Between (34 page)

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Authors: Mary Ting

Tags: #Young Adult, #Romance, #Fantasy

BOOK: Between
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When they reached their destination, Claudia lifted her head in surprise. They were high up in the clouds. Michael leisurely flew through the clouds, hoping this would cheer her. As always, she lit up with a huge smile, sometimes closing her eyes to relish this incredible moment. Michael knew it would be only temporary, but it was enough to help her ease her mind and heart.

Thank you,” Claudia said, resting her head on his firm chest.

Michael drew her out and looked deeply into her eyes. “Claudia, only for you. I can’t feel the wind on my flesh or heat from the blazing sun, but I can feel you. You are real. I can feel you.”

Claudia held him tight to let him know how much his words meant to her. Like always, there were no words, but she felt his love for her that made her utterly complete.

I have one more thing to show you before we go,” he said smiling. “Hold on.”

Michael skillfully moved his hands in a circular motion, gathering the clouds into a ball, then he exhaled his breath and blew on top of it. The clouds burst out like a cannon ball and dispersed in different directions. Claudia beamed with amazement. The puffy white clouds were now in a formation of a giant heart. “For you. I’m sorry if I hurt you. You are the only one that can make my heart float. You are the only reason why my heart is full,” he said.

Michael,” Claudia said and held him tight. “You didn’t hurt me. You’ve done nothing wrong.”

If you’re not happy, then I’ve done something wrong.”

Michael, I can’t be happy all the time. Sometimes I’ll be sad, irritated, or mad, but that’s all part of being a human. Nothing can ever be perfect. If I’m mad at you, I’ll let you know. You can’t blame yourself…well…only if it’s your fault,” she teased, trying to make him smile.

All right,” he said, sounding convinced. “But before we go, I have something to ask you?”

What is it?” she asked, hearing the nervousness in his tone.

He started singing. Claudia heard a sound so pure and perfect, a voice of an angel. Hand over hers; he guided them to the nape of his neck, drew her in as he rested his hand around her waist. They started to slow dance through the clouds as he continued to sing “
At last” by Ette James.

At that moment, Claudia stared in awe. Her heart was wrapped up in the spell of the song and he was her dream that she could call her own. To her, they were in heaven and her heart burst like the fluffy heart Michael just created with his breath. She felt like Jell-O in his arms. He had her utterly enthralled.

Will you go to the Valentine’s dance with me?” He chuckled, knowing how he’d just made her completely swoon.

Still feeling astounded, she shouted, “Yes!” Her smile out shined the sun and his lips tenderly surrendered to hers.

As they continue to soar through the clouds, Michael wanted to talk to her about her bow. He had so many questions. Mostly, he wanted to let her know that he didn’t approve of her having one. It would attract more demons toward her in battle. But he thought to delay the questions since it wasn’t the appropriate time. He knew it would most likely cause an argument, one that he didn’t want right after this romantic moment.

After a while, they went back to Claudia’s room. Claudia saw Davin first, holding a blow dryer, examining it closely and switching it on and off. Vivian was putting on Claudia’s makeup while Caleb was surfing the net.

All three of them stopped and stared at Claudia and Michael in shock as if they were thieves, being caught red handed.

Uhhh…what’s up, Claudia?!” Davin exclaimed, dropped the blow dryer and reached out for her hug. “Glad to see you in one piece.”

Claudia giggled and felt pure bliss to see them.

What a strange way to greet someone,” Caleb said.

Well if you would just get with it and act like a human when you’re down here, you would know,” Davin defended.

Then what would humans say when they don’t know what to say…whatever,” Caleb replied, chuckling.

We were just…ummm…I hope you don’t mind. It’s all new to us… ummm…and we wanted to make sure you were better. We were worried,” Vivian rambled.

No…it’s all right. You guys are my family. I know there are things you are curious about. I don’t mind at all. And I’m doing great.” Claudia smiled.

See. I told you so,” Davin said, finally releasing his hold. “Claudia doesn’t mind.”

How long have you been snooping?” Michael jeered.

You mean waiting,” Davin corrected. “You want seconds, minutes, or hours?” Davin smirked.

Davin,” Michael huffed.

Okay, okay…not too long. We came to let you know that the Divine Elders are meeting with Phillip, Margaret and Agnes at Island of Eden. They told me to find you. We are needed at Halo City.”

What about Claudia?”

I was told watchers will be keeping their eyes on her.”

Michael turned to Claudia with an uneasy feeling, trying to hide his emotions. “It will be okay. I’ll be back soon. Where are these watchers? I want to have a few words with them,” Michael asked.

In the front yard, right by the door, in statue forms; out of place, but it sure adds character to your house,” Davin smiled.

Michael turned to Vivian to say a few words and Davin took this moment to ask Claudia a question. “So, did he ask you?”

Ask me what?” Claudia asked. It took her a few seconds to understand what he was asking. “Oh, yes; to the Valentine’s dance.” She blushed thinking about the way he asked.

You said no, right?”

What?” She felt confused.
Davin would want me to say yes
, she thought.

I’m just joking. But you have to save me a dance, okay? I’m asking as a friend…you know how much I love to shake it.”

