Blue Moon (21 page)

Read Blue Moon Online

Authors: Danielle Sanderson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban

BOOK: Blue Moon
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“Don’t do this to me Den, don’t make me relive that time again!” I beg him as he steps up to me.

“Why didn’t you tell me babe?”

“Don’t you dare! I loved you Den, so what? It makes no difference if you know now or then, it could never be! You are not the Den I love, my Den would not have treated me the way you have, all the vile things you have said to me! You are no better than Richard! Me loving you years ago does not change ANYTHING!” I shout at him with my anger boiling to a dangerous level.

“Who do you love Zara, you were singing it to someone tonight?” He asks me with attitude, as he stands straighter and lifts his head high.

Looking at him from head to toe, I frown at him when landing on his eyes.

              “You think you’re so great Den, the big bad Wolf, who can have any girl he wants, cos you’re so fucking gorgeous, well guess what, I don’t care if you fuck every girl in here tonight, not any more. I was fucking deluded to ever think of you in that way! Looks like we are the same, both whores that will never feel real love!” I spit out at him angrily.

“When did you become such a bitch?”

“When you let me go!” I scream at him with raw emotion, before walking away from him with the little dignity I have left. When I get away from Dallah and Den, who are now speaking in raises voices, I close my eyes and imagine myself anywhere but here.


Transporting myself to Ruk’s bedroom, I flop on to his bed with a sigh. This is such bullshit, why did Den decide to be a prick now, when Dallah needs us at her side as a solid family, when I need to put my all in to cursing Richard with the ancient words from the book.

“Thought you might be here,” Ruk tells me as he walks through the door, removing his jacket, and working at his shirt buttons.

“Yeah sorry I left like that; Den is...ah it doesn’t matter.”

“Wanna talk about it?” He asks throwing his shirt to the floor.

“No,” I tell him, and just watch him while his hands run through his hair.

He stands in only trousers, his wide chest
, narrowing at the waist, the soft light from the lamp highlights his defined abs, as his hands go to open his trouser button I tear my eyes away. Oh god! I need to get out of here. Standing up quickly, before he senses my desire, I practically run into the bathroom, but not before looking back over my shoulder for one more peak, this time at his back, which is ripped with muscle, just as delicious at the front.

“Thanks for always being there for me Ruk, I’m going jump in your shower, can I borrow a shirt?

“Yeah, here,” He passes me a t-shirt from his neat pile of clothes, and as I take it from his hand, I look up at him as he looks down at me.

“You alright Zara?” He asks me in a rough tone, as he lifts his hand to rub his cheek, looking like he doesn’t know what to do with his hands.

“I’m ok, I’ll be back in a sec, I need to get out of this dress,”

“Yeah,” He tells me as if he agrees.

Pulling myself away from him and his amazing scent of what I can only describe as a fresh summers morning with what I think is a hint of mint.


Stepping under the shower, I try to wash away the hunger that builds in my every part of my body that longs for Ruk’s touch. It doesn’t work, the more I try to forget about the way he talks, walks, looks at me with that twinkle in his eye, the more I yearn for him.

I want to just give in and let myself feel what it craves, but I can’t be sure he feels the same way anymore, there are still the looks and the little flirty comments he makes, but he is holding back. He probably feels it is too soon, and doesn't want to step on Sallack’s toes. I should feel the same, but when we're together, I forget about every bad thing in my life, every worry and fear.

God, I
wish I had something a little more flattering to wear, rather than an oversized shirt.


“What’s wrong?” Ruk asks through the door worriedly.

“Oh no I’m ok, just a spider.”

I hear him laugh as he walks away from the door. Really, I screeched because I have just discovered a new power, and man is this the
best one so far, much like the Brothers’ when they change from wolf form back to the men and their clothes just appear back on them by thought. However, this is much better as I have dressed myself in the sexiest, but prettiest bra and knickers, they are patterned with different colored flowers, and it looks more like an amazing 2-piece swimsuit. Building my courage up at the door, with deep breaths, I swing open the door.

Ruk i
s standing with his back to me as I enter the room. He turns to me in what seems like slow motion, and finally his eyes land on me, he releases a soft sexy growl.

“Where did that come from,” He asks before turning away from my gaze.

“Looks like I can dress myself with magic,” I tell him trying to work out why he will not look at me.

“Why did you choose that,” He asks with his back facing me.

Walking to him slowly I wrap an
arm around his muscular waist and with my other hand, I run my fingers up his back, he tenses against my touch, while trying to suppress a growl.

“We can’t,” He tells me regrettably.


“We aren’t meant for each other in this way Zara.”

“I want you Ruk, screw Destiny, I want to be with you tonight,” I tell him, while pressing my lips to his skin and kissing him seductively over his back. He inhales before he turns to me and runs his fingers down my cheek with hunger in his eyes.

“Why do you want me Zara?” He asks almost suspiciously.

“I want you because I haven’t been able to take my eyes of you all night, I want you Ruk,” I tell him, running my fingers over his wide chest.

“Not because of what happened with Den?”

“No, I have wanted to feel you against me since the last time we kissed, only now I want more, I want to give you more,” I tell him, my voice laced with desire.

