Black Opal (3 page)

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Authors: Sandra Cox

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Black Opal
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Chapter Three


“I want you like I want no other woman.”

Adam Morelly’s eyes looked deep into hers. She threw back her head drowning in their gold-flecked depths. His mouth drew closer. Her gaze flickered over it, her own lips parted. His breath smelled like fresh peppermint. His lips were on the thin side, chiseled like a finely sculpted statue, delicious and oh-so kissable.

His hot gaze shifted from her mouth and traveled over her. Wherever his glance touched it scorched her. She’d swear her clothes would melt right off.

His warm hands rested on her shoulders.

“Darling,” she breathed.

The grip tightened and she was shaken. “Wake up, sugar.”

She blinked. Her erotic dream disintegrated like molecules exploding in the atmosphere. Yawning so wide it felt like her jaws would split, she sat up, the sheet falling to her waist.

Bella laughed. “Who would have thought such a proper little thing sleeps in the nude?”

Sabina reached for the white terry robe at the foot of her bed and put it on, her movements unhurried. “What are you doing here and how did you get in?”

Bella grinned and patted her hair. “The bus boy, darling.”

“I should have known.” Sabina smiled back then stretched. “So why did you say you were here? Not that I’m not always glad to see you,” she added.

Bella handed her a white porcelain mug and sat on the edge of the bed.

Sabina took the cup and buried her nose in it. Steam laced with the rich aromatic scent of fresh coffee filled her nostrils. “A woman who comes bearing coffee is more treasured than a man bearing diamonds.”

“Old Italian saying?” Bella inquired, crossing her legs and sipping her brew.

“New Italian saying. Just made it up this instant.” As her brain began to function she straightened. “Is something wrong? Did something happen to Adam?” Her eyes widened. Where in the world had that come from? The dream of course, she assured herself.

Bella looked at her over her coffee cup. “So it’s like that is it, shug? I wondered. It could complicate things,” she warned.

“It’s not like that at all. I have no idea where that came from,” Sabina responded. She shrugged her shoulders, her manner careless, determined to hide the fact that she’d just been shaken right down to her pedicured toes.

Her next thought jolted her and a tight fist of fear knotted her belly. “Where’s Maureen?”

“She flew back home.”


“Jack took a tumble off one of the horses and broke a few ribs.”

“Shouldn’t you have gone with her? I don’t need a babysitter you know.”

“Of course, you don’t, shug, as long as you are wearing the amulet. But when you sing you take it off.”

As Sabina started to protest Bella interrupted, “Trying to make me feel unwelcome?”

Sighing in defeat, Sabina shook her head. “You should have gone into politics. You’re a force to be reckoned with.”

Bella patted her blonde hair. “Thanks, shug. Now how about we go shopping? Have you ever been in the mountains or to Blowing Rock? They have this quaint little jewelry store where you can get unique gems at a fraction of the cost.”

Sabina arched an eyebrow. “Bargain hunting? I thought you were as rich as Croesus.”

“Thrill of the hunt, darling,” Bella drawled.

They grinned at each other in perfect accord.

“Give me ten minutes.”

While Bella sat sipping her coffee and swinging an elegantly shod foot, Sabina showered and threw on designer jeans and a long-sleeved bright orange tee. She went to the sitting room where Bella had moved to. “I’m ready.”

Bella looked up from the book she’d been thumbing through when Sabina walked in. She held it up. “Good read?”

Sabina glanced at it. “
To Love a Hero
. You bet.”

“Mind if I borrow it?”

“I finished it yesterday. Go right ahead.”

Bella gave Sabina a quick once-over from the top of her shampooed hair to her alligator flats then looked at her watch. “Twenty minutes, not bad.” She nodded her approval and rose effortlessly from her chair. She tossed the paperback on the couch. “I’ll pick it up when we get back.” She glanced at Sabina’s left arm. “Your amulet is barely noticeable. Do you always wear long sleeves?”

“Whenever possible. Do you ever?” she inquired, glancing at the amulet displayed boldly on her friend’s arm. Bella wore a crimson sweater set and cream silk pants, the cardigan thrown over her shoulders.

Falling in step with her, Bella laughed as they left Sabina’s room and rode down the spotless shiny elevator. “Why should I? Besides, I have great arms for a woman my age.”

Sabina gave an unladylike snort. “Your arms aren’t the only thing about your body that’s great.”

“Look who’s talking. Unless you’re wearing a Wonderbra, that’s hardly a B cup you’ve got on.”

Sabina glanced down and tugged self-consciously at her tee.

With a light touch, Bella pushed away Sabina’s hand and patted out a wrinkle on her friend’s shoulder. “Flaunt it, darling.”

“You just glammed me,” Sabina accused as the elevator door swung open and they stepped out. She could feel the subtle tingle of radiance on her skin and hair.

“Do you mind?”

“Hell, no.”

Heads turned at Bella’s trill of laughter. “You are like a breath of fresh air after Maureen. You’d think I was sticking needles in that woman when I glam her.”

“Maureen doesn’t need it,” Sabina responded as they approached the shiny, little red sports car that was Maureen’s pride and joy.

“Neither do you, sugar.” Bella unlocked the door and slid into the soft white leather seat. “But a woman should always look her best.”

Sabina pulled the shoulder strap around her and clicked the safety belt closed as the sports car roared out of the lot.

When they reached a red light, Bella hit a button on the dash and the top purred down and locked in place.

“It’s September. Why are we driving with the top down?” Sabina blinked, studying her friend.

“Oh, come on. You’re in the south and wearing long sleeves. Driving in the mountains is more exhilarating with the top down. Life’s too short not to live it to the fullest.” She pressed down on the pedal and shot onto I-85.

