Read Beyond the Edge Online

Authors: Elizabeth Lister

Tags: #gay romance, BDSM

Beyond the Edge (14 page)

BOOK: Beyond the Edge
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“I thought he had a waiting list.”

“He does. But he invited us back in three weeks.” I stared at the tropical scenery on the TV screen, waiting for Budgie to realize how extraordinary this was.

“Both of you?”


“Holy shit. Isn't that something. I guess he was pleased with how things went.” He seemed surprised.

“Very. Gotta go. I'm fucking exhausted.” It wasn’t a lie. I might not even make it to the end of this show.

He snorted. “I'll bet. How's your sweet little ass?”

I grinned. “Happy. A bit sore, but very very satisfied.”



“Shall I book you and Sebastian in here before your next journey into sin?”

“Yeah, that would be great. Thanks Budgie.” Damn. Of course, now I had to go and submit to another waxing session.

“No problem. James always tips well if we do a good job on his boys. I'll text you with your bookings.”

“Thanks. Talk soon.”

I went to bed and slept the sleep of a well-used and satisfied submissive.

§ § §

Though a little distracted at work on Monday, I felt absolutely amazing, like I'd run a marathon. I'd gotten a great night's sleep and had woken up refreshed and without morning wood for once. Looked like my libido was satisfied for the moment.

But I couldn't stop thinking about my extraordinary weekend and every time I thought of a particular scene or image, my dick twitched, as if it considered putting in the effort to get hard, and then thought better of it. Thank goodness, so that at least some work got done. I did get caught staring dreamily into the distance at one point by a co-worker but I covered it by saying I was trying to remember the words to a song I knew.

And, of course, I thought about Sebastian and what that goodbye kiss meant. It meant something, that was for damn sure. It definitely signified that I wanted to pursue something with this man. He seemed to feel the same way, but what if I'd scared him off with the intensity of it? What if, when he thought it over, he decided it would be better for us to just be friends? Hell, we weren't even friends yet, really. We'd shared an intimate and intense experience, yes, but we really didn't know that much about each other. I'd given Sebastian two enemas, sucked his cock, and fucked him, but I didn't know his favorite color, or movie, or if he had family in town, or what he liked to do—besides fuck—in his spare time. It was a weird situation for sure. I really hoped he would call me.

When I got home from work I replied to some of my emails and went on Facebook for a bit. I put as my status:
Fantastic weekend. Looking forward to more fun with Mr. L.

Sure enough, next time I logged in there were a slew of suggestive comments from my friends, as well as many questions that I would never answer. Not on Facebook anyway.

I noticed that Casey had sent me an invite to a club on Saturday to see a band we knew perform. I hit the “join” button, since it sounded like fun and I had nothing else to do. It would be nice to hang out with those guys and Joanne would be there too.

Before I shut my computer down I did a search for Sebastian. I found him quickly and sent off a friend request. Just seeing his profile photo woke my dick up again since it brought the events of the weekend into sharp focus.

I shut off my computer and went into my bedroom, my cock filling up in earnest as I flashed back with my full attention to images, emotions, and sensations from my weekend. I lay down on my bed, pulling my dick out and stroking it slowly, thinking about Friday night and being rimmed in the shower then fucked to orgasm by my pretty blond friend, while James watched. Then I thought about fucking him after and watching James suck his dick while he came. I moaned as I stroked myself harder.
It had all been so hot and now that I was free to get myself off I was gonna go for it. I grabbed some lube from my drawer, slicking my hand, rubbing myself faster as I flipped through the memories. It didn’t taken long at all. When I got to the memory of sucking him off on the cross I cried out, jizzing all over the place.

The next few days were a mix of practical and personal moments, as I cleaned my neglected house, caught up on laundry, thought about Sebastian and our weekend, and masturbated. I kept checking to see if he’d accepted my friend request. By the third day I decided he thought I was a freak and never wanted to see me again.

I felt disappointed and pissed off. To feel better, I gave myself another wanking session.

Afterwards, I lay there while my heartbeat returned to normal, then cleaned up and got some supper. While I was doing the dishes my phone rang. When I saw Sebastian’s name I sighed with relief and I couldn’t help a big smile appearing on my face as I answered.

