Black Opal (6 page)

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Authors: Sandra Cox

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Black Opal
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Sabina thrust the ice bucket at Bella. “You fill the ice bucket and I’ll hang out in the hall.”

“Yes, princess. Barely a star and already thinking you need a beck and call girl.”

Sabina grinned then straightened. “Here comes a maid.”

A young black-haired woman dressed in gray and wearing a white apron, her arms piled high with fluffy white towels, came hurrying down the hall. Sabina stepped in front of her forcing her to stop. “Excuse me.”

“Yes, ma’am?” The maid’s chin rested on the towels. She tightened her grip around them.

“I’m Sabina Comte in room five-thirty and this is my friend, Bella Tremaine-McHenry in room five thirty-two.” Bella stepped forward, holding the ice bucket at her side by the tips of her well lacquered fingernails.

The maid nodded as best she could over the towels.

“Did you see anyone loitering around our rooms tonight?” Sabina asked.

“No, ma’am but I just came on duty. Let me drop these towels off and I’ll check with Marie and be right back.” She nodded and hurried down the hall.

A well-dressed gentleman, with graying hair, nodded to them and stepped toward the ice machine, his bucket in hand.

Ice rattled as he scooped cubes into the container. He put down the ice machine lid and straightened. Clasping the bucket in one hand, he stepped forward, holding out the other. “Ms. Comti, may I say you have the most beautiful voice it’s ever been my privilege to hear. I was in the audience last night. Your songs brought tears to my eyes.” He pumped her hand up and down. “I’m sorry but I couldn’t help overhearing your conversation.”

“Did you see something, Mr…” She leaned forward.

“Hughes. Larry Hughes. As a matter of fact I did. A little old gray-haired lady went into both rooms. Very well dressed, loaded with baubles. Is there a problem?”

“No. No problem. When was this?”

“About forty-five minutes after the show.” He looked shamefaced. “Me and the wife had heard you were staying in the suite on our floor and were lingering in the hall hoping to get an autograph.”

Sabina smiled. “I’ll be sure and get you and your wife an autograph. What is her name, Mr. Hughes?”


“I’ll remember.”

“Thank you,” he said with a pleased expression.

She and Bella said their goodbyes and walked toward their room.

“Victoria,” Bella said.

“Yes, unless Adam put someone up to it while we were dining with him.”

“We can’t rule anything out. Getting Victoria might be a bit of a problem if Adam stays as close by you as he’s threatening to.”

“You leave Adam Morelly to me, maybe it’s time to go on the offensive on that front too.”

Bella sidled next to her and gushed, “Oh, sugar, are you planning on bringing him to his knees with wild mindless sex?”

An image of Adam on his knees before her wearing nothing but his diamond pinkie ring flashed into her mind.

She looked at Bella and smiled, her lids heavy, her face hot.

“Oh, sugar, how exciting for you. Just don’t forget the children’s tale about the lady from Niger and the tiger,” Bella cautioned.

Sabina blinked, confused.

Bella sighed. “Never mind, I believe it’s too late for warnings in that direction anyway. It was from the first moment you clapped eyes on each other. Just be careful.”

* * * * *


Victoria sipped a beer in the quiet of her room. While the bitches had been dining with Adam Morelly, she’d trashed their rooms sending them a message. She could get to them anytime, anywhere.

Adam Morelly. Now there was a man. Heat flashed through her just thinking about him. She turned the thin stem of the goblet and watched the red liquid swirl. Maybe there was a way to get the stud and the amulets too. Everyone had their price. She just needed to figure out what Adam Morelly’s was.

Chapter Five


Sabina bowed as the room echoed with thunderous applause, the audience on their feet. She tried to leave but her fans continued to clap as she walked off stage. She went back on and performed again and again. Finally on the fourth try, damp with perspiration she took her final bow and left the stage, exhausted but happy.

Bella stood waiting in the wings.

Sabina’s eyebrows shot up. Bella’s tight little black dress had a neckline that plunged nearly to her navel. She wore a huge sparkler draped between her breasts. Sabina grinned. Nobody would give a thought to the amulets on her friend’s arm with that frontal display.

Her smile congealed as Adam Morelly stepped out of the shadows. The man was like a barnacle. Every time she and Bella had come downstairs today Adam had popped up out of nowhere, like a genie in a bottle, insisting on escorting them wherever they wished to go.

Where she wished he’d go was to the devil. There’d had no opportunity to draw Victoria out.

Sabina wiped the scowl off her face as she walked toward them.

Squaring her shoulders she met his gaze and almost stumbled. She paused stunned by the unguarded admiration on his face… Admiration and something more. She blinked and his cool, expressionless mask was back in place making her wonder if she’d imagined the ardor she’d surprised there.

He stepped forward. “Your performance was wonderful as always. Your voice is the most amazing I’ve ever heard. One moment I’m thinking of celestial angels and the next smoky heat and sin.”

