Black and Blue (Black and Blue Series) (6 page)

BOOK: Black and Blue (Black and Blue Series)
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As soon as Henry jumped on the motorcycle she wrapped her arms around his waist
. Jamie glanced behind her and saw her father staring at her. She knew he couldn’t see her with the helmet, and her clothes were covered by Henry's black leather jacket. She held tighter to him when he started the motorcycle.

Don't you dare shoot, it might be her!” her father yelled, and she forced herself not to look back.

Chapter Four

& Complicated


Henry parked his bike in a parking lot and Jamie glanced around to see if they were followed. “What happened back there?” she asked as she removed the helmet.

He got off of the bike, and she did the same
. “They were there looking for you.”

Jamie's heart sank, this was all her fault

I can't go back to work for your father, he saw me.”

Did he see me?” She thought she already knew that answer, but wanted to know for sure.

Henry shook his head
. “I don’t think so, but he knew you were there. Your father's men started shooting, and one of them shot Mike. I sent him out with his brother. Please tell me you weren't part of this. That you weren’t some decoy to distract me.”

He thought she was
a part of what happened and that hurt more than anything. “You think I would do that?” Her eyes went blurry with tears and her chest ached.

I...don't know,” he mumbled, and that was when teor ars fell from her eyes.

After their amazing kiss, he would still think she was evil like...her dad
. Jamie turned her back to him, so he wouldn’t see her tears. “I'm not like my father, and I'm not as blind as he likes to think. I know what he does and I'm not proud of him. Since that package came, my father is being overly protective of me. Tonight I went to Black Diamonds. I told the bouncer that I had men following me, my assigned bodyguards for the night. I knew when they got past the bouncer they would come looking for me, and I knew they would tell my dad. But I didn’t know they would could and shoot up your club. I am so sorry, Henry.”

She felt his hand on her
shoulder, urging her to turn around. He brushed away a few tears on her cheek. “I'm the one that has a reason to be sorry. I put doubt in you when I didn’t need to. Now it will be nearly impossible to be with you. Your father knows I was there and had a key to the VIP room, so he probably guessed I am part owner.”

Jamie smiled, and watched one play at the edges of Henry's mouth
. “Impossible and complicated sounds like a great start to a wonderful relationship,” she said and he laughed. He took her into his arms and she snuggled into his chest with a grin. “I hope Michael is okay.”

Henry tightened his arms around her
. “He was shot in the shoulder, I’m sure he'll be fine. His mother is a doctor and she will patch him up.”

Jamie moved her head to the side and looked at the
abandoned park. She couldn’t believe what her father had done. What his men had done. She’d heard the stories about him when she was at school, but she’d thought they were made up to make him look evil. Jamie closed her eyes as tears slid down her cheeks.


* * *


Henry held Jamie in his arms. His mind kept alternating between what had happened in the club, and of all the blood, to the beautiful red-head in his arms. William Moore and his men had come in with their guns and shot people. It was hard to wrap his brain around. They’d been there looking for Jamie, and determined to get answers anyway they could. It was then that William had noticed him. He’d been standing with Mike and William had stomped over, gun in hand as he demanded to know where his daughter was, but Henry hadn’t answered. He’d watched William shoot Mike in the shoulder and blood automatically soak his shirt. Henry had yelled to Matthew to take his brother to their mother.

’d thought that opening a club like the
No B
would be dangerous, and that people would get hurt if they were ever caught fraternizing. But no one had ever gotten hurt during a raid before. They would usually be arrested and taken into custody, but the Black Enforcers had never used guns before. They’d never shot people for just being there.

Jamie, I want you to come home with me tonight,” he said looking down at her with concern.

slowly she lifted her head off of his chest and shook her head. “No, my father would burn down the city looking for me and I donis me and ’t want any more bloodshed because of me.”

enry touched her cheek. She was so beautiful it made his chest hurt and he needed to make sure she would be safe. “I don’t think it will be safe for you at your home, the rebels are not going to be happy about what happened tonight, and I don’t want you in the cross fire.” He
his people would be irate about what had happened.

smile widened. “Well, Mr. Roarke, I would say you care about me.”

Care w
ouldn’t be the word he’d have used. He could feel his heart opening up for Jamie. “I care more than I probably should.” He watched her look down and bite her bottom lip. When she did that it made him go crazy.
wanted to be the one biting her lip, and after their kiss he wanted more. Henry smiled at her. “Sweetheart…look at me.”

Slowly Jamie
’s dark green eyes came up to meet his. He knew he had found the one he wanted to spend the rest of his days waking up to. He brought his lips down to her, and gently brushed his lips against hers. She moaned and he grinned. He crashed his lips down on hers, and pulled her closer to him. He loved how her body seemed to fit perfectly against his, it was like she was made for him and him alone.

