Black and Blue (Black and Blue Series) (25 page)

BOOK: Black and Blue (Black and Blue Series)
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Matthew touched her hand and leaned closer to her. “Can I get you a drink?”


She nodded and he got up. She turned her attention back to the phone in her hands.
My patience is gone, Mr. Roarke, I need you now.
She smiled as she sent the message.


You look too beautiful sitting alone


She read the message and glanced around looking for her prince charming.
She looked around for the royal blue mask, but she didn’t see one, reds and whites stood out, but not a blue.


Jamie stood up hoping to see him, and
finally she did. He was walking toward her. Henry wore all black besides the mask she’d given him. When he was standing in front her she gasped. Words couldn’t describe how beautiful he truly was and he was all hers. “You are beautiful,” she said and he smiled at her.


“I believe that is my line
,” he said as he leaned down to kiss her cheek. “Are you ready to get out of here and become my wife?” He gently kissed her neck and she felt her body burn with desire for him.


“Are you ready to become my husband, because I
know I’m not easy to handle,” she moaned as he kissed his way up her neck to her earlobe. Holy crap she was about to lose it! It had been a while since she had been with anyone, and she and Henry had been building their tension for days now.


“That is what I love about you.” He reached down to take her hand in his.


She didn’t question him. S
he just let him lead her out of the ballroom and toward the back of the mansion. Jamie felt her heart race because her life was changing so fast, but she didn’t want to stop it.


walked out of her home and to his motorcycle. She knew she couldn’t take of the mask until there were away from the house, but stopped him. “I will ruin my dress if I get on that bike.”


Henry laughed and it made her smile. “I know
, that’s why Emily is waiting for you.” He brought her hand to his sweet lips and gently kissed her knuckles. “I can’t wait to peel this amazing dress off of you…layer by layer.” His voice was deeper than normal and she bit her lip.


man was driving her completely crazy, and she loved it. “I think we should just cut it off,” she said and he chuckled as he wrapped her in his arms.


“Hmm…I think I will take my time with you.” He rubbed the tip of his nose against hers, and she giggled. “Emily
is waiting for you.”


She followed his gaze and
saw her best friend in Mike’s arms. Jamie was happy that both she and Emily had found someone. “And I want to get going so we can start on taking my dress off.” His soft lips brushed hers. She craved more of him and knew that soon she would have all of the beautiful man.


They walked over to Emily and Mike as they kissed one la {kis.


Jamie nodded.


“See you later
, babes,” Mike said and winked at Emily which made her giggle. Good at least Jamie wasn’t the only one that giggled. He turned to face Henry and grinned. “Are you ready to hand your balls to Jamie?”


Henry winked at her, and her cheeks heated up. “She can have them whenever she wants.”


She shook her head, and faced her friend. “Let’s go,” Jamie said and walked toward the car. She turned to look at the house that she had grown up in, and knew this was the last time she would be here.


“I can keep driving if you want
,” Emily said when they pulled out of the driveway.


“No Henry is what I want.” Jamie beamed at her best friend.


“Okay let’s get you married.”


Twenty minutes
later, Jamie was biting her bottom lip waiting for Cameo and Kerri to come and get her. They’d told her to wait in the kitchen and they would be back. That was five minutes earlier. She untied her mask and sat it on the table, and stared at it. Her life had changed so much, but she knew that if she had the chance to do anything over differently, she wouldn’t. Jamie looked up when she heard someone clearing their throat.


Roarke was standing there hold dark red roses. “I thought you should have some roses to hold.” She walked toward Jamie.


Jamie smiled at her soon to be mother-in-
law, but she didn’t return the smile.


“I know this will end badly for my son. You should walk away before he is killed. Henry is too blinded by is heart to see what’s at stake here, and it isn’t just his life
. It’s the whole revolution as well.”


Jamie understood why Kerri was worried because she was too. There wasn’t a second when she didn’t worry about it.
She closed the distance between them and placed her hands on top of Kerri’s. “Ma’am I have felt alone in this world and if I didn’t have Emily I don’t know how far I would have made it. I was just going through my life, but never stopping to enjoy anything. It was your son that showed me that love isn’t just saying, ‘I love you,’ it’s the way my heart races when I see him or think about him. I love you, doesn’t cover what I am feeling, and I will fight until my last breath for your son.”


Jamie watched
her light blue eyes fill with unshed tears. “All I ever wanted for my son was for him to find what I never did, and he has with you.”


is the best part of me, Mom.”

