Bang!: A History of Britain in the 1980s (102 page)

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Authors: Graham Stewart

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The Turbulent Years
, pp. 320–1.

 MORI opinion poll in
The Times
, 22 October 1990: Conservatives 33 per cent, Labour 49 per cent, Lib Dems 14 per cent; ICM
had the Labour lead at 13 per cent and Gallup at 14.5 per cent:
, 13 October 1990;
Daily Telegraph
, October 1990.

Sunday Telegraph
, 10 December 1989.

 Transcript in Bush Presidential Library; quoted in
The Times
, 2 November 2009.

 See Campbell,
Margaret Thatcher, Vol. 2
, p. 633.

 Adam Sisman,
Hugh Trevor-Roper: The Biography
(2010), pp. 531–2; Campbell,
Margaret Thatcher, Vol. 2
, pp.

 Cabinet committee meeting as described in Spicer,
The Spicer Diaries
, p. 153 (8 March 1990).

 Quoted in Major,
The Autobiography
, p. 162.

 Kinnock, Ashdown and Thatcher to the Commons, 30 October 1990, HC Deb. vol. 178, cols 872–5.

 Thatcher to the Commons, 30 October 1990, HC Deb. vol. 178, col. 875.

 Howe to the Commons, 13 November 1990, Hansard HC Deb. 6s., vol. 180, cols 461–5.

, p. 347 (13 November 1990).

The Spicer Diaries
, p. 167.

 Michael Heseltine,
Life in the Jungle: My Autobiography
(2000), pp. 354, 362.

Life in the Jungle
, pp. 362–3; Michael Heseltine,
The Challenge of Europe: Can Britain Win?
(1989), p. 216.

The Downing Street Years
, p. 837.

The Downing Street Years
, pp. 836–7.

 Richard Vinen,
Thatcher’s Britain: The Politics and Social Upheaval of the 1980s
(2009), p. 268.

The Downing Street Years
, p. 841.

 Thatcher’s remarks on departing Downing Street, 28 November 1990, Margaret Thatcher Foundation.

Conflict of Loyalty
, p. 676.

Chapter 16

 Denis Healey in the House of Commons, 23 October 1979; quoted in the
Daily Telegraph
, 24 October 1979.

Working Together for Britain
, 1983 general election manifesto of the Liberal–SDP Alliance.

 Nicholas Ridley,
My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years
(1991), p. 255.

 Adam Smith,
An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
([1776] 1904 edition), Book IV, Part 7, p.

 Department for Business Innovation and Skills, ‘The Government’s Manufacturing Strategy’, Chart 3, p. 11
(August 2012).

 US Census Bureau; quoted in the
, 4 February 2012, p. 16.

 David Smith,
The Age of Instability: The Global Financial Crisis and What Comes Next
(2010), p. 96.

 This case is most eloquently elaborated by Simon Jenkins,
Thatcher and Sons: A Revolution in Three Acts

 Speech to the Small Business Bureau conference, 8 February 1984, Margaret Thatcher Foundation.

 Niall Ferguson, ‘Conservatism and the Crisis: a Transatlantic Trilemma’, Ruttenberg Memorial Lecture 2009, Centre for
Policy Studies.

 The original version appeared in Douglas Jay’s 1937 work
The Socialist Case
, in which he asserted: ‘In the
case of nutrition and health, just as in the case of education, the gentleman in Whitehall really does know better what is good for people than the people themselves.’

 Speech to the Conservative Central Council, 26 March 1983; interview on LWT’s
Weekend World
, 5 June 1983; speech at
Lord Mayor’s banquet, 14 November 1983; and interview in the
Sunday Telegraph
, 19 July 1986, Margaret Thatcher Foundation.

 Thatcher to the Conservative Central Council, 26 March 1983, Margaret Thatcher Foundation.

Suomen Kuvalehti
[Finnish newspaper], 7 November 1984, Margaret Thatcher Foundation.

Sunday Times
, 22 February 1983.

Sunday Times
, 1 May 1981.

Sunday Times
, 1 May 1981.

 Ivor Crewe and Anthony King,
SDP: The Birth, Life and Death of the Social Democratic Party
(1995), pp. 290–98, 467,

 David Cannadine,
History in Our Time
(1998), pp. 288–9.


Unless otherwise stated the place of publication is London


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