Black and Blue (Black and Blue Series) (29 page)

BOOK: Black and Blue (Black and Blue Series)
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“I want you to be out here, why don’t we open the door?”


“If his door is open
ed, a bomb will go off killing him and whoever opened it,” Ryan said from behind her and Jamie’s heart sank. She wanted to have her husband by her side.


“Sweetheart you need to go,
get out of here. I know that the Blacks want to make you an example. I would go insane wondering what they were doing to you. Please, get out now.”


Jamie stared at her husband and shook her head. She didn’t want to letou. Plave
him there knowing what would happen to him. “I can’t leave you,” she said and he smiled as best as he could at her.


“You will
,” he said and she felt her heart breaking. “Matthew, get her out of here.”


Jamie screamed when she felt
someone lift her, pulling her away from Henry. “No, put me down!”


Matthew tossed her over his shoulder. “I’m sorry
, Jamie I can’t. I made a promise to get you out in one piece and that is what I am doing.”


She looked up one last time to see Henry he had his hands behind his head and he was staring at her.


Chapter Seventeen


The Plan




One week later…


Jamie sat in the small log cabin, but she could still hear what was being said. Everyone w
as arguing about what to do about Henry. There was only one thing she wanted to do, she wanted him back with her. Most of the Blue Rebels didn’t agree with her, and she didn’t understand why. He was their leader and God only knew what was happing to him.


“He is my son, an
d I need him here. This is bull! We should have saved him not her.” Yes, her mother-in-law wasn’t too happy that Jamie was saved and had let her know ever chance she got.


“Kerri he wanted her out of there, and I did what
he asked.” Matthew had been glued to her side, and Jamie was thankful for him. He had done what Henry wanted even though at the time she wanted to kill him.


“I don’t give a crap what he wanted. What do you think is happening to him right now? Because my mind is taking me to wild and
brutal images.”


Jamie closed her eyes, because she
too had been having nightmares of what was being done to him. One whole week had passed since she’d left him in the tower. She had to tune out what they were talking about. She got off of the small bed, and walked to the little white dresser drawers. She noticed a blue bracelet and she quickly wondered who it belonged to. She picked it up and knew that it was Henry’s. Jamie brought it to her face and inhaled deeply, it smelled of him and tears burned in the back of her eyes.


She needed him
there and would do anything to get him back to her. She took off her Black bracelet and started to unravel it. Jamie did the same thing to the Blue bracelet, and smiled thinking about the bracelet on him. She braided the two different leather colors together, and couldn’t help but to think of his wonderful smile.


She didn’t look up when she heard the door open, she had a feeling it was her shadow. Jamie had been calling Matthew that since he wouldn’t leave her side, and sometimes she would catch him staring at her in the same way Henry did.


“What are you doing?” he said, his voice low and sweet.


“I figure that I am now a
Blue and a Black,” she said and looked up at him. He was giving her a half smile that made her tummy erupt with butterflies.


“You are one of a kind Jamie.” He laid his hand on her bared shoulder and she shi


She didn’t like the way he made her feel. There was only one person that should make her feel that
way. Her Henry. “Thanks, so is everyone calmed down?” Jamie wanted to change the subject. She didn’t want to think of his warm hand on her skin.


“Hmm…not really. What do you want to do?”
he asked and gently squeezed her shoulder.


No one had asked her that, she had be
en regarded as part of the problem from Kerri. Mike and she wanted to turn Jamie over in hopes of getting Henry back. “I want my husband back.” She closed her eyes, and the tears spilled out of her eyes. She was broken until he was back with her.


“Then that is what we will do. It
won’t be easy and it is going against what he wanted. But I will fight by your side. I know you were trained, so it will be easy. Plus we have the rebels behind us.”


Jamie turned around and smiled at her personal bodyguard. “I don’t care if it will make him mad, he’ll get over it. I want him out of that to
wer, have you heard anything?” Few reports came in about the tower, but Matthew knew people who worked there.


“All I know is that he is still alive and still in the tower. They
had to move him to another cell since there was a large hole in the wall twenty feet from the one he was occupying.”


At least he was alive, tha
t was all that matter to her.


glanced down at her finished bracelet and smiled. “That bracelet is a statement all on its own.”


Jamie grinned and nodded. T
hat was what she was going for. “I was hoping for that. Now should we tell the others?”


Matthew reached
for her face and she held her breath, but he didn’t touch her. He just tucked her hair behind her ear. “We should.” He took a step closer to her, and she took one back.


