Black Opal (5 page)

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Authors: Sandra Cox

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Black Opal
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Sabina burst out laughing as she reached for her door card. “You are too much.”

“Are you going to be okay?” Bella asked her tone light, her expression serious.

“I’m going to be just fine. Say hello to Hank for me.” The green light came on and Sabina pushed the door open. She stood in the doorway. “Are you going to tell him about the accident?”

Bella waved her hand in a negligent gesture. “Lord, no. The man would be on an airplane by dinnertime or hopping in his pickup.” She smiled and her face took on a reminiscent smile. “That’s my cowboy, always riding to the rescue.”

For a brief moment Sabina felt a sharp stab of envy then was immediately ashamed. Love had come late to Bella and Hank but it had hit them like a ton of bricks, making up for any lost years. She smiled, reached over and gave Bella a light buss on the cheek. “I’ll see you after the show,” Sabina said then frowned as she remembered who she was eating with.

* * * * *


Adam sat in the private green and gold clubroom chatting with Bella, after the show. His thoughts were elsewhere. Was it possible to fall in love with a voice? Like fine wine Sabina’s music intoxicated him, along with the rest of the city. They were turning people away in droves. They’d opened the door in the back and allowed a select few to stand there and listen. And even that had Mr. Lewis in a tizzy. “Fire codes,” he kept mumbling and wringing his hands.

Adam soothed him as best he could by making certain waiters kept a path cleared and threatening the eager listeners with having to leave if they didn’t abide by the rules.

Bella stopped in mid sentence. She gave one of her charming smiles and lifted her glass of white wine toward the door in salute.

He swiveled toward the door and felt his heart give an unfamiliar thump against his ribs as Sabina paused in the doorway then walked toward them.

Her scent reached him first. The musky fragrance of woman mingled with the scent of something sensual and dark. Images of two entwined bodies in the night rose in his mind playing havoc with his equilibrium and having him shifting uncomfortably in his chair.

The scent surprised him. He could have sworn that her fragrance at the wedding had been lighter, more innocent. The thought made him frown. Why would she have changed her perfume so dramatically since the last time he’d seen her unless there was a man involved? He balled his fingers into fists, angry at the thought and himself for caring one way or the other.

He watched her walk toward them, as regal as a queen, her cascading hair shining in the flickering candlelight. Maybe the scent did fit her after all. His gaze slid over her and drank her in. Tonight she wore a tight-fitting gold sheath that seemed molded to her perfect body. Opposed to the tight-fitting dress her long sleeves were loose and billowy.

Forcing himself to relax, he pushed back his chair, stood and waited. His eyes held hers as she walked toward him with all the grace of an Arabian mare, her limbs moving as smoothly as flowing silk beneath her sheath. Some women might not appreciate the comparison but he personally thought Arabian horses the most beautiful animals God ever created.

As she approached, he held out her chair.

She sat down and looked around. “Very nice. Intimate, yet cozy. I like the gold and sea green earth tones.”

“I’m glad you approve. I had the room decorated to match your lovely ensemble,” he lied gallantly as he pushed up her chair. He touched her shoulder as he straightened and felt heat, hot as an August night, leap between them.

She looked at him, startled.

“Or perhaps you wore the dress to match the room,” he teased, his glance caressing her, wondering if she too felt the chemistry between them.

“No doubt.” She made a noise that in a less sophisticated-looking woman would have been called a snort and settled back in her chair.

“Thank you for ordering, Bella.” Sabina picked up the glass of red wine that sat in front of her.

“I’d love to take credit for it, shug but it wasn’t me,” Bella replied sipping her white wine.

“I made an educated guess. I hope you find it satisfactory,” Adam said settling into his soft leather chair placed between Sabina and Maureen.

Sabina took a cautious sip then smiled and leaned back, relaxing. “Perfect. Thank you.”

“My pleasure,” he nodded.