He could taste her raspberry C
hapstick on his own lips as he deepened the kiss. He knew at that moment he would do anything for the girl in his arms. She made the sweetest noises as he kissed her. Henry moved his hand away from her face and into her hair; he tangled his fingers in her short, silky, red hair and she slipped her hands into his back pockets.

He t
ook his lips away from hers, and leaned his forehead against hers. Jamie’s breathing matched his, fast and rough. Her eyes were still closed, but he realized she was shaking with her sobs. Henry moved a hand under her chin to force her face up to his. “Jamie, what’s wrong?” He wondered if she wasn’t feeling what he felt for her.

W-what will we do if we get caught? My father will blame us on you and you alone,” she said with her eyes shut, and he grinned at her.

He hoped
that if they did get caught he would be the only one that was brought to the tower. He didn’t want to think about her being tortured because of him. Henry was pretty sure her father would save her from that. “Jamie, we don’t need to think about that right now. I just want to be with you, and I know that after tonight it will be harder for that to happen, but I am willing to try.”

She opened her eyes, and he brushed away a few tears.
“I will fight for you, Henry Roarke.”

He could see the
determination in her eyes. “I’m the one who will walk to the end of the earth for you,” he laughed and she raised her eyebrows at him. “Did you ever think you would like a Blue?”

She smacked his chest
. “You act like I’ve never seen a Blue before. I was raised by my housekeeper, and she is a Blue. You met her today.” Jamie reach

He smiled as he smelled
raspberry. Henry put his hands up in surrender, but his smile gave him away. “I like you like this. You aren’t a push over.” He’d figured she wouldn’t be, not with who her father was. He would have taught Jamie how to be strong, and independent.

Whatever,” she mumbled, and his smile widened.

Henry moved away from her
and went to the bag on his bike. Since she wanted to go home, he wanted to be able to contact her without her father knowing. He unzipped the bag on his motorcycle and pulled out his back up cell-phone, the one he kept in case of emergency. No one knew the number, and it had a safe line so no one could tap into it.

He turned around to find Jamie had followed him
over to the bike. “This is for you. I want to have a way to contact you.” He handed her the phone. “Your father won’t be able to tap into it.” She pushed a button and the screen lit up her beautiful face. “I’m the only person that knows the number.”

Jamie nodded and put the phone in her bra, a stupid grin filled his face
. She looked at him and rolled her eyes. “My dad would want to know why I have an extra phone, and he won’t check here.” She patted her chest, and he laughed. She was the one that reached out to take his hand. Her fingers traced the tan line from his bracelet. Jamie smiled and looked up at Henry, and he couldn’t help but to smile back. “You know, there is no turning back, you are stuck with me.”

He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to him
. “I believe you are the one stuck with me, sweetheart.”

She giggled and snuggled her face closer to his chest

He knew that their time together was coming to an end, and soon
. Henry sighed. “I should get you home before you have the Black army looking for you.”

Jamie shook her head against his chest
. “If my dad hears your motorcycle he’ll know I was with you. Then you will have the Black army after you.” She looked up at him with her all too knowing eyes.

You’re right, let me text a friend.” Henry didn’t want to have Jamie out of his sight, but he knew he couldn’t get close to the Moore house without her father knowing.

He moved away from her to text Mike, the Rich family was a highly respected
Black family.

How are you doing?
He texted and pressed the send button. Within seconds he had a reply.

’m grrreeeaaatt, mom drugged me.

Great, he was too high to come and get Jamie
He could ask one of Mike’s brothers.
Henry didn’t want to chance her with Mike’s crazy, horny brothers, but at least Mike would be fun to be around tonight.

I just texted Em, she’ll be here in about ten minutes,” Jamie said from behind him, and he turned around. “She’s going to say she picked me up by Black Diamonds.”

I don’t like that you have to lie,” Henry said and she shrugged. He could tell she was a good girl and she was too good to be lying to her father about where she was.

I don’t like it either, but we don’t have a choice. My father will kill you if he knew the truth.” Jamie looked away from him, but he saw the fear in her eyes. He took the few steps that were between them and hugged her to him. He knew what they would do to him, but imagined it one-hundred times worst because it was William Moore's daughter he was falling for.

In school they taught you what would happened if you broke the
Black's laws. The one that always ended with death for the one that wore the blue bracelet was falling in love with a Black. You were supposed to stick to your own class, never moving up or down. Henry now had a personal reason to want things to change.

Will I see you again?” Worry dripped from her voice.

He kissed the top of her head
. “Sweetheart, nothing but my death will keep me from you.”

Jamie laughed and shook her head
. “You're crazy,” she said, and he grinned.

He was crazy for her and no one else
. A car's headlights shined on them as it parked about a hundred feet from them.

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