Between (44 page)

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Authors: Mary Ting

Tags: #Young Adult, #Romance, #Fantasy

BOOK: Between
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Some of the other changes that the new blood seeker goes through include paling of the skin and coldness of touch, both caused by decreased blood flow in the body. Blood continues to circulate, just at a much slower rate and with less pressure than a mortal. The new blood seeker becomes feather light on his feet, and has extreme photosensitivity. The increased senses include super hearing and sight, increased sense of smell and taste, and increased sense of touch. A blood seeker exudes sex appeal, and an increased release of pheromones. This helps to attract the mortals.

Blood seekers can regenerate; limbs and such do not grow back but they can be reattached. Cuts and small breaks heal within seconds, large breaks in minutes. There is also the power of persuasion or compulsion and hypnosis, and of course eternal life. Now as you already know there are also separate powers that can be different or are unique to the individual.”

They sound like us,” Davin said, trying to engulf all her words. “What happened to Cain?”

Cain became lonely and embraced five others, to create his own family. His children ravaged the area, feeding carelessly, and used the mortals against one another. Outraged, Cain forbade them from creating any more. Cain was said to have built the ‘first city’, a place where blood seekers and mortals coexisted peacefully. The peace didn’t last long. The younger blood seekers began fighting, believing they were better than the mortals.”

I would assume this was the first case of racism,” Davin smirked and let out a snort.

I guess you could say that,” Katherine grinned, amused by Davin’s remark. “They used the mortals for fun, killing uncontrollably, and the city was thrown down. Cain vanished, never to be heard from again, along with three of the five blood seekers he’d created,” Katherine elucidated. “The two children that stayed became reckless in creating new blood seekers and 15 clans were formed. The clans fought each other for power and control, and numbers reached unhealthy proportions. The mortals began to fight back. They would drag blood seekers one by one from their lairs to burn in the sun. Once the blood seeker was weakened and burned enough, the people would tear them apart and behead them, thus ensuring permanent death to the immortal.

Around the fifth century, nine of the 15 clans joined in an organization they called ‘The Renata’. They suppressed the anarchs and began their conspiracy of silence. They ruled that blood seekers should not kill openly and should conceal their natures from the mortals. Thus began the great myth of blood seekers that humans call vampires.”

So, you want us to destroy them?” Davin asks.

No, I’m giving Michael information so he knows what he is up against. I need him to find a blood seeker named Caspian.”

Davin gulped a big lump down his throat. “Ummm…do they like to drink angel’s blood? I mean…”

Not all blood seekers are evil,” Katherine interjected. “I wouldn’t be throwing Michael into a suicide mission. Michael, I need you to find Caspian. He needs our help. He will fill you in with more details.”

So…shall I go with Michael?” Davin asked.

I have other plans for you, Davin. I need you to help train my venators. I found more nephilim and I need someone with great skills and someone who I can trust. And when they are ready, they will hunt for demons alongside Austin, Holly and Claudia.”

But, Claudia?”

She won’t remember you. If you do a great job training them, I won’t need to send you out into the field with them.”

What if I want to go?”

We will see when that time comes.”

What about Vivian and Caleb?” Davin’s eyes filled with hope.

I won’t need their services.”

Oh,” he said glumly.

We shall see,” Katherine said, noting Davin’s disappointment. “Philip, Margaret and Agnes are aware of my intentions of being here. They have given their permission to set you free. Though, Michael, you will need to visit Crossroads or Between in order to sustain your strength; Davin will be fine in Nubilus City.”

It isn’t fair that the venators can remain on Earth while we are treated differently. Talk about racism,” Davin scoffed lightly.

I understand how you feel. But you have to understand, you were the first of your kind. Things have changed. If we let you go, then all the alkins must be set free. I’m truly sorry. You already know life isn’t fair, especially for angels. We were told humans and angels were created with free will, but is it really free will when our destinies have already been written? Their lives were written under the stars the minute they were born. Do they get to choose their parents?” Katherine paused.

When humans think of angels, they think of us as glorious in our statues, but what they are unaware of is that we are their servants. Our job is to protect our humans whether we want to or not. This is our destiny. We were created for one purpose only. So, who is more glorious now?” Katherine said and continued. “Both of you are on your way to becoming great leaders. To be a great leader, one must always keep in mind what you can do for others and not what they can do for you.” There was a solemn pause. “Your superiors are waiting for you in the main hall for their final words before your departure. Michael, you have to find Caspian. He’ll be waiting for you in Banff, Alberta, Canada. Davin, I’ll see you in Nubilus City.”

After Katherine left, Michael and Davin headed toward the main hall.

Michael, I’ll make sure to keep an eye out for Claudia,” Davin said excitedly, ready to take on a new adventure.

Thanks. I know you will. Claudia won’t remember how powerful she can be. Though I know they will train her, I’ll worry about her. Her life will be in danger every time she goes hunting. This is not what I want for her. But it does ease my mind a bit, knowing you’ll be around.”

I got her back, okay? I promise.”

What would I ever do without you?” Michael said sincerely.

You’re admitting you need me?” Davin felt elated and jumped into his arms.

I don’t need you that much,” Michael teased, welcoming Davin’s affection.

After Davin let go the conversation became serious. “I know you can’t see it right now, but I know you and Claudia will be together again. The way you two love each other is rare and one of a kind. Don’t give up.”

You’re right,” Michael said, remembering taking Claudia to The Cliff, creating snowflakes, telling her their love was unique and one of kind. “When the time is right, I’ll help her remember. I have to. I won’t lose her. I promised her I would never let her go.” Michael’s eyes grew wide. His strength and the will to live reawakened. Fire sparkled back inside the very core of him. He found his purpose again. “Destiny can be rewritten.”