A waiter glided out of the shadows and unobtrusively placed bowls filled with crisp bright vegetables, almond slivers and shredded parmesan in front of them.

Sabina pushed her fork into the salad, speared a spinach leaf and stared at it blankly.

“Tired?” he asked, studying her.

“A little.”

“That probably translates into exhausted,” Bella chimed in.

Sabina smiled at her then turned to Adam. “So, Mr. Morelly, tell me about this mysterious phone call?”

He took a small sip of wine, enjoying the light warmth that rolled down his throat. “I was left a message that said ‘want to have some fun big guy? Let’s see if you can save her this time’ and directions to Blowing Rock.” He kept his face expressionless but his fingers tightened around the wineglass until they turned white.

“That’s pretty farfetched.” Sabina’s eyes sparkled with suspicion.

“It is at that.” He nodded and leaned back in the chair.

“When did you get the message?”

“After I got back to Charlotte. It took me a couple of hours to reach Blowing Rock.” Just thinking about it turned his body clammy and cold. Every minute of that trip had seemed like an eternity. He’d driven around town looking for Bella’s convertible. That too had been left on his voice mail. “Look for the red convertible, Superman”. Then the second call came. Telling him they were driving out of town, going too fast for safety and then the maniacal laughter before the phone clicked off. He glanced down surprised to see a slight tremor run through his hand at the memory. “It is farfetched…or just plain crazy.”

The women exchanged glances.

“I did a little digging this evening before the show.” He paused, swirling his wine, watching the golden eddies. “It seems Victoria Price spent a great deal of her formative years in a mental institution. Her current residence is unknown. My uncle tells me Victor Price is dead. It seems likely she is behind these attacks.”

Again the women exchanged looks. A light breeze seemed to spring up from nowhere throwing eerie shadows, from the flickering candles, on the wall.

The women shifted restlessly in their chairs.

“Interesting supposition.” Sabina took a deep swallow of wine. A waiter appeared as if by magic at her elbow and filled up her glass.

“It is isn’t it,” Adam agreed. “Let’s say for the sake of argument I’m right.” His eyes narrowed and his glance fastened on Sabina’s. “Is she after revenge or armbands?”

Going on a hunch, he reached over and ran his hand under and up Sabina’s voluptuous sleeve. He didn’t know whether to be disappointed or relieved when his fingers clasped nothing but bare warm flesh. He withdrew his hand. The contact had caused the blood to rush from his head and puddle at his feet.

“Why would she be interested in our jewelry, sugar?” Bella drawled, spearing a bright red cherry tomato and popping it in her mouth then chewing with gusto.

She’s stalling.
“Why was Victor?” he countered.

Bella swallowed then responded flatly with no trace of her normal drawl. “I have no idea, maybe because he was crazy too.”

“Oh, I think you know all right.” He let the silence hang before he continued. “And I don’t doubt Victor was every bit as crazy as his daughter. But to return to my original question, why does she want your amulet? Is she after revenge? Or is there more than one armband in the equation?” He glanced over at Sabina. “I noticed Maureen wears one too. And you, my dear, always wear long sleeves.”

Sabina lifted her chin and gave him a cool look and raised her sleeve. “In case you couldn’t tell by feel,” she said, referring to a moment ago when he’d slid his long narrow fingers up her full sleeve.

“Touché. You win this round. For now I’m willing to go with the revenge angle.” He stopped speaking as the waiter removed their dishes and brought out steaks still sizzling in their platters and steaming baked potatoes, loaded down with sour cream, butter and chives.

“I took the liberty of ordering for all of us. If anything isn’t to your liking we’ll send it back and get something else. The fillets are medium.”

“That’s fine, sugar. I hate steaks rare. The sight of blood makes me nauseous,” Bella answered as she cut into hers.

Sabina nodded. “Perfect.” A slight frown of annoyance flickered across her features. He could only guess that it was because he’d ordered for her.

