Between (37 page)

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Authors: Mary Ting

Tags: #Young Adult, #Romance, #Fantasy

BOOK: Between
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Oh, before I forget, I brought the purse that you wanted to borrow.”

It was rectangular, silver with some sparkles; perfect for a night out purse. “Thanks, I’ll take good care of it.” I placed some items in Patty’s purse. Then I slipped into my heels, just in time to hear the door bell chime. As if lightning had struck right in front of us, we froze. My heart thumped so fast, I couldn’t breathe.

Breathe,” Patty advised, but I was completely swallowed up by excitement and was already heading towards the door.

Whoa, you’re not supposed to get the door. I’ll get it.” Patty stepped in front of me. “Besides, I want to say hello to this mysterious Michael first. I’ve waited like forever,” she arched her brows.

Patty held the door knob, leisurely waiting. I shook my legs and my hands, like an impatient child, motioning her to open the door.

Patty held her hand up. “Patience, you don’t want to seem eager.” Then she finally opened the door.

Hello…Mich…ael,” Patty muttered, peering up at a tall handsome man in a dark navy suit, and became completely speechless. She knew he would be good looking from my description, but I guess seeing him with her own eyes blew her away.

Hello, Patty,” Michael said, smiling and chuckling. “Are you going to let me in?”

Ahhh…what…ummm…you know my name?”

I tugged Patty by her shirt and moved her aside. I appeared in Michael’s line of vision and gave him the same dumbfounded look Patty had just given. “Michael, you look…great.” I smiled like a school girl.

You look beautiful as always,” he said and leaned in for a kiss with one hand behind his back.

I felt warm on my cheeks and I wondered why his left hand was behind him.

I bought these for you.” He placed a bouquet of red roses in front of me.

Surprised, I lit up with a huge smile and took them from him. “These are beautiful! Thank you.”

Here, I’ll put them in a vase for you,” Patty suggested.

I was happy that Patty got to meet Michael, something she’d wanted to do for a long time.

Shall we get going?” Michael suggested. “Davin is waiting. I told him to stay in the limo. This is my special time with you. I wanted to see you first and present you with the roses, by myself. I’m selfish when it comes to you.”

Patty just dropped her jaw.

You got us a limo?!?!” I exclaimed. “Let’s go then.” I turned to Patty. There was no need to exchange words. Patty got the hint.

I’m leaving with you. I mean…I’m leaving now… not with you. You know what I mean.” She held me tightly. “Have the best time of your life. And don’t behave,” she giggled.

The three of us walked out the door. The white stretch limo was perfect. I had seen them many times before and dreamt about being in one, but never thought I would actually get to ride in one. Eagerly I walked toward it as Patty got in her car and drove off.

Davin opened the door. “Hello there, pretty lady.”

You look handsome, Davin,” I smiled. Davin wore a navy suit too.

Davin blushed. “Uhhh…thanks.” Then he moved aside for me after a hug was given and he told me how beautiful I looked. There was plenty of space inside, but Davin insisted he needed to sit next to me, so I sat between the boys.

Davin couldn’t stop touching everything inside. He pressed the windows up and down and even turned on the music. He mostly dug the small compartment that stored ice cubes and wine. He kept on changing channels as he become fascinated with the small television until Michael got irritated and asked him to stop. When he realized there was a sun roof, he
got overly
excited and made Michael and me stick our heads out with him as he waved to everyone he saw. The wind was too much for me to handle, not wanting to ruin my hair, so we sat down comfortably on the black leather seat as we headed for Kristina’s house.

After a fantastic dinner, the four of us stepped out of the limo with our arms linked around our dates. Though the Valentine’s dance was at our school gym, one could not tell that it was.
What a transformation
, I thought, thinking of two occasions; the fire and the decoration committee. But seeing the way the lights hung and the fake candles that burned, reminded me of a particular decorating committee. I first set my eyes on the red, pink and white balloons floating, filling the ceiling like clouds. Then my line of vision followed the streams of hearts attached to ribbons that curled as they dangled from the ceiling. Situated in the center of the tables that were covered by white linen, were red and pink roses that fragranced the room. Fake candles glistened and flickered to the sound of the music.
How enchanting
, I thought.

Wow! They’ve really out did it this time,” Kristina said, marveling at the ambiance.

They had a little help,” Davin whispered to me and winked.

I smiled as brightly at the lights. “I knew it,” I squealed softly from excitement.

After greeting our friends, taking couple’s pictures and finding our seats, Davin and Kristina headed to the dance floor while I rested contentedly in Michael’s arms. When I glanced around the room, I spotted Ryan with his date. I didn’t recognize her, but I didn’t care. I was just happy that I could feel at ease around him like before, as if nothing had happened.

