Black and Blue (Black and Blue Series) (3 page)

BOOK: Black and Blue (Black and Blue Series)
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Do you have a girlfriend?” she asked, thinking it was an importangig an impt question. She didn’t want to be the girl he cheated with, she wouldn’t cause someone that pain.

I don’t. I haven’t found a girl I thought was worth fighting for yet,” he answered, and removed his hand from her hair. He grabbed his drink from the small red table in front of them and gulped it. Jamie watched him, fascinated, as he swallowed and replaced the glass on the table. “What about you? Is there some jealous boyfriend I should worry about?”

Jamie thought about it.
Her last relationship had ended badly, and she still hadn’t gotten over it one-hundred percent. “You don’t have to worry about a jealous boyfriend, I’m single.”

Henry grinned at her
again and she felt her heart speed up. She knew she was in trouble with this boy. “Good,” he murmured.

Chapter Two



Jamie and Henry talked for a long time before
she finally looked at the time on her phone. It was after midnight and she felt the blood drain from her body. Her father was going to be so furious. “Oh my gosh!” she exclaimed jumping up from the couch.

What’s wrong?” he asked as he slowly stood up with her. He put his warm hands on her shoulders.

Jamie bit her bottom lip
. “I’m supposed to be home in twenty minutes,” she said, recalling that she’d told her father that she and Emily were going to dinner and to a movie. Instead they’d gone to dinner, and then to the
No B Club

Well then, we’d better get you and Emily out of here. I don’t want you to get in trouble.” Henry took Jamie’s hand in his, and pulled her out of the VIP room.

The club was more packed than
it had been when she’d walked into that red VIP room, and many of the people were still grinding on one another to the loud pounding music. She followed Henry out toward the bar area where they scanned the room.

Henry pulled out his c
ell phone, and punched in a number. “Where are you guys?” he asked and then paused as he listened to, she guessed, Michael. “Okay meet us in the parking lot.” He shoved his phone back in his back pocket, took her hand and started walking toward the front doors.

Jamie tried to look around
as they moved, to see if she recognized anyone, but they were walking too fast for her to notice faces. She wished Henry would slow down because she knew that their time together was almost over and she wanted more. She wanted to see him again, and at that point, she didn’t care what color he wore around his left wrist. He slowed as they reached the front of the building and they leisurely walked out of the double black doors. The cold night air hit her and she gasped. She wasn’t dressed for the cold. The jacket that she’d brought to hide her skimpy top was in the to backseat of Emily’s car.

Come here,” Henry said as he put an arm around her shoulders. Almost instantly she felt her body heat up, and her stomach fluttered. He looked down at her, and there was something in his light blue eyes.

What are you thinking about?” she asked, and his eyes soften.

I’m wondering if I will ever see you again. I’ve never wanted to get to know anyone before. I’ve never cared what anyone wanted until…you.” Henry smiled at her and she just stared back at him, shocked.

You want to see me again?” She asked, and he laughed. Henry was a very handsome guy, his face was perfect and reminded her of a model. His baby blue eyes reminded her of a clear summer sky.

Of course I want to see you again. You are the only girl in a long time that has caught my eye. Will you come back…to me?” he asked, and her heart sped up.

looked at him curious, and he shrugged, a smile tugging on his lips. “Tomorrow night,” she whispered, and felt the heat of a blush spread all over her body.

reached behind him, to his back pocket. He handed her the same red card that opened the
room. “Meet me tomorrow night.”

She closed her hand around the key card.
“I’ll be there.”

He grinned at her, and lowered his face to hers
. Everything happened in slow motion for Jamie. Henry’s lips lightly brushed hers and sent tingles down her body. She needed
. Jamie wrapped her arms around his neck and slowly shut her eyes. Before their lips could really meet she heard someone giggle.

Oh my, what are you two doing?” Emily asked, and Jamie had a strong desired to kick her best friend for ruining her first kiss with Henry.

Jamie looked away from Henry and to Emily
. “Let’s go,” she said, moving away from him to join her best friend, but she knew she wore her heart on her sleeve.


* * *


Henry watched the girls walk away, and he questioned what the hell had come over him. He’d never acted like that before. The red room was his
room, his personal space, but when he’d met her grayish-green eyes, he was a goner. He’d seen her fiery hair and he’d known he
to be with her.

You got it bad for her, don’t you?” Mike asked.

Henry didn’t say anything,
he just watched Jamie walk away toward the parking ljushe parkot. When he and Mike had thought up the
No B
, they’d never imagined it would be this popular. Yes, they got raided a lot, but people kept coming back. They’d also made an astonishing amount of money, but no one other than Jamie and Mike knew he was part owner of the club. He was pretty sure he would be sentenced to death by the ‘Wicked’ Moore if it was ever found out. ‘Wicked’ Moore was what William Moore was called around the streets. Both classes thought he was ruthless, and everyone knew that William knew it and wasn’t ashamed of it.