Jamie looked up into bright green eyes.
“Matthew I am married and I will never want anyone like I want Henry.”


Matthew dropp>Maall oed his hand, and took a step back. “I’m sorry
. I know I just crossed a line. But do you know that was why Henry asked me to guard you. He knew how I felt about you. He said he saw it when I looked at you.”


Jamie felt her heart speed up. “Things will never work in your favor. I am Henry’s no matter what happens.
” She knew that she hurt him, and she felt bad, but she didn’t want to lead him on.


“I know. B
ut know that I am here for you, no matter what,” he said and walked toward the door. Matthew looked over his shoulder at her. “I love your new bracelet.” He walked out of the room that had been hers since he’d brought her there.


Jamie sighed as she put on her new bracelet, at least it looked good. Different
, but good, it showed that she was now a part of the Blues just like she could never escape being a Black. She walked out of her room to find everyone in the living room. Kerri was sitting on the Black leather couch with her head in her hands. Cameo was standing in the kitchen staring out of the window and Mike was glaring at her. Since she’d come there, he hadn’t been nice to her. He’d told her that it was all her fault that this had happened and it was. It was because of her that Henry was in the tower and the reason why everyone there was in hiding.


Matthew sat on the love seat and patted the seat next to him for her to sit down. Jamie nodded and walked
toward him. “I want to get Henry out of the tower,” she said loud enough for everyone to hear her, as she sat down Kerri slowly lifted her head to stare at her.


“We could make a
trade, they are asking for you,” Mike said as he took the seat next to Kerri. He took her hand in his.


Jamie wasn’t stupid
. If she turned herself over to the Blacks, they wouldn’t waste any time in killing her. “If I knew it would free Henry, then I wouldn’t think twice about it. But I’m not unwise and I know how they think. They would keep both of us to make an example of us. I want him out and safe.” Jamie stared into Kerri’s eyes, and then looked at Henry’s best friend. “I know why you don’t like me, but know I will do everything in my power to get him back. I love him more than I have loved anything in my life. He is my reason for living.”


Cameo came over to Jamie and sat down next to her. “Sweetie, I know you
want to get Henry out, but we need to plan for it. We can’t just go in there without knowing what we are doing or we will all die.”


Jamie knew that, and had an idea what to do.
“I still know some people that are willing to help me, people who work in the tower, and possibly my father.” She bit her lip, but noticed Cameo paled a little. “What is it?”


Cameo looked down from Jamie’s eyes. “Sweetie
, your father is in the tower with Henry. We just found out this morning.”


Jamie’s heart pounded in her chest, he was in danger because of her. The other
Blt slan for acks had to know he’d left the key for her, and helped her get out. “Well then we need to rescue two people. But I have a plan,” she said and everyone listened to what she had to say.




* * *


Henry sat in his cell and grinned at
his father-in-law. They’d brought William Moore to the cell next to his this afternoon. He looked like he’d tried to fight his way out of it with his busted lip and black eye. “So…,” Henry said and William looked up at him with a glare.


“Just because you married my daughter
, doesn’t mean I have to like you. I really hate you, I think you brainwashed Jamie.” William stood up and walked to the side of the cell that connected to his. “This is all on you. The hit on her head is on you. She is considered a traitor thanks to you! You should have been man enough to walk away when you could have saved her!”


Henry now stood up and walked
toward William. “You know I love your daughter and nothing you do or say will ever change that. I know I should have walked away when I found out she was a Black, but I was already under her spell. She is the love of my life and I won’t leave her behind!” He stopped about a foot from where William could reach in if he wanted.


“You selfish as
s, you will be the death of her!”


Henry hoped that wasn’t true, he didn’t want anything to happen to her and had made sure of that.
“I am selfish, but I have made sure nothing will happen to her.”


William threw his head back and laughed.
“You can’t be that stupid! Do you really think she is going to sit back and do nothing, knowing you are in danger? She will come for you and that is what they are waiting for.”


Henry felt his heart drop, he knew William was right. A woman screamed and
Henry saw William flinch like he was in pain. “William, who is that?”


With tears streaming down his cheeks he said, “Cynthia.”




To be continued…




First I want to thank my amazing editor, Elizabeth Anne Lance
, who helped me so much with Black & Blue. I don’t know where it would be without her. Now I want to thank all of my beta readers, you all are amazing, a huge thank you to you for reading and supporting me. My amazing publisher, SJ Davis for have faith in my books, thank you. Last but not least, I want to thank my remarkable publishing family for supporting me and t slaupphelping me.



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