Read Avowed (The Manipulation Trilogy Book 3) Online

Authors: Alicia Taylor,Natalie Townson

Avowed (The Manipulation Trilogy Book 3) (14 page)

BOOK: Avowed (The Manipulation Trilogy Book 3)
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“She’s not satisfied yet,” she finally replies. We all wait with baited breath. Ella hops down from my lap and walks to her over sized handbag. Pulling out two jars she quickly gets a fork from the drawer and makes her way back to me.

Once she’s comfortably sitting in my lap she opens a jar of pickled onions and a jar of chocolate spread and proceeds to eat. We all sit in stunned silence.





November 12



The sun shining down on my face wakes me, and I stretch out trying to ease my aching back. Being unable to sleep on my stomach is not easy when that’s my preferred sleeping position. I know I fidget a lot more now but Damon doesn’t seem to mind.

Reaching out to Damon my hand hits nothing but empty space. His side of the bed is empty and cold, having been empty for a while by the feel of it. I sit up and the sheet that was wrapped around me falls to my waist, exposing my naked upper body. I stretch my arms up into the air and stretch my back just as Damon walks out of his walk-in wardrobe. When he sees me half naked he stops in his tracks, a small smile playing on his lips as his eyes skim my body.

He moves across the room in a couple of strides and sits down next to me on the bed. Reaching to tuck my hair behind my ear, he softly runs a finger down my cheek to my jaw. Following my jaw line his finger trails a path to grasp my chin with his thumb, tipping my head towards him.  

“Morning, beauty.” he says, his voice husky with sleep. Grabbing the back of my neck with his other hand, he lowers his mouth down to mine and places a soft kiss upon my lips. His lips are minty and cool, fresh from brushing his teeth already. I suck on his bottom lip biting down gently, and hearing the resulting growl that escapes his throat at his loss of control sets my skin ablaze.

“Morning,” I reply, breathless.

“Ella,” he mumbles against my mouth. His husky voice sends shivers right through my body, and I move to hold his head against me, not wanting this kiss to end. My fingers wind into his hair, running through the soft strands before I anchor his mouth to mine, and hold him to me. 

“Damon,” I moan. The way he rasped my name is enough to make me desperate to feel his need for me. He pulls away and I almost cry out at the sudden loss of not being in his arms.

“I have to go beauty. I have a meeting I can't be late for.” He sounds and looks just as disappointed as I feel. Standing, he turns away from me and walks back into his walk-in closet. 

Climbing from the bed I go into the bathroom and freshen up, and when I'm satisfied with my sleepy appearance, I walk into the walk-in and find him looking into the full length mirror, fastening his tie. He pauses and his eyes slowly roll down my body from head to toe and back up again before he resumes tying his tie. 

As I take slow steps towards him, my hands run over his hanging suits. I stop when I get to one of his shirts. Taking it from the hanger, I pull it on. The expensive material flows over my bump, brushing against my skin, and making me shiver. It’s so soft. I feel Damon's eyes on me in the mirror and he’s stopped tying his tie and is just looking at me as I fasten the buttons.

Our eyes meet and hold for a moment before I move to stand in front of him, my back to the mirror. Damon hooks his hands around my legs and he lifts me into his arms, and carries me into the bathroom. My arse hits the cool marble when he deposits me on the unit, sending a shiver through me. He steps closer, places his hands on my thighs and parts my legs, stepping between them.

“You're making it very hard for me beauty,” he says accusingly. I smirk at his comment, running my hand down his chest to the front of his trousers. His cock is fully erect.

“I can feel that. Are you sure you can’t be a little bit late?” I ask with a hoarse voice. Damon’s eyes glaze over as I continue to gently stroke him over his trousers. Tightening my grip around him, he swells and grows in my palm, and I squeeze him, drawing a deep groan from his lips. His breathing picks up and his head rolls back.

The sight of him takes my breath away and I need to taste him. I run my lips along the column of his throat, tasting him with my tongue.

“Fuck Ella.” He gasps when I unzip his trousers and pull him free of his boxers. I want to taste him, but he steps forward grabbing the shirt I'm wearing by the seams and rips it open. The buttons fly off and scatter everywhere, and before I can say anything his mouth is on my nipple. 

