Read B00BR2BOUU EBOK Online

Authors: K.M. Golland

B00BR2BOUU EBOK (34 page)

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“Don’t look back.” Then he moved his head slowly across the
back of my head till he was breathing into my other ear. “You fucking drive me
wild Hunny, do you know that?” I nodded. “Good.” He kept moving my hips, making
me do what Sia was singing, ‘fall to pieces’. I dropped my head back against
him and closed my eyes as I let go. He kissed my neck and moved his hands
further down so that his fingers were now splayed across my pelvis. “My cock is
going to be inside of you soon, Ms. Summers, and you are going to scream my

I wanted to scream his name right there on the dance floor,
I wanted desperately to spin round and stick my tongue down his throat, but I
didn’t, I did what I was told and didn’t look back. I reached above my head and
put my hands on either side of his, then flexed my nails into his hair. He
growled and pulled my pelvis into him as hard as he could making me gasp. We
stood there grinding against each other to the music while his lips made love
to my neck. The music started to slow down and I felt his hips relax and his
grip loosen, then all of a sudden I was left standing there alone, and panting.
Oh Holy Fuck, I think I just had a ‘cumvulsion’.
Almost instantly my
phone buzzed.


You look a little breathless, my love. - Bryce


I struggled to type as my fingers
were slightly shaking.


Breathless...And incredibly wet. - Alexis


Good, you better be. - Bryce


Rhianna’s ‘We found love’ came on; I
could see Tash bouncing up and down so I shuffled back to where they were.

“Where’d you go?” Jade asked.

“I got squished out, then
sleazeballed.” I lied.

“Ha ha, suffer!”

“I’m going back to get a
drink, you guys coming?” They all agreed and followed me back to the table.

 “Okay where is Kyle?” Steph stood up and wolf whistled, it
got Kyle’s attention.

“Yes, what would you like ladies?”

“Tash, what time is it?” I raised my eyebrows at her, and
she caught on straight away.

“It’s Schnappies time.” Singing it and holding the ‘eeeeee’
bit for her longest go yet. Poor Kyle had no idea what we were shrieking about.

“Ten ‘Cock Sucking Cowboys’ please.” I requested. He nodded
and turned for the bar.

“Ten?” Lil looked a bit shocked.

“There not all for me?” I started dancing in my seat.

“I figured that. Tash, you better slow down after these. I
want to actually get home tonight.” Lil warned. I smiled and poked my tongue
out. I looked up, as if I had been sent a subliminal message, and there he was,
leaning over the railing watching me from the upstairs level. There was no
mistaking his expression, it spoke nothing but pure love, want and need for me.
He was my magnet, my other half, and right now I needed nothing more than to be
with him.

“I don’t.” I muttered, keeping my eyes on him.

“You don’t what?” Lil asked.

“I don’t want to go home tonight, because I’m going home
with him.” I pointed to Bryce, and t
hey all
looked up. He smiled and waved to them, but ours eyes never left each other’s.

“He is hotter than I

“That’s because you were
drunk the last time Steph.” Jade kept looking up while responding to Steph.

“I’m drunk now,” said Steph,
causing Tash to giggle.

“Go, Lex, go and see him.”
This time Tash was cheering me on

“No, not yet. I’ll make him

“You are such a tease.”

“He deserves it, Tash, little
do you know he has been watching and texting me all night.”

“Fuck, that’s hot.”
I know
Jade, tell me about it, I’m pretty sure my underwear is damp from excitement.
I started to type him a text.


I’ve had a bit too much to drink, Mr. Clark,

I hope no one takes advantage of me tonight - Alexis.


I watched the look on his face as he
read the message, then waited eagerly for my response as he typed.

I plan on taking full advantage of you, Hunny - Bryce


That’s my cue to go.
afraid I’m going to have to love you and leave you, girls.”

“What, already?” Lil asked.

“Yes, I am going to have a night full of hot and heavy sex.
I love you all dearly, but even you guys don’t trump that.”