As soon as the waiter left the room, Sabina laid down her fork and knife. “What about your uncle?”

“What about him?”

“There’s nothing saying he isn’t behind the attacks and you are in it with him.”

“It is a possibility, sugar,” Bella added in a calm voice as she salted her potato then looked at Adam.

Adam didn’t know whether to laugh or curse. “So let me see.” He lifted his finger to tick off his point. “You nearly get your head crushed and I remove you from danger.” He lifted a second finger. “A car comes rushing straight at you and I arrive before the car can nudge yours over the cliff. Oh excuse me or should I say shoot you?” he inquired, his voice heavy with sarcasm. He nodded. “It certainly has every appearance of me and my uncle trying to kill you. I can see where you would think that.”

His knife scraped against his plate as he cut his steak with a little more vigor than absolutely necessary. The women followed the movement with their eyes.

The moment he popped a piece in his mouth, Bella spoke, all drawl and Southern charm, “Perhaps, you aren’t in agreement with what your uncle wants done, sugar.”

The meat lodged in his throat. He choked and forced himself to swallow, his face hot and flushed. He reached for his water, took a deep drink then breathed hard through his nose trying to beat back his anger.

He looked first at Bella then directed his gaze to Sabina. “I swear on the blood of my family, my uncle has nothing to do with these two incidents. And I intend to stay nearby to prove it.” He leaned forward and looked deep into her eyes knowing heat flared in his own as he added, “Day and night.”

He watched color flood her lovely features.

Her aristocratic nostrils flared. “He tried to kill my friend.” She tossed her head in Bella’s direction while still maintaining eye contact with Adam. She referred to an instance some time back that had happened when Victor Price was trying to get Bella’s armband.

“Business,” he shrugged and hated himself for the lame answer.

Sabina pushed back the chair, shot to her feet and threw down her linen napkin, her fine brown eyes flashing liquid fire.

“Sit down, Sabina,” he said in a quiet voice. “That was crass of me. My uncle deeply regrets what he tried to do and so do I.”

She stood panting, her whole body quivering.

“Sit down, Sabina.”

“Sit down and eat, sugar.” Bella reached for a roll. “He’s just trying to get a rise out of you because you get under his skin.” She looked at Adam and grinned. “Right, handsome?”

He tamped down his embarrassment. “It is hard on my equilibrium to be dining by candlelight with the two most beautiful women in the city.”

Sabina rolled her eyes but sat down.

Bella fluttered her eyelashes and patted her hair. “Why, sugar, you certainly know how to sweet-talk a woman.”

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Sabina point her finger toward her mouth and make a gagging gesture. The tension broke as he burst out laughing. “Remind me never to play poker with you,” he told Bella. “You would empty my pockets and probably take the shirt right off my back before I realized what happened.”

Bella leaned forward exposing her ample cleavage, letting her gaze sweep over him. “What a charming thought.”

He blushed, something he would have sworn he hadn’t done since he was a boy. He cast a glance at Sabina to see how she was taking this conversation though he had no idea why it should matter to him.

Once again the elegant Italian rolled her eyes. He couldn’t help wondering if there was banked passion there. Italians were known for their ardor. Did that calm exterior hide hot burning desire? He squirmed uncomfortably in his seat. This wasn’t the thing to be thinking of right now but by damn he did intend to find out.

* * * * *


Victoria inhaled air deep into her belly. She should never have called pretty boy. If she hadn’t, the women would be dead now. But she couldn’t resist taunting him, watching him ride to the rescue like a knight of old. He excited her. He was dark and dangerous, her kind of man. All she had to do was get rid of the women and then she’d have him for her own personal plaything. And when she tired of him…she’d kill him.

Chapter Four


“Why do you do that,” Sabina fussed as they rode the elevator to their floor.

“It’s expected, sugar. And it’s fun.” She threw up her hands and lifted her shoulders. “Men are so easy. I just can’t help playing with them.”