Sabina felt blood flood her face. For a moment, she couldn’t for the life of her think of a thing to say.

Bella stepped into the breach. “Sugar, you sure do have a honeyed tongue. I bet you’ve been the cause of more than one cat fight,” she said, her glance admiring as she stared at Adam.

“Well let’s hope not. May I have the pleasure of escorting you lovely young ladies to dinner?”

Trying very hard to be polite, Sabina fought back her frustration and said through gritted teeth, “I’m sure you’ve got something better to do.”

He studied her face.

Sabina made herself relax certain he’d heard her teeth grinding.

He stepped into her space. She forced herself not to take a step back. Instead she lifted her chin, tipped her head back and looked at him, her fist balled, prepared to do battle.

His gaze traveled over her. “I do believe I am much more susceptible to your charms than you are to mine,” he said in a voice as smooth as malt whiskey.

“Good try, Morelly. Now what’s this about? Why are we tripping over you every time we turn around?” she asked bluntly.

“Maybe it’s got something to do with you being so accident prone.” He arched an eyebrow, stuck his hands in his pockets and rocked on his heels.

“Are you spying on us?” she asked hotly.

He came down on the soles of his feet and towered over her. “I’m making sure nothing happens to you, my golden-throated darling. And if you don’t like it, I’m sorry for it but I’m not going away.”

As they stood glaring at each other his cell phone went off. Still staring at her, he snapped open the phone. “Hello,” he snarled. As he listened, his expression changed to one of puzzlement. “Who is this? Have we met before?”

Curious, Sabina watched him as he spoke to the person on the other end.

Bella sidled up to him, making no effort to disguise the fact that she was eavesdropping.

“I’m sorry but I have other plans.” He clicked the phone shut.

Bella gave him a knowing look. “One of those kitty cats we were talking about a moment ago, sugar?”

Adam gave a dismissive shrug. “I have no idea who it was. Now, how about dinner?”

Before Sabina could respond, Bella replied, “Give us half an hour, Sabina needs to freshen up. Then come up to her suite and we can decide where we want to go.”

Sabina scrunched up her face and pursed her lips, knowing her expression was sour.

Bella grabbed her arm, gave it a warning pinch and pulled her along. They hurried across the street to the hotel.

“What are you doing?” Sabina hissed as they walked through the lobby and got on the elevator.

“What happened to all that malarkey about charming him you were spilling out last night?” Bella asked dryly as she handed Sabina her amulet.

Sabina slipped it on rubbing her arm with pleasure.

The elevator stopped on two and a young man got on. His gaze lit on Bella’s bosom and stayed there.

Sabina bit back a smile. “What floor?” she asked.

He continued to stare at Bella’s décolletage.

“Sir?” Sabina said a bit louder.


“What floor?”


She heaved a sigh and rolled her eyes. “You’re on two.”

“Oh, sorry, three.”

She punched three. The elevator moved up. A moment later it slid to a stop and the doors opened. When the man made no move to get off, she gave him a sharp elbow to the ribs. “Your stop I believe.”

“Oh, oh yes,” he said and stumbled out of the elevator. As the door closed, he still stared his mouth hanging open.

Sabina shook her head. “You’re going to have to change clothes.” She remembered her grievance. “Now tell me again why we are having dinner with Adam Morelly? The idea is to get away from him not have him join us.”

“Well, sugar, since you obviously don’t have him eating out of your hand as yet, I thought we’d all have a nice little relaxing glass of wine before we went out.” She opened her small glittering black handbag and held out a small plastic bottle. She shook it and the contents rattled.

Sabina arched her brows, frowning in confusion.

“Sleeping pills,” Bella explained.

Sabina stared at the little brown bottle in fascinated horror, unable to take her eyes off of it. “We are going to drug him? What happens when he wakes up?” She shivered.
There will be hell to pay.

“Calm yourself, sugar. It’s not like we’re poisoning him. We’ll be back before he wakes up and give him a hard time about falling asleep on us.”

“It could work,” Sabina said, processing. “Lord help us if he figures it out.”

“Exactly so,” Bella said crisply with no trace of an accent, her expression sober. But only for a moment before the devil-may-care glint was back in her baby blues. “If he does we’ll think of something. Now you better shower and change clothes.”

The elevator doors slid open and they stepped out. “What do we wear?” Sabina asked.

“How about jeans, long sleeved tees and comfortable shoes? We’ll tell him we’ve decided to have pizza in your room. You’re too weary to face your fans.”

Sabina rolled her eyes.

“And if we end up in a dark alley,” Bella continued ignoring the eye rolling, “I don’t want to be wearing heels. Been there. Done that. It wasn’t fun.”

Sabina raised an eyebrow, as she pulled out her room card and slid it in the slot.

“I’ll tell you when we have more time,” Bella answered her unspoken question. “I’m going to change clothes. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

“Here take the door key in case I’m in the shower when you come back.” She held out the plastic card.

Bella plucked it out of her hand and sauntered next door, wiggling her fingers in goodbye.