That’s the Michael I know and love,” Davin cheered.

You are the brother I wish I had in my Earthly life. Thanks for being here for me.”

Davin smacked Michael on the back. “That’s what I’m good for…someone who nags until you see the truth.”

Don’t I ever know it,” Michael muttered, rolling his eyes. “Meet you at the main hall.” Michael took off so fast Davin didn’t have time to register he was already gone.

When they got there, Philip, Margaret and Agnes were already present, conversing, sitting on their thrones, anxiously waiting. When Michael and Davin appeared, they stopped and smiled. Margaret wanted to embrace them, but she steadied her composure. Such a simple physical act as a hug was rarely given to the older nephilim.

Michael and Davin felt their hearts drop when they saw their elders. Knowing they wouldn’t see them on a regular basis saddened them, and their eyes swelled with unexpected tears. As they stood in front of them, Michael observed that, even with the absence of windows, it was surprisingly bright. The light somehow penetrated the walls and he imagined this was what being in the center of a diamond would be like; thousands of brilliant facets sparkling through. There was no fancy furniture like in The Grand View Hotel; just unadorned and elegant décor. Spending time on Earth had given him a different perspective and he couldn’t help but compare the two.

I knew perhaps this moment would come when I would have to allow both of you to go your own ways. Though I am sad to let you go after all these centuries, your skills are needed and I can’t deny what they need. May God be with you and keep you safe,” Philip said. “I’m proud of you both.”

We are very sad to let you go. You both have been like sons to me. Both of you are truly remarkable, brave and great role models,” Agnes said with trembling lips as a teardrop escaped her eye. Afraid of losing control, she stopped talking any further.

Who’s going to make me laugh?” Margaret said to Davin. Davin chuckled for a brief second and then became all choked up. Then Margaret became serious.

Michael, you are very much like your father,” Margaret began. Unable to believe what he heard, Michael looked up with inquisitive eyes, ready to listen.

We’ve kept the past from all of you because the Royal Council felt that it was in the best interest. If you hold on to your past, it’s difficult to move forward. Taking you away from your parents and the life you knew was extremely difficult for us, but we felt it was necessary for your own good. It is easier for you to move forward without the pain that lingers in your heart and soul. I hope one day, you will understand. And one day soon, we will tell you the truth about your past.”

Margaret stood up, took a few steps down and held Michael’s eyes with compassion. “Michael, this belongs to you.” Michael waited for more explanation as he took the healing crystals from her hand. “You’ll be fighting with and against demons we have no knowledge of. Please keep this with you at all times and use it when you need it the most.”

This…belonged to my father?” Michael asked as his heart beat escalated.

As you already know, your father was one of the Twelve. This belonged to him. Knowing he would want you to have it, I saved it for you. It’s never a good time to be the bearer of unpleasant news.”

Given Margaret’s words, he knew now why he only counted ten and not eleven at the meeting.

I’m sorry to tell you that your father passed away before you were brought to Halo City. Zachariah, your father, was a great leader. You may be wondering why he never acknowledged you as his son, but you have to understand, we were not allowed to have any communication with our creation because it was forbidden in the first place.”

Michael expressed no emotion. He felt indifferent. He only wished he could have gotten to know him and ask him about the life he wished he remembered. “Thank you,” he said. “At least I now know. I only wish…”

It’s alright, Michael. You need not explain. You have every right to be upset. He would’ve been very proud. And one day, when the time is right, we will tell you about your past.”

All I can say is, it’s about time,” Davin said. “The past is the past. I don’t understand how it can affect us. I mean…”

Michael nudged Davin, cutting him short, telling him to keep his mouth shut.

In due time, Davin,” Margaret reminded. “We are keeping your mind and heart at peace. Once your past has been revealed, you may not like what you see. Memories can be enduring, but they can also be haunting.” Then she redirected their conversation. “This is for you.” She placed a healing crystal in his hand. Davin was surprised and bewildered at the same time. “This one belongs to Philip,” Margaret continued.

Davin looked at Philip with a soft expression, wondering if he’d just found out that Philip was his father.

No, no, no, Davin. I’m sorry but I’m not your father,” Philip explained, knowing what Davin was thinking. “I wanted you to have one since you will be out there risking your life.”

I don’t know what to say. This is an honor,” Davin said humbly.

I hope you’ll never have to use it, but knowing that you both have one will somewhat ease our minds,” Philip expressed.

After Margaret explained the importance of the healing crystal and how one was used, Caleb, Vivian and Alexa Rose entered.

Alexa Rose looked deeply into Michael’s eyes with her pouty blue eyes, wondering what was on his mind. Michael’s stoic expression softened into an apologetic grin. She sighed with relief and gave him the biggest smile, but still kept her distance all the while her hands rested in Vivian’s.

This isn’t goodbye,” Caleb said to Michael and Davin, trying to hide his sadness. “You’ll miss me too much.”

Yeah, I’ll miss you more than Vivian,” Davin said, looking straight at her with a wink.

Instead of a comeback, she smiled sadly. “See you when I see you,” Vivian muttered, holding him tightly. “Be safe. That’s an order. I want you back in one piece,” she demanded, thinking of Patrick.

Not if I see you first,” Davin said, all choked up. “I’ll find a way to bring you and Caleb to Nubilus City.

Still in Davin’s hold, she nodded solemnly. “I know you will. You’re the big brother I would’ve wished I had in my Earthly life.”

Then Davin felt his heart crumble and squeezed her tighter as his way of confirming her words. Looking down, he bent lower to Alexa Rose. “This big kid has to do grownup stuff so I’ll see you when I see you,” he said, disheveling her hair and making her giggle.

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