I can’t believe you’re here with me at
school dance,” I expressed.

I can’t believe it myself…meaning…the school dance and not you. I mean, I want to be with you,” he chuckled.

I just want to sit here with you, hold you, and enjoy this event,” I said, snuggling up to him even more.

Me too, but you’re kind of heavy,” he teased.

What?” I turned only to have him tickle me, and then pull me to the dance floor next to Davin and Kristina. “Are we going to create memories or what?”

On cue, the DJ announced: “This song is dedicated to Claudia from Michael. At last, I found you.”

The “awwws” and “oh, how sweets” were heard around us as my face became slightly warm.

Michael pulled me close, folding my hands onto his chest, and started to sing with the music in my ears. “At last…my love has come along.” It was the same song he’d sung to me up in the clouds.

I embraced his words and swayed to the music with him. The song was an old song, but I didn’t mind. The lyrics were beautiful and perfect. Many artists had sung this song, but it couldn’t compare to the way Michael sang it. His angelic, flawless voice could melt any soul.

After the song ended, the DJ played a faster tune. Michael and I were about to walk off the dance floor when Davin gripped both of us. “Nuh uh. Both of you stay right here and dance.”

Michael looked at me, asking me what I wanted with his eyes. Then Davin gave a pouty face and I could not refuse. The four of us danced till midnight, having the time of our lives.


Losing Patrick and unable to deal with his feelings for Claudia, Austin escaped to Black Velvet. Inside Black Velvet, he knew he could pretend to be human, pretend to be someone else. He headed straight for the bar. The bartender recognized him from several weeks before.

What can I get you?” he said nervously. His body tensed up, avoiding eye contact. “There hasn’t been any sign of them.” His voice was low.

I’m not here for them tonight. I’m here for me,” Austin replied, leaning against the counter. “So, what’s the strongest drink you have? Though it wouldn’t make a difference,” he grumbled.

Jake poured some liquid into the shot glass. “Here…
Bacardi 151
. It’s the strongest liquor I have. Hard day?” he asked nervously, knowing who Austin really was.

A long life.” Austin held up his glass and toasted. “For my friend, Patrick. I will avenge your death. This I promise you.” He swallowed his drink in one gulp. Grimacing, he said, “Well, that tasted like water.” He slammed his glass on the counter. “More, Jake. And keep it coming. I’ve got a long life ahead of me,” he demanded as sudden thoughts of Michael and Claudia dancing burned through his mind. “Crap,” he said, shaking his head trying to rid it of unwanted thoughts, and turned toward the dance floor.

Uninterested, he turned back, thinking he could strike up a conversation with Jake. There in front of him stood two females. “Remember us?” one said sweetly, alluring him with her eyes.

Sure I do. How could I ever forget?” Austin said, feeling euphoric by their presences, as his eyes drank them in. “We danced, but I don’t believe I caught your names.”

My name is Tasha and my friend’s name is Elliot,” Tasha said, pointing to her friend, giggling.

You’re not going to disappear on us again, are you?” Elliot asked, placing her hand on his muscular arm.

No, but I don’t feel like dancing this time. How about we sit here and talk?” Austin suggested, thinking he couldn’t believe he wanted to have a conversation instead of enjoying himself.

Speaking of disappearing, why don’t we disappear into my limo?” Tasha flirted, closing the gap between them and out lining his lips with her finger.

You have a limo?” Austin leaned in to smell her scent. She smelled of lavender, reminding him of Claudia. He’d been with women before and it was always easy to take them up on their proposition, but he felt different this time. Regardless, he decided to take it, even though his gut instincts told him something was different about these girls. He couldn’t distinguish what it was, but he thought maybe he was overreacting. His angel powers were always dead on and since they weren’t telling him that they were demons, he decided to have fun.

My limo is right outside,” Tasha answered.

He rested his arms around the ladies’ waists. “Let’s go, my angels.”

Tasha winked at Jake, leading them out to her limo. Jake froze from fear and was more than happy they were leaving.

Austin sat in the middle. “Are we going to stay put or is your driver going to drive us somewhere?”

The girls started nibbling on Austin’s ears, running their hands all over him.

We stay here,” Elliot whispered and started to caress his lips.

Austin kissed back, but his mind wandered to thoughts of Claudia, of the day they kissed, accident or not. He saw her face in his mind, the way her lips felt on his, the softness of her hair and the curves of her body as he held her in his arms. Austin finally snapped out his thoughts. He should have been enjoying this kind of attention, but he felt disgusted. He pulled himself out of their hold. “Sorry ladies, but I need to take care of things.”

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