“Hi,” I said eagerly.

“Hi, is this Tate?”

I laughed. “Yeah, it's me.”

“Hi. This is Sebastian.”

“I know. Your name came up on my phone. And I recognize your voice.”

“Oh. Good. I'm… I'm just calling to say hi and see how you're doing.” He sounded nervous and unsure of himself.

“I'm doing great,” I said. “I just rubbed one out so I'm doing real good.” I couldn't help being provocative.

“Fuck. Really?”

“Yep. I'm near beating my all time personal record.”

“Cute. Listen, I, uh, I wanted to say thanks.”

“For what?”

“Well, for driving me home and…that kiss…I can't stop thinking about it.”

“Me neither. Um, how come you never accepted my friend request?”

“Oh, crap. I don't go on Facebook very often. I'm sorry.”

I laughed. “No big deal.” Well, it wasn't a big deal now at least.

He laughed. “So…what were you thinking about when you did it?”


“When you…jerked off.”

I cleared my throat and may have actually blushed a little. “Oh, um…well, there was this guy tied to a cross see, and his dick was so hard and beautiful, and I knew he wanted to come so, so bad…”

“Oh, Jesus…fuck, Tate. I am so hard right now…”

Oh, this is interesting.
“You are, are you?”

He groaned. “Yeah. I can’t stop thinking about all the things we did.”

“Like what, specifically?”

“Oh my God, are you kidding? I can't pick one thing.”

“Try. What was one of your favorite parts?”

“Oh…” He sighed happily. “When you sucked me off on the cross.”

“Uh huh. Me too.” I sat down at my kitchen table. “Why don't you pull it out right now and I'll talk you through a little wank session?”


“Sure. What are friends for?”


I heard the rustling of fabric and then a soft moan. “Okay, I'm ready.”

“Where are you? I need to picture it.”

“I'm in my room on my bed. There's nobody else here.”

“That's good. So you can speak freely.”


“And you're holding that beautiful big cock in your hand?”

“Yes…” he sighed again. “Tate…”

I hesitated. “What?” I said softly.

“That kiss was…”

“I know. For me too.”

“I want…”

“What do you want?”

“I want to kiss you again. I want to fuck you with nobody watching and make you come when
want you to.”

My dick started to wake up again. I pulled it from my pants quickly. “Dammit, Sebastian, you’re killing me over here…”

“In a good way?”

“In a very good way. Now shut up and stroke that beautiful cock for me, you hear me?”

“Yes, Sir.” He moaned and I knew he was smiling.

“That’s better. Go slow and steady for me. Think about how naughty you were, making me come in the shower on Friday, getting me into big trouble with James.”

He groaned again and I heard his hand moving on his cock. I moved mine back and forth too, thinking about that shower.

“I couldn't help it, I was just doing what I was told…” He gasped.

“You like doing what you're told, don't you Sebastian?”

“Yes…” He grunted.

“You like being a good boy, don't you?”


I stroked myself faster, getting close already. This was so hot.

“Will you make yourself come for me, Sebastian?”

“Yes…” He groaned. “I'm so close…”

“That's it baby, stroke it faster for me. Think about watching James edge me… did you enjoy that?”

“Yeah… oh, fuck yeah…”

“Did you enjoy watching him tease and torment me until I came so fucking hard for him?”

“Yes! Fuck! I'm coming, Tate! Oh…fuck…” He moaned through his climax and I almost dropped the phone bringing myself off with him.

“I'm coming too, baby…you're so fucking hot…” My poor dick spasmed repeatedly, shooting come over the edge of the table. Thank God I didn't have roommates.

I grunted, trying to keep the phone at my ear.

“Oh my God, you sound so hot over there,” he said huskily.

“I just jizzed on my kitchen table…”

He laughed. “Serves you right for jerking off in the kitchen.”

“Oh man…” I sighed tiredly. “Now I need a nap.”

“Um, can I ask you something?”

“Yeah, I think you can ask me anything at this point.”

“Would you like to go out for dinner with me sometime?”

I grinned. “I'd love to. How about tomorrow?”

I could hear the smile in his voice when he answered me. “Yeah, that's perfect.”