I’ll save you two dances or more,” I winked.

Great,” he said out loud and then covered his mouth when the alkins looked at him.

After reassuring Claudia, Michael told Vivian to stay for a little while longer. Michael and Davin went outside to speak to the watchers.


Chapter Twenty-Seven


Austin flew to Claudia’s house. He wanted to see for himself that she was healed and back to herself. He knocked weakly on the door. A few seconds later Claudia peered out. “Austin, come in.”

You’re okay,” he said and dove into her arms.

Claudia continued to hold him in her arms. “Yes, I’m okay.”

Austin broke away when he saw Vivian. “Sorry about Patrick,” Vivian said sincerely.

Thanks,” Austin replied and cleared his throat.

I’m assuming you’re on watch so I guess I can leave?” Vivian was uncertain. She didn’t know if he was here to release her or for other reasons.

Yeah. You can go. I’m here.”

I can stay longer if you need more time,” Vivian said. “And plus, the watchers are just right outside.”

No, I’m here.”

With that, Vivian left, leaving Austin and Claudia in the living room.

Would you like something to drink?” Claudia asked nervously. She didn’t know what to say or how to act around him. Then she realized she’d asked a dumb question. She knew he didn’t drink anything.

Austin let out a short smile and sat on the sofa. “I’m fine Claudia. Sit down. I want to make sure you’re okay.”

Claudia hesitantly sat next to him with her right leg crossing underneath her other leg. He leaned into her, so close she could feel his breath. She swiftly back away. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to kiss you,” Austin said. “Unless you want me to. I just want to smell you to make sure you’re you.”

Claudia’s face turned warm. “What? That doesn’t make sense. Of course it’s me. Who else could it be?”

I know it sounds bizarre, but who knows what Trinity could have done to you, while you were vulnerable? She could have sent some demon spirits into you.”

Claudia got up, walked toward the refrigerator and poured herself some orange juice. “She can do that?” Claudia asked, feeling flabbergasted. “But I feel fine. I think we need to worry about you.”

I’m fine. Stop asking me,” he said with a sharp tone.

Claudia angled her brows, surprised by his tone. She took another sip and rested her arms on the counter. “Where is Patrick? I’m mean…where is his body?”

Island of Eden with Katherine.”

What happens next?”

We will bury him. Then I’m going to find Trinity and wring her neck. No…I’m going to painfully pluck every single feather out of her.”

Austin, you need time to grieve. You just lost your friend, who was more like a brother to you. Please, don’t do anything crazy. Don’t act so tough.”

His eyes flickered at her, remembering the same words he’d said to her several times before. “I told you, I’m fine,” he said, but Claudia refused to believe him.

How could you be fine? Patrick is dead. He’s gone. You’re never going to see him ever again. Don’t tell me you don’t feel anything. Your heart is as big as your ego, so don’t tell me you’re fine!” Claudia exclaimed.

With a flash, Austin stood in front of her. Claudia drew in her breath and gasped. She had been just about to take another sip, and she jerked back when he startled her. It was a matter of seconds, but she felt the glass slipping away from her fingers. Austin’s fast reflexes reached for it before it hit the ground and backed her against the cabinet all at the same time.

Austin’s eyes pierced hers. “You want the truth? I feel like someone sliced my heart in two. One part of me feels so empty that I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel. The other part feels so much pain that I want to hurt someone. I feel nothing. I feel empty,” his tone softened with his last word and he placed his head against hers. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you. I didn’t know it could hurt this much.” His fingers were twisted and lost in her hair. “I didn’t know your pain. If only I’d known. I’m just an ignorant half angel and stupid half human.”

Claudia wrapped her arms around him tightly. She caressed his hair to give him comfort. “It’s okay. I’m sorry too. I feel like it’s my fault.” And tears streamed down her face. They were tears for Austin who could not shed his own tears, tears for Patrick and tears of guilt.

After a brief moment, Austin backed away, setting his eyes compassionately on hers. “You’ve done nothing wrong. You didn’t ask to have a special soul. You didn’t drive the sword into Patrick’s heart. Don’t blame yourself for any of this. Do you hear me?” he asked, wiping her tears with his fingers at first then with his soft kisses.

Claudia was so distracted trying to wipe the tears that flowed too fast, she hadn’t realized Austin was kissing her cheek. Before she knew what was happening, he was tenderly kissing her lips. His hands drew her in closer and his kisses grew more passionate. She felt him tasting her, wanting more of her as he kissed her deeper.

Claudia lost herself in Austin’s arms. When she finally managed to back away, heaving, she was confused as to what had just happened. Austin too looked baffled. “Sorry,” he managed to mutter. “I don’t know what’s gotten into me.”

Claudia regained her control. “Uhhh…It’s okay,” she muttered, unable to make eye contact. “We just got carried away comforting each other.” It was the only thing she could say. “Hmmm…I need to get back to my studies.” She promised herself that it wouldn’t happen again as thoughts of Michael ran through her mind.

Austin raked his hair back with his hands. “Yes. You go upstairs to study and I’ll be right here. Maybe I’ll get myself a cup of…cold water.” Then both of them went their separate direction.


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