“And what does Hank think about it?” Sabina arched her eyebrows and shot her a look.

“Oh he grumbles but he knows I’d never betray him, nor have the desire to. I just enjoy my toys and as I have to keep repeating to everyone,” she said dramatically, spreading her arms wide, as the elevator slid to a stop and they got out, “I’m an artist. A fine piece of flesh appeals to me aesthetically.”

“Bella, you are so full of it.”

“Such cynicism in one so young.” Bella shook her head, her expression sad.

“See there you go again.” Sabina said inserting her card into the door.

“I love you too, sugar.”

“Oh, Bella, I do love you, I’m just a bit edgy tonight.” She straightened and gave her friend a hug.

“Besides the fact that you nearly went over a cliff, would it have anything to do with me flirting with your man?” Bella asked her expression knowing.

“He’s not my man and I could not care less about who you flirt with…sugar.” Sabina stiffened and stepped back, her eyes flashing, annoyed all over again. She shoved open the door and stalked in then stopped so abruptly Bella walked into her. “

Bella peered over her shoulder and echoed her sentiments in English. “Shit. Room’s been tossed.”

Sabina’s jewelry, clothes and personal possessions lay in a careless heap in the middle of the floor.

The room safe’s door stood open, the fake amulet in plain sight.

“That’s not the real one is it?”

“No.” Sabina stared at her trashed room.

Where is it?” Bella’s hand tightened on Sabina’s arm.

Sabina ran into the bathroom, Bella at her heels. Sabina picked up a large bar of wet beauty soap and began to pry at it with her fingernails.

“What are you doing, sugar?”

“Damn, broke a nail,” Sabina muttered before she pried out the armband.

“Sugar, you are a caution. But you are taking years off my life with your inventiveness. You are going to have to keep your amulet on you at all times,” Bella said, an unexpected firmness in her voice peeking through her thick Southern accent.

Sabina ran the amulet under the water washing off the flecks of white residue. “Bella, you know I can’t wear it when I sing.”

“Then give it to me right before you go on stage and I’ll return it directly after the show.”

“Deal,” Sabina said, shaking the excess water off the amulet. She dried it and put it on. A thought stopped her and she spun around. “We better check your room.”

They ran out of Sabina’s suite and hurried to Bella’s room next door. As soon as the lock clicked they rushed inside, Sabina pushing against Bella’s back in her haste to get in. They looked at the room. It too had been tossed.

Bella glanced around her eyes narrowed. “It’s not bad enough to bring in the police or the hotel manager. Victoria is sending us a message. She wants us to know she can get to us anytime. She’s playing with us.” Bella straightened. “And I don’t like it one bit.”

Sabina turned to her friend. “Bella, stay with me tonight.”

“Why sure, sugar, if it will make you feel better.”

“It would.” But not the way her friend thought. She wore the power amulet and could take care of herself. Bella wore her creativity amulet. And while that was good for a lot of things, it couldn’t stop a bullet. Her eyes narrowed and her lips formed a cold smile. But the power amulet could.

Sabina stared in distaste at a pair of sapphire blue bikini briefs tossed carelessly on the floor. Having your undergarments handled was a form of violation. Victoria would know that.

But how would she know they’d both be out after the show? Or had this happened during the show? Were Victoria and Adam in cahoots? She crossed her hands and pressed them against her stomach. The thought made her physically ill.

As if reading her mind, Bella reached over and hugged her. “He didn’t have anything to do with this, sugar. He’s interested in you. Maybe more than he realizes.”

Sabina hugged her back then extracted herself. “Does that mean you trust him?”

“I wouldn’t go that far, shug. While he’s attracted to you, possibly falling in love with you, he’s still a Morelly and blood ties run deep. But this isn’t Adam Morelly’s style. It’s small-minded. If he does something, it’s going to be a lot classier than vandalizing a woman’s room.”