“Ahhhhh. Oh god, Damon,” I gasp. God it feels so good. I moan when he bites down hard. It stings, but it’s a delicious sting. He releases my nipple to lick it before suckling the flesh into his mouth. My back bows, which presses me further into him, and I grasp his hair, needing to hold onto something.

Damon’s hands glide up my thighs, stopping just short of my pussy, and his thumbs brush closer. I hold my breath when Damon trails kisses from one breast to the other and sucks the tight nub deep into his mouth, toying the tip with his tongue, and sending instant bolts if lust down between my legs. My arousal dampens my thighs and he softly rubs the wetness into my skin.  

“Fuck beauty. I have no control when it comes to you,” he growls. His voice rumbles against my wet nipple, his breath breezing against my sensitised flesh, making me gasp. Damon’s voice is accusing, and it makes me smile.

I love that I have this effect on him. 

He starts to slowly run his tongue down over my stomach leaving a hot trail of fire on my skin. I lean back against the mirror, jumping at the cold contact. He blows on my bellybutton, sending goosebumps across the surface of my bump then follows the underside to my pubis. His breath between my legs makes me tremble with desire and my blood roars behind my ears. Damon hasn’t even touched me yet and I’m desperate to explode. It’s the build up when it comes to him, not just the actual act. He teases and teases me until I can take no more.

I whimper when his nose tickles against the lips of my pussy, and he inhales, releasing a groan at my scent.

“Fuck Damon. I want more. I need more.” I want to demand he give me what I need but I know it doesn’t work that way. He’s worshipping me. Feeling his breath between my legs is driving me crazy, and I’m on edge while I wait for his tongue to take me, knowing as soon as he does I will fall over the edge.

“I fucking love your sweet pussy Ella. You’re dripping for me,” he growls. I thrust my hips up, pressing against his face at the rumble in his voice. It’s full of need and it drives me crazy. I don't give a reply as he buries his face in me, his hot tongue lashing my clit. My hips roll as I push myself harder into him, grinding myself against his mouth and my hands tighten to fists, pulling him into me. His hands grab onto my arse pulling me in closer, lifting me off the counter. He doesn't stop caressing my clit with his tongue until I whimper.

I need more. 

“Please... Oh god Damon... Don't stop,” I cry out. I release his hair and grab my breasts. They’re weighty and full, and my sensitive nipples tingle at my touch. I roll the tightened peaks between my thumb and fingers. The pressure building between my legs is too much and I begin to thrash in Damon’s hold.

He sucks my swollen clit into his mouth tonguing it until I explode.

“Fuck, beauty. I'm so fucking hard for you,” he growls, his fingers digging in my arse cheeks.

“Please... please... oh god,” I scream as my orgasm hits. I close my eyes, and my head rolls back as my body shudders. The cool air attacks my overheated skin, turning my flesh sensitive to everything. 

Damon lowers me and I pant when I lay, and he pulls away, running soft kisses on the inside of my leg. My breathing is slowly getting under control but my heart is pounding out of control. When our eyes finally meet his are hooded. He stands between my legs, his hand again rising to my face. 

“I have to go Ella,” he says sullenly. 

“Don't you want me to–” He cuts me off before I get to finish my question. 

“Beauty, I always want you. I will have to spend the next few hours in unbearable discomfort with thoughts of you running through my mind, and the smell of you all around me. Fuck, I’ll be tasting you all day. I want nothing more than to continue what I’ve started but it’s going to have to wait,” he explains. Bringing his soft lips to mine, he kisses me chastely and moves to the corner of my mouth placing gentle kisses from my lips to my ear. “I love you,” he rumbles.

I smile in a blissful state, making my husband look smug. I watch him as he straightens his clothes out and moves to the bedroom to finish dressing. The control he lost while with me is firmly back in place. This is the Damon the world sees – confident, strong, and so sure of himself. Only a select few get to see the real person. 

I hear him shuffling about and I don’t want to take my eyes off him because he’ll be gone soon, so I jump from the counter and move to the bathroom door, watching him. He looks back in my direction and pauses when he catches me watching him. He stalks to me, coming to a stop in front of me.

“I don’t want to go,” he says with a frown. “Come with me?” he asks.