“I'll pick you up at six, okay? And we can decide where to go.”

“That sounds great. I'm really looking forward to it.”

“Me too.”

§ § §

I checked Facebook before I went to bed. Sebastian had accepted my friend request. His status said:

Sebastian Doucette: I am on Cloud Nine…

I commented
Me too ;)
before I turned off the computer and went to bed.


Boiling Over

I jerked off in the morning before work and again in the bathroom at lunch, because I didn’t want things moving too fast if Sebastian and I ended up at my place after supper.

Well, yeah, I had a pretty good idea that the evening would end with the two of us in bed together. Or on the couch. Or even the floor. And I wanted to be able to last a while. I wanted to show him how good a lover I could be, even in a non-BDSM scenario. I couldn't fucking wait to have that beautiful boy all to myself, in my bed—or on my couch or floor—on my terms.

When I got to his building, I parked on the street and buzzed up, then heard the beep as someone let me in. I climbed slowly up the four flights of stairs, admiring the antique architecture of the old building. When I got to the top floor I knocked lightly on the door to his apartment.

“Just a second!” he yelled from somewhere inside.

“No problem,” I answered, checking out my surroundings. There were four apartments—two on each side of the landing. Someone had a tacky wreath up and on another door hung a sign saying: “No Pessimists Allowed.”

Finally, the door opened. His blue eyes distracted me for a moment, but then I noticed he had on a pair of the hottest brown leather pants, combat boots, and a black long-sleeved tee. A smile spread slowly across my face.

“Hi,” I said.

“Hi. Come on in. I'm almost ready.” He moved back so I could get in the apartment.

The high ceilings gave the place a sense of space, the uneven plastered walls lent an old world atmosphere. The solid hardwood floors looked worn but sturdy and the door creaked charmingly as it opened and closed. The crooked doors of the coat closet added to the apartment's character.

“This place is awesome.”

“Thanks,” he said. “This is my room.”

He gestured at a door to the left and we went through. Tidy and clean, it looked like the room of someone older than twenty-four. A MacBook on his desk and a pile of DVDs on the dresser were the only conspicuous possessions. A double futon mattress on a wood frame, covered with a comforter in a brown and black geometric pattern, served as a modest bed. High ceilinged like the rest of the place, it featured a massive double-paned window that looked out on the Museum grounds.

“That's a great view.” He had a view of Elgin Street and the police headquarters, and the castle-like Museum of Nature, surrounded by maple and oak trees.

“I know, I love it,” he said quietly.

His voice came from behind me and I turned, looking into his beautiful blue eyes. We stared at each other.

“Where do you want to eat?” I asked.

He shrugged. “Wherever. I don't care. I just want to be with you.” He blushed, looking down at his feet. My eyes drifted down his body and, again, I couldn't believe my damn luck.

“I know this great Thai place,” I said, quirking my lip.

“That sounds awesome.” He smiled back.

“I'll just grab my jacket.”

“Roommates not here?” I asked.

“Nah, they left for Montreal this morning. They're going to see Lady Gaga and they made a long weekend out of it.”

“Hmm. How come you didn't go?”

He shrugged, getting his corduroy jacket from the hall closet. “I don't…Lady Gaga's not really my thing.”

“Same here,” I said quietly. I moved closer to him, grabbing the lapels of his jacket, making him look at me. “So, what
your thing?”

His blue eyes widened at the obvious invitation in mine. “Fuck, Tate. You’re my thing. You’re my fucking thing…”

I grinned. “Good answer…” I kissed him softly on the lips, pulling him against me. God, he tasted so good, smelled so good, felt so good…

I pulled away. I had to or I would fuck the boy right here. “Let’s go. I’m starved.”

He followed me dazedly, locking the door behind us.

§ § §

A well-known but small Thai food restaurant, Sweet Basil, sat inconspicuously on the north side of Bank Street near Heron Road; the extraordinary food surpassed only by the extraordinary prices. But I wanted to impress Sebastian and share a plate of divine cuisine before we got to the delicious business of fucking each other—with no one else in the room, no one giving orders, no one but us deciding what we would do to each other.

BOOK: Beyond the Edge
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