Sabina’s heart lunged against her chest at the thought of Adam Morelly being in love with her but she schooled her face to blankness, raised an eyebrow and drawled, “Well, I’ll feel much better when I’m lying dead on a cold hard slab knowing I’ve been killed with style and grace.”

“Sugar, you’re a caution.” Bella burst out laughing.

It was amazing that Bella could laugh considering someone had recently trashed her room. Sabina knew her friend well enough to know that even as she joked her shrewd brain was tabulating facts and determining the best way to deal with their enemy.

Sabina looked around forcing her eyes from the small pieces of brightly colored silk strewn around the room. If Hank found out about this he’d make Victoria rue the day she’d messed with his wife. Sabina cleared her throat. “Do you think Johnny’s involved?” Another person Hank McHenry wasn’t particularly fond of.

Bella bent down and picked a gossamer wheat-colored shirt off the floor. “I know Victoria is behind it. As far as Johnny Morelly, who knows?” She heaved a sigh. “So at this point, I say we pick Adam’s brain and give him no information. It’s better to be safe than sorry.”

“Adam Morelly is the one who will be sorry if he tries anything,” Sabina muttered, tension and resolve running in equal portions through her system.

“Oh, sugar, I just love it when you go all determined and, dare I say, militant?” She shuddered dramatically. “I swear a shiver ran right down my spine.”

The anger left Sabina like a balloon with the air seeping out. She looked at Bella. “Lucky for me I know there’s a method to your madness, because if I didn’t I’d think you were just plain irritating.”

“No fooling you is there, shug?” Smoothing a wrinkle out of the sleeve, Bella hung up her blouse.

Sabina scooped up the clothing on the floor and laid the pile on the bed. “I think I’m going back to my room. Come over whenever you’re ready.”

“I’ll give Hank a call and be right there,” Bella said as she shook out a black silk sheath and placed it on a pink velvet hanger.

“Are you going to tell him?” Sabina pushed a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

Bella winked. “What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.”

“He’s going to be awfully upset when he finds out,” Sabina warned.

“Hank McHenry is a force to be reckoned with,” Bella agreed, then added, a twinkle in her eye, “Lucky for me, I know just how to handle him.”

Sabina shook her head. “It’s always sad to see a big, handsome, independent man so totally whipped.” She ruined the effect by grinning.

“See you in a few.” She started toward the door then stopped. “By the way, have you talked to Maureen? How’s Jack?”

“Healing. Maureen’s fussing over him like a hen with one chick. She’s staying put to make sure he doesn’t overdo.”

“Don’t tell her about this.”

“I’ve no intention of it.” For one moment, Bella’s lips tightened and her vowels were as crisp as any Yankee’s. She took a deep breath. Her facial muscles relaxed. She picked a pink lace bra up off the floor.

“Good.” Sabina stepped into the hall and let herself into her suite. Hands fisted on her hips, she stared at the mess then got to work. Her mind churned as she picked up and straightened up.

A knock sounded at the door distracting her. Putting her eye to the tiny round security glass she looked at Bella’s distorted face. Her friend waved at her, doing a little rumba number in the hall.

She opened the door and Bella slipped in wearing a huge grin, her face flushed. “How was Hank?” Sabina inquired.

“I suggested phone sex but he wanted to wait for the real thing.”

Sabina’s jaw dropped. She blinked then burst into peals of laughter. She held her aching sides. “I can’t believe I’m capable of laughing after what happened today.”

“It’s the best medicine in the world, honey.” Bella walked into the bedroom and dropped her overnight bag on the spare bed. “By the way that nice state trooper called.”

“And?” Sabina asked, trailing behind her.

“They couldn’t tell if it’d been an accident or deliberate. The nut had worked loose from the brake line and the brake fluid had bled out. No one saw anyone hanging around the car.”

“Did you mention someone pointed a rifle at us?”

“Didn’t want to go there, sugar. It would raise too many questions.” Bella opened her overnight bag and tossed her jammies on the bed. “He made arrangements for someone to return my car tomorrow.”

