“Watch that mouth of yours, or I will find a better use for it,” He tells me in a threatening tone.

“I will never be scared of you Richard, no matter what you do to me! So try and break me, but watch your back Richard, because I might return the favor someday.”

“Problems?” Den asks walking to us with his eyebrow raised.

Richard lets go of me and pushes me away from him, as he smiles at Den and takes his seat on the bench again, taking a drag of his cigar.

              “No, it was just leaving! Sit down Den,” Richard tells him dismissing me as if I am nothing.


              “Zara, go inside,” Den tells me gently, I can see the battle he has going on in his head. I know he is up to something, but for the life of me, I have no idea what it is. How could being friends with Richard, help him in any way, shape, or form.

“Whatever,” I say as I walk away pissed off.


I find Ruk inside, standing off to the side with a whisky in hand, just looking around the hall, most likely for any trouble brewing.

“Hey,” I say gently as I walk up to him and run my hand over his butt, making him smile down at me.

“Just keeping a look out,” He tells me, while nodding his head to a group of Vampires who are looking a little shady.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought. Ruk, I...”

“No, let’s just enjoy our time together,” He tells me with a handsome smile, wrapping me in his arms.

Tucking myself
closer into him and letting my hand trace the contours of his irresistible chest slowly and seductively, then reaching up to lace my fingers in the back of his hair and pull his face closer to mine.

“Let’s start enjoying ourselves now then,” I tell him with a wicked grin, which he returns just as our lips lock as we share a kiss of lovers.

“Come back to my room?” He asks with a growl.

“Lead the way,” I tell him excitedly, there is nothing better in life then to have Ruk in it.


              “Daughter, come to me,” The beautiful sound of my mother’s voice echoes through my head.

from a peaceful sleep, I find my mother standing over me smiling, seeing me snuggled in Ruk’s embrace.

“You came to me,” I say in disbelief, I thought that I wouldn’t be seeing her for a long time, if ever.

“Who is this man, Daughter? He is a fine specimen indeed,” She says with a smirk, while gazing at his naked body, where he sleeps peacefully.

“My protector, Ruk is his name,” I tell her before I look to him with a smile, thinking how fine he really is.

“Protector! Daughter who has been speaking with you,”

Eric had asked me not to mention him, or his name so I
will not. Even though she is my mother, a promise is a promise. Eric has been there for me when I have needed him and shown me the way.

“Just a friend,”

“Destiny is a strange thing,” She says, before walking to me and placing her hand on my cheek, “My beautiful daughter, be cautious, in life, in love, and in war,” She tells me with a stunning smile to sweeten her words.

“What’s going on, are you telling me not to trust Ruk?” I ask in amazement, Ruk is the one man in my life I trust with my life and the lives of those around us.

“No, not that, just be cautious little Zara. I love you dearly and to see you happy is what I have longed for. He is a mighty Warrior, is he not?” She asks me glancing at Ruk.

“Yes, he is,” I say with a sigh, and this is when she bends down on her knees to sit before me and gently runs her hand over my hair and face lovingly.

“It will all be worth it, I know that this is hard, but, no one can help you in your quest for destiny, but you,” She tells me becoming very serious, making sure she has my full attention.

“More riddles, ok,” I reply, needing her to know that I can handle all of this, even if deep down it is a struggle.

“So strong, why do you hide your heart from those you love, to show emotion is what makes us who we are, don’t hide what you feel daughter, not from those you love,” She nods her head to Ruk with a smile.

Standing to her feet, she walks to the side of the bed where Ruk lays.
Gazing at him with compassion before she closes her eyes and starts to sing ever so gently.

I want to ask her what she is doing, but she sounds so beautiful and looks to be concentrating so deeply, I keep my mouth closed.

When she looks to me with sympathy in her eyes, I can’t help but feel saddened myself.

“Are you going to tell me this is wrong as well, because I don’t care, I care for Ruk, I want to show him so. He may not be the one, but that doesn’t mean that this is wrong, not to us,” I tell her a little defensively.

“Daughter, I would never say such a thing, I am proud of you for following your heart, never let anyone tell you different to what your heart tells you. Stay strong and brave, and remember what I have told you. I must go, I shouldn’t be down here on earth, but I am very glad that I am.”

Pulling me close, she hugs me tightly before kissing my forehead and my cheeks, giving me the proudest smile I have received from anybody.

              “Thank you for coming to me, but please can you tell me what you mean by what you have told me, it’s just riddles to me.”

“It’s the way of your destiny, but I know that you will do me proud in the choices you have made and will make. Be cautious daughter, I have to go, there are things I need to do.”

And just like that, she is gone! What the hell was all that about, I don’t know where to start, so many riddles in one conversation.

Flopping back down in the bed, glad that I put my underwear back on, in the case that someone barged in, and sure as hell was not expecting my mum!

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