Black and Blue (Black and Blue Series) (26 page)

BOOK: Black and Blue (Black and Blue Series)
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“I have to carry my wife over the
threshold of our house.” Henry rubbed the tip of his nose against hers.


She loved the
man more than he would ever know. She wasn’t good with her words or expressing how she felt, but she loved him passionately. He carefully carried her into the small beautiful house, but she wasn’t looking anywhere but into his eyes. He of course was watching where he was walking, and for once she got to look at him without him looking back. His chin had a deep dimple and little dark hairs were starting to appear on his cheeks and jaw line.


Henry walked
with her into the bedroom and she felt her heart speed up with what she knew would be happening. He was going to help her take off the dress, and she was so thankful Emily had told her to put on her nice dark blue lacey bra and panty set. Gently he sat her down on her feet, but kept her close to him; he stared down at her with a large grin on his face.


“I can’t believe how beautiful you are. I feel like I get to unwrap the best present.” He brought his hands to her shoulders and ran the tips of
his fingers down her bared arms.


he shivered at his light touch. She had waited for him to really touch her and now it was going to happen. He put his hands on her hips and pulled her even closer to him until her front was against his. Slowly he lowered his sweet lips to hers, and she groaned when his lips just brushed hers, she wanted more of him.


Henry placed tender kisses along her jaw line and sucked her earlobe into his scorching
mouth. “Turn around,” he whispered into her ear.


did what he said, and he started to untie her corset. At that point in time she wanted to tell him to just cut it off of her and to make love to her, but she bit her lip. It had taken Emily almost fifteen minutes to tie her up into the dress. She sent a silent prayer that it didn’t take that long to get it off. Jamie moaned when his lips grazed her now bared shoulder, as his hands still worked on uniting her. And when she felt the weight of the dress fall down around her feet, she turned around, took his face in her hands and smiled up at him.


“Henry I want you now, please.
” Jamie didn’t let him answer. She kissed him and rubbed her tongue on his. He moaned and wrapped his arms around her, holding her to him. Her hands wandered to his back and to the edge of his pants. She pulled his shirt out and started to unbutton his black silk shirt.


“I want to look at you first.” Henry’s voice sounded deeper than normal, and he took a step back fro
m her.


he arched her eyebrow at him. Jamie watched his eyes move down to her feet. She still had her death trap heels on. His light blue eyes slowly traveled up her legs to her naked abdomen, to her breasts that were cupped in the dark blue strapless push-up bra.


He gently
caressed her stomach and smiled up at her. “You astonish me with your beauty.” Henry moved his hands to her back to undo her bra, and she went back to removing his shirt. At the top button, he helped her by pulling his arms out of his sleeves and she ran her fingertips down his chest through his hair and settling above his dark happy trail. “We don’t have too much time. My mother and Cameo made us a cake.”


Jamie smiled at her new husband. “Well then take off your pants, and I will be waiting for you naked on our bed.”


He gasped at her words
and she smiled.


Unhurriedly she hooked her fingers in her panties and took her time as she pulled them down.


“Holy crap, I think you are trying to kill me.”


She laughed, and walked to the bed to remove her shoes. When she looked up at him
, he was standing there completely naked, and her mouth went dry. He was fully erect and he was large.


“I can’t wait to take my time with you but right now I want to be inside you.”


Jamie leaned back on the bed, and he crawled on top of her, she couldn’t believe she was married to him. She gasped when she felt the tip of him rub against her, and he smiled down at her. He lowered his lips to hers and slowly entered her, making them both groan. Jamie loved the way it felt as he pushed in pulled out. Slowly he repeated that over and over. She felt like she was going to lose it.


Henry moved his sweet lips away from hers, and left a tra
il of kisses down her neck and then he slightly bit her.


he moaned loudly and he did it again. “Henry faster, please,” she said wanting more of him, and he moved faster in and out of her. Each time he would push himself inside her, she could feel her release building. She was so close and she knew he was too, his breath was coming fast.


“Jamie please come, I can’t last much longer.” His eyes were now a dark
blue and that was what undid her, she came around him and he followed.


Jamie and Henry
laid there for a few minutes with his head resting on her chest; she ran her fingers through his thick brown hair and she could still feel him in her.


“We should get out there
,” he said, but she didn’t want to. He didn was. Hight move and neither did she.


“Henry we don’t have much time to be together do we?” she
said, tightening her hands around him. He moved so he could look at her. She saw the sadness in his eyes, and she knew her answer. They didn’t have long, but she wasn’t joking when she said she would fight for him even if it killed her.


“Let’s appreciate the time we do have.” He sat up and lightly kissed her lips. Naked
, he stood up and walked to his closet. He came out with a sweater and jeans. “Your dress is on the chair.” Henry pointed at the chair to her left and she smiled back at him.