“Only you could get that kind of service. Does he know you’re in Charlotte?”

“Well of course, sugar.” Bella patted her hair.

Sabina grinned and shook her head. As she watched Bella unpack, an idea formed. “I think its time Ms. Victoria Price got a little payback don’t you?”

Bella straightened and sidled up to her. “Do tell, honey. What do you have in mind?”

Sabina tapped a coral-tipped nail against her cheek. “From now on we stay together. And when I’m not wearing the power amulet you will be. Right?”

Bella nodded.

“If she wants us, let’s give her every opportunity. The next time she tries we’ll be ready and squash her like a bug.” Sabina could feel the anger and heat flashing behind her eyes, belied by her cold words as she pushed her thumb into her palm and swiveled it.

“Oh, sugar, I love it. So Machiavellian. I swear it chills my blood.” She looked at her friend admiringly. “And maybe I’ll make a call to Johnny. Do a little pumping.” Bella winked.

“Since I know better, I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that double entendre,” Sabina said, her voice dry.

“Why darling whatever do you mean?” Bella opened her eyes wide, looking at her innocently.

“Um-hmm,” Sabina responded, not deceived.

“How much do we tell Adam?”

Sabina straightened her shoulders, her lips thinned. “Not a damn thing.”

Bella nodded. “He’s an intriguing man but as we have mentioned before he’s loyal to his uncle.” She picked up a pearl-drop earring lying on the floor. “I think he’d be loyal to anyone he loved. It could make for some interesting conflicts couldn’t it?” She handed the earring to Sabina.

“I’m afraid I don’t know what you are talking about.” Heat crept into Sabina’s cheeks. She changed the subject. “So you are going to call Johnny?”

“Yes, I’ll tell him how much I respect his nephew and appreciate Johnny sending him down to make sure the manager fixes the faulty wiring. I’ll throw in a little oohing and aahing.” She patted her hair.

“Do you think he’ll fall for that dumb blonde routine?” Sabina looked skeptical.

“People see what they want to see, honey. Johnny can’t see past a woman’s cup size. As far as he’s concerned when God made women, he left an empty cavity in their cranium.” She walked over and straightened a lighthouse picture that was hanging askew over the bed.

“And this is Adam’s uncle?”
Just what does Adam Morelly think of women?

“Oh just because he considers them on the same level as a good racing horse or beloved dog doesn’t mean he’s cruel to them. He’s considerate in an offhand manner.”

“That’s almost worse.” Sabina scrunched her face in disgust.

“Well, hon, you just have to see the humor in it. Knowing my cat Puss-Puss is smarter than Johnny just gives me something to laugh about while Johnny is at his supercilious best.”

“Did anyone ever tell you that you have a very odd sense of humor?”

“Quite frequently, sugar. Now grab your ice bucket and we’ll trawl the hall and see if anyone saw anything.”

“Good plan, Blondie.” Sabina gave Bella’s blonde curls a tweak as she walked by and grabbed the ice bucket.

“I do miss Maureen.” Bella heaved a nostalgic sigh. “She always calls me Blondie plus other not so repeatable names.”

Sabina turned, ice bucket in hand and studied her friend. “The link between the amulets is strong isn’t it?”

Bella nodded. “Once the link in the sisterhood is forged it becomes unbreakable. Can you feel it? The bond between us grows daily. It has become as strong as a lover’s.”

“What about the protectors of the knowledge and wealth amulets? Do you think we’ll ever meet them?” Sabina asked as she opened the door.

“I’m sure of it. I’m just not sure when.”

The door swung silently shut behind them as they stepped into the corridor.

Bella pointed to the left. “The ice machine is just down the hall.” Their shoes sank into the rich silver-gray carpet as they walked down the corridor. They stopped in an alcove labeled in bright gold letters “Accruements for Our Guests”.

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