“How’s Hank?” Sabina called into the wind, capturing her blowing hair and tucking it in the back of her collar.

“Scrunchies are in the glove box,” Bella yelled back.

“Thanks.” Sabina grabbed one and captured the hair whipping about her face.

“He misses me,” Bella said, a note of smugness in her voice.

“And you miss him.”

“Goes without saying.”

“Bella, you should go home.”

“Shug, we’ve been all through this. Now sit back and enjoy the ride.”

Knowing she wasn’t going to win this one, Sabina did as she was told. She looked around at the countryside still lush and green even in September. It seemed like no time at all before the little car was climbing into the mountains, taking the curves fast enough to cause Sabina’s palms to dampen with nerves.

“Bella dear, did you happen to see that sign that said thirty-five mph on the curves,” Sabina shouted over the whistling wind, clutching the side of the car in a death grip. Thank the gods the high-walled rock facing was on her side and not the drop-off that she would be staring at on the trip back. She glanced over and saw Bella’s eyes on the rearview mirror. “For the gods’ sakes, Bella, watch the road.”

“No problem, shug.” She swung back onto her side of the road as a semi honked its warning from the other lane.

“That white Jeep two cars back has been with us for about fifty miles. I thought at first it was a coincidence but it turned off I-85 and onto 321.” She shrugged her elegant shoulders. “It still could be a coincidence.”

“I’ll watch the rearview mirror. You keep your eyes on the road.” Sabina pried her clenched jaws apart long enough to speak.

“If you are going to watch the rearview mirror you first have to open your eyes. And you can loosen the death grip on the door. We’re here.” Bella laughed and let up on the gas.

Sabina opened first one eye then the other as they drove into a quaint little town at a sedate pace.

Bella turned the wheel and whipped into a parking spot between an SUV and a truck.

Her back pressed against the white leather, Sabina went limp against the seat. After a moment, she pulled herself together and looked around. “Very nice.”

But Bella wasn’t listening. She watched the street.

As she turned her head, Sabina saw the white Jeep drive by.

“Tinted windows,” Bella muttered.

“Do you want me to roll them down for you,” Sabina volunteered.

“You can do that?”

Sabina said nothing just waited.

“Of course you can.” Bella paused for a moment then shook her head. “The car’s gone now anyway. Hell with it. I’m not going to let the specter of Victoria Price ruin our day. Let’s go shopping.” Suiting actions to words she swung her elegant legs out of the car. Stepping on the sidewalk she inhaled deeply causing the V-necked cardigan to rise and fall, drawing several appreciative stares from the men walking by, whose women hurried them along.

“God I miss the South. Wisconsin is a great state except for the snow in the winter.” Bella gave a shudder then grinned wickedly. “Though the nights are plenty warm and toasty.”

Sabina laughed and slipped her arm through Bella’s. Both felt a jolt as the electricity from the beauty-creativity amulet collided with the power amulet.

Bella pulled hastily away. “No offense, sugar but I could swear my hair just stood on end.”

“Well, maybe just a teensy bit,” Sabina grinned and brushed it down.

“Um-hmm,” Bella said her expression skeptical as she gave herself a quick glam.

“Now where’s this little jewelry shop you are so fond of?” Sabina asked as they sauntered down the sidewalk.

“Just up the street. It’s costume jewelry but everything’s one of a kind.”

“I can’t stay too long,” Sabina warned. “I’ve got a show tonight.”

“Well be back in plenty of time,” Bella assured her.

True to her word, Bella zipped them through the shops and a light lunch. They were headed out of town three hours later.

The wind stung Sabina’s face and whipped her hair around. A gust, cold enough to bring tears to her eyes, hit her in the face, taking her breath away.

Bella picked up speed heading down the mountain. Sabina grabbed the door and hung on.

“For the gods’ sakes slow down, Bella,” Sabina yelled above the roar of traffic as Bella whipped around a truck in front of them then back into the right hand lane.

“Bella, did you hear me? This is not funny,” she called out her eyes scrunched shut, the wind whistling in her ears. When there was no response she pried her eyes open. Her neck stiff with tension, she turned her head toward Bella then jerked straight up.

Bella’s face looked like paste and her hands white-knuckled the steering wheel. “Brakes are gone.”


As the car continued to gain speed, the tires screamed around the curves. Pines growing along the mountain flew by in a green blur.

Bella pulled into the fast lane and passed a semi as if it were sitting still. Next she passed a van.

Sabina shuddered as she saw the little ones inside staring out the window.

“Oh my gods.”

Sabina looked up and for one timeless second was afraid she would pass out with fear. Two trucks drove side by side up ahead and Bella’s little red sports car was gaining on them rapidly.

“I’m going to have to aim for the rail and hope I don’t go over,” Bella shouted.

Sabina’s paralysis left her and her arm bearing the amulet shot out in command as the car hit the rail and began to climb over. Thrown forward then jerked back, her head snapped against the headrest. Her body slammed against the seat, the seat belt cutting into her shoulder and chest as the car screamed to a halt, its nose hanging over the edge of the ravine.

Her heart thumped like a jackhammer and her breath came in short sharp gasps but she had saved them from plunging to their death down the mountain.

With a groan, the car tipped backward, its back wheels on the ground, its nose in the air.

“What the hell took you so long,” Bella panted, trembling.

“I was so frightened I could barely move my arm. And my brain refused to function at all.” Sabina glanced at the sheer drop below. The car balanced precariously on the thin iron rail, the nose bobbing up and down, the back tires inching upward.

“Let’s get out of here.” Bella pushed the clasp of her seat belt with her thumb. The belt fell free.

Sabina threw open her door and jumped out. She went limp with relief as she heard Bella’s door open. She heaved a deep breath and stepped away from the edge, lightheaded and dizzy.

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