Between (41 page)

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Authors: Mary Ting

Tags: #Young Adult, #Romance, #Fantasy

BOOK: Between
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Very funny, Austin.”

You’re too far. I can’t see you. Come closer.”

Claudia closed the gap between them and stood at the edge of the bed. “You don’t stop flirting, do you?”

Flirting is fun. You should try it.” He winked.

So…what happened to you?” She sauntered closer to him.

I guess you could say I got my ass kicked by two females, but they were no ladies. They were demons called soul eaters. They suck out energy from your soul. I guess it was a good thing Samuel or Aliah told them to keep me alive or else I would have been killed.” His eyes held Claudia’s as he caressed her cheek. “I thought I would never see you again.” His tone changed from being serious to playful. “You would miss me, wouldn’t you?”

Of course.” Claudia’s smile sent shivers down Austin’s back. “There would be no one here to annoy me the way you do.”

Her playfulness sparked a fire in him. He wanted to pull her in and swallow her up in his arms and taste her. How she consumed his heart and mind. Then he closed his eyes, trying to clear his mind.

What’s wrong?” she asked worriedly, breaking his thoughts. “Are you in pain?”

Just a little,” he said.

What can I do?” she asked compassionately. “What do you need?”

Just a little kiss here,” he said, pointing to his shoulder.

You’re such a flirt.” Claudia gave a quick peck, amusing him.

Over here,” he pointed to his cheek.

Claudia was hesitant, but she thought a kiss on the cheek was no big deal. After all, he was here because of her.

One kiss on the cheek and then I’ll leave so you can get your rest.” She leaned in and said warmly, “Thank you Austin. I’m glad you’ll alright. I don’t know what I would do if something were to happen to you. I’m just glad you’re better.”

Claudia’s words touched him deeply. He wanted to hear that she cared, but to actually hear her words drove him wild. When Claudia leaned over to kiss his cheek, he turned and she accidently planted her lips on his. Then without a thought, he pulled her in so fast she didn’t have time to fight him off. She was now wrapped in his embrace.

Austin!” she yelled. “Ahhh! You’re terrible!”

Austin started to tickle her. “But you like me that way.”

Claudia tried to release herself, but she couldn’t help but laugh out loud. “Okay, you win. I thought you were still recovering.”

Let’s say…I feel better now that you’re here. Your presence is my cure.”

I thought my presence was killing you softly.”

Well, that too.”

Claudia smiled, shook her head, and rolled over to the other side of the bed. Claudia and Austin both flashed their eyes toward the door when they heard footsteps.

Even when you’re recovering, you can’t keep your hands off her,” Gracie said lightly, standing by the door with Michelle.

Austin gave an irritated expression. “What do you want?”

We came to see if you were okay. We heard you ran into few soul eaters,” Michele reminded.

I’m fine. Thanks for caring,” he replied, trying to sound sincere.

Oh…by the way, Claudia. I heard you were awesome. We wished we would have seen Aliah fire up in flames,” Michelle cheered. “He so deserved it.”

Uhhh…I…thanks.” Claudia blinked and blushed, not knowing how to respond to something that she didn’t think was something to be proud of. Though she had defeated Aliah, killing any soul, especially an angel, was heartbreaking.

Well, see you around. Katherine asked us to join the venators,” Gracie grinned.

Whaaat!” Austin sat up in exasperation. “My mother did what?” He felt horrified. It was bad enough he had to share Island of Eden with them and it was bad enough he had to protect them, but to work as a team, that was the last straw for him.

Gracie laughed out loud. “I told you he would be mortified,” she muttered to Michelle on the way out.

Claudia’s mouth dropped open as she slowly turned to look at Austin, contemplating his reaction. Austin’s eyes were closed, his fist clinched on the sheet as he exhaled and inhaled deep breaths.

Austin,” Claudia called when she thought he was calm enough to actually hold a conversation.

I’m okay. I just need a minute.” He paused again. “I’m not teaming with them,” he said through clenched teeth.

Claudia didn’t know what to say. “Well…look on the bright side. At least you know you can trust them.”

He gave her an “are you kidding?” look. “Trust is hard to earn with me. I guess I can trust them a little…not like the way I trust you.” His eyes were soft and mellow, looking at her as his heart glowed with admiration and adoration. “So…how do you feel? I mean…do you feel any different? Can you just puff and make anything happen?”

I don’t know. I still don’t know what I can do.”

Gamma would’ve been proud. No, I take that back. She is proud. She may not be here with us; but she is in your heart.”

Thanks, Austin. But seriously,” she continued, changing the subject, “trust is hard to earn with you…huh? I guess the soul eaters somehow earned your trust, though I can’t see what they did to earn it.” Her tone was reprimanding.

Austin confessed. “Okay…so I let my guard down.”

Don’t lose sight of who you trust or not, Austin. I almost lost you,” she said so sweetly that he crumbled at the sound of her voice.

You care,” he said, tugging on her cream sweater, pulling her close to him, even knowing she would pull back. To his surprise, she didn’t. He couldn’t believe she was willingly following his pull. The anticipation of them kissing on her terms made him quiver with excitement. Unbelievably, his face became warm when her lips were just a touch away.

He watched her move in slowly with her eyes locked on his, luring him to her. His heart thumped faster the closer she got.