I do,” he finally answered his oldest friend. Their friendship would have been looked down on, but neither of them cared what color they wore.

Just be careful, I’ve seen her before. I don’t know where, but I have,” Mike said, nodding toward the girls.

I’m not stupid,” Henry said, but knew he was lying. There was something with Jamie, and he wanted to find out what it was. When his lips brushed hers, he’d thought he felt heaven and it tasted of raspberry.

Mike shrugged
. “You’ve never talked to anyone here before, well…besides me. You know we’re about to start a revolution. This isn’t the time to fall for some eighteen year old girl. We’re the leaders of this movement. We need to be on top of our game.”

revolution was something they’d planned for years and the club was the start of it. Henry knew he shouldn’t be thinking about Jamie, that she might be his weakness, but he couldn’t stop himself. It was as if she was burned into his brain.

Let’s go and talk about what’s going to happen in the next few days,” Mike said as he shook his head, but kept his smile on his face.

Henry walked back into his private room with Mike
. He poured two drinks and handed one to his best friend. Mike was more of a brother to him, and would do anything for him. When he’d first thought up the revolution, he’d thought Mike would have told him it was a suicide mission, but he didn’t. He’d said he was with him and that he too thought Blues should have their freedom.

Okay we have a
special delivery
being sent to Wicked Moore’s house tomorrow morning,” Mike said with a laugh, drawing Henry from his thoughts.

special delivery
was a cow’s head and heart. Mike thought it would be funny to send that to all of the lead members. “What have you found out about Moore’s secret child?” Henry asked. He’d been the one to discover that William Moore had a child, one that was about seventeen or eighteen years old.

Not much, all I know is Moore sent him or her to a private school. No one that I can find has ever seen the Moore offspring…ever. Becca Moore died giving birth to their first and only child, or very close to it, anyway.” It wasn’t new information. They had known that since they started planning the revolution.

Did you set it up? A>

Yes, guess I should have told you sooner. You start in the morning. You need to get home and sleep.” Mike punched his shoulder and laughed. He strode to the door and opened it. “Be careful tomorrow,” he said over his shoulder as he closed the door behind him.

Henry sat
alone in his private room knowing that he should be thinking about their plans because they had a lot of people counting on them, but when he closed his eyes he saw perfect red hair and beautiful gray-green eyes and he heard a laugh that made you want to join in.


* * *


Jamie walked into a dark house. She hoped her father was asleep, but her luck was up. Her heart stopped when a bright light turned on, and her father’s face became clear.

You promised to be home before twelve thirty. It is now one fifteen. Where were you?” he demanded.

he’d never liked lying to her father, usually he could tell that she was, so she tried to stick as close to the truth as possible. “I wanted to have some girl time with Emily, so we went to dinner and talked. Sorry I’m late, it won’t happen again,” she said with a smile. Jamie watched her father’s face soften at her apology.

You know I worry about you. This is your first time being home in a long time. I’ve kept your identity a secret from everyone for a reason, Jamie. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if something happened to you.”

Her mother
had died the day after she was born. And since it was after midnight, Jamie knew it was the anniversary of her death. It was always a hard day for both of them. Her father had lost the only woman he had ever loved, and she’d lost a mother she would never get to know. Her mother’s picture was hanging above the fireplace, but he never talked about her. She thought about his words, that he’d kept her identity a secret for a reason. She knew he was convinced that someone would kill her to get to him. She’d always told him he was way too paranoid for his own good.

I know dad,” she said as she wrapped her arms around her father for a hug. Jamie pulled away, and grinned at him. “I’m going to bed. I’ll see you in the morning.” She yawned covering her mouth with her hand. She started toward her room.

It is the morning already.”

Jamie laughed
at her father’s wry tone, and then continued down the hall toward her bedroom.

When Jamie woke up
, she glanced at the time, it was afternoon.
She thought.
Now I’ll never hear the end of the late nights and what not from Father
. After she and Emily had left the club, they’d put on their Black leather bracelets. She’d told Emily about meeting He het meetinry again and Emily told her she would come with her.

Jamie looked out her bedroom window from her position in her bed.
A black building was all she could see. She’d grown up looking at that all black building with silver lined windows and doors. She’d only seen pictures of the Blue housing, but she knew they were a rich blue with white lined windows and doors. Her intercom buzzed, pulling her way from her thoughts. She got out of bed and crossed the room to answer it. She pushed the answer button. “Yes?”

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