Black Opal (10 page)

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Authors: Sandra Cox

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Black Opal
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The lounge was packed, no doubt an overflow from the Odyssey. All the stools at the bar were full and all but a few tables and a couple of lounging couches were in use. Sabina was good for business, making his uncle some serious money from both the Odyssey Lounge where she sang and the hotel and hotel lounge where she stayed.

The waitress sat his ginger ale on the small marble tabletop in front of him then moved to the next table. He took a sip and set it down, relaxing back in the deep leather chair.

He glanced at his watch, ten-thirty. Would Victoria show? He moved his glass around the table leaving a wet circle on the marble.

The piano player switched to a bluesy number. Adam fidgeted with his watchband then drummed on the table with his fingertips. He hated waiting.

“I’m glad you decided to join me.”

His body went rigid. He looked up.

She wore a slinky black dress, her black hair piled on top of her head and held in place by a circlet of diamonds. A large diamond and black onyx spider glittered on her shoulder. The color of her dress was a dramatic foil for her dead white skin.

A black widow.
The thought came unbidden. His skin crawled. She was beautiful in a dark erotic way. He pushed back his chair and stood up. “Victoria Price, I presume.”

She smiled as if pleased.

The smile chilled him to the bone. He had to force his lungs to push out the air caught in them. As a child he’d spent two years on the street and had toughened up fast to survive. After that nothing scared him. He’d taken on hitmen hand-to-hand without fear but this woman left him paralyzed. She radiated pure evil. He didn’t doubt for a moment that like the Black Widow she would mate then kill.

His fingers stiff, he held her chair then forced his rigid muscles to bend so he could sit down.

The waitress, Ann if he remembered correctly, came to take Victoria’s order.

“Vodka on the rocks.”

Ann looked at Adam. “Would you like anything else, Mr. Morelly?”

“I’ll take a cup of coffee. Thanks, Ann.”
Anything to remove this damn chill. Get a grip, Morelly, she’s only a woman not a monster.
But there was something about her eyes that dried the spit right out of his mouth. They were not dark brown, but inky black, as if the pupils were permanently dilated.

The waitress brought their drinks. Steam rose from his coffee in curling wisps. He took a sip and felt the imaginary cold dissipate.

He forced himself to look into those cold dark eyes. “What can I do for you?”

Her lips curled in what he supposed she meant for a smile. She leaned forward and whispered in his ear.

“You must be very dexterous,” he responded to her suggestion.
Jesus God.
He leaned back in his chair and schooled his face to boredom. “I think you’ve got the wrong man.”

She reached under the table and ran a sharp-pointed, red lacquered nail along his thigh with enough pressure to make him wince.

She laughed a sound that reminded him of shattering glass. “Just trying to break the ice. You seem a bit tense.”

“I’m used to making the moves.”

“How old-fashioned.” She sipped her vodka then set the glass on the table.

He shrugged. “I’m an old-fashioned guy.”

“I could change that.” She leaned forward and ran her tongue over her upper lip.

“Your phone message said you wanted me and the amulets. What amulets are you talking about and what’s that got to do with me?”

Her black eyes sparked. Anger lurked in them and her hand tightened around her glass. If possible her knuckles turned an even unhealthier shade of white. “Careful, darling, I’ll think your reason for being here is to pump me for information instead of interest in me. That would be a grave mistake.”

“Your message piqued my interest and as far as you…” He let his gaze roam over her. “I find you fascinating.”
The same as I do a cobra coming out of a snake charmer’s basket.
He relaxed a bit and his lips quivered at his unexpected pun. Victoria Price was most definitely a cobra. It remained to be seen if he was a snake charmer.

“Why don’t you take me to your room and show me just how fascinated you are?” Once again her hand under the table found his thigh. He reached down and placed his on top of it to insure it didn’t travel any higher. If it did, she’d realize how the mere idea shriveled him.

She must have taken the gesture for encouragement because she reached over and planted her painted crimson lips on his. He forced himself to relax and respond. If he was going to find out what she was up to he’d have to play the game.

