Blue Moon (34 page)

Read Blue Moon Online

Authors: Danielle Sanderson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban

BOOK: Blue Moon
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“Be careful tonight Ruk, don’t you dare leave me after I have just found you,” I beg him with raw emotion.

“I promise,” He tells me with a mesmerising smile before he takes my lips again.

When we break apart, I instantly notice that we are alone, so I take the time to really look at Ruk, before our whole world turns upside down.
Laying my head on his chest and breathing him in, a smile covers my face from his closeness.

“Come on, let’s find the others, we need to stick together, stay close to me baby, don’t leave my side,” He says, fearing for me.

“Always,” I tell him with a smile, getting a handsome smile in return.


Walking with Ruk, hand in hand, we come to a stop when Mary walks directly in our path and steps up to me. She has on a blood red dress, high heel shoes, and her red hair loose down her back. Talk about too much red!

“Well look at you,” I say sarcastically.

“Stick it bitch! Ruk I need to speak with you, there is some things you need to know,” She tells him and finishes with a sneer directed to me.

“Fuck off Mary!” Ruk growls angrily at her, soon followed by him taking my hand, and dragging us forward and slamming his shoulder into her.

Because she wasn’t expecting Ruk to knock into her, she los
es her footing, landing on butt, with her hair all over her face. The smile that spreads on my face is wonderful. I hate Mary with a passion, and she hates me more. I don’t know why she took such a disliking to me when we first met, but it increases every time we see each other.

Surprisingly she starts to laugh hard, so Ruk and I automatically turn our heads in her direction.

Before I can make out what has happened, I am stood in the middle of what I think is a room. I cannot see anything as it is pitch black, but the smell of dampness and mold hits my nose tenfold.

“Mary!” I hiss.

“Not yet,” She taunts back.

I want to stay here and kill the bitch, but I can’t miss the ceremony, Dallah is relying on me to get her out of this bonding, I won’t let her down, not even for revenge on Mary.

Trying to transport myself back to Ruk’s side, I quickly shut my eyes and try again. It isn’t working! What the fuck is going on?

“That won’t work little Charmer!” She taunts with an evil laugh.

She knows
I am the Charmer. How? Shit! What am I meant to do now? I cannot feel Dallah or Angus, and Ruk will be freaking out right now.

“What do you want Mary?” I ask in irritation.

“I will drain you of your powers and then watch the Brothers’ as they walk into this room and see their poor little Zara dead on the concrete, that’s what I want!” She tells me angrily.

Can she really be so deluded to think that she can take the power from me? I know that she is nuts, but I didn’t think she was brain dead. Being the Charmer is something you are born as, and will die as. Who would have told her that she could take my power? Moreover, how the fuck does she know that I am the Charmer?
Moreover, did she tell anyone else? She must have help with her, but who? Who is the Vampire that changed her, who is her sire?

“Why are you hiding in the shadows Mary?”

“I’m not hiding!” She roars.

“Looks that way,” I taunt, whilst walking around the brick walls trying to find the bloody door.

I haven’t stopped trying to transport out of here, or connect with somebody, anybody.
It's only one hour until the bonding ceremony takes place; I need to find a way out.

Suddenly the lights come on, and quickly looking around for Mary, I let my laugh escape when I see her in the corner of the room on the ceiling. Her arms are pushed up against the ceiling and her feet against the wall. She looks damn right freaky, not scary how she was hoping.

              “You laughing at me? Do you not understand what is going to happen to you?”

“Jesus Mary! You look like the fucking exorcist! This whole Vampire thing has gone to your head,” I tell her with a smirk whilst looking at her up and down.

She pushes herself from the wall, and directly onto me, knocking me to the floor.
My head bounces off the concrete with a sickening thud; if I were not immortal, the fall would have easily killed me.

Mary’s fangs extend as she moves at me with lightning speed, but she isn’t quick enough. Holding
her shoulders, I push against her, but my strength starts to weaken. Using the last of my strength, I lift my head up and head butt Mary in the nose so hard that blood sprays over the two of us. She falls to her side with her hands covering her face, she is screaming something, but I don’t know what, as my head is thumping so hard that I can barely see, let alone hear.

“Where are we?” I screech at her, whilst standing over her where she lies on the floor.

“Bitch broke my face!” She cries.

, she is no help! There is no door! Why the hell is there a room without a door? Now I’m freaking out massively, I NEED to get to Dallah!

“How do I get out? What have you done Mary?”


Lifting my foot, I kick her in the leg, hard.

              “What have you done?”

“Useless Mary! You were meant to have her tied up!” Laura tells her with Sarah at her side!

What the Fuck...