“Henry you know you are the love of my life too, don’t
you?” She knew that she needed to tell him, because she had a bad feeling. “And you know I will fight for you, no matter what. You are mine and I will protect what’s mine,” she said as he put on his jeans, and he walked back to the bed and her.


“Sweetheart, sometimes fighting isn’t an option and I sure as hell don’t want you in danger. I know you can take care of yourself, but I don’t want you to put yourself in danger for me.” He grabbed her chin and rubbed his nose against hers. “Do you understand me?”


Jamie narrowed her eyes and shook her head. “Hell no, I don’t understand, but you better understand you married a Moore and Moore’s are strong. I won’t back down when I know I can be the one to save you. Do you understand me?” She watched a smile tug at the corner of his lips.


“You are a fiery
redhead and that is what made me fall in love with you. Get dressed, sweetheart.” His lips crashed down on hers and she groaned into his mouth.




* * *




Henry walked out of the bedroom with a smile that threatened to split his face. He saw Matthew waiting for him and he wondered how long he’d been standing there, because his Jamie wasn’t too quiet during their love making. “Matt?” he asked as he grabbed a glass.


Black enforcers are on their way. They
, Henry. I already sent my family and your mother away. You and Jamie need to leave


Henry shook his head. T
here was no way he was spending the rest of his life with Jamie running from the enforcers. “No, but I need you to promise me something. I need you to make sure Jamie is okay. No matter what happens to me, I need her to be okay and away from harm.” He turned the handle on the sink and filled up his glass with cold water. He took a drink and stared at Matthew.


nodded slowly. “Of course I will. But I still think you should leave, take the time you two have and enjoy it. It’s not every day you find the loou


“I’m not going to spend my life with Jamie running.” Henry sat his glass down. “How much longer do I have?”


Matthew sighed loudly. “About thirty minutes. You know they will arrest her too, right?”


’d figured that, but he knew she wouldn’t stay in the tower her father was too powerful. “You will make sure she makes it out of the tower.” He saw something flash in Matt’s pale green eyes. It would seem that his Jamie had cast her spell around Matthew Rich. “I see the way you look at her, Matt, but remember she is mine, and I will hurt you if you touch her.”


Matthew threw his head back and laughed. “I would love to see you try to hurt me.” They had never really been
all that close. Growing up Matt had picked on Henry and Mike because he was two years older.


“Don’t push me, I’m not a boy anymore and she is my world. If you take her
, I might even kill you.” Henry heard his voice tremble. He was terrified that she wouldn’t wait for him.


“Well I am getting out of here. Someone will need to save her,
” Matthew said and turned around to walk away.


Henry placed both of his hands on the table and let his head hang. He couldn’t believe how complicated his life had gotten, but he wouldn’t change anything. He reached in his jeans pocket
to grab his phone.


After two rings Mike picked up. “Hey
, Matt said that the enforcers are coming. Are you and your new blushing bride getting out of there?”


“No I’m not going to spend the time I have with her running.”


“You know we could ship both of you to Europe, and then you wouldn’t have to worry what freaking color was around your wrist.”


Only America wore the stupid bracelet
s, and he often wondered why his mother hadn’t moved them there. Now he was thankful she hadn’t or he wouldn’t have met Jamie. “Then what would happen with the revolution? You know they need something to push them and I hope with me in the tower that will be enough. Things need to change here, and if I have to die for the cause, so be it.” His chest ached at the thought of never seeing Jamie again, and he knew his death would kill her.


“I won’t let you die.
I will storm through that freaking tower to get you, even if I have to exchange your blushing bride for you.” He heard the anger in his best friend’s voice.


“No you won’t
. I need you to promise me something. I want you to make sure she is okay and I want her to stay out of the revolution.” Henry knew that Jamie would fight for him and it frightened him, she would get herself killed.


“Right, what would you like me to do? Lock her in her room and throw away the key?” Sarca keng Jasm dipped from his voice.


“If it needs to be done, then yes. I just don’t want her killed, please promise me.” He glanced at the time, and knew he only had about ten minutes with her until the Black Enforcers were there.


“I will promise you that I will do my best.”


Henry looked up when he heard the bedroom door open.
“Thank you, I have to go.” He pressed the end button on his phone and waited for his wife to come to him.




* * *




Jamie walked out of the bedroom where she and Henry had made love, she smiled to herself. He was so gentle with her and she could see the love he had for her in his eyes. She smoothed her hands down the white dress Cameo had given her and was so thankful she had. Her ball gown was too heavy to wear for a long period of time. When she walked into the kitchen she knew something was wrong. Henry had his cell phone in his hand, but the look on his face had her heart racing.

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