As she kissed him, his glance traveled around the room. He jerked.

Bella beside her, Sabina stood in the entryway staring, her expression stricken, her face as white as Victoria’s.

* * * * *


She would have it all, the man and the amulets. And when she’d finished with him she’d kill him. The women of course would already be dead.

Chapter Eight


Sabina turned and walked blindly away, Bella trailing her.

“I don’t know what you expected, sugar. You flailed him within an inch of his life. Men are frail creatures. They can’t take criticism so they turn to whoever’s attractive, available and willing to pay them any kind of attention. And that she-cat seemed quite willing.” Bella nodded to a couple walking toward them.

They reached the elevator. Sabina made no attempt to press the button just stared at it as the door closed.

Bella reached around her and pushed five.

Two women got on at second then got off on four.

Sabina stiffened her wilting spine and bit down on her trembling lip. “Why should I care what trollop he picks up?”

“No reason at all, sugar,” Bella agreed as the elevator slid to a smooth stop on five.

Something in Bella’s tone cut through the waves of misery rolling over her. She glanced at her friend.

Her expression distracted, Bella stepped out of the elevator. “Did that woman look familiar to you?”

“I could only see her from the back. Should she have?”

“No. I don’t know.” Bella stopped at Sabina’s door and waited for her to unlock it.

Sabina started to insert the card in the lock then paused. “Who do you think that woman was?”

“I don’t know but I sure intend to find out,” Bella muttered tapping her cheek with an iridescent coral fingernail.

“Leave it alone.” Sabina made a dismissive gesture with her hand than ran the key card through the lock. She wanted nothing more than to forget the whole sorry episode. How humiliating. Kissing her one night and hitting on another woman the next.

The entry pad light blinked green and she opened the door.

They walked into the sitting room.

Bella pointed to the coffee table. “Looks like you’ve picked up an admirer.”

Sabina glanced at the table. Setting next to the roses from the hotel was an ebony vase filled with roses so dark they looked black. Adam?

A pristine white card sat in the middle of the arrangement. She walked over and plucked it out. Paper rustled as she opened the envelope. Blood drained from her face as she read the card, her complexion no doubt becoming pasty white. For a moment she swayed on her feet.
Whose idea of a sick joke is this?

“Honey, what is it?”

She held out the card, locking her joints, forcing her hand not to tremble.

Bella took the card and read out loud.

Roses are red

Violets are gray

A casket awaits you

But on what day?

The two women stared at each other.

“Quite the little rhymester isn’t she?” Bella said her own lovely complexion a bit pale.

Sabina flung out her hand. Raw energy ran down her wrist and rippled through the amulet. The vase exploded into a thousand pieces.

Hands on hips, Bella clucked. “I understand your anger but you need to control that, sugar.”

“I didn’t mean to do it. Raw nerves just slipped out.” In a restless gesture, Sabina finger combed her hair straight back from her forehead. She took a breath from deep in her belly. “She’s mocking us. Letting us know she can get to us anytime anywhere. This is the second time she’s invaded our private space. Albeit through a florist but nonetheless, it’s like she just walked in off the streets.”

Bella walked over and tapped Sabina’s chin with her finger. “Sugar, I’m going to make you a promise.”

Sabina arched a brow. “And what might that be?”

“I promise we’ll have the last laugh.”

“I don’t know what I’d do without you, Bella.” Sabina reached over and hugged her friend. Bella’s arms wrapped around her and Sabina clung.

Tears pricked her eyes and ran down her cheeks. What the hell was she crying for? So some bitch was threatening her life and Adam Morelly was putting the moves on another woman. So what?

Bella patted her on the back. “Without me here, no vase within a mile would be safe.”

Sabina gave a watery snuffle and pulled back. She wiped a hand across her eyes then squeezed her nose with her fingertips and sniffed. Bella touched her face and a light electrical current went through it. She looked at Bella and grimaced. “No red eyes for your friends.”