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Henry’s voice startled both Jamie and Kerri.
She wondered how much he heard of what she said, but with the smile on his handsome face, she was pretty sure he’d heard enough.

He walked to his mother and wrapped his arms around her to hug her to his chest, and he smiled at Jamie over the top of his mother’s head.
“Now I’m lucky enough to be marrying the best part of me.” He put his hand out for her.


he didn’t have to think twice when she took his hand. “Are you ready to become my husband?” Jamie squeezed his hand, and he beamed at her.


“You’ll never be alone again
,” he said as his mother stepped away and he pulled her to him.


She placed her empty
hand on his chest above his heart. She knew he was wrong. Sooner or later she would be and he must have known what she was thinking because he smiled sadly at her.


“You will always have my heart with you.” He slowly brought her hand to his lips and brushed them against her knuckles.


Jamie and Henry walked into the living room where she’d found him the night before talking with everyone. Cameo stood in the front of the fireplace. She was staring at the ground listening to whatever Matthew was saying, sluggishly she nodded. Her bodyguard looked at her and Henry and grinned. She wondered why he and Cameo looked concerned. Jamie turned her head to look at Emily and she was giggling at whatever she and Mike were talking about. Her heart swelled because she knew all of these people were putting themselves at risk and it was all because she’d fallen in love with a Blue.


“Henry and Jamie, will you two please get up here so we can start?” Cameo voice was loud and made her take her eyes away from her best friend.


Once again they started walking
toward the beautiful blonde hair woman, her bright green eyes were staring at them and her smile was welcoming, but she was hiding something. “We are going to do this short and sweet. I know Henry told me he wanted to say his version of vows to you. Would you like to do that as well, Jamie?”


he nodded, unsure of what she would say to him.


Henry took both of her hands and she turned to face him. “Since the first time I saw you in my club, I knew you had to be mine. It didn’t matter to me what color you wore, I wanted you. When you came back the next day
and yelled at me, I fell completely in love with you, even knowing our love would be challenging and forbidden. You said love doesn’t describe what you feel for me, and sweetheart I agree it is so much more. Growing up, I never thought it was possible to find what I have found with you, didn’t see it in my future. Thank you for walking into the
No B Club
, and bringing your light with you, to light up the darkness in my heart. Jamie Moore, you are the love of my life.”


With every word Henry said
, tears filled Jamie’s eyes, because she’d never had someone love her like he loved her. “Oh Henry, I never thought I would find someone that would make everything in my life seem irrelevant. I love everything about you and I know some people will think we are crazy and irresponsible for doing this, but I don’t. No one will ever look at me like you do, and I love that. You are mine as I am yours.”


Henry grinned down at her; he let go of her hands to take her face in his hands.


“Henry, you still need to exchange wedding bands,” Cameo said, and it made Jamie giggle. But she remembered she didn’t have a ring for him, and her smile fell.


“Jamie I have this for you
, it belonged to Henry’s father,” Kerri said as she walked up to her. She handed Jamie a black ring, and smiled.


“Thank you
,” she said and felt a lump in the back of her throat grow. She looked back at Henry and he was looking at the ring that she was holding.


, repeat after me: I, Henry Benjamin Roarke, take you, Jamie Lynn Moore, to be my wife. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life.”


He repeated after Cameo,
his stunning light blue eyes never leaving Jamie’s.


“Now Jamie. I
, Jamie Lynn Moore, take you, Henry Benjamin Roarke, to be my husband. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life.”


Jamie smi
led at Henry as she spoke past the lump in her throat.


“Now I want you two to say this together as you put on each other’s rings.
‘With this ring I thee wed’.”


They did
as she said and Jamie smiled as she felt the cool ring slide on the third finger of her left hand.


“Now you two may
kiss, and you’ll be married.”


Henry didn’t need to be told twice
. He took her face in his hands and kissed her. Jamie wrapped her arms around his back and locked her hands together. Slowly his lips moved from hers. She opened her eyes and found him smiling down at her. “I love you, Mrs. Roarke.”


Hearing her new name made her smile, she loved it.
“And I love you, Mr. Roarke.”


Cameo placed a hand on each of their shoulders. “Henry
, why don’t you take your wife and help her out of that dress? I left a white sundress in your room for you, sweetie,” she said and smiled.


Chapter Fifteen

First Touch


Henry stopped Jamie from walking into his house by pulling on her hand. She looked over her shoulder at him, and he was smiling at her.
“What?” He didn’t answer her he reached around her and opened the door. She felt his arms as he lifted her and she giggled.


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