“But we can’t be Zara, we are not meant to be together.”

“You don’t want me?”

“I want you more than my next breath,” He almost whispers, losing his inner fight as his hand stokes my breast, pulling my bra cups down, my breasts tumble into his hands, as his thumb strokes my nipple.

“Then take me, I want to give myself to you, even if for only this night Ruk.”

“Are you sure? Because I won’t be able to stop?” He asks me a little out of breath, giving me a final chance to change my mind.

My legs start to shake as a feeling of excitement rushes through my blood, and my panties moisten. Pressing my body against his, my f
ingers run over his hardness, I unbutton his trousers and watch them fall to the floor.

“Take me Ruk,” I tell him almost in a plea.

Months ago I would have never of had the confidence to speak to a man in this way, but after what has happened in those miserable two months, I now feel strong, powerful, and I am now the Charmer that I want to be. This feels right, to be here with Ruk.

Ruk lifts me off the floor, wrapping my legs around him to draw him closer; he walks us to his bed. As he lays me down softly on the bed, I smile up at him as his lips come down on mine, his tongue seeking entrance as
I part my lips as mine joins him. Removing my bra skillfully and so fast he has my breast in his hand treasuring it, then his warm lips are upon it drawing my aching nipple into his mouth. I’m automatically thrusting my breasts towards him seeking more, which he delivers wildly taking each tight bud in turn to total ecstasy.

He growls as his fingers brush over my glistening sex. Thrusting my hips to press my sex against his erection, causing him to moan.

              “Ruk, I need you inside me,” I tell him in a gasp.

“You will be the death of me beautiful, but be patient, I’ve waited this long for you, I’m going to taste you first.”

As he backs off me a whimper escapes me at the loss, he stands at the foot of the
bed, his eyes not leaving mine, full of passion. Going to sit up, he grabs my ankles and drags me to the end of the bed so fast I’m a little afraid and feeling helpless at his mercy, but very turned on as he pulls my panties slowly off. His eyes taking in my expression as he smiles wickedly at me before he looks hungrily to his prize. My hearts beating rapidly as his laving me with his wicked tongue, and just as I thought I can’t take any more he thrust a finger inside me, then two. My body uncontrollably bucking off the bed as the best orgasm I’ve ever had ripples through me, and just as I start to come back to earth Ruk whispers his voice full of lust,

        “You are amazing, so beautiful watching you release.”

Then he leans over me, supporting his weight on his forearms, he surprises me by thrusting his hardness fully into me with a moan of pleasure.

     “I’m sorry, I wanted to enter you
slowly, but you made it impossible with your sexy little moans,” He says breathlessly.

      “I don’t care as long as you’re inside me...Ruk.” I scream in pleasure, the feeling of his impressive size filling me sends rippling waves through me to my core.

Pulling his head down to mine, hungrily mashing our lips together in a fierce passion fuelled kiss. My fingers pulling at his hair when his movements quicken as he demands control, which I give willingly. Moaning out his name again, he takes hold of my face in his hand, and looking him in the eye, a tear of pure pleasure runs down my cheek, which he licks away erotically. My nails bite into his back, leaving deep cuts as every nerve in my body tightens. Taking me by the waist, he flips me onto my front and lifts my stomach so that my buttocks are in the air and my weight is on my elbows and knees. While he hammers inside of me, with everything he has to give. I scream through the waves of ecstasy as another orgasm hits me fast. 

Removing himself from me, he lay’s on the bed beside me and runs his hand over my back and to the curves of my buttocks. Lifting myself up
, I climb on top of him gently, sliding down on him while his hands caress every inch of my body, and the sounds of us fitting together and the feel of our sweet sticky bodies slipping and sliding together is a fantasy I could not have dreamt up.

Sweat runs down my chest and onto my
nipple, making it shine, and his hot wet lips come towards me to kiss it away, the sensation leaving me breathless.

“God you’re perfect,” I moan in a whisper as I watch him bite his lip.

Bringing my face to his, I slip my tongue into his mouth and kiss him with everything I have.

              “Why can’t you have been mine,” He asks, breathing heavy.

“I wish I were Ruk, I wish I were yours,” I tell him honestly.

Stopping his hands on my thighs, he sits up with me so that our chests are touching and with him still deep inside me.

              “Would you be mine Zara?” He asks, his eyes boring into my very soul, if to search out the truth, while he lifts my body up and down on his hardness. His look is so intense with passion; I have no choice but to answer him honestly.

“Yes, yes Ruk, I would be yours.” I tell him and close my eyes through a building orgasm.

“Look at me Zara, I need to see you,” He tells me through his own growls of pleasure.

Opening my eyes to meet his, I tug on his hair as the movements increase and he gets so deep that my nipples tremble. Staring deep into each other’s eyes, a final wave of pleasure brings us to climax together.


Laying across Ruk with shaky legs and hearing my heart beat in my ears, I wrap my arm around his chest whilst fitting against him perfectly.



“We can’t do this again,” He tells me full of sorrow.

“I know,” I tell him with a sigh and hold onto him even tighter.

I know why we can’t do this, because it will complicate things further than it already has, especially when and if we find the ones we were meant for.

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