“One must always look one’s best.”

Sabina gave a reluctant laugh. “Bella, it’s not fair. You just make it impossible to feel sorry for myself.”

“Feeling sorry for yourself is a waste of time and at my age it’s a luxury I don’t have.”

“Geez, Bella, you sound like you’re a hundred years old.”

“I’m forty-two.”

“I’m twenty-five. So what?”

“So there’s no guarantees. Live life to its fullest every blessed day.”

“Beneath that empty-headed blonde façade is a very wise woman.” Sabina smiled.

Bella patted her hair. “Why thank you, sugar. But keep that thought to yourself. You’d be surprised at the information a ditzy blonde can garner.” She walked to the closet and pulled out a dustpan and broom. “All the comforts of home.”

After Bella finished sweeping up the shards of glass, Sabina threw down a towel to soak up the water beading on the carpet. She glanced up and caught a pensive expression on Bella’s face as she stood motionless holding the dustpan and broom. “What is it?” Sabina asked.

Bella straightened, walked into the kitchenette and dumped the shards of glass and broken flowers into the wastebasket. She put the broom and dustpan away then turned. “That woman’s profile looked familiar and even from across the room I caught a chill.”

“You think it’s Victoria?” Raw anger coursed through Sabina. Her teeth clenched and her jaw tightened.

“Yes, I do.” Her expression sober, Bella shifted and faced Sabina.

“Why that son of a bitch.” Sabina clenched her fists, her arms rigid. A light tremor passed through the room. The pictures on the wall thumped, the coffee table rocked and the bric-a-brac around the room began to shake.

Bella made a grab for the hotel flowers. “Easy, sugar. I must say this is an interesting turn of events.”

Sabina took a deep breath, squared her shoulders and got control. “I don’t know what’s happening to me. You’d think I was a young girl going through puberty the way my power is kicking in and out.” A wave of panic swept through her. She’d never lost control. And she couldn’t start now. She possessed the power amulet. Lost of control could be deadly. “What’s wrong with me?” she whispered.

“You’re not going to like the answer,” Bella warned.

“Then the way things are going you better not tell me.” Sabina rubbed her amulet gingerly.

“You’re in love.”

The room again trembled.

“Sabina!” Bella’s normally placid voice held a warning and a command.

“I most certainly am not,” Sabina ground out between shut teeth. “I have more sense than to fall for a two-timing Romeo.”

Bella poured Sabina a glass of red wine and handed it to her. “Here, sugar, I think you need this. Let’s go sit down.” She put her arm around Sabina and guided her into the living room.

They both sank into the plush sofa cushions.

Bella removed her arm and Sabina gulped her wine. For once the deep red beverage didn’t calm her. What Bella had said was just too damn frightening to contemplate. She stared at the sea scene on the wall and tried to relax but her body felt taut as a bow string.

“You are the most rational person I know. But where Adam Morelly is concerned the blood leaves that calm, logical portion of your brain and pools right below your stomach where there’s nothing but nerve endings.” The cushions sighed as Bella curled into them.

Sabina jumped to her feet, strode into the kitchen, poured herself another glass of wine, and returned, plopping down on the couch. The wine sloshed out of the glass and, dropped like blood onto her white pants. She dabbed at it with her fingers. “It’s lust, Bella. I’m not in love.”

“Hmm.” Bella curled her legs under her and studied Sabina. “We’ll table that for now. As far as Adam goes…”

“Must we,” Sabina interrupted then gulped her wine.

“I know you’re Italian and drink wine like water but don’t abuse it.”

She shot Bella a dirty look.

Bella continued calmly. “As I was saying, you’re not rational where Adam Morelly is concerned. You basically told the man to get lost and are now yowling like a cat with his tail caught in the door when you see him with another woman.”

“Not just another woman, Victoria Price,” Sabina shot back. Once again the coffee table began to vibrate and the couch quiver.

“Oh, my, that feels rather good,” Bella cooed.