Sabina shut the door and hurried into the shower.

The hot stinging spray revived her. Adam’s singer friend was right. Singing was exhausting—wonderful but exhausting. She gave the audience every ounce of her energy, her voice, her will until she was wrung dry and there was nothing left to give.

What she wouldn’t give for a long hot bubble bath with aromatic candles placed around the tub. Oh well, maybe tomorrow night she’d have that bath and relax in bubbles until she turned into a prune. Heaving a sigh of regret, she turned off the faucets and stepped out.

She wrapped herself in a soft fluffy white towel. Not bothering with makeup she dressed and combed her hair letting it hang damp about her shoulders. As she laid the comb on the counter, someone knocked.

Padding to the door, she stuck her eye to the small security glass. Adam’s distorted face stared back, his hands stuck in the pockets of his long black leather coat.

She opened the door.

He looked at her in surprise, his glance traveling over her and coming to rest on her coral-tipped toes. She scrunched them into the lush carpet.

“You have beautiful feet.”

She blinked. Adam Morelly was just full of surprises.

“Where would you like to eat tonight?”

“We decided to order pizza. Is that all right with you?”

“As long as it’s pepperoni.”

“That can be arranged.” She laughed and stepped back, letting him in.

He looked around and nodded in approval at the large crystal vase of roses on the table.

“Is your room satisfactory?”

“Yes. Are the flowers from you?”

“I wish I could take the credit but they’re from the hotel.”

“Oh. They’re lovely and their fragrance is wonderful.”

“Glad you like them.”

A scraping sound had Adam whipping around like a panther, pushing Sabina behind him.

Bella opened the door, dressed in designer jeans, a fitted black top and black boots. “Hello, sugar.”

Sabina and Adam looked at her and both responded, “Hello.”

“I ordered from my room. It should be here any minute.” Bella sauntered in carrying a bottle of red wine in her hand and a bottle of white under her arm. She headed for the kitchenette calling over her shoulder, “White or red, Adam?”

“I’ll just have some bottled water.”

Sabina tensed. She threw a quick glance at Bella.

Bella wiggled the bottle of red at Adam, tilted her head and gave him her wicked smile. “Not even to celebrate Sabina’s success tonight?”

He smiled. “How can I say no to such a charming proposal? But just half a glass.”

Sabina thought she would have to reach down to her feet and pick her heart up off the floor. Lord the man was devastating when his face relaxed and his lips tipped up. It was a damn good thing it didn’t happen too often.

Bella held up her hand. “Sit. I’ll get this if you tip the delivery boy.”

He laughed as Bella disappeared into the kitchenette. “Done.” He sat down on the couch, stretched out his long legs and leaned back into the cushy sofa.

Bella popped her head back out a moment later. “White or red?”


“I’ll have red,” Sabina put in.

“I know, sugar.”

The doorbell rang before Sabina sat down. She started toward the door but Adam rose in one lithe movement and motioned her back. He put his eye on the peep hole then opened it.

The smell of cheese, spices and pepperoni wafted through the room. Sabina closed her mouth before she started drooling. Lord, she was hungry.

Adam reached in his back pocket, pulled out a couple of bills and handed them to the delivery boy. He closed the door, walked back in the living room and put the warm cardboard boxes on the table in front of the couch.

Bella stepped out of the kitchenette carrying three glasses of sparkling wine that clinked together as she walked. “Perfect timing.” She looked at Sabina. “Got any napkins, shug?”

“I’ll get them.” Sabina hurried into the kitchenette. “Do you want plates?”

Bella called back. “Napkins are fine.”

Sabina grabbed a handful of plain white napkins and placed them on the small table in front of the couch.

Bella and Adam sat side by side on the sofa. Sabina sank into an easy chair across from them.

Bella opened the boxes. “Cheese, pepperoni or loaded. What’s it to be folks?”

“Cheese,” Sabina said.

“Pepperoni,” Adam responded.

“Oh, goody, a pizza apiece.”

She passed around the warm pie-shaped wedges then picked up her glass. “A toast, to the most golden-throated voice I’ve ever heard.”

Adam raised his glass. “I’ll drink to that.”

“To good friends,” Sabina responded.

“Hear, hear,” Bella said and tipped back her glass.

Adam and Sabina did the same.

Sabina couldn’t help throwing nervous glances Adam’s way. He took a large bite of pizza, chewed and swallowed then looked at Sabina quizzically. “Do I have cheese on my face?”

“No.” She laughed beating back a pang of guilt as he stifled a yawn.
He’s done nothing but try to help us and we’re drugging him. What kind of person does that make me?
Shame washed over her.

Their eyes met.

He lifted an eyebrow and she smoothed out her expression.
This is wrong.
She leaned toward him with every intention of knocking over his glass when he picked it up and brought it to his lips.

“Bella, can I see you in the kitchen?” Sabina stood up. She looked at Adam. “If you’ll excuse us.”

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