But suddenly, instead of the passionate kiss he was expecting, his hands were bound with the Divine golden cuffs against the post of the bed. “What the…Claudia,” he chuckled. “I always knew you liked it rough.”

So you were asking what I can do.” She smiled playfully. “That’s one thing I can do, so BEHAVE.” Then she planted a kiss on his cheek. “Thanks for being my friend and thanks for being there when I needed you,” she said sincerely, planting her feet on the ground. “I’m off to see Michael. We have a date.”

Ouch.” His ego burst. “I like the old Claudia, the naïve and sheltered one. She wouldn’t have done this to me.”

That’s where you’re wrong. She just didn’t know how,” she giggled and cantered toward the door.

Aren’t you going to unbind me before you leave?”

She stopped just as she was about to close the door. “Oh yeah…I almost forgot,” she giggled, thinking of Davin. “Peace out!” She concentrated on Austin’s bonds and said, “Licen.”


Chapter Thirty-Two


Katherine and the rest of the Divine Elders patiently waited at Island of Eden. As they waited for Michael and the alkins to arrival, they held their small conversations amongst themselves. Austin and Holly stood near Katherine, smiling and creating jovial conversations with Martin and Elizabeth.

They’re here,” Philip announced, as they all took their seat. On cue, Philip held out his hand, willing the door to open. Michael and alkins appeared, looking alert and perplexed. They had been told to come but were not given any explanations. As they anxiously walked toward the round table, they were greeted by Holly and Austin, who were standing behind Katherine, grinning. Michael suddenly felt his breath grow short; he knew his father was one of the Twelve and couldn’t control his nervousness. This would be his first time being in the same room with all of them present. Would his father know he was his son? Would he care? Michael quickly glanced at the paintings hung around the room. He noted there were eleven paintings, understanding the reason why Aden’s painting was missing. But when he counted the number present in his mind, there were only ten.

Welcome,” Katherine greeted, breaking his thoughts.

The alkins bowed.

You must be wondering why you were all called to this meeting. We’d like to thank you for your bravery, courage and your loyalty. Because of your efforts, good has overcome evil once more.”

Well…don’t forget Claudia. Her powers are incredible,” Davin said proudly, his eyes beaming with pride.

Yes, she is very special,” Philip agreed.

Speaking of Claudia–we, the Divine Elders, have made a decision,” Katherine continued.

I don’t understand,” Michael said. “What decision is there that the Divine Elders needed to make? And how does this concern us?”

Everything that happens concerns us all,” Jeremiah scowled.

Michael became tense by the sound of Jeremiah’s tone. “Yes, you’re right. Where are my manners?” Michael apologized, his head low.

You have broken one of your Divine Commandments and you know very well which one,” Jeremiah reminded.

Technically, she isn’t a mortal,” Davin interrupted. Michael flashed a look at Davin, but it was too late. He’d already finished his words, upsetting Jeremiah.

Quiet. I didn’t ask you,” Jeremiah scowled, looking annoyed.

Feeling satisfied that he’d irritated Jeremiah, Davin smiled inwardly and chuckled to himself. He didn’t care about what the Divine Elders had to say, especially Jeremiah.
, he thought to himself.

Katherine intervened, “What Jeremiah is saying is true, but that is not the reason why all of you were brought here today. As you already know, falling in love is forbidden, but that is something you will be judged on when the time comes, and not by us. There are more important issues at hand. Do as you are told, and all will be forgiven.”

What is it that we must do?” Caleb asked. His face flushed with concern.

Katherine exhaled, closed her eyes, then opened her eyes with sadness and concern to face Michael. “Claudia’s memories must be selectively erased. Her memories of you, the alkins, her friends and her mom; the life she knew must be erased.”

Michael stared blankly. He wasn’t sure what he had just heard until Davin spoke. “Why? She has done nothing wrong.”

This isn’t about what she has done. She has valuable powers that we have yet to discover. When she killed Aliah, her powers were released. She may be not be able to control herself. We can help her,” Jeremiah explained.

You don’t want to help her. You want to control her so that she won’t do the same thing to you,” Davin fired back, desperately trying to control his anger that had brewed so quickly.

The room filled with voices expressing their opinions. Philip raised his hand and the room was quiet again.

Silence him or else I will!” Jeremiah threatened, flashing an authoritative stare at Davin.

Davin, please, you are not helping the situation. Close thy mouth,” Philip ordered. Davin could see Austin and Holly trying desperately to hold their laughter.

Michael gave Davin a sideways glance, “Stop it. You want to be put away?” he murmured.

Now that I know you care so much, I’ll keep my lips half way closed.”

Michael rolled his eyes and focused back to the group.

What Jeremiah was trying to say is that Claudia can be a great asset to our venator team,” Katherine explained.

Why must you erase her memories of us?” Vivian asked, feeling disturbed at the thought of Claudia not being able to remember their friendship.

She needs to be trained. The best place for that will be here at Island of Eden. Holly and Austin will train her. The best way for her to have a clear mind and be able to do what she can possibly do is to forget her past and focus on her future.”

But we are her future,” Vivian cried.

You are her present and soon the past. You will be sent to Halo City. Your service will no longer be needed after this is over.”

Vivian inhaled short breaths. She felt like she had just been slapped in her face. Were they insignificant?

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