“Fair enough. You go, Lex, you go and screw that sexy son of
a bitch until you hurt.” I laughed, but strangely enough that’s exactly what I
planned on doing. I downed my two Schnappies in succession, making sure he was
still watching me, then licked my lips and typed a message back.

If that’s your plan, my love,

you’ll have to catch me first. - Alexis


I grabbed my bag and kissed all the
girls on their cheeks, then walked into the middle of the crowd and pressed
send. While he looked down at his phone, I moved very quickly, sneaking in
behind a large pillar. He read the message and jerked his head up to look for
me. I could tell he had lost my whereabouts, but boy did he move quickly.


I could not be one hundred percent sure he hadn’t spotted me
hide behind the pillar, so I kept moving through the crowd. I stopped under the
stairs as they offered a little bit more shelter, then I quickly started to
type him another message, looking up every second to make sure I had still not
been found.


If you want me, Mr. Clark, come and get me. - Alexis


I stood up on my tippy toes,
scanning the dance floor for his sexy, dark blonde head, then I tilted my head
up to look through the stairs in case he decided to come down them. As I stood
there waiting and looking at my phone, my excitement started to climb, bordering
on reaching the summit. Suddenly, I felt his hands and fingers slide across my
stomach where they interlaced and held me tight.

He pressed his lips to my ear and breathed his luscious warm
breath as he spoke. “I want you more than you’ll ever know, and now that I have
you, I am never letting you go.” He dropped his head slightly and mouthed my
Oh, fuckity fuck.
I closed my eyes as my head fell back onto his
shoulder, taking in every single sensation around me, the touch of his soft
lips and tongue as he caressed my neck, the smell of his hair and aftershave
which blended with the aroma of him, the feel of his hands as they secured me
tightly, and the sound of the music which was now unobtrusive in comparison to
the sound of my beating heart. I wrapped my arms across his, hugging him
tighter to me, then gently pressed my nails into his skin, making him growl.
“Walk,” he said, with an urgent tone. I moved forward with him still hugging
me, and made my way towards the door. “Not that way,” he whispered then steered
us in the direction of the bar.

“Where are we going? I want to go upstairs, now, Bryce.”

“Oh we are going upstairs, Alexis. This is just a short-cut.”
He directed me through a door next to the bar which led into a corridor and
past a few other doors.

“If you let me go, Bryce, we can walk faster.”

“Hunny, I promised you I would never let you go.”

“You might want to rethink that. How will you be able to make
love to me if you never let me go.” We stopped in front of his private
elevator. He removed only one hand, still gripping me tightly with the other,
then pulled his keycard out from his pocket and swiped it. The doors slid open.

“Get in.” He growled. “I intend to show you how.” He nudged
me gently with his groin, forcing me to enter the lift. From the moment he
placed his hand across my abdomen in the club, it had not moved, not even an
inch, and as we walked into his elevator it still remained securely in place.
He impatiently fisted a button with his free hand, closing the doors behind us,
and then wrapped his hand back around me possessively.

“Best you show me then, Mr. Clark, because I don’t believe
you can pull it off.” I could see our reflections in the mirrored panelling,
the look in his eyes far more intense than I had ever bared witness to. Without
speaking or taking his eyes from mine, he gently drove me closer to the wall
with his groin, and with one hand still fastened to me as promised, he used the
other to place both of my hands on the rail.

“As you wish, my love.” He gently moved my hair away from my
neck then dragged his tongue along my skin. “You take my breath away, Alexis.”
He reached down with his free hand and lifted my dress, then groaned at the
sight of my navy lace underwear. “I like these, but they are coming off.” I
released a long hard breath waiting for him to destroy them but he didn’t,
instead, he ran his finger along the seam, back and forth until I watched it
slowly slide across my skin then disappear underneath.