              “What are you doing?” I ask in shock.

Before she answers me
, I’m lifted into the air and my arms and legs spread out away from my body by her magic.

“We have to keep you here until the Bonding is complete, Richard doesn’t trust you to be there. He worked out what you are, I didn’t believe it, but here we are,” She tells me simply.

“How?” I bellow.

“He is a clever man, you should know that. We found a spell that will hold a Charmers power for the time that we need. Therefore, whatever you and the dogs had planned, is over. Dallah will bond with Richard, then he will take me as his mistress,” Laura tells me with a mischievous smirk.

“Wow, that’s desperate! Put me down Laura, if I have no power then why are holding me like this?” I ask her in an irritated tone.

She releases me, and I slam down int
o a chair that has appeared beneath me.

By their own accord, my arms go around my back and my legs slam together, as they are bound together
with small silver chains.

“You won’t get out of them, their magic,” Sarah tells me with a shrug, as if she is already bored.

“Ok! Thanks for the heads up!” I tell her sarcastically.

I had completely
forgotten about Mary until she appears before me and slams her fist into my cheek, which knocks my head to the side.

“Bitch! You wait till this is over!” I spit at her in rage.

“Mary! Richard told you not to lay a finger on her!” Laura tells her with authority, and instantly pissing off Mary.

While they bicker amongst themselves, I put my full concentration into connecting with Dallah and the

“Can anyone hear me? I’m stuck in a room with Mary, Laura and Sarah, find their sister Hydie, she might know where we are.”

After a few minutes, still nothing! Damn it!

I wonder if I can speak the magic words here, and hope that they reach Richard, but then there is the dagger, I still have it. Also, I won’t know when the bonding begins, I think have been her for about 20 minutes, but I cannot go on my guessing.


Watching the three women talk in hushed tones, I start to worry for Ruk again. He must be going mad looking for me, as will they all, and I can imagine that they are all trying to connect with me also.

Why couldn’t my father come at a time like this, rather than to drop more bombshells!

How did Richard come to the conclusion that I am the Charmer, and where did he find this spell to void my powers? He never once let on that he knew, but then again why would he.


!” Ruk roars telepathically.


Ruk! Oh, thank god. I don’t know where I am, Mary, Sarah, and Laura have me in a room, it has no doors or windows. They have taken away my power so I can’t get out


” He asks in shock.


Richard knows that I am the Charmer, he didn’t want me to be at the bonding encase I tried something


What does the room look like baby


It's just brick walls, concrete floor, the ceiling is damp and moldy, there’s nothing else Ruk
,” I


I think I know where you are, hold tight


Has the bonding begun


No we got 15 minutes


Don’t come alone


Its 3 girls
!” He tells me in confusion.


!” I scold, but he has broken the connection.

Shit 15 minutes! I hope to god we get out in time for the bonding, and I hope that Ruk doesn’t come alone, but I already know that he will.

              “What are you smiling at?” Mary asks me with a raised brow.

“How pathetic the three of you are,” I tell her simply.

Laura and Sarah hold her back from me while I smile at her, angering her further.

              “I will end you Zara! You will never again be happy!” She barks at me with rage.

“You think that would make you happy Mary? You are wrong, you will never be happy. You will always crave the life of another, yours will never be good enough, but it doesn’t work that way, you will do it to the wrong person one day and...”

Before I can utter the words, Ruk has twisted her head and ripped it from her shoulders! OH MY GOD!

              “How did you get in here?” Sarah screams.

“Magic!” He tells her sarcastically before he walks over to me with a frown.

“What? Can’t you take these off?” I ask as he gets noticeably angry.

“Who’s doing this?” He asks Laura and Sarah in a harsh tone whilst pointing to my face.

“Mary did. Zara has to stay here Ruk, she has to, you don’t know what she is capable of! Come back in an hour, and I’ll let her go,” Laura tells him as if he is stupid.

“You can’t take her!” Laura warns him again, which is a bad move.

“Says who?”

“Me! I don’t want to hurt you, but I will,” She warns him again!

“This is bullshit!” He spits, and with a swipe of his hand Laura and Sarah fly’s across the room and smash into the brick wall, falling to the floor.

“How do we get these off?” He asks me while looking deeply into my eyes.

“We need to get a Witch or a Warlock to take the magic away from them.”

“Ok baby, let’s go?”

He bends down to me and places his hands on my thighs.

              “What are you doing?”

Before I can get a
n answer we are surrounded by the Brothers’, and Dallah, who look angry and panicked, but soon relieved when they see us safe.

“Oh thank goddess!” Dallah cries, before she throws herself on me.

“I’m ok Dallah, can you take these chains off me they’re magic?”

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