The vibrating stopped and Sabina grinned reluctantly.

“As I was saying,” Bella continued, her expression placid. “We don’t know for sure it’s Victoria but even if it is, I’m betting A,” she held up a finger, “Adam doesn’t know who it is, or B,” she held up another finger, “he’s playing his own game.”

“I’m betting on the latter,” Sabina muttered.

Bella cleared her throat. “As I was saying, even if he has an agenda I don’t believe for a moment he’s in cahoots with Victoria. I’ve seen the way he looks at you, sweetie.”

“What about his uncle?”

“Well now it wasn’t his uncle he was having dinner with was it?” Bella responded unperturbed. “Are you ready to stiffen that lovely Italian spine and go back down there?”

“And then what?”

“Well for starters I thought you might want to glue that black-haired witch to her seat.”

Sabina felt her eyes gleaming. She relaxed and smiled. The first real one since she’d seen Adam in a liplock with “that” woman. “What a lovely idea. Shall we go?” She stood up.

Unfortunately, when they arrived at the lounge, the couple had vanished.

A small tremor ran through the floor as Sabina looked around the lounge, her arms rigid and her hands fisted. A solitary couple sat in the corner and an older gentleman sat at the bar. At the quake, he hopped up, an alarmed expression on his face.

“Don’t jump to conclusions, sugar,” Bella warned.

Sabina took a deep breath, rolled her neck a couple of times and forced herself to relax. The tremors stopped. Tiredness rolled over her in waves. She had been on an emotional rollercoaster and felt wrung out like a limp rag. “Bella, do you mind if we go back to the room? Doesn’t seem to be a lot going on here. You are staying in my room again aren’t you? I feel so much safer when you’re there.”

Bella laughed and patted her hand. “Sure, shug. We’ll keep up the pretense that it’s to make you feel safer when I know you feel the need to protect me with your arm gear. But I’m perfectly safe. In case you haven’t noticed, I sleep with a ladies’ Derringer under my pillow.”

Caught, Sabina opened her mouth like a floundering trout. Before she could come up with a good line a hard shoulder knocked her several paces back. Large hands reached out to balance her.

“I am so sorry.” A good-looking blond steadied her, a contrite expression on his square, tanned features.

“That’s quite all right.” She smiled and twitched her forearms forcing him to drop his hands.

“Say aren’t you Sabina Comti?” His eyes lit up, interest on his features.

“Yes, I am.” She smiled and straightened her turquoise silk blouse. “This is my friend, Bella Tremaine-McHenry.”

Sabina watched in amusement as his intelligent-looking features went slack-jawed. He snapped his mouth together. No doubt to keep from drooling. “Ma’am,” he nodded.

“Hello, Mr…” Bella held out her hand.

He took it promptly. “Dave. Just call me Dave.”

“Nice to meet you, Mister Just-Call-Me-Dave,” Bella dimpled up at him.

“May I buy you ladies a drink?” He turned to Sabina. “It’s the least I can do after nearly knocking you down.”

“We were just leaving.”

“Maybe another time.”

“Maybe,” Sabina responded noncommittally.

She felt his eyes on them as they turned and walked away. She shrugged. Nothing new about that with Bella around.

They stepped into the elevator. As the doors closed, she glanced out and saw Dave settling into the sofa across from it. She pressed the elevator button and glanced at Bella. “Did you see him?”

“I sure did.”

“Do you think he’s following us?”

Bella lifted her shoulders, causing the elegant silk stretched across them to rustle. “Who isn’t?”

Sabina gave a short laugh that held no trace of humor. “I wonder who he works for, Victoria, Johnny or Adam.”

Bella put her arm around her friend and gave her a comforting squeeze. “My, we are popular aren’t we?” The elevator door slid open. “Screw it, let’s go to bed.”

An elderly couple happened to be passing by. The grey-haired woman threw the two women a look of condemnation.

Sabina giggled nervously.

“Let’s hope she doesn’t recognize you, sugar. It wouldn’t be good for your image.”

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