“No. I’m going to gather Lydia’s things and sort through them. Go do some work,” I tell him.

“Okay,” he sighs. “I’ll call you as soon as I’m done,” he says, placing a kiss on my forehead.

“I love you.” I whisper. Damon pulls back and his brown eyes liquefy. I know he loves hearing me say it as much as I love telling him.

“I love you too baby.” Giving me a brief kiss, he leaves, and I’m left alone. 


After Damon left I quickly got dressed, and decided it’s time I went back to my house and sorted through everything. I’ve received an offer on the house which is less than it’s worth but I want it sold, gone, so I accepted. I couldn’t really delay coming here any longer, and so here I am, sitting in my car staring at an empty place I never really called home. 

I have no memories here, well none that are important. It was a place I could hide without ever having to relive the day that Lydia killed herself. 

Gripping my keys tightly, I feel them dig in to my overly sweaty palm. I have already counted to a hundred and attempted to get out of the car at least twice before my hand freezes on the handle. I don’t know why I’m so nervous. It’s just belongings.

I take a deep breath and lean my head on the steering wheel. I can’t do this. I can’t relive the memories of Lydia.

I need Damon. 

The beginning of a panic attack starts and I begin gulping in deep breaths of air. My phone beeps, distracting me for a moment, and I reach into my bag pulling it out, focusing only on my mobile. It’s from Damon and relief fills me. It’s as if he knows I need him.

The Daddy: You’re beautiful and I love you. D x

My heart swells with love and I quickly type a reply. A new sense of confidence fills me, and I breathe deeply. Throwing my phone in my bag, I reach for the door handle and step out of the car, taking determined steps until I reach the front door. I don’t hesitate this time. I put the key in the lock and throw open the door before stepping inside. I grab the mail on the mat, holding it under my arm against my body as I shut the door behind me.

The house has been empty for months now and the air smells stale.  The furniture from the living room and kitchen have all been put into storage, and I asked them to leave personal stuff, such as photos behind, which must be what the pile of boxes are in the centre of the room.

The curtains are shut so I walk to pull them open wide, letting natural light into the room.

Walking into the kitchen I place the pile of letters that were on the floor when I came in onto the counter, along with my bag and coat, before tuning and walking back into the living room.

Kneeling down to open the first box, I hold my breath and peek inside, and see it’s filled with DVD's. I push it to the side and look into the second box. This one is filled with all my photo albums. So many memories are kept between those pages and it makes me sad to think some could be lies. I didn’t really know Lydia. She kept a huge part of herself from me. Pulling the first album out I flick it open to find pictures from when I was younger. Me and Pops, me and Lydia playing in a paddling pool, family days out at the beach are some of the photos I see. All of my happy memories of when things were good flood my mind, all of the good times we shared before Pops died are all there in each picture.

Each one brings a new memory to the front of my mind and I see each scene unfold in my head. I rub over my dad’s face on the photos, wishing I could feel Pops’ just one more time. 

I flick through album as another memory pushes to the front of my mind. I quickly search for one shot, and when I find the picture I want to see, tears fill my eyes and I laugh as I remember that day so clearly. It wasn’t long before he died. Pops had been working late, and when he had got home he was exhausted and had fallen asleep nearly as soon as he had gotten in. Lydia and I decided it would be funny to draw on Pops’ face. We knew he wouldn’t care. He was always so happy. 

We had taken a timer picture of us while he was asleep, me and Lydia with shit eating grins on our faces laughing and pointing at Pops’ drawn on moustache and devils brows. We woke him when dinner was ready and he sat at the table the whole time with it on his face, without being aware, and Lydia and I trying our hardest not to laugh. It was only when he went to brush his teeth later that he noticed, and Lydia and I were in fits of giggles all night. It took him days to get it off but just like we knew he would, he laughed along with us. We hadn’t realised we had used permanent marker.

I continue to go through the album, each photo bringing another memory filled with happiness and equal parts sadness too. As the albums get less full the sadness gets bigger, and when I find the last picture of me and Lydia, taken a few weeks before she died, I can’t help the sob that escapes me. I wrap my arms around my bump, hugging myself, and let my head hand forward, letting the tears fall freely.

BOOK: Avowed (The Manipulation Trilogy Book 3)
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