My mouth fell open and I licked my lips, trying to replenish
the moisture that had all but disappeared from my mouth. This man was
programmed to my every need, mentally, physically and even more so sexually. His
finger found the very spot that called out for him, and I couldn’t help it, I
let out a moan. “That’s right, Hunny, let me know you like it.”
I fucking
more than like it. Holy Shit.
He continued swirling his finger in a
repetitive motion, intensifying the sensation that was gradually climbing to
its peak. Then, sensing my quick rise, he stopped his finger’s vigorous tease
and plunged it inside of me instead, slowly sliding it in and out.
Oh, fuck.
“Mmmm, you have missed me haven’t you, Ms Summers?” He whispered into my ear,
then biting down on my lobe. He secured me tighter with his other hand.

“Yes I have, more than you’ll ever know, Mr. Clark.” I
watched intently as my answer pleased him, forcing his adorable smirk to appear
on his face. He withdrew his finger and pulled my underwear down, stopping just
above my knee. If he bent down any further, he would have to let me go, and I
know from experience he never broke his promises. “It appears you have a
problem.” A sneaky smile crept across my face. “You might have to let me go
after all.”

“Not going to happen my love.” He lifted his knee and
pressed it in between my legs, stopping briefly to apply pressure to my pussy.
His amused expression was sly and it intrigued me to see what he had in mind.
He placed his foot on my underwear then dragged it down my legs until it hit
the floor.
Clever boy.
He smiled, knowing I was impressed. I stepped to
the side and opened my stance as his reward.

“You, Mr. Clark, have earned your entry.” I tilted forward
ever so slightly, and wiggled my arse, inviting him to prove he could make love
to me without letting me go like he said he could.

“Fuck, you drive me wild.” He groaned, then slapped my arse
with his free hand.

“I know, I think you may have mentioned it...Maybe once or
twice.”  He wrenched at his belt, ripping his trousers open, and unleashing
himself onto my backside. I felt his smooth hot crown drag along my crease
until he held it at the very tip of my entrance. I gripped the railing in
anticipation of the fullness I was about to experience, not just the sense of
physical fullness that I desperately longed for, but the emotional fullness I
had been without since the last time he was inside of me.

I looked deep into our reflection knowing he was drawing out
the very thing we both wanted the most, and when I pushed back causing him to
enter only slightly, he gave into his deliberate pause, and inserted himself
entirely. I cried out at the sudden change in pressure between my legs, and the
pace at which he moved within me. I cried out at the sheer delight of being
able to feel him once again, as the absence of him over the past few days had
been truly dreadful, and I cried out because he asked me to, to let him know that
I liked it. He growled harshly as he moved in and out of me, with his arm still
securing my waist. His free hand was now on my shoulder, firmly massaging it
and holding me in place.

“Fuck, Hunny,” he said through gritted teeth as he slammed
into me.

“I told you, you’d be back.” I answered. He quickened his
pace, and strength in his hips, and right on the cuff of my climax, he dropped
his hand from my shoulder and fingered my clitoris until we were both moaning
in release.
Holy Fuck, that was intense.
He pulled out from within me,
lifted me up and turned me around, then like mirrored images, we pulled each
other in for an embrace. I wrapped my arms around his waist and he pressed my
head to his chest.

“Don’t ever leave me again, Hunny.”

“I don’t want to leave you, Bryce.”

“Then don’t.”

I squeezed him tighter, and he pressed the button to his


The elevator doors opened. He stepped out of his trousers, bent
down and lifted me into his arms. I went to roll my eyes at him, but I caught a
glimpse of what seemed like elation and relief on his handsome face.



“Believe it or not, I have missed being here with you like this.”
I leaned my head into his neck as he carried me to his room. I expected our
destination was to be the bed, but he walked straight past it and continued
into the bathroom. As we entered, I was met with golden candlelit hues
flickering across the tiled walls. The bath was full of hot steamy water, and
floating on top were several rose petals. I could see the steam rising from the
surface, and it occurred to me this had only been set up within the last half
an hour, if that. He set me down gently and unzipped my dress.

“The water is still hot! How did you pull this off?” I asked

He chuckled. “House-keeping